Acronyms & Terms | Homeland Security (2022)

28 CFR Part 2328 Code of Federal Regulations Part 23

| I&A |

2SRSecond Stage Review

| DHS |

4WdFour Wheel Drive

| FEMA |

AActivity of Isotope

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

AAtomic Mass

| FEMA |

A&EArchitectural and Engineering

| FEMA |

A&FMAviation and Fire Management

| FEMA |

A&MCustoms and Border Protection Air & Marine (CBP/A&M)

| DHS |


| FEMA |

A/NAlert and Notification (see AN)

| FEMA |

A2HAmerica's Second Harvest

| FEMA |

AAAffirmative Action

| FEMA |

AAAllocation Advice

| FEMA |

AAalternatives analysis

| CWMD | OGC |

AAApplicant Assistance

| FEMA |

AAApproval Authority

| FEMA |

AAAtomic Absorption

| FEMA |

AAAttribute Authority

| FEMA |

AAanti-aircraft improvised explosive device incident

| S&T |

AAAAccess Approval Authority

| DHS |

AAAAgriculture Adjustment Administration

| FEMA |

AAAAmerican Ambulance Association

| FEMA |

AAAArea Agency on Aging

| FEMA |

AAACEAirport Access Authorization to Commercial Establishments

| S&T |

AAAEAmerican Association of Airport Executives

| TSA |

AACActivity Address Code

| FEMA |

AACApplicant Assistance Center

| FEMA |

AACESAutomated, Adaptive Chemical Examination System

| FEMA |

AACPPAirport Access Control Pilot Program

| FEMA |

AACSAutomated Access Control System

| FEMA |

AADAssistant Associate Director

| FEMA |

AADPIAAssistant Associate Director for Public & Intergovernmental Affairs

| FEMA |

AADRAge-Adjusted Death Rate

| FEMA |

AAEIAmerican Association of Exporters and Importers

| CBP |

AAERAverage Annual Erosion Rate

| FEMA |

AAFASAutomated Airborne Flight Alert System

| S&T |

AAFBAndrews Air Force Base

| DHS |

AAMLAgency Aviation Military Liaison

| FEMA |

AAMSAutomated Acquisition Management System (ProTrac / ProDoc)

| FEMA |

AAMVAAmerican Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators

| TSA |

AAPAAmerican Association of Port Authorities

| CBP | TSA | USCG |

AAPDAmerican Association of People with Disabilities

| CRCL |

AARAfter action report

| FEMA |

AARAssociation of American Railroads

| FEMA |

AARAfter action review

| DHS |

AASHTOAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

| FEMA | TSA |

AAUAssociation of American Universities

| USCIS | S&T |

AAVLDAmerican Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians

| S&T |

ABAAmerican Bar Association

| FEMA | OGC |

ABAAmerican Bus Association

| FEMA |

ABAGAssociation of Bay Area Governments

| FEMA |

ABC[Outstanding] American By Choice Award


ABCAmerican Baptist Churches

| FEMA |

ABCArizona Border Control Plan

| CBP |

ABCIArizona Border Control Initiative

| CBP |

ABCOAutomated Billing & Collection Off-sets

| FEMA |

ABDAir Bridge Denial

| ICE |

ABELAgent Based Economic Laboratory

| CISA |

ABFAutomatic Broadcast Feed

| FEMA |

ABHSAlcohol Based Hand Sanitizer

| FEMA |

ABIAutomated Broker Interface

| CBP |

ABIEDair-borne improvised explosive device

| S&T |

ABIHAmerican Board of Industrial Hygiene

| FEMA |


| I&A |

ABMAnti-Ballistic Missile

| FEMA |

ABMCAmerican Battle Monuments Commission

| DHS |

ABNCPAirborne Command Post

| CISA |

ABOAgents of Biological Origin

| FEMA |

ABROAircraft Base Radio Operator

| FEMA |

ABSArson and Bomb Squad

| CISA | I&A |

ACAlternating Current

| FEMA |

ACArea Command

| FEMA |

ACArea Committee

| FEMA |

ACalternating current

| S&T |

ACAAAir Carrier Association for Americans

| TSA |

ACACArea Command Aviation Coordinator

| FEMA |

ACADAAutomatic Chemical Agent Detection and Alarm

| CISA | S&T |

ACAMSAutomatic Continuous Air Monitoring System

| FEMA |

ACAPAgency-wide Corrective Action Program

| FEMA |

ACAPAlien Criminal Apprehension Program

| ICE |

ACBIRCAdvanced Chemical/Biological Integrated Response Course

| CISA | S&T |

ACCAmerican Chemistry Council

| S&T |

ACCAviation Command Center

| TSA |

ACCAgency Command Center

| FEMA |

ACCAir Combat Command

| FEMA |

ACCSAccounting Classification Code Structure

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ACCTAccounting Technician

| FEMA |

ACDAUnited States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

| CWMD |

ACDOAdvanced Concept Demonstration Office

| TSA |

ACDPAircraft Dispatcher

| FEMA |

ACDRArea Commander

| FEMA |

ACEAcademy of Counter-Terrorist Education

| FEMA |

ACEAutomated Commercial Environment (secure data portal)

| CBP |

ACEAutomated Construction Estimate

| FEMA |

ACEAccumulated Cyclone Energy

| OPS |

ACEAmerican Council on Education

| USCIS | CISA | S&T |

ACEArmy Corps of Engineers


ACEPAmerican College of Emergency Physicians

| FEMA |

ACFAdministration for Children and Families

| FEMA | OPS |

ACFAlternate Care Facility

| FEMA |

ACFAlternate Control Facility

| FEMA |

ACFMAdvanced Certified Floodplain Manager

| FEMA |

ACGIHAmerican Council of Government Industrial Hygienists

| FEMA |

ACHAutomated Clearing House

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ACHPAdvisory Council on Historic Preservation


ACIAdvanced Contracting Initiative

| FEMA | OPS |

ACIApproved Course of Instruction

| FEMA |

ACIAirports Council International

| TSA | PLCY |

ACI/NAAirports Council International--North America

| PLCY |

ACIPAdvisory Committee on Immunization Practices

| FEMA |

ACIRAdvisory Commission on Inter-governmental Relations

| FEMA |

ACISAviation Credential Interoperability Solution


ACLAccess Control List

| FEMA |

ACMalternative control measure

| DHS |

ACMasbestos-containing material

| DHS |

ACMRAssistant Cache Manager

| FEMA |

ACMSAcademy Class Management System

| FEMA |

ACOAdministrative Contracting Officer

| FEMA |

ACOAgency Claims Officer

| FEMA |

ACOAgency Collection Officer

| FEMA |

ACOAnimal Control Officer

| FEMA |

ACPAccelerated Conversion Process

| FEMA |

ACPAccess Control Points


ACPAllied Communications Publication

| FEMA |

ACPAlternate Command Post

| FEMA |

ACPArea Command Post

| FEMA |

ACPArea Contingency Plan


ACPSEMAdvisory Council on Professional Standards for Emergency Managers

| FEMA |

ACRAcreage Conservation Reserve

| FEMA |

ACRAdvance Confirmation Report

| FEMA |

ACRAgency Confirmation Report

| FEMA |

ACSAdventist Community Services

| FEMA |

ACSAlternate Command Staff

| FEMA |

ACSAutomated Commercial System

| CBP |

ACSDAdvanced Container Security Device (see CSD)

| DHS |

ACSDRAdventist Community Services Disaster Response

| FEMA |

ACSIAmerican Customer Satisfaction Index

| FEMA |

ACSMAmerican Congress of Surveying and Mapping


ACTAmerican Council for Technology

| S&T |

ACTArea Command Team

| FEMA |

ACT FASTAgent Characteristics Toxicity - First Aid and Special Treatment

| FEMA |

ACTDAdvanced Concepts Technology Demonstration

| FEMA |

ACTEAssociation of Corporate Travel Executives

| DHS |


| FEMA |

ACVActual Cash Value

| FEMA |

ACVAlarm Check Valve

| FEMA |

ACVPAirline Certificate Vetting Program


ACWGAir Cargo Working Group

| TSA |

ADAdministratively Determined (also AD#)

| FEMA |

ADAssistant Director

| FEMA |

ADAssociate Director

| FEMA |

ADAutomatic Determination

| FEMA |

ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act (1992)

| CRCL |

ADAMSAutomated Disaster Assistance Management System

| FEMA |

ADASHIAutomated Decision Aid System for Hazardous Incidents

| FEMA |

ADASPAviation Direct Access Screening Program

| TSA | S&T |

ADDAutomated Deployment Database

| OPS |

ADDIEAnalysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation

| FEMA |

ADDSAutomated Disaster Deployment System

| FEMA |

ADEMArizona Division of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

ADEMArkansas Department of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

ADESAlaska Division of Emergency Services

| FEMA |

ADFRArson Detection for the First Responder

| FEMA |

ADGGSAlaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys

| FEMA |

ADISArrival and Departure Information System


ADIZAir Defense Identification Zone

| TSA |


| FEMA |

ADLAutomated Distance Learning

| FEMA |

ADMAcquisition Decision Memorandum

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ADMSYSAdmissions System

| FEMA |

ADOAirport District Office

| FEMA |

ADO TeamAssistant Disbursing Officer Team

| FEMA |

ADOSAutomated Document Ordering System

| FEMA |

ADPAutomated Data Processing

| FEMA |

ADPEAutomated Data Processing Equipment

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ADRAlternative Dispute Resolution

| FEMA |

ADRAmerican Disaster Reserve

| FEMA |

ADRAAdventist Development and Relief Agency

| FEMA |

ADRAAlternative Dispute Resolution Act

| FEMA |

ADRAAir Domain Risk Assessment

| TSA | CISA |

ADRSAutomated Disaster Reporting System

| FEMA |

ADTSAutomated Data Telecommunications Service

| FEMA |

ADVISEAnalysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight and Semantic Enhancement

| PRIV |

ADVONAdvanced Echelon

| FEMA |

AEAero-medical Evacuation

| FEMA |

AEArchitects and Engineering

| FEMA |

AEAAmerican Economic Association

| FEMA |

AEAAmerican Electronics Association

| PRIV |

AEASAutomated Exercise and Assessment System

| FEMA |

AECAdvanced Electronic Classroom

| FEMA |

AECAgency Emergency Coordinator

| FEMA |

AECArmy Environmental Center (Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland)

| FEMA |

AECAtomic Energy Commission

| FEMA |

AECBAtomic Energy and Control Board

| FEMA |

AECCAero-medical Evacuation Control Center

| FEMA |

AECCAero-Medical Evacuation Coordination Center

| FEMA |

AECCAmerican Evangelical Christian Church

| FEMA |

AECEAero-medical Evacuation Control Element

| FEMA |

AECMAero-medical Evacuation Crew Members

| FEMA |

AECRAchieving Extraordinary Customer Relations

| FEMA |

AEDAutomated External Defibrillator

| FEMA |

AEGLAcute Exposure Guidelines Level

| FEMA |

AEIAmerican Enterprise Institute

| OPA |

AEICAlaska Earthquake Information Center

| FEMA |

AELAdverse Effect Level

| FEMA |

AELAirborne Exposure Limit

| FEMA |

AELAuthorized Equipment List

| FEMA |

AELTAero-medical Evacuation Liaison Team

| FEMA |

AEMAAlabama Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

AEODAnalysis and Evaluation of Operation Data

| FEMA |

AEPAirport Emergency Plan

| TSA |

AERTAlaska Emergency Response Team

| FEMA |

AESAdvanced Encryption Standard

| FEMA |

AESAeromedical Evacuation System

| FEMA |

AESAutomated Export System

| CBP |

AEWAirborne Early Warning

| CBP | ICE |

AFAcre Feet

| FEMA |

AFAir Force

| FEMA |

AFAAssociation of Flight Attendants

| TSA |

AFBAir Force Base


AFCEAArmed Forces Communications and Electronics Association


AFDAirport Facility Directory

| FEMA |

AFEMAlliance for Fire and Emergency Management

| FEMA |

AFEWESAir Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator

| S&T |

AFFIRMAssociation for Federal Information Resources Management

| MGMT |

AFGAssistance to Firefighters Grant Program


AFGEAmerican Federation of Government Employees


AFGWCAir Force Global Weather Central

| FEMA |

AFIPArmed Forces Institute of Pathology

| CWMD |

AFL-CIOAmerican Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrialized Organizations

| CISA |

AFMAdjudicator's Field Manual


AFMICArmed Forces Medial Intelligence Center

| FEMA |

AFMLSAsset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section


AFMOAssistant Fire Management Officer

| FEMA |

AFMSAutomated Forms System

| FEMA |

AFNSEPAir Force National Security Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

AFOArea Field Office

| FEMA |

AFOCAir Force Operations Center

| FEMA |

AFOSCAir Force Operations Support Center

| FEMA |

AFRASAssociation for Rescue at Sea

| USCG |

AFRATAir Force Radiation Assessment Team

| FEMA |

AFRBAir Force Reserve Base

| FEMA |

AFRCCAir Force Rescue Coordination Center

| FEMA |

AFRESAir Force Reserve

| FEMA |

AFRLAir Force Research Laboratory

| FEMA |

AFRRIArmed Force Radiobiology Research Institute

| FEMA |

AFSAAmerican financial Services Association

| S&T |

AFSCArmed Forces Staff College

| FEMA |

AFSOFAir Force Special Operations Forces

| FEMA |

AFSPAlien Flight Student Program


AFSSAutomated Flight Service Station

| FEMA |

AFTACAir Force Technical Applications Center

| FEMA |

AFValternative fuel vehicle

| DHS |

AGAdjutant General

| FEMA | OGC |


| FEMA |

AGAttorney General

| FEMA | OGC |

AGARAlternate Governor’s Authorized Representative

| FEMA |

AGAUSAdjutants General Association of the United States

| CWMD |

AGCAssociate General Counsel

| OGC |

AGCAdvanced Gas Centrifuge

| FEMA |

AGCAssociation of General Contractors

| FEMA |

AGCAAssociated General Contractors of America

| FEMA |

AGCRAdvanced Gas-Cooled Reactor

| FEMA |

AGEAerospace Ground Equipment

| FEMA |

AGILEAdvanced Geospatial Imagery Library Enterprise

| FEMA |

AGLAbove Ground Level

| FEMA |

AGRActive Guard/Reserve

| FEMA |

AGSAviation Group Supervisor

| ICE |

AGVAggregate Value

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

AGZActual Ground Zero

| FEMA |

AHAlternate Headquarters

| FEMA |

AHAMAssociation of Home Appliance Manufacturers

| FEMA |

AHCCAlternate Host Communications Center

| FEMA |

AHGAd Hoc Group

| FEMA |

AHIMTAll Hazards Incident Management Team

| FEMA |

AHJAgency Having Jurisdiction

| FEMA |

AHMAAmerican Hotel and Motel Association

| FEMA |

AHRQAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality

| FEMA |

AHTAnimal Health Technician

| FEMA |

AHUAir Handling Unit

| FEMA |

AHUAAmerica Highway User Alliance

| FEMA |

AI&HAssistance to Individuals and Households

| FEMA |

AI2Acquisition Improvement Initiative

| FEMA |

AIAAmerican Institute of Architects

| FEMA |

AIAAmerican Insurance Association

| FEMA |

AIAAAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

| S&T |

AIATPAntiterrorism Intelligence Awareness Training Program


AIBSAmerican Institute of Biological Sciences

| S&T |

AICAnimal Identification Coordinator

| FEMA |

AICAutomated Inventory Control (formerly AIS)

| FEMA |

AIDAgency for International Development

| FEMA |

AIFAssistance Information Form

| FEMA |

AIGAddress Indicating Group

| FEMA |

AIHECAmerican Indian Higher Education Consortium

| FEMA |

AILAAmerican Immigration Lawyers Association


AIMSArson Information Management System

| FEMA |

AIMSAutomated Inventory Management System

| FEMA |

AIPAgreement in Principle

| FEMA |

AIPAirport Improvement Program

| FEMA |

AIPAssisted Imaging Processing

| FEMA |

AIPCAll Indian Pueblo Council

| FEMA |

AIRactive infrared sensor

| S&T |

AIREPAircraft Report

| FEMA |

AISAutomated Information System

| FEMA | CISA | I&A |

AISAutomated Information Systems (see AIC)

| FEMA |

AISautomatic identification system

| PLCY |

AITAeromedical Isolation Team

| FEMA |

AITautomatic identification technology

| MGMT |

AJAdministrative Judge

| FEMA |

AKAAlso Known As

| DHS |

AKDTAlaska Daylight Time (GMT - 8)

| FEMA |

AKSTAlaska Standard Time (GMT - 9)

| FEMA |

ALApplicant Liaison

| FEMA |

ALARAAs Low as Reasonably Achievable

| FEMA |

ALBAdministration and Logistics Branch (US-VISIT)

| CISA |

ALCAgency Location Code

| FEMA |

ALCAgency Logistics Center

| FEMA |

ALCAnnual Letter of Certification

| FEMA |

ALCCAirlift Control Center

| FEMA |

ALCCAirlift Coordination Cell

| FEMA |

ALCEAirlift Control Element

| FEMA |

ALCOMAlaskan Command

| FEMA |

ALEAdditional Living Expenses

| FEMA |

ALEAutomatic Link Establishment

| FEMA |

ALERTAutomated Local Evaluation in Real Time

| FEMA |

ALOHAAerial Locations Of Hazardous Atmospheres

| FEMA |

ALPAAirline Pilots Association

| TSA |

ALSAdvanced Life Support

| FEMA | OPS |

ALSMAirborne Laser Swath Mapping (aka: "LIDAR")

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ALTRETCOAlternate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

AMAmplitude Modulation

| FEMA |

AMAnte Meridiem

| FEMA |

AMAAmerican Medical Association

| FEMA |

AMBAir & Marine Branch (ICE/AMB)

| DHS |

AMBUSAmbulance Bus

| FEMA |

AMCAir Mobility Command

| FEMA |

AMCArmy Materiel Command

| FEMA |

AMCCOMArmament Munitions and Chemical Command

| FEMA |

AMDAcquisition Management Division

| FEMA |

AMEAGSAutomated Major Emergency Action Guidelist System

| FEMA |

AMFAlternative Morgue Facility

| FEMA |

AMGSAir & Marine Group Supervisor

| ICE |

AMHSAutomated Message Handling System

| CISA | I&A |

AMIDAir and Marine Interdiction Division

| USCG |

AMINESKALAmerican Indian Eskimo Aleutian

| FEMA |

AMIOAlien Migrant Interdiction Operations

| CBP | USCG |

AMLARC Macro Language

| FEMA |

AMOAir and Marine Operations (ICE)

| ICE |

AMOCAir and Marine Operations Center

| ICE | I&A | OPS |


| FEMA |

AMPasbestos management plan

| DHS |

AMPSAutomated Message Processing System

| FEMA |

AMRAgricultural Mitigation and Restoration

| FEMA |

AMSAerial Measuring System

| FEMA |

AMSAmerican Meteorological Society

| FEMA |

AMSAutomated Manifest System

| CBP |

AMSAtmospheric Monitoring System

| CISA |

AMSCArea Maritime Security Committee

| I&A |

AMSLANAmerican Sign Language

| FEMA |

AMSPArea Maritime Security Plan

| USCG | I&A |


| FEMA |

AMTIApplied Marine Technology, Inc.

| USCG |

AMTORAmateur Telegraphy Over Radio

| FEMA |

AMWAAssociation of Metropolitan Water Agencies

| FEMA |

ANAbove Normal

| FEMA |

ANAlert and Notification (see A/N)

| FEMA |

ANACIAccess National Agency Check and Inquiry

| MGMT |

ANADAnniston Army Depot

| FEMA |

ANCAAnniston Chemical Activity

| FEMA |

ANCDFAnniston Chemical Disposal Facility

| FEMA |

ANFAZDAcademic Network for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease

| S&T |

ANFOAmmonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil

| FEMA |

ANGAir National Guard


ANGArmy National Guard

| FEMA |

ANGBAir National Guard Base

| FEMA |

ANIAmerican Nuclear Insurers

| FEMA |

ANIArea Not Included

| FEMA |

ANLArgonne National Laboratories

| S&T |

ANOCAssociation of National Olympic Committees

| FEMA |

ANPRAdvance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

| FEMA |

ANPRMAdvance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [see NPRM and SNPRM]

| OGC |

ANPSCAlternate National Processing Service Center

| FEMA |

ANRCAmerican National Red Cross

| FEMA |

ANSAlert and Notification System

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ANSAquatic Nuisance Species

| USCG | S&T |

ANSERAnalytic Services Inc.

| S&T |

ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute


ANSI-HSSPAmerican National Standards Institute-Homeland Securities Standards Panel

| FEMA |

ANZUSAustralia, New Zealand and United States

| PLCY |

AOAction Officer

| FEMA |

AOAdministrative Officer

| FEMA |

AOArea of Operations

| FEMA |

AOAssistance Officer

| FEMA |

AOAccrediting Official

| MGMT |

AOSecurity Accrediting Official

| MGMT |

AOauthorizing official [special access program]

| MGMT |

AODesignated Approving Authority

| MGMT |

AOAAdministration on Aging

| FEMA |

AOAanalysis of alternatives

| S&T |

AOAAviation Operations Area

| TSA | USCG | OPS |

AOACAssociation for Official Analytical Communities

| S&T |

AOBDAir Operations Branch Director

| FEMA |

AOBSAerial Observer

| FEMA |

AOCAircraft Operating Center (NOAA)

| FEMA |

AOCArea of Concern

| FEMA |

AOCArmy Operations Center

| FEMA |

AOICActing Official in Charge

| FEMA |

AOPAAircraft Owners and Pilots Association

| S&T | CWMD |

AORArea of Responsibility

| FEMA |

AOSSPAircraft Operator Standard Security Program

| TSA |

AOVAgency Owned Vehicle

| FEMA |

APAerial Port

| FEMA |

APAlternative Power

| FEMA |

APArrival Point

| FEMA |

APAssembly Point

| FEMA |

APAssociated Press

| FEMA | OPA |

APanti-personnel improvised explosive device incident

| S&T |

AP&CPArson Prevention and Control Plan

| FEMA |

APAAdministrative Procedure Act

| OGC |

APAAmerican Planning Association

| FEMA |

APBAcquisition Program Baseline

| FEMA |

APCAgency Program Coordinator

| FEMA |

APCOAssociation of Public Safety Communications [Worldwide]

| TSA |

APEArea of Potential Effect

| FEMA |

APECAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation

| USCG |

APERMANSAutomated Personnel Management System

| FEMA |

APGAberdeen Proving Ground

| FEMA |

APHAAmerican Public Health Association

| FEMA |

APHISAnimal and Plant Health Inspection Service

| CBP | CISA | I&A | OPS |

APHLAssociation of Public Health Laboratories

| FEMA |

APIApplication Programming Interface

| FEMA |

APISAdvance Passenger Information System

| CBP | FEMA | TSA | S&T | OPS | PLCY | PRIV |

APLAnnex Planning Leaders

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

APMBAcquisition and Program Management Branch (US-VISIT)

| CISA |

APOAccountable Property Officer

| FEMA |

APODAerial Port of Debarkation

| FEMA |

APOEAerial Port of Embarkation

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

APPApplication Portability Profile

| FEMA |

APPaffirmative procurement program

| DHS |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

APRAgency Procurement Review

| FEMA |

APRAir-Purifying Respirator

| FEMA |

APRSACAcademe and Policy Research Advisory Committee

| PLCY |

APSOAsylum Pre-Screening Officer


APSPAutomated Passenger Screening Profile

| TSA |

APSRSAerial Photography Summary Record System

| FEMA |

APSSAutomated Personnel Security System

| FEMA |

APTAdministrative Payment Team

| FEMA |

APTAAmerican Public Transportation Associations

| TSA |

APTSAssociation of Public Television Stations

| FEMA | OPA |

APTSAirport, Port, and Terminal Security

| PLCY |

APWAAmerican Public Works Association

| FEMA |

AQIAgricultural Quarantine Inspections

| FEMA |

ARAcknowledge Receipt

| FEMA |

ARAerial Reconnaissance

| FEMA |

ARArmy Regulation

| FEMA |

ARAAircraft Rental Agreement

| FEMA |

ARAAnalog Radio Adapter

| FEMA |

ARAAAdvanced Radiological Accident Assessment

| FEMA |

ARACAtmospheric Release Advisory Capability

| CISA | S&T |

ARARapplicable or relevant and appropriate requirement

| DHS |

ARBAir Reserve Base

| FEMA |

ARBAcquisition Review Board

| MGMT |

ARCAmerican Red Cross (also RC)

| DHS |

ARCAnalytic Resources Catalog

| FEMA |

ARCAArea Requiring Corrective Action

| FEMA |

ARCHIEAutomated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation

| FEMA |

ARDAdvanced Radiation Detection

| CWMD |

AREALAtmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory

| FEMA |

AREPAgency Representative

| FEMA |

ARESAmateur Radio Emergency Services

| FEMA |

ARFAction Request Form

| FEMA |

ARFAviation Route Forecast

| FEMA |

ARFCAMAutonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor

| S&T |

ARFFAircraft Rescue Firefighting

| FEMA |

ARFIAreas Recommended For Improvement

| FEMA |

ARGAccident Response Group

| FEMA |

ARIAcute Respiratory Infection

| FEMA |

ARIESAirborne Rapid Imagery for Emergency Support

| FEMA |

ARIOAdvanced Radiation Incident Operations

| FEMA |

ARIPAccidental Release Information Program

| FEMA |

ARJISAutomated Regional Justice Information System

| FEMA |

ARLActivities Result List

| FEMA |

ARLAirborne Reconnaissance Low

| FEMA |

ARL-MAirborne Reconnaissance Low - Multifunction

| FEMA |

ARMAerial Radiological Monitor

| FEMA |

ARMSAutomated Resource Management System (FEMA)

| FEMA |

ARNGArmy National Guard


ARNGOPSArmy National Guard Operations

| FEMA |

AROasset retirement obligation

| DHS |

A-ROCAlternate Regional Operations Center

| FEMA |

ARPAlarm Resolution Protocols

| TSA |

ARPAdministration and Resource Planning

| FEMA |

ARPAAdvanced Research Projects Agency

| FEMA |

ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network

| FEMA |

ARRAAmerican Recovery & Reinvestment Act

| FEMA |

ARRASAutomatic Residential Remote Alarm System

| FEMA |

ARRLAmerican Radio Relay League

| FEMA |

ARSAutomatic Route Selection

| FEMA |

ARSAgricultural Research Service

| DHS |

ARSOFArmy Special Operations Forces

| FEMA |

ARSRAir Route Surveillance Radar

| TSA |

ARTAwards Review Team

| FEMA |

ARTCCAir Route Traffic Control Center

| FEMA |

ARTSAudit Report Tracking System

| FEMA |

ARWOAerial Reconnaissance Weather Office

| FEMA |

ASApplicant Services

| FEMA |

ASAutomatic Sprinkler

| FEMA |

AS 06Ardent Sentry 06 (exercise)

| FEMA |

ASAAverage Speed of Answer


ASA/IL&EAssistant Secretary of the Army (Installation, Logistics and Environment)

| FEMA |

ASACAviation Security Advisory Committee

| TSA |

ASAPAerospace Safety Advisory Panel

| FEMA |

ASAPAll-Hazards Situation Assessment Prototype

| FEMA |

ASAPAs soon as possible

| DHS |

ASAPAutomated Standard Application for Payments

| FEMA |

ASCAdvanced Systems Center

| FEMA |

ASCAllowable Stack Concentration

| FEMA |

ASCArea of Special Consideration

| FEMA |

ASCApplication Support Center


ASCADSAutomated Sorting, Conversion and Distribution System

| FEMA |

ASCEAmerican Society of Civil Engineers

| FEMA |

ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange

| FEMA |

ASCSAgricultural Stabilization and Conservation Services

| FEMA |

ASDAcoustic Surveillance Device

| FEMA |

ASDAllowable Stress Design

| FEMA |

ASDAssistant Secretary of Defense

| FEMA |

ASDAdministrative Security Division

| MGMT |

ASD (HD)Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense

| FEMA |

ASD (SO/LIC)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict)

| FEMA |

ASDARAircraft to Satellite Data Relay

| FEMA |

ASDRCAutomated Systems Disaster Recovery Capabilities

| FEMA |

ASDSOAssociation of State Dam Safety Officials

| FEMA |

ASDWAAssociation of State Drinking Water Administrators

| FEMA |

ASEANAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations

| PLCY |

ASFPMAssociation of State Floodplain Managers

| FEMA |

ASGSAir Support Group Supervisor

| FEMA |

ASHAssistant Secretary for Health

| FEMA |

ASHAAssistant Secretary for Health Affairs

| FEMA |

ASHGAccident Site Health Group

| FEMA |

ASHRAEAmerican Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers

| FEMA |

ASIAmerica's Shield Initiative

| FEMA |

ASIAAnti-smuggling Investigators Association

| FEMA |

ASIAAssistant Secretary for Information Analysis

| FEMA |

ASIANPACIAsian Pacific Islander

| FEMA |

ASIPAssistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection

| FEMA |

ASISAmerican Society for Industrial Security

| PLCY |

ASIWPCAAssociation of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators

| FEMA |

ASLAbove Sea Level

| FEMA |

ASLAmerican Sign Language

| FEMA |

ASLBAtomic Safety and Licensing Board

| FEMA |

ASMAir Support Manager

| FEMA |

ASMEAmerican Society for Microbiology

| S&T |

ASMEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers

| S&T |

ASMROArmed Services Medical Regulating Office

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ASNAbstract Syntax Notation

| FEMA |

ASOSAutomated Surface Observing System

| FEMA |

ASPAviation Security Program

| TSA |

ASPActive Server Page

| FEMA |

ASPAdvanced Spectroscopic Portal

| CBP | CWMD |

ASPAssociate Safety Professional

| FEMA |

ASPAAssistant Secretary of Public Affairs

| FEMA |

ASPEAmerican Society of Professional Estimators

| FEMA |

ASPECTAirborne Spectral Photographic Environmental Collection Technology

| FEMA |

ASPECTAirborne Spectral Environmental Collection Technology

| S&T |

ASPHEPAssistant Secretary for Public Health Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

ASPRSAmerican Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

| FEMA |

ASRAquifer Storage Recovery

| FEMA |

ASRAtmosphere supplying respirator

| FEMA |

ASRAutomatic Sprinkler Riser

| FEMA |

ASSEAmerican Society of Safety Engineers

| FEMA |

ASSETAdvanced Simulation and Software Engineering Technology

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ASTAboveground Storage Tank

| FEMA |

ASTAviation Survival Technician

| FEMA |

ASTAccessible Systems and Technologies

| MGMT |

ASTAAmerican Society of Travel Agents

| CBP |

ASTHOAssociation of State and Territorial Health Officials

| FEMA |

ASTIAirport Security Technology Integration

| TSA |

ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials

| S&T |

ASTSAeromedical Staging Squadron

| FEMA |

ASUAll-Source Situational Understanding

| FEMA |

ASUFACAirport and Seaport User Fee Advisory Committee, INS

| CBP |

ATAdvanced Technology

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

AT&LAcquisition, Technology and Logistics

| FEMA |

AT/FPAnti-Terrorism & Force Protection

| FEMA |

ATAAirline Transportation Association

| TSA |

ATAActual Time of Arrival

| FEMA |

ATAAmerican Trucking Association

| PLCY |

ATACAnti-Terrorism Advisory Council

| I&A |

ATBApplied Technology Board

| TSA |

ATBMAir Tanker Base Manager

| FEMA |

ATCApplied Technology Council

| FEMA |

ATCAir Traffic Control

| CBP | TSA | CISA |

ATCETAnti-Terrorism Combat Enforcement Team

| CBP |

A-TCETAnti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team

| FEMA |

ATCOAir tanker Coordinator

| FEMA |

ATCTAir Traffic Control Tower

| FEMA |

ATDActual Time of Departure

| FEMA |

ATDAdvanced Technology Demonstration

| CWMD |

ATDAtmospheric Transport and Dispersion

| FEMA |

ATDIAdvance Trade Data Initiative

| CBP |

ATDPAnnual Training and Development Plan

| FEMA |

ATDTAtlantic Daylight Time (GMT - 3)

| FEMA |

ATFAlcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [Bureau of]

| DHS |

ATGSAir Tactical Group Supervisor

| FEMA |

ATHAir-Transportable Hospital

| FEMA |

ATISAlliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions

| CISA |

ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode

| FEMA |

ATMAutomated Teller Machine

| FEMA |

ATMUAdvanced Technology Meteorological Unit

| FEMA |

ATMWUAir Transportable Mobile Weather Unit

| FEMA |

ATNAeronautical Telecommunications Networks

| S&T |

ATOAir Tasking Order

| FEMA |

ATPAir Transit Program

| TSA |

ATPAuthority to Participate

| FEMA |

ATRAdvanced Thermal Reactor

| FEMA |

ATRAPAir Transportable RADIAC Package

| FEMA |

ATSAutomated Targeting System


ATSAAviation and Transportation Security Act

| TSA | CISA | I&A |

ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (USPHS)

| CISA | S&T |

ATSTAtlantic Standard Time (GMT - 4)

| FEMA |

ATTAnti-Terrorism Technologies

| FEMA |

ATTFAntiterrorism Task Force

| I&A |


| FEMA |

ATVAll-terrain vehicle

| CBP | FEMA |

ATWCAlaska Tsunami Warning Center (see WCATWC)

| FEMA |

AUHAttached Unit Housing

| FEMA |

AUSAAssistant United States Attorney

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

AUTODINAutomatic Digital Network

| FEMA |

AUTOVONAutomatic Voice Network (see DSN)

| FEMA |

AUVSIAssociation for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International

| CBP |

AVAir Vehicle

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

AVCAlaska Volcano Center

| FEMA |

AVHRRAdvanced Very High Resolution Radiometer

| FEMA |

AVIAudio-Visual Interleave

| FEMA |

AVICArea Veterinarian in Charge

| FEMA |

AVIPAnthrax Vaccine Immunization Program

| FEMA |

AVLISAtomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation

| FEMA |

AVMAAmerican Veterinary Medical Association

| FEMA |

AVOAlaska Volcano Observatory

| FEMA |

AVOpsAviation Operations

| TSA | OPS |

AVSECAviation Security

| TSA |

AWACSAirborne Warning and Control System

| CBP |

AWBAAverage Weekly Benefit Amount

| FEMA |

AWDAvailable Without Declaration

| FEMA |

AWIPSAdvanced Weather Interactive Processing System

| FEMA |

AWISAutomated Weather Information System

| FEMA |

AWOAmerican Waterway Operators

| USCG |

AWOLAbsent Without Leave

| FEMA |

AWOPAbsence Without Pay

| FEMA |

AWRAAmerican Water Resources Association

| FEMA |

AWSAlternate Work Schedule

| FEMA |

AWSalternative work schedule

| MGMT |

AWWAAmerican Water Works Association

| FEMA |

AYEAlternate Year Exercise

| FEMA |

B&SABureau and Statistical Agent (NFIP)

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

BAABroad Agency Announcement

| FEMA | S&T |

BAABroad Area Announcement

| FEMA |

BACMBusiness Alliance for Customs Modernization

| CBP |

BAERBurned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (Team)

| FEMA |

BAERBurned Area Emergency Response

| FEMA |

BALVBest Available Lodging Value

| FEMA |

BANDBio-agent Autonomous Networked Detectors

| S&T |

BARDABiomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority

| FEMA |

BAREPPBay Area Regional Earthquake Preparedness Project

| FEMA |

BASISBiological Aerosol Sentry and Information System

| S&T |

BATFBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

BAWSBiological Aerosol Warning System

| FEMA |

BBPBlood Borne Pathogen

| FEMA |

BBRSBoard of Building Regulations and Standards

| FEMA |

BBSBulletin Board System

| FEMA |

BCBase Camp

| FEMA |

BCBranch Chief

| FEMA |

BCABenefit-Cost Analysis

| FEMA |

BCBPBureau of Customs and Border Protection

| FEMA |

BCCBorder Crossing Card


BCFBillion Cubic Feet

| FEMA |

BCISBureau for Citizenship and Immigration Services (see USCIS)

| FEMA |

BCMCBoard for the Coordination of Model Codes

| FEMA |

BCMGBase/Camp Manager

| FEMA |

BCMRBoard of Correction of Military Records

| USCG | OGC |

BCPBusiness Continuity Planning

| FEMA |

BCRBenefit-Cost Ratio

| FEMA |

BCRBorder Cargo Release

| CBP |

BDABattle Damage Assessment

| FEMA |

BDCBomb Data Center (FBI)

| CISA |


| FEMA |

BDOBattle Dress Overgarment

| FEMA |

BDRPBiological Defense Research Program

| FEMA |

BDSBiohazard Detection System

| CISA |

BDUBattle Dress Utility

| FEMA |

BEABureau of Economic Analysis

| FEMA |

BEEFBig Explosive Experimental Facility

| FEMA |

BEIRBiological Effects of Ionizing Radiation

| FEMA |

BENSBusiness Executives for National Security

| PLCY |

BENT SPEARNuclear Incident (codeword)

| FEMA |

BEPBudget Execution Plan

| FEMA |

BERDBlocked Erosion Rate Database

| FEMA |

BERTBuilding Emergency Response Team

| CISA |

BESTBus Explosive Screening Technology

| TSA |

BESTBorder Enforcement Security Taskforce

| DHS | CBP | ICE | USCG | I&A | OPS |

BESTBuilding Engagement, Strengths and Talent

| FEMA |

BFABenefit Fraud Assessment

| FEMA |

BFCBills for Collection

| FEMA |

BFDBase Flood Depth

| FEMA |

BFEBase Flood Elevation

| FEMA |

BFMBudget and Financial Management Branch (US-VISIT)

| CISA |

BGADBlue Grass Army Depot

| FEMA |

BGANBroadband Global Area Network

| FEMA |

BGCABlue Grass Chemical Activity

| FEMA |

BGPBorder Gateway Protocol

| FEMA |

BHEFBusiness-Higher Education Forum

| S&T |

BHSBureau of Health Services

| FEMA |

BIBackground Investigation

| FEMA |

BIABureau of Indian Affairs


BIABoard of Immigration Appeals/Affairs (DOJ)


BICEBureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement

| FEMA |

BICEPBasic Investigation of Computer and Electronic Crimes Program


BICEPPBusiness and Industry Council for Emergency Preparedness and Planning

| FEMA |

BIDSBiological Integrated Detection System

| FEMA |

BIFCBoise Interagency Fire Center (see NIFC or NIFCC)

| FEMA |

BIIDBBadge Imaging Information Database

| FEMA |

BILBand Interleaved by Line (Format)

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

BIObiological improvised explosive device enhancement

| S&T |

BISCBorder Interdiction Support Center

| CBP |

BITBuilding Inventory Tool

| FEMA |

BITBuilt-In Test

| FEMA |

BITBusiness Intelligence Tool

| MGMT |

BITEBiometric Identification Technology Ethics

| PRIV |

BIWGBilateral Interdiction Working Group

| ICE |

BJABureau of Justice Assistance (DOJ)

| FEMA |

BKCBiodefense Knowledge Center [Part of NBACC, National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center]

| S&T |


| FEMA |

BLBill of Lading

| FEMA |

BLESTPBasic Law Enforcement Supervisor Training Program


BLEVEBoiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion

| FEMA |

BLMBureau of Land Management

| FEMA |

BLSBureau of Labor Statistics

| MGMT |

BLSBasic Life Support

| FEMA |

BMBench Mark

| FEMA |

BMBLBiosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories

| S&T |

BMCBomb Management Center

| FEMA |

BMDBorders and Maritime Security Division (S&T/BMD)

| DHS |

BMPBest Management Practice

| FEMA |

BMSBuilding Management System

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

BNABaseline Needs Assessment

| FEMA |

BNICEBiological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical, Explosive

| CISA | S&T |

BNMLBattalion Military Liaison

| FEMA |

BOCBasic Operating Cost

| FEMA |

BOCABuilding Officials and Code Administrators

| FEMA |

BODBusiness Operations Services and Human Capital Division (S&T/BOD)

| DHS |

BOEbasis of estimate

| S&T |

BOLBureau of Labs

| FEMA |

BOLOBe On the Lookout alert

| I&A |

BOMBill of Materials

| FEMA |

BOOBase of Operations

| FEMA |

BOP(Federal) Bureau of Prisons

| FEMA |

BORBureau of Reclamation

| FEMA |

BORCAPBorder Patrol Criminal Alien Program

| CBP | USCG | OPS |

BorderNet(formerly BTSNet)

| CBP | S&T |

BORPBuilding Occupancy Resumption Program

| FEMA |

BORSTARBorder Patrol Search, Trauma and Rescue Team

| CBP | USCG |

BORTACBorder Patrol Tactical Unit

| CBP |

BOVBoard of Visitors

| FEMA |

BOXERBulk-Only X-ray Enhanced Region

| TSA |

BPABorder Patrol Agent

| CBP | FEMA | OPS |

BPATBuilding Performance Assessment Team

| FEMA |

BPDBlast-Protective Design

| FEMA |

BPMBasic Property Management

| FEMA |

BPMLBusiness Process Markup Language

| FEMA |

BPNBusiness Partner Network

| FEMA |

BPOBlanket Purchase Order

| FEMA |

BPPBusiness Policy and Planning Branch (US-VISIT)

| CISA |

BPRBusiness Process Reengineering

| FEMA |

BPRPBioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program

| FEMA |

BPSBits Per Second

| FEMA |

BPSSBusiness Process Specification Schema

| FEMA |

BPWGBest Practices Working Group

| DHS |

BRACBase Realignment and Closure Act

| MGMT |

BRASSBorder Release Advance Screening & Selectivity

| CBP |

BRIBuilding Related Illness

| FEMA |

BRIDGESBuilding Respect in Diverse Groups to Enhance Security

| ICE |


| FEMA |

BRMBusiness Reference Model

| I&A | MGMT |

BROKEN ARROWNuclear Accident (codeword)

| FEMA |

BRTBusiness Round Table

| PLCY |

BSABusiness Software Alliance

| DHS |

BSABase Support Area

| FEMA |

BSATbiological select agent and toxin

| CWMD |

BSCBiometrics Support Center


BSCOBiosafety Coordinating Official

| S&T |

BSDBorder Security Deployment

| CBP |

BSEBovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (aka: “Mad Cow Disease”)

| FEMA |

BSIBasic Support Installation

| FEMA |

BSIBorder Safety Initiative

| CBP |

BSIRBiannual Strategy Implementation Reports

| FEMA |

BSLbiosafety level

| CWMD |

BSOBiosafety Officer

| S&T |

BSOPBattle Staff Operating Procedures

| FEMA |

BSPPBroadcast Station Protection Program

| FEMA |

BSSCBuilding Seismic Safety Council

| FEMA |

BSTBorder Support Team

| CBP |

BSTBurn Specialty Team

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

BTBuying Team

| FEMA |

BTABioterrorism Act

| CBP |

BTABorder Trade Alliance

| CBP |

BTCPBiological Threat Characterization Program

| S&T |

BTCPBiological Terrorism Contingency Plan

| CISA | S&T |

BTOBusiness Transformation Office

| FEMA |

BTSBudget Tracking System

| CISA |

BTSBureau of Transportation Statistics

| TSA |

BTSBorder and Transportation Security (former DHS Directorate, contained CBP, ICE, TSA and FLETC)

| FEMA |

BTUBritish Thermal Unit

| FEMA |

BTWBy the way

| DHS |

BUBuilding (Line)

| FEMA |

BUMEDBureau of Medicine

| FEMA |

BUYLBuying Team Leader

| FEMA |

BUYMBuying Team Member

| FEMA |

BVButterfly Valve

| FEMA |

BWBiological Weapons

| S&T |

BWBiological Warfare

| CISA | S&T |

BWICBiological Warning and Incident Characterization

| FEMA | S&T |

BWRBoiling Water Reactor

| FEMA |

BYBudget Year

| FEMA |

BZBreathing Zone

| FEMA |

BZPPBuffer Zone Protection Plan

| FEMA |

BZPPBuffer Zone Protection Program


C NumberCrew number

| FEMA |

C&Acertification and accreditation

| MGMT |

C&CComponents and Cladding

| FEMA |

C&DClean and Disinfect

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| DHS |

C2Command and Control

| FEMA |

C3(ICE) Cyber Crimes Center

| FEMA |

C3Command, Control, and Communications


C3Customs Cyber Smuggling Center

| FEMA |

C3ICommand, Control, Communications, Information

| FEMA |

C3ISRCommand, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

| FEMA |

C4Command, Control, Communications and Computers

| FEMA | OPS |

C4ISRC4+Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

| USCG |

CAChemical Agent

| S&T |

CACapability Assurance

| FEMA |

CACivil Affairs

| FEMA |

CACongressional Affairs

| FEMA |

CACooperating Agency

| FEMA |

CACooperative Agreement

| FEMA |

CAcompartmented area

| MGMT |

CAAClean Air Act

| FEMA |

CAAPCritical Asset Assurance Program

| FEMA |

CAARSCargo Advanced Automated Radiography System

| CWMD |

CABChange Advisory Board

| MGMT |

CABINChemical and Biological Information Network

| FEMA |

CACCitizens’ Advisory Commissions

| FEMA |

CACCivil Applications Committee

| FEMA |

CACClimate Analysis Center

| FEMA |

CACCommunity Assistance Contact

| FEMA |

CACCrisis Action Center

| FEMA |

CACCommon Access Card


CACBCamp Crew Boss

| FEMA |

CACTISComputer-Assisted CSEPP Training Information System

| FEMA |

CADComputer Aided/Assisted Dispatch

| FEMA |

CADComputer-Aided/Assisted Design

| FEMA |

CADComputer-Assisted Drafting

| FEMA |

CADDComputer-Assisted Drafting and Design

| FEMA |

CADETComputer-Assisted Design for Exercise Training

| FEMA |

CADWCivil Air Defense Warning

| FEMA |

CAECommand Assessment Element (for CBIRF)

| FEMA |

CAEComponent Acquisition Executive

| MGMT |

CAEMCommittee for Animal Emergency Management

| FEMA |

CAEOCompetitive Analysis and Evaluation Office

| FEMA |

CAERCommunity Awareness and Emergency Response

| FEMA |

CAFCompressed Air Foam

| FEMA |

CAFCritical Asset Factor


CAGCore Agency Group

| FEMA |

CAIChemical Accident/Incident

| FEMA |

CAIComputer-Aided Instruction

| FEMA |

CAICChemical Accident/Incident Control

| FEMA |

CAICOChemical Accident/Incident Control Officer

| FEMA |

CAIRAChemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance

| FEMA |

CALMCognitive and Affective Learning Model

| FEMA |

CAMChemical Agent Monitor

| FEMA | S&T |

CAMComputer-Aided Manufacturing

| FEMA |

CAMDSChemical Agent Munition Disposal System

| FEMA |

CAMEOComputer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations

| FEMA |

CAMEXPANCentral America, Mexico, Panama

| CBP | PLCY |

CAMPSCivil Aircraft Missile Protection System

| CISA | S&T |

CAMRACenter for Advancing Microbiological Risk Assessment

| S&T |

CAMSContinuous Air Monitoring System

| FEMA |

CAMUCorrective Action Management Unit

| DHS |

CAMUCompanion Animal Management Unit

| FEMA |

CANARConsortia of Administrators for Native American Rehabilitators

| FEMA |

CANDUCanadian-Deuterium Uranium (Reactor)

| FEMA |

CAOComponent Chief Administrative Officer

| DHS |

CAOCaribbean Area Office

| FEMA |

CAOChief Administrative Officer

| DHS |

CAP1Criminal Alien Program

| FEMA |

CAPCapability Assessment Program

| FEMA |

CAPCapability Assurance Program

| FEMA |

CAPCivil Air Patrol

| CBP | FEMA |

CAPCollection, Analysis and Planning

| FEMA |

CAPCombat Air Patrol

| FEMA |

CAPCommon Alerting Protocol

| FEMA |

CAPCommunity Assistance Program

| FEMA |

CAPContract Administration Plans

| FEMA |

CAPCorrective Action Program

| FEMA |

CAPCrisis Action Process

| OPS |

CAPACoalition of Airline Pilots Association

| TSA |

CAPCCivil Aviation Planning Committee

| FEMA |

CAPCOControlled Access Program Coordination Office

| I&A |

CAP-FASSECorrective Action Program - Federal Agency Support Services Element

| FEMA |

CAPMCompliance Assurance Program Manager

| CWMD |

CAPPS IIComputer Assisted Passenger Pre-screening System


CAPRCategorical Assistance Progress Reports

| FEMA |

CAPRACritical Asset and Portfolio Risk Analysis

| CISA |

CAPSSCorrective Action Program Support System

| FEMA |

CAP-SSSECorrective Action Program - State Support Services Element

| FEMA |

CapWINCapital Wireless Integrated Network

| FEMA |

CARCapability Assessment for Readiness

| FEMA |

CARCongressional Affairs Representative

| FEMA |

CARATCooperation Afloat Readiness and Training

| USCG |

CARCAHChief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination -All Hurricanes

| FEMA |

CARDCollaborative Agencies for Responding to Disasters

| FEMA |

CARDAContinental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment

| FEMA |

CARLComputerized Activities Results List

| FEMA |

CARRICommunity and Regional Resilience Initiative

| S&T |

CARTComputer Analysis and Response Team

| FEMA |

CARTCounty Animal Response Team

| FEMA |

CARVERCriticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effect and Recognizability

| CISA |

CASChemical Abstract Service

| FEMA |

CASComprehensive Assessment System

| FEMA |

CASCrisis Action System

| FEMA |

CASCCache Supply Clerk

| FEMA |

CASEComputer Aided Software Engineering

| I&A | MGMT |

CASPERC-130 Airborne Sensor with Palletized Electronic Reconnaissance

| USCG |

CASSCockpit Access Security System

| TSA |

CASTCommercial Aviation Safety Team

| TSA |

CASUCentralized Administrative Services Unit

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CATCollier Area Transit (Florida)

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CATCrisis Action Team

| FEMA | OPS |


| FEMA |

CATEGORY B [PUBLIC ASSISTANCE]Emergency Protective Measures

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CATEGORY G [PUBLIC ASSISTANCE]Parks, Recreational, and Other

| FEMA |

CATEXCatastrophic Exercise

| FEMA |

CATEXCategorical Exclusion

| FEMA |

CATFCatastrophic Task Force

| FEMA |

CATLChronology and Time Line

| FEMA |

CATSConsequences Assessment Tool Set

| FEMA |

CAVCommunity Assistance Visit

| FEMA |

CAXCapability Assurance Exercise

| FEMA |

CAXComputer-Assisted Exercise

| FEMA |

CBChemical/Biological, (split)

| FEMA | S&T |

CBCitizens' Band

| FEMA | S&T |

CBCluster Bomb

| FEMA | S&T |

CBACost Benefit Analysis

| I&A | MGMT |

CBARSCoastal Barrier Resources System

| FEMA |

CBCFCross Border Crime Forum

| CBP |

CBCTChemical/Biological Countermeasures Training

| FEMA |

CBDChemical and Biological Defense

| FEMA |

CBDChemical and Biological Division (S&T/CBD)

| DHS |

CBDCOMChemical and Biological Defense Command (see SBCCOM)

| FEMA |

CBEFFCommon Biometric Exchange Formats Framework

| FEMA |

CBEKCompendium of Basic Exercise Knowledge

| FEMA |

CBEPCareer Builder Express Program

| FEMA |

CBETComputer Based Education and Training

| FEMA |

CBIChandler Burning Index

| FEMA |

CBIComputer-Based Instruction

| FEMA |

CBIACoastal Barrier Improvement Act

| FEMA |

CBIACChemical and Biological Information Analysis Center

| FEMA |

CBIGCaribbean Border Interagency Group

| FEMA |

CBIRFChemical/Biological Incident Response Force (USMC)

| FEMA |

CBLCommercial Bill of Lading

| FEMA |

CBLComputer-Based Learning

| FEMA |

CBNCooperative Base Network

| FEMA |

CBNChemical, Biological, or Nuclear

| FEMA | CISA | S&T |

CBOCongressional Budget Office


CBOCommunity-Based Organization


CBPCustoms and Border Protection, United States

| DHS |

CBPU.S. Customs and Border Protection

| MGMT |

CBPMOUnited States Customs and Border Protection Modernization Office

| CBP |


| FEMA |

CBQRFChemical-Biological Quick Response Force

| FEMA |

CBRChemical, Biological and/or Radiological

| CISA | S&T |

CBR&DChemical and Biological Research and Development Sector

| TSA |

CBRACoastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 (see COBRA)

| FEMA |

CBRDChemical, Biological and Radiological Defense

| FEMA |

CBRDECChemical & Biological, Research, Development & Engineering Center

| FEMA |

CBRDTChemical/Biological Rapid Deployment Team

| FEMA | S&T |

CBRNChemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear

| FEMA | S&T |

CBRNEChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive

| S&T | OPS |

CBRNE-CMChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive - Consequence Management

| FEMA |

CBRRTChemical & Biological Rapid Response Team

| FEMA |

CBRSCoastal Barrier Resources System

| FEMA |

CBRSConcept Based Requirement System

| FEMA |

CBRTChemical and Biological Response Team

| FEMA |

CBRTAChemical, Biological and Radiological Technology Alliance

| S&T | CWMD |

CBSACanada Border Security Agency

| FEMA |

CBTChemical Biological Toxin

| FEMA |

CBTComputer-Based Training

| FEMA |

CBWChemical and Biological Warfare

| FEMA |

CCCitizen Corps

| FEMA |

CCCongregate Care

| FEMA |

CCCoordination Center

| FEMA |

CCCourtesy Copy

| FEMA |

CCCrisis Counseling

| FEMA |

cccubic centimeter

| FEMA |

CCCommand Center

| PLCY |

CCACircuit Card Assembly

| FEMA |

CCAComprehensive Cooperative Agreement (see CA)

| FEMA |

CCAContinuity Communications Architecture

| FEMA |

CCAMCoordinating Council on Access and Mobility

| FEMA |

CCAMSComprehensive Cooperative Agreement Monitoring System

| FEMA |

CCAPChild Citizenship Act Project


CCATCenter for Commercialization of Advanced Technology

| FEMA |

CCBConfiguration Control Board

| FEMA |

CCCCitizen Corps Council

| FEMA |

CCCCongregate Care Center

| FEMA |

CCCCrisis Coordination Center

| FEMA |

CCDCorporate Communications Division (S&T&CCD)

| DHS |

CCDConsular Consolidated Database


CCDBConsolidated Counterdrug Data Base

| ICE |

CCDPHCook County Department of Public Health

| FEMA |

CCFCoded Cities Forecast

| FEMA |

CCFP(National Institute of Justice) Center for Civil Force Protection

| FEMA |

CCGCrisis Coordination Group

| FEMA |

CCICommand, Control, and Interoperability

| FEMA |

CCIOCommand and Control Incidents Operations

| FEMA |

CCIRCommander's Critical Information Report

| FEMA |

CCITPCounterterrorism Cyber-crime Investigations Training Program


CCITTConsultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy

| FEMA |

CCLContamination Control Line

| FEMA |

CCLSCommand Center Liaison Section

| FEMA |

CCMISCrisis Consequence Management Information System

| FEMA |

CCMRFCBRNE Consequence Management Response Force

| FEMA |

CCNCanonical Correlation Analysis

| FEMA |

CCNDConsultative Committee on Natural Disasters

| FEMA |

CCOClaims Coordinating Office

| FEMA |

CCOConsultation Coordination Officer

| FEMA |

CCPCasualty Collection Point

| FEMA |

CCPCrisis Counseling Program

| FEMA |

CCPCitizen Corps Program


CCRFCommissioned Corps Readiness Force

| FEMA |

CCSCongregate Care System

| FEMA |

CCSContamination Control Station

| FEMA |

CCSLCommand and Control Simulation Lab

| FEMA |

CCSOCook County Sheriff's Office

| FEMA |

CCSOComponent Chief Security Officer

| MGMT |

CCSPCertified Cargo Screening Program

| FEMA |

CCSTChemical Casualty Site Team

| FEMA |

CCTCritical Care Transport

| FEMA |

CCTCommunications Coordination Team

| MGMT |

CCTVClosed Circuit Television

| FEMA |

CCUCorrespondence Control Unit

| FEMA |

CCVCharacteristics and Common Vulnerabilities

| FEMA |

CDCivil Defense

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CDCompact Disc

| FEMA |

CDBGCommunity Development Block Grant

| FEMA |

CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention

| DHS |

CDCPCenter for Disease Control and Prevention

| FEMA |

CDDCapability Development and Demonstration

| FEMA |

CDDCross-Disaster Database

| FEMA |

CDECommitted Dose Equivalent

| FEMA |

CDERComputer Data Entry Recorder

| FEMA |

CDERACaribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency

| FEMA |

CDEXCivil Defense Exercise

| FEMA |

CDLCommercial Driver’s License

| FEMA |

CDLCommunity Disaster Loan

| FEMA |

CDMContent Design Manager

| FEMA |

CDMconceptual data model

| MGMT |

CDMACode Division Multiple Access

| FEMA |

CDOCentral Dense Overcast

| FEMA |

CDPCandidate Development Program

| USCG |

CDPCenter for Domestic Preparedness

| FEMA |

CDPChemical Demilitarization Program

| FEMA |

CDRChristian Disaster Response

| FEMA |

CDRCritical Design Review

| FEMA |

CDRCrude Death Rate

| FEMA |


| DHS |

CDRDBConventional Disaster Resource Database

| FEMA |

CDRGCatastrophic Disaster Response Group

| FEMA | OPS |

CDRG-PACCatastrophic Disaster Response Group - Primary Agency Committee

| FEMA |

CD-ROMCompact Disk Read Only Memory

| DHS |

CDRSCall Detail Reporting System

| FEMA |

CDSCharge Data System

| FEMA |

CDSOCollateral Duty Safety Officer

| FEMA |

CDSPCache Demobilization Specialist

| FEMA |

CDTCentral Daylight Time (GMT - 5)

| FEMA |

CDUContagious Disease Unit

| FEMA |

CDVCivil Defense Victoreen

| FEMA |

CDXControl and Direction Exercise

| FEMA |

CECategorical Exclusion

| FEMA |

CECivil Engineer

| FEMA |

CEcontinuous evaluation [security]

| MGMT |

CEACounty Executives of America


CEAcost-effectiveness analysis

| PLCY |

CEACouncil of Economic Advisors

| DHS |

CEBContractor Evaluation Board

| FEMA |

CECChief Exercise Controller

| FEMA |

CEDCommittee for Economic Development

| FEMA |

CEDAPCommercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program

| FEMA |

CEDECommitted Effective Dose Equivalent

| FEMA |

CEEConsolidated Enforcement Environment

| MGMT |

CEEPCritical Employee Emergency Planning

| FEMA |

CEFCost Estimating Format

| FEMA |

CEFCritical Emergency File

| FEMA |

CEGCouncil for Excellence in Government

| S&T |

CEICritical Elements of Information

| FEMA |

CEMCertified Emergency Manager

| FEMA |

CEMComprehensive Emergency Management

| FEMA |

CEMDCounty Emergency Management Director

| FEMA |

CEMISCrisis and Emergency Management Information System

| FEMA |

CEMPComprehensive Emergency Management Plan

| FEMA |

CEMSContinuous Emission Monitoring System

| FEMA |

CENLChemical Event Notification Level

| FEMA |

CENRCommittee on Environment and Natural Resources

| FEMA |

CEOChief Executive Officer

| FEMA |

CEOCommunity Education and Outreach

| FEMA |

CEOCCounty Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

CEOSCommittee on Earth-Orbiting Satellites

| FEMA |

CEPCircular Error Probable

| FEMA |

CEPCivil Emergency Planning (NATO)

| FEMA |

CEPCivil Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

CEPAPCost Estimating for the Public Assistance Program, Expert Panel on

| FEMA |

CEPICatastrophic Emergency Preparedness Initiative

| FEMA |

CEPPOChemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office

| FEMA |

CEQCouncil on Environmental Quality

| FEMA |

CERCCoastal Engineering Research Center

| FEMA |

CERCCrisis and Emergency Risk Communication

| FEMA |

CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (aka: “Superfund”)

| FEMA |

CERDECCommunications-Electronics Research Development and Engineering Center

| CWMD |

CERESCalifornia Environmental Resources Evaluation System

| FEMA |

CERTComputer Evidence Recovery Training

| USSS |

CERTCommunity Emergency Response Team


CERTComputer Emergency Recovery Team

| FEMA |

CERTComputer Evidence Response Training

| FEMA |

CERTCouncil of Energy Resource Tribes

| FEMA |

CERTComputer Emergency Readiness Team

| CISA | S&T |

CERT/CCComputer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center

| FEMA |

CESTCyber Emergency Support Team

| FEMA |

CETContraband Enforcement Team

| CBP | OPS |

CEUCompliance Enforcement Unit

| CBP |

CEUContinuing Education Unit

| FEMA |

CEXSCooperative Extension Service

| FEMA |

CFACapability Focus Area

| FEMA |

CFACognizant Federal Agency

| FEMA |

CFAComputerized Fleet Analysis

| FEMA |

CFAICommission on Fire Accreditation International

| FEMA |

CFAOCognizant Federal Agency Official

| FEMA |

CFATSChemical Facility Antiterrorism Standards

| CISA |

CFBCICenter for Faith Based and Community Initiatives (FEMA/CFBCI)

| DHS |

CFCCombined Federal Campaign

| MGMT |

CFC-NCACombined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area

| FEMA |

CFDACatalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

| MGMT |

CFGDPCrash Feed Grain Donation Program

| FEMA |

CFICredentialing Framework Initiative

| PLCY |

CFIUSCommittee on Foreign Investment in the United States

| CISA | I&A | OGC | PLCY |

CFIVSACCommercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Advisory Committee

| USCG |

cfmcubic feet per minute

| FEMA |

CFOChief Financial Officer

| DHS |

CFOChief of Field Operations

| FEMA |

CFO CouncilChief Financial Officer’s Council

| DHS |

CFRCode of Federal Regulations

| FEMA | OGC |

CFSCertified Fraud Specialists, Association of

| USSS |

cfsCubic Feet Per Second

| FEMA |

CFSAConsolidated Farm Service Agency

| FEMA |

CFSICongressional Fire Services Institute

| FEMA |

CFTcross functional team

| S&T |

CFTCCommodity Futures Trading Commission

| PLCY |

CGCoast Guard (see USCG)

| FEMA |

CGCommanding General

| FEMA |

CGDCoast Guard District

| FEMA |

CGFAACerro Grande Fire Assistance Act

| FEMA |

CGICommon Gateway Interface

| FEMA |

CGISSCenter for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface

| FEMA |

CGMComputer Graphics Metafile

| FEMA |

CGSCouncil of Graduate Schools

| USCIS | S&T |


| FEMA |

CHARMComplex Hazardous Release Model

| FEMA |

CHAWSChemical Hazard Warning System

| FEMA |

CHCOChief Human Capital Officer (MGMT/CHCO)

| DHS |

CHDSCenter for Homeland Defense and Security

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CHECK 21Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act

| FEMA |

CHEMTRECChemical Transportation Emergency Center

| FEMA |

CHERCAPComprehensive HAZMAT Emergency Response Capability Assessment Program

| FEMA |

CHER-CAPCommunity Hazards Emergency Response - Capability Assurance Process

| FEMA |

CHIPCapability and Hazard Identification Program

| FEMA |

CHIPCritical Homeland Infrastructure Protection

| FEMA |

CHMChemistry of Hazardous Materials

| FEMA |

CHPPMCenter for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (United States Army)

| S&T |

CHRCLCenter for Human Rights and Constitutional Law

| CRCL |

CHRISChemical Hazard Response Information System

| FEMA |

CHSCorrectional Health Services

| FEMA |

CICritical Infrastructure

| FEMA |


| I&A |

CIACatastrophic Incident Annex

| FEMA |

CIACentral Intelligence Agency

| DHS |

CIADCongressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division

| FEMA |

CIAETPCriminal Investigation in Automated Equipment Training Program


CIAOChief Infrastructure Assurance Officer

| FEMA |

CIAOCritical Infrastructure Assurance Office

| FEMA | CISA | I&A |

CIAOCritical Infrastructure Assurance Officer

| FEMA |

CICADCenter for Intelligence Collection Analysis and Dissemination

| FEMA |

CICCDHS Counterintelligence Coordinating Council

| I&A |

CICGCritical Infrastructure Coordination Group

| FEMA |

CIDCommand, Control and Interoperability Division (S&T/CID)

| DHS |

CIDCriminal Investigation Division or Department, (split) Community Identification


CIDCONCivil Defense Condition

| FEMA |

CIDERComputer Interactive Display, Entry, and Retrieval

| FEMA |

CIEECommon Information Exchange Environment

| FEMA |

CIFCentral Information File

| FEMA |

CIFCost, Insurance, and Freight

| FEMA |

CIGCentral Intelligence Group

| FEMA |

CIHCertified Industrial Hygienist

| FEMA |

CIICritical Infrastructure Information

| CISA |

CIIACritical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002

| CISA |

CIIDCounterintelligence and Investigations Division (DHS)

| FEMA |

CIIICritical Infrastructure Interdependencies Integrator

| CISA |

CIIMSCritical Infrastructure Inspection Management System

| S&T |

CIIPCritical Infrastructure Information Protection Interagency Working Group

| CISA |

CIIP IWGCritical Information Infrastructure Protection Interagency Working Group

| FEMA |

CIKCrypto-Ignition Key

| FEMA |

CIKRCritical Infrastructure and Key Resources

| CISA | I&A |

CIMAChannel Industry Mutual Aid

| FEMA |

CIMRTCritical Incident Management Response Team

| FEMA |

CIMSCorrespondence and Issues Management System

| FEMA |

CIMSCritical Incident Management Support

| FEMA |

CIMSCritical Infrastructure Modeling System

| CISA |

CIMSTCritical Incident Management Support Team

| FEMA |

CINCCommander in Chief

| FEMA |

CINCAMCCommander-in-Chief, Air Mobility Command

| FEMA |

CINCLANTCommander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet

| FEMA |

CINCNORADCommander-in-Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command

| FEMA |

CINCPACCommander-in-Chief, Pacific Command

| FEMA |

CINCSOCCommander-in-Chief, Special Operations Command

| FEMA |

CINCTRANSCommander-in-Chief, Transportation Command

| FEMA |

CINDCompact Integrated Narcotics Detector

| USCG |

CINDICenter for Integration of Natural Disaster Information

| FEMA |

CINDICompact Integrated Narcotics Detector Instrument

| FEMA |

CINSCatastrophic Incident of National Significance

| FEMA |

CINTChief Intelligence Officer

| I&A |

CIOChief Information Officer

| DHS |

CIPCritical Infrastructure Protection

| CISA | S&T | I&A |

CIPComponent Intelligence Program

| I&A |

CIPcapital investment plan

| MGMT |

CIP IWGCritical Infrastructure Protection Interagency Working Group

| FEMA |

CIPACCritical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council

| S&T | I&A |

CIPBCritical Infrastructure Protection Board

| FEMA |

CIP-DSSCIP-Decision Support System

| FEMA |

CIPICCritical Infrastructure Protection Information Center

| FEMA |

CIPPCertified Information Privacy Professionals


CIPWGCritical Infrastructure Protection Working Group

| FEMA |

CIRCritical Infrastructure Resiliency

| FEMA |

CIRACatastrophic Incident Response Annex

| FEMA |

CIRESCatastrophic Incident Response Execution Schedule

| FEMA |

CIRGCritical Incident Response Group

| FEMA |

CIRMSCouncil of Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards

| FEMA |

CIRPCatastrophic Incident Response Plan


CISCatastrophic Incident Supplement

| FEMA |

CISCentral Index System


CISCommunity Information System

| FEMA |

CISCivil Infrastructure Security

| CISA | S&T |

CISsee USCIS for Citizenship and Immigration Services


CISACybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

| CISA |

CISDCritical Incident Stress Debriefing

| FEMA |

CISMCritical Incident Stress Management

| FEMA |

CISMTCritical Incident Stress Management Team

| FEMA |

CISOChief Information Security Officer

| I&A | MGMT |

CISOMBCitizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman

| DHS |

CISSCCentral Information Systems Storage Center

| FEMA |

CITACComputer Intrusion Threat Assessment Center

| FEMA |

CITMOCommercial Information Technology for Multinational Operations

| S&T |

CITPCriminal Investigator Training Program


CJCSChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

| FEMA |

CJISCriminal Justice Information Services


CJTFCommander, Joint Task Force

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CLAIMSComputer Linked Application Information Management System


CLASPConsular Lost and Stolen Passport System

| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

CLASSConsular Lookout and Support System

| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

CLDCConnected Limited Device Configuration

| FEMA |

CLIACivil Liberties Impact Assessment

| CRCL |

CLIVARClimate Variability

| FEMA |

CLMSClaims Specialist

| FEMA |

CLOChief Logistics Officer

| FEMA |

CLOCongressional Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

CLOMAConditional Letter of Map Amendment

| FEMA |

CLOMRConditional Letter of Map Revision

| FEMA |

CLRCommon Language Runtime

| FEMA |

CLSCentral Locator System

| FEMA |

CMCadre Manager

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CMChief of Mission

| FEMA |

CMConfiguration Management

| FEMA |

CMConsequence Management

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CMACertified Medical Assistant

| FEMA |

CMAChemical Manufacturers Association

| FEMA |

CMAChemical Materials Agency

| FEMA |

CMACommunity Map Action (Form)

| FEMA |

CMAACustoms Mutual Assistance Agreement

| CBP |

C-MANPADSCounter-Man-Portable-Air-Defense Systems

| FEMA |

CMASCircular Map Accuracy Standard

| FEMA |

CMASCommercial Mobile Alert System

| FEMA |

CMATConsequence Management Advisory Team

| FEMA |

CMCCenter for Marine Conservation

| FEMA |

CMCCrisis Management Center

| FEMA |

CMCCrisis Management Coordinator

| FEMA |

CMCCustoms Management Centers

| CBP |

CMCACCrisis Management Center Augmentation Cadre

| FEMA |

CMEChief Medical Examiner

| FEMA |

CMEContinuing Medical Education

| FEMA |

CMFCase Management File

| FEMA |

CMGConsequence Management Group

| FEMA |

CMHSCenter for Mental Health Services

| FEMA |

CMIACash Management Improvement Act

| FEMA |

CMIRCurrency and Monetary Instruments Report

| I&A |

CMISCorporate Management Information System

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CMMCapability Maturity Model

| I&A | MGMT |

CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration

| FEMA |

CMOCivil Military Operations

| FEMA |

CMOChief Medical Officer

| CWMD |

CMOCCivil Military Operations Center

| FEMA |

CMRTConsequence Management Response Team

| FEMA |

CMSCall Management System

| FEMA |

CMSCrisis Management System

| FEMA |

CMSCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services

| MGMT |

CMTCrisis Management Team

| FEMA | TSA |

CMTBCountermeasures Test Bed

| S&T |

CMUConcrete Masonry Unit

| FEMA |

CMUCrisis Management Unit

| FEMA |

CMVCommercial Motor Vehicle

| FEMA |

CMXCrisis Management Exercise

| FEMA |

CNCommunications Network

| FEMA |

CNACertified Nursing Assistant

| FEMA |

CNACCustoms National Aviation Center

| FEMA |

CNBCCongress of National Black Churches

| FEMA |

CNCCentral Network Control

| FEMA |

CNCComputer Numerical Control

| FEMA |

CNCSCorporation for National and Community Service

| DHS |

CNDSPComputer Network Defense Service Provider

| FEMA |

CNECounternarcotics Enforcement, Office of (formerly CNO)

| DHS |

CNGBChief of the National Guard Bureau

| FEMA |

CNIESCooperating Nations Information Exchange System

| DHS | CBP | USCG | OPS |

CNMICommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

| FEMA |

CNNCable News Network

| FEMA |

CNOChief of Naval Operations

| USCG |

CNOCounter-Narcotics Office (see CNE)

| FEMA |

CNOCounternarcotics Officer

| ICE |

CNPPDChemical & Nuclear Preparedness and Protection Division

| FEMA |

CNRCenter for National Response, The

| FEMA |

CNSCentral Nervous System

| FEMA |

CNSCorporation for National Security

| DHS |

CNSCCanadian Nuclear Safety Commission

| DHS |

CNSIPClassified National Security Information Program

| MGMT |

CNSNSCommission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards

| FEMA |


| ICE |

CNTCrisis Negotiation Team

| FEMA |

CNUCrisis Negotiations Unit (FBI)

| FEMA |

CNWDICritical Nuclear Weapons Design Information

| FEMA |

COCommanding Officer

| FEMA |

COCommunications Officer

| FEMA |

COContracting Officer

| FEMA |

COCustodial Officer

| FEMA |

CO2Carbon Dioxide

| FEMA |

COACourse of Action

| FEMA |

COACCustoms Operations Advisory Committee

| CBP |

COADCommunity Organizations Active In Disaster

| FEMA |

COAPCenter for Ocean Analysis and Prediction

| FEMA |

COBClose of business

| DHS |

COBOLCommon Business-Oriented Language

| FEMA |

COBRAChemical, Ordnance, Biological, Radiological

| FEMA |

COBRACoastal Barriers Resources Act

| FEMA |

COBRECarry-On Bag Remote Examination

| TSA |

COCCombat Operations Center

| FEMA |

COCCountry of Citizenship

| CBP | ICE |

COCOComputer Coordinator

| FEMA |

COCOMCombatant Command

| FEMA |

COCOMCoordinating Committee

| FEMA |

CODCash on Delivery

| FEMA |

CODELCongressional Delegation

| TSA |

CODISCombined DNA Index System

| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

COEUS Army] Corps of Engineers (see USACE)

| FEMA |

COECenter of Excellence

| S&T | MGMT |

COEMChicago Office of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

COFConstruction of Facilities projects

| FEMA |

COGContinuity of Government

| FEMA |

COGCouncil of Governments

| FEMA |

COGCONContinuity of Government Readiness Conditions System

| I&A |

COGOCoordinate Geometry

| FEMA |

COICommunity of Interest

| DHS |

COICritical Operational Issue

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

COLCost of Living

| FEMA |

COLACombined Operating License Application

| FEMA |

COLACost of Living Allowance

| FEMA |

COLISEUMCommunity On-Line Intelligence System for End Users and Managers

| CISA |

COLTCellular on Light Truck

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

COMComponent Object Model

| FEMA |

COMCCommunications Coordinator

| FEMA |

COMCDTFCommander, Civil Disturbance Task Force

| FEMA |

COMINTCommunications Intelligence

| FEMA |

COMLCommunications Unit Leader

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

COMMDIRCommunications Directory

| FEMA |

CoMNETConsequence Management News, Equipment and Training

| FEMA |

COMPCompensation/Claims Unit Leader

| FEMA |

COMPUSECComputer Security

| FEMA |

COMRELCommunity Relations

| FEMA |

COMSECCommunications Security

| I&A | MGMT |

COMSVCComponent Services (OHA/COMSVC)

| DHS |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CONOContracting Officer

| FEMA |

CONOPSConcept of Operations

| DHS |

CONOPSControl Operations

| FEMA |

CONPLANConcept of Operations Plan

| FEMA |

CONPLANContingency Plan

| FEMA |

CONPLANUnited States Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan (see NRP)

| FEMA |

CONUSContiguous United States

| FEMA |

CONUSContinental United States

| FEMA |

CONUSAContinental United States Army

| FEMA |

COOChief Operating Officer

| FEMA |

COOcontinuity of operations

| MGMT |

COOPContinuity of Operations


COOPContinuity of Operations Plan

| MGMT |

COPChief of Party

| FEMA |

COPChief of Police


COPCommittee of Principals

| FEMA |

COPCommon Operating/Operational Picture

| FEMA |

COPContinuation of Pay

| FEMA |

COPcommunity of practice

| DHS |

COPSCommunity Oriented Policing Service

| FEMA |

CORCentral Office of Record

| FEMA |

CORContracting Officers Representative

| FEMA |

CORBACommon Object Request Broker Architecture

| FEMA |

C-ORDcommercialization operational requirements document

| S&T |

CORECadre of On-call Response Employees

| FEMA |

CORECadre of Response Employees


CORECitizens of Oakland Respond to Emergencies

| FEMA |

COREcapabilities, objectives, resources and evaluation

| MGMT |

CORSContinuously Operating Reference Station

| FEMA |

COSCash on Shipment

| FEMA |

COSChief of Staff

| DHS |

COSINControl Staff Instruction

| FEMA |

COSMICComputer Software Management and Information Center (NASA)

| FEMA |

COSOChief of Staff Office/Operations (former DHS Subcomponent)

| DHS |

COSP (see PLCY)Chief of Staff Office/Policy (former DHS Subcomponent)

| DHS |

COSTCost Unit Leader

| FEMA |

COTHENCellular Over the Horizon Enforcement Network

| CBP | FEMA |

COTPCaptain of the Port

| CBP | USCG |

COTRContracting Officer's Technical Representative

| MGMT |

COTSCommercial Off-the-shelf

| DHS |

COUSCSCommercial Operations of the United States Customs Svc, Advisory Committee on

| CBP |

COWCellular on Wheels

| FEMA |

CPCommand Post

| FEMA |

CPControl Point

| FEMA |

CPCoordination and Planning

| FEMA |

CPACoalition Provisional Authority

| PLCY |

CPASCellular Priority Access System

| FEMA |

CPAVCommunity Program Assistance Visit

| FEMA |

CPCCountry of Particular Concern

| PLCY |

CPCClimate Prediction Center

| FEMA |

CPCCommission on Professional Credentialing

| FEMA |

CPDCommunity Planning and Development

| FEMA |

CPDCommunity Preparedness Division

| FEMA |

CPEContingency Planning Exchange

| FEMA |

CPGCivil Preparedness Guide

| FEMA |

CPGComprehensive Preparedness Guides

| FEMA |

CPHCCentral Pacific Hurricane Center

| FEMA |

CPIConsumer Price Index

| FEMA |

CPIcritical program information

| MGMT |

CPIcontinuous process improvement

| DHS |

CPICCapital Planning and Investment Control

| I&A | MGMT |

cpmcharacters per minute

| FEMA |

cpmcounts per minute

| FEMA |

CPMCCCoalition Partner Mobile Command Center

| FEMA |

CPOChief Procurement Officer

| MGMT |

CPOCentral Processing Office

| FEMA |

CPOTConsolidated Priority Organization Target

| ICE |

CPPACertified Professional Property Administrator

| FEMA |

CPPMCertified Professional Property Manager

| FEMA |

CPPSCertified Professional Property Specialist

| FEMA |

CPRCardiopulmonary Resuscitation

| FEMA |

CPRMCheckpoint Resource Management

| TSA |

CPSCertified Public Secretary

| FEMA |

CPSCConsumer Product Safety Commission

| FEMA | ICE |

CPSDContingency Planning and Support Division

| FEMA |

CPSPComprehensive Passenger Screening Profile

| TSA |

CPTEDCrime Prevention Through Environmental Design

| FEMA |

CPUCentral Processing Unit

| FEMA |

CPXCommand Post Exercise


CQACommandant's Quality Award

| USCG |

CRCivil Rights

| FEMA |

CRClaims Representative

| FEMA |

CRCommunity Relations

| FEMA |

CRCongressional Relations

| FEMA |

CRCounty Road

| FEMA |

CRcontinuing resolution

| S&T |

CRAcertified release authority

| I&A |

CRADACooperative Research and Development Agreement


CRAFCivil Reserve Air Fleet


CRAMPCoral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program

| FEMA |

CRCContamination Reduction Corridor

| FEMA |

CRCCrisis Response Cell

| FEMA |

CRCCurriculum Review Conference


YESCivil Rights and Civil Liberties, Office of

| DHS |

CRCPDConference of Radiation Control Program Directors

| FEMA |

CRDCCybersecurity Research & Development Center

| S&T |

CRDFUnited States Civilian Research & Development Foundation

| S&T |

CRDSConsolidated Remote Delivery Site

| MGMT |

CREATECenter for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events

| S&T | PLCY |

CREMClassified Removable Electronic Media

| FEMA |

CREPCrew Representative

| FEMA |

CRESTContingency Real Estate Support Team

| FEMA |

CREWCascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup

| FEMA |

CRICities Readiness Initiative


CRLCertificate Revocation Lists

| FEMA |

CRMCrisis (or Communications) Resource Manager

| FEMA |

CRMCommon Risk Model

| CISA |

CROCommunity Reuse Organization

| FEMA |

CROCongressional Relations Officer

| FEMA |

CROPCommon Relevant Operational Picture

| FEMA |

CROSSCounterterrorism Reporting on Suspicious Surveillance

| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

CRPConservation Reserve Program

| FEMA |

CRPCritical Review Phase

| FEMA |

CRRCase Resolution Records

| FEMA |

CRRDBComprehensive Reference Resource Database

| FEMA |

CRREL(United States Army) Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory

| FEMA |

CRSCatholic Relief Services

| FEMA |

CRSCommunity Rating System

| FEMA |

CRSCommunity Relations Service

| FEMA |

CRSCongressional Research Service

| FEMA |

CRTCathode Ray Tube

| FEMA |

CRTFCommander, Response Task Force (DOD)

| FEMA |

CRTFCrisis Response Task Force

| FEMA |

(Video) A Dictionary of Information Security Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms ~ Samuel

CRUDCreate, Retrieve, Update, Delete

| FEMA |

CRWBCrew Boss

| FEMA |

CRWG(Hurricane Katrina) Comprehensive Review Working Group

| FEMA |

CRWGCrisis Response Working Group

| FEMA |

CRWRCChristian Reformed World Relief Committee

| FEMA |

CRYSYSCryospheric System

| FEMA |

CRZContamination Reduction Zone

| FEMA |

CSChief of Staff

| FEMA |

CSChief Scientist [NOAA]

| FEMA |

CScritical sensitive [position]

| MGMT |

CS&CCyber Security and Communications, Office of (NPPD/CS&C)

| DHS |

CS&TCyber Security and Telecommunication (see CS&C)

| FEMA |

CS1MContracting Specialist, 1M

| FEMA |

CS25Contracting Specialist, 25K

| FEMA |

CSAChief of Staff, Army

| FEMA |

CSACognizant Security Authority

| FEMA |

CSACommunity Services Administration

| FEMA |

CSACChemical Security Analysis Center

| S&T |

CSAFChief of Staff, Air Force

| FEMA |

CSBUnited States Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board

| FEMA |

CSBGCommunity Services Block Grant

| FEMA |

CSDContainer Security Device

| CBP | S&T |

CSDGMContent Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata

| FEMA |

CSDPChemical Stockpile Disposal Program

| FEMA |

CSECommunications Security Establishment

| FEMA |

CSEMCenter for the Study of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

CSEPPChemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program

| FEMA |

CSGCoordinating Sub-Group

| FEMA |

CSGCouncil of State Governments

| FEMA |

CSGCounterterrorism Security Group

| FEMA |

CSHCombat Support Hospital

| FEMA |

CSHEMACampus Safety, Health & Environmental Management Associations

| FEMA |

CSHIBChemical Safety and Hazards Investigation Board

| FEMA |

CSHOCompliance Safety and Health Officer- OSHA

| FEMA |

CSICustomer Satisfaction Index

| TSA |

CSIContainer Security Initiative

| CBP | TSA |

CSIDCall Subscriber ID

| FEMA |

CSIDCentralized Scheduling and Information Desk

| FEMA |

CSILCommercial Satellite Imagery Library

| FEMA |

CSIRCComputer Security Incident Response Center

| FEMA |

CSIRTComputer Security Incident Response Team

| FEMA |

CSISCenter for Strategic International Studies

| DHS |

CSISCredited Structures Inventory System

| FEMA |

CSISCanadian Security Intelligence Service

| DHS |

CSMChemical Surety Material

| FEMA |

CSMIPCalifornia Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program

| FEMA |

CSOChief Security Officer

| MGMT |

CSOComponent Security Officer

| MGMT |

CSPCertified Safety Professional

| FEMA |

CSPICritical Systems Protective Initiative


CSPOCargo Systems Program Office

| CBP |

CSREESCooperative State Research Education and Extension Service

| FEMA |

CSRSCivil Service Retirement System

| MGMT |

CSTCentral Standard Time

| FEMA |

CSTCivil Support Team (National Guard--for WMD)

| FEMA |

CSTARCCyber Security Tracking, Analysis and Response Center

| CISA |

CSTECouncil of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

| FEMA |

CSUCrime Scene Unit

| USSS |

CSUClearing-Staging Unit

| FEMA |

CSUCustomer Satisfaction Unit

| CRCL |


| I&A |

CT/NP-ESGCounterterrorism and National Preparedness Exercise Sub-Group

| FEMA |

CTACombined Travel Authorization

| FEMA |

CTABCounterterrorism Advisory Board

| I&A |

CTACChemical Transportation Advisory Committee

| USCG |

C-TAPCounter-Terrorism Airport Primacy

| FEMA |


| S&T |

CTBTComprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

| FEMA |

CTCCounterterrorism Center

| I&A |

CTCConference and Training Center

| FEMA |

CTCCCounterproliferation Technology Coordinating Committee

| FEMA |

CTDConcept and Technology Development

| FEMA |

CTDCumulative Trauma Disorder

| FEMA |

CTDCounterterrorist Division

| DHS |

CTFCombined Task Force

| FEMA |

CTGPCompetitive Training Grant Program

| FEMA |

CTIComputer Telephony Integration

| FEMA |

CTIACellular Telecommunications & Internet Association

| FEMA |

CTISSCommon Terrorism Information Sharing Standards

| FEMA |

CTJTFCounter-Terrorism Joint Task Force

| FEMA |

CTOCContainerized Tactical Operations Center

| FEMA |

CTOEMConnecticut Office of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

CTOTFCounter-Terrorism Operations Training Facility


CTPCooperating Technical Partners (Initiative)

| FEMA |

C-TPATCustoms-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism

| CBP |

CTRCrew Time Report

| FEMA |

CTSCarpal Tunnel Syndrome

| FEMA |

CTSCooperating Technical State

| FEMA |

CTSPComputer Technical Specialist

| FEMA |

CTTACertified TEMPEST Technical Authority

| MGMT |

CTTPConsolidated Trusted Traveler Program


CTUChemistry/Toxicology Unit,

| FEMA |

CTUIRConfederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

CUIControlled Unclassified Information

| DHS |

CUIcontrolled but unclassified information

| MGMT |

CULCost Unit Leader

| FEMA |

CULSCultural Specialist

| FEMA |

CUREEConsortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering

| FEMA |

CUSECCentral United States Earthquake Consortium

| FEMA |

CUSPCentral United States Partnership

| FEMA |

CVCombined Verification

| FEMA |

CVCurriculum Vitae

| FEMA |

CVECommon Vulnerabilities and Exposures

| FEMA |

CVEcountering violent extremism

| I&A |

CVICommercial Vehicle Inspection

| FEMA |

CVOCascades Volcano Observatory

| FEMA |

CVPCitizenship Verification Procedures

| FEMA |

CVSClearance Verification System

| FEMA |

CVSCombined Verification Section

| FEMA |

CVVFACumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association

| FEMA |

CWChemical Warfare/Weapons

| FEMA |

CWContinuous Wave

| FEMA |

CWAChemical Warfare Agent

| S&T |

CWAClean Water Act

| FEMA |

CWCChemical Weapons Convention

| FEMA |

CWGConcept Working Group

| FEMA |

CWGContinuity of Operations Working Group

| FEMA |

CWIEDcommand wire improvised explosive device

| S&T |

CWINCritical Infrastructure Warning Information Network

| I&A |

CWINCyberspace Warning Intelligence Network

| FEMA |

CWMDCountering Weapons of Mass Destruction

| DHS |

CWNCall When Needed

| FEMA |

CWPCenter for Watershed Protection

| FEMA |

CWSCheck Writing System

| FEMA |

CWSChurch World Service

| FEMA |

CWSCompressed Work Schedule

| FEMA |

CWSNCisco Works for Switched Networks

| FEMA |

CWUChurch Women United

| FEMA |

CYCalendar Year

| DHS |

cycubic yard

| FEMA |

CZMCoastal Zone Management

| FEMA |

CZMACoastal Zone Management Act

| FEMA |

D/ADepartments and Agencies

| FEMA |

D2PCAn Army computer dispersion modeling capability

| FEMA |

D2PuffAn Army computer dispersion modeling capability that can factor in terrain and wind changes

| FEMA |

DADamage Assessment

| FEMA |

DADeclaration of Applicant

| FEMA |

DADepartment of the Army

| FEMA |

DADisaster Assistance (FEMA/DA)

| DHS |

DADistrict Attorney

| FEMA |

DA PAMDepartment of the Army Pamphlet

| FEMA |

DAADesignated Accrediting Authority

| FEMA |

DAACDistributed Active Archive Center

| FEMA |

DAAMSDepot Area Air Monitoring System

| FEMA |

DAATDHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, & Terms

| DHS |

DACDefense Ammunition Center

| FEMA |

DACDirect Air Carrier

| FEMA |

DACDisaster Assistance Center (or Direct Air Carrier)

| FEMA |

DACADeferred Action for Childhood Arrivals


DACSDeportable Alien Control System


DADDeputy Assistant Director

| FEMA |

DAEDisaster Assistance Employee [aka: "SAE"]


DAEODesignated Agency Ethics Official

| OGC |

DAGCDeputy Associate General Counsel

| OGC |

DAIPDisaster Assistance Improvement Program

| FEMA |

DALISDisaster Assistance Logistics Information System

| FEMA |

DALODisaster Area Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

DAMDigital Asset Management

| I&A | MGMT |

DAMAGESDisaster Accountability Management System

| FEMA |

DANDocument Accountability Number

| FEMA |

DAODefense Attache Office

| I&A |

DAPDisaster Assistance Program

| FEMA |

DARDesignated Agency Representative

| FEMA |

DARACDirect Assistance Replacement Assistance Consideration

| FEMA |

DARCOMDevelopment And Readiness Command

| FEMA |

DARISDisaster Automated Reporting and Information System

| FEMA |

DARODefense Airborne Reconnaissance Office

| FEMA |

DARPdata access request process

| MGMT |

DARPADefense Advance Research Projects Agency

| CISA | S&T |

DARTDisaster Assistance and Response Team

| USCG |

DARTDaily Advisories/Risk and Threat

| FEMA |

DARTDamage Assessment Reconnaissance Team

| FEMA |

DARTDHS Accessibility Requirements Tool

| FEMA |

DARTDisaster Assessment and Recovery Team

| FEMA |

DARTDisaster Assessment and Response Team

| FEMA |

DASA(ECW)Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for the Elimination of Chemical Weapons

| FEMA |

DASCDisaster Assistance Support Center

| FEMA |

DASHDeputy Assistant Secretary for Health

| FEMA |

DASHODesignated Agency Safety and Health Official

| FEMA |

DASPDisaster Assistance Support Program

| FEMA |

DASTDisaster Assessment Survey Team

| FEMA |

DATDigital Audio Tape

| FEMA |

DAWGDisaster Attache Working Group

| PLCY |

DAWIADefense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

dB(A/B/C)Indicating The Method Used to Weight Sound Frequencies When Measuring Sound Pressure Levels

| FEMA |

DBADatabase Administrator

| FEMA |

DBADesign Basis Accident

| FEMA |

DBMSDatabase Management System

| I&A | MGMT |

DBTdesign-basis threat

| MGMT |

DCDangerous Contact

| FEMA |

DCDirect Current

| FEMA |

DCDislocated Civilians

| FEMA |

DCDistrict of Columbia

| FEMA |

DCDry Chemical

| FEMA |

DCdirect current

| S&T |

DCADefense Communications Agency


DCADisaster Communication Agreement

| FEMA | OPA |

DCAADefense Contract Audit Agency

| S&T |

DCACDemilitarization Chemical Agent Concentrator

| FEMA |

DCASDocument Control and Accountability System

| FEMA |

DCBPDouble Check Backflow Preventer

| FEMA |

DCCDocument Control Center

| FEMA |

DCCDonation Coordination Center

| FEMA |

DCCCDefense Collection Coordination Center

| FEMA |

DCDDeseret Chemical Depot

| FEMA |

DCEDefense Coordinating Element

| FEMA |

DCEDisaster Communications Equipment

| FEMA | OPA |

DCE/MED TFDisaster Coordinating Element/ Medical Task Force

| FEMA |

DCEMADistrict of Columbia Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

DCFODeputy Chief Financial Officer

| FEMA |

DCFSADependent Care Flexible Spending Account

| FEMA |

DCGDisaster Control Group

| FEMA |

DCHDDuPage County Health Department

| FEMA |

DCIDirector of Central Intelligence

| DHS | I&A |

DCIDDirector of Central Intelligence Directive

| FEMA |

DCISDefense Criminal Investigative Service

| DHS |

DCIXDHS Counterintelligence Executive

| I&A |


| FEMA |

DCLODeputy Congressional Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

DCMDeputy Chief of Mission

| FEMA |

DCMIDublin Core Metadata Initiative

| MGMT |

DCNDisaster Contractors Network

| FEMA |

DCNDocument Control Number

| FEMA |

DCODefense Coordinating Officer

| FEMA |

DCODisaster Coordinating Office

| FEMA |

DCPDevelopment Concept Plan

| FEMA |

DCPADefense Civil Preparedness Agency

| FEMA |

DCPDSDefense Civilian Personnel Data System

| FEMA |

DCPSDigital Cartographic Production System

| FEMA |

DCSDigital Control System

| S&T |

DCSData Collection System

| FEMA |

DCSDefense Communications System

| FEMA |

DCSDefense Courier Service

| FEMA |

DCSDeputy Chief of Staff

| FEMA |

DCTData Collection Tool

| FEMA |

DCTDonations Coordination Team

| FEMA |

DCVDetector Check Valve

| FEMA |

DCWDBDirection, Control and Warning Database

| FEMA |

DCXDirection and Control Exercise

| FEMA |

DDDamaged Dwelling

| FEMA |

DDDefensive Driving

| FEMA |

DDDirect Dial

| FEMA |

DDDynamic Data

| FEMA |

DDDDirect Distance Dialing

| FEMA |

DDEDynamic Data Exchange

| FEMA |

DDLData Definition Language

| FEMA |

DDODeputy Director of Operations

| FEMA |

DDOSDistributed Denial of Service

| USSS |

DDPData-Derived Product

| FEMA |

DDRMDeputy Disaster Recovery Manager

| FEMA |

DEAData Exchange Agreement

| FEMA |

DEADrug Enforcement Administration

| DHS |

DEACDeemed Export Advisory Council

| PLCY |

DEASDigital Emergency Alert System

| FEMA |

DEASTPDigital Evidence Acquisition Specialist Training Program


DECDCI Environmental Center

| FEMA |

DECDirector’s Executive Council

| FEMA |

DECDisaster Emergency Communications

| FEMA |

DECDisasters Emergency Committee

| FEMA |

DECDDepartment of Economic and Community Development

| FEMA |

DECKDeck Coordinator

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

DEDDepartment of Education

| FEMA |

DEEDepartment Environmental Executive (DHS)

| FEMA |

DEEDSData Elements for Emergency Department Systems (CDC)

| FEMA |

DEERSDefense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System

| FEMA |

DEFCONDefense Condition

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

DEIDose Equivalent Iodine

| FEMA |

DELODeputy Environmental Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

DEMDepartment of Environmental Management

| FEMA |

DEMDigital Elevation Model

| FEMA |

DEMDivision of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

DEMADepartment of Energy and Military Affairs

| FEMA |

DEMSDomestic Emergency Management System

| FEMA |

DENDomestic Events Network

| FEMA |

DEODetention Enforcement Officer

| ICE |

DEPDepartment of Environmental Protection

| FEMA |

DEPDomestic Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

DEPERDeployed Personnel Report

| FEMA |

DEPSDomestic Emergency Planning System

| FEMA |

DEPSECDeputy Secretary

| FEMA |

DEPSECDEFDeputy Secretary of Defense

| FEMA |

DEQDepartment of Environmental Quality

| FEMA |

DERCDamage Estimates, Ranges and Casualties

| FEMA |

DERFDefense Emergency Response Fund

| FEMA |

DERISDomestic Emergency Response Information Services

| FEMA |

DESData Encryption Standard

| FEMA |

DESDisaster Emergency Services

| FEMA |

DESDivision of Emergency Services

| FEMA |

DESCOMDepot System Command

| FEMA |

DESTDomestic Emergency Support Team

| FEMA |

DETERDefense Technology Experimental Research

| S&T |

DEWDistant Early Warning

| FEMA |

DFADirect Federal Assistance

| FEMA |

DFAADelegation of Financial Assistance Authority

| MGMT |

DFAITDepartment of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

| PLCY |

DFASDefense Financial Accounting Service

| ICE |

DFCODeputy Federal Coordinating Officer

| FEMA |

DFIRMDigital Flood Insurance Rate Map

| FEMA |

DFIRM-DLGDigital Flood Insurance Rate Map - Digital Line Graph

| FEMA |

DFODesignated Federal Official


DFODisaster Field Office

| FEMA |

DFOMDisaster Field Operations Management

| FEMA |

DFOMCDisaster Field Operations Management Course

| FEMA |

DFRNDisaster Federal Register Notice

| FEMA |

DFSGDisaster Financial Services Group

| FEMA |

DFSRDisaster Financial Status Report

| FEMA |

DFTODisaster Field Training Office

| FEMA |

DFTODisaster Field Training Organization

| FEMA |

DG/CSDangerous Goods/Cargo Security

| CBP | TSA |

DGCODeputy Grant Coordinating Officer

| FEMA |

DGNDesign (File)

| FEMA |

DGPSDifferential Global Positioning System

| FEMA |

DGSADOD Goal Security Architecture

| FEMA |

DGZDesired Ground Zero

| FEMA |

DHDisaster Housing

| FEMA |

DHADisaster Housing Assistance

| FEMA |

DHAPDisaster Housing Assistance Program

| FEMA |

DHCDisaster Housing Checkwriter

| FEMA |

DHCDDepartment of Housing and Community Development

| FEMA |

DHelpDisaster Help Web Site

| FEMA |

DHFDengue Hemorrhagic Fever

| FEMA |

DHHSDepartment of Health and Human Services

| FEMA |

DHODisaster Housing Officer (replaced by IA Program/HA Manager)

| FEMA |

DHPDisaster Housing Program (replaced by IHP/HA)

| FEMA |

DHSDisaster Health Service

| FEMA |

DHSU.S. Department of Homeland Security

| DHS |

DHS CATDHS Crisis Action Team

| I&A |

DHS-IEDepartment of Homeland Security Intelligence Enterprise

| I&A |

DHS-ISEDHS Information Sharing Environment

| MGMT |

DHUDDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (also HUD)

| FEMA |

DIADefense Intelligence Agency

| CISA | I&A |

DIACDefense Intelligence & Analysis Center

| I&A |

DIAODeputy Individual Assistance Officer

| FEMA |

DIBDefense Industrial Base

| CISA |

DICDeputy Incident Commander

| FEMA |

DICEDEA Internet Connectivity Endeavor

| I&A |

DIDDirect Inward Dial

| FEMA |

DIDADetection, Identification, and Assessment

| FEMA |

DIDSDecision Information Distribution System

| FEMA |

DIFAXDigital Facsimile

| FEMA |

DIHSDivision of Immigration Health Services


DIIDefense Information Infrastructure

| FEMA |

DILDerived Intervention Level

| FEMA |

DIMCDigital Identity Management Center

| ICE |

DIMHRSDefense Integrated Military Human Resources System

| FEMA |

DIMODefense Institute of Medical Operations

| FEMA |

DIMOSDrug Intelligence Method of Operation System

| ICE |


| FEMA |

DIRDomestic Imagery Requirement

| FEMA |

DIRCDisaster Information Resource Center

| FEMA |

DIRNSADirector, National Security Agency

| FEMA |

DISDefense Investigative Service

| FEMA |

DISDistributed Interactive Simulation

| FEMA |

DISdigital imaging system

| MGMT |

DISADefense Information Systems Agency

| CISA |

DISCDisaster Information System Clearinghouse

| FEMA |

DISCODefense Industrial Security Clearance Office

| FEMA |

DISCODefense Industrial Security Clearance Officer

| FEMA |

DISNDefense Information System Network

| FEMA |

Disposition PTAdisposition privacy threshold analysis

| I&A |

DISUMDaily Intelligence Summary

| FEMA |

DISUMDisaster Summary

| FEMA |

DIVSDivision/Group Supervisor

| FEMA |

DLADefense Logistics Agency


DLGDigital Line Graph

| FEMA |

DLG-3Digital Line Graph Level 3

| FEMA |

DLLDynamic-Link Library

| FEMA |

DLSDisaster Legal Services

| FEMA |

DLSGPDriver's License Security Grant Program

| FEMA |

DLTDepartment Leadership Team

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

DMDisaster Management


DMADefense Mapping Agency

| FEMA |

DMADesignated Market Area

| FEMA |

DMADisaster Mitigation Act

| FEMA |

DMADisaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (also called DMA 2000 or DMA2K)

| FEMA |

DMACDisaster Management Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

DMAGDeputy’s Management Action Group

| MGMT |

DMATDisaster Medical Assistance Team

| FEMA | OPS |

DMDCDefense Manpower Data Center

| FEMA |

DMHDepartment of Mental Health

| FEMA |

DMHDisaster Mental Health

| FEMA |

DMHTDisaster Mental Health Team

| FEMA |

DMIDisaster Management Interoperability

| FEMA |

DMIATFData Management Improvement Act Task Force, INS

| DHS |

DMISDisaster Management Interoperability Services

| S&T |

DMI-Services (or DMIS)Disaster Management Interoperability Services

| FEMA |

DMOBDemobilization Unit Leader

| FEMA |

DMORTDisaster Mortuary Operational Response Team

| FEMA | OPS |

DMRISDefense Medical Regulating Information System

| FEMA |

DMRSData Management and Retrieval System

| FEMA |

DMSDispatch Messaging System

| FEMA |

DMSDocument Management System

| FEMA |

DMSSDefense Medical Surveillance System

| FEMA |

DMVDepartment of Motor Vehicles

| FEMA |

DNADefense Nuclear Agency

| FEMA |

DNADeoxyribonucleic acid

| FEMA | S&T |

DNATDefense Nuclear Advisory Team

| FEMA |

DNDDepartment of National Defense

| FEMA |

DNDODomestic Nuclear Detection Office (see CWMD)

| DHS |

DNFDid Not Finish

| FEMA |

DNFSBDefense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

| FEMA |

DNIDirector of National Intelligence

| DHS |

DNRDepartment of Natural Resources

| FEMA |

DNSDepartment of Nuclear Safety

| FEMA |

DNSDomain Name Server

| FEMA |

DNSSECDomain Name System Security Extensions

| FEMA |

DODesignated Official (OEP)

| FEMA |

DODigital Orthophoto

| FEMA |

DODirector of Operations

| FEMA |

DODisaster Operations (FEMA/DO)

| DHS |

DOADead On Arrival

| FEMA |

DOADepartment of Agriculture

| FEMA |

DOBDate of Birth

| FEMA |

DOBDuplication of Benefits

| FEMA |

DOCDepartment Operations Center

| FEMA |

DOCDiscrete Organic Chemicals

| FEMA |

DOCDepartment of Corrections

| ICE |

DOCDepartment of Conservation

| FEMA |

DOCUnited States Department of Commerce

| DHS |

DOCLDocumentation Unit Leader

| FEMA |

DODUnited States Department of Defense

| DHS |

DODDDepartment of Defense Directive

| DHS |

DODESBDepartment of Defense Explosive Safety Board

| FEMA |

DODMSDOD Discovery Metadata Standard

| FEMA |

DODRDBDepartment of Defense Resource Database

| DHS |

DOEUnited States Department of Energy

| DHS |

DOEdUnited States Department of Education (see ED)

| FEMA |

DOGDeployable Operations Group


DOHDepartment of Health

| FEMA |

DOIInnovation/HSARPA Division (S&T/DOI)

| DHS |

DOIUnited States Department of the Interior

| DHS |

DOIMDirector of Information Management

| FEMA |

DOJUnited States Department of Justice

| DHS |

DOLUnited States Department of Labor

| DHS |

DOLPDisaster Operations Leadership Program

| FEMA |

DOMDisaster Operations Manual

| FEMA |

DOMODomestic Operations (USCIS/DOMO)

| DHS |

DOMSDirector of Military Support

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

DOQDigital Orthophoto Quadrangle

| FEMA |

DORResearch Division (S&T/DOR)

| DHS |

DOSDisk Operating System

| FEMA |

DOSUnited States Department of State

| DHS |

DOTTransition Division (S&T/DOT)

| DHS |

DOTUnited States Department of Transportation

| DHS |

DOZBDozer Boss

| FEMA |

DPDisaster Preparedness

| FEMA |

DPDouble Pedestal

| FEMA |

DP#(Drop points are numbered and marked locations on a fire where people meet, equipment is exchanged, and resources may be stationed.)

| FEMA |

DPADeepwater Ports Act

| FEMA |

DPADefense Production Act

| FEMA |

DPADelegation of Procurement Authority

| I&A | MGMT |

DPAODeputy Public Affairs Officer

| FEMA |

DPAODeputy Public Assistance Officer

| FEMA |

DPASDefense Priorities and Allocations System

| FEMA |

DPCDomestic Policy Council

| FEMA |

DPETAPDomestic Preparedness Equipment Technical Assistance Program (NDPC)

| FEMA |

DPFODeputy Principal Federal Official

| FEMA |

DPGDefense Planning Guidance

| FEMA |

DPIGDisaster Preparedness Improvement Grant

| FEMA |

DPMDisintegrations Per Minute

| FEMA |

DPMTDisaster Pediatric Medical Team

| FEMA |

DPMUDisaster Portable Morgue Unit

| FEMA |

DPODDisaster Personnel Operations Division

| FEMA |

DPPDisaster Processing Procedures


DPPDomestic Preparedness Program


DPPCData Protection and Privacy Commissioners

| DHS |

DPREDisplaced Persons, Refugees and Evacuees

| FEMA |

DPRODisplay Processor

| FEMA |

DPSDepartment of Public Safety

| FEMA |

DPSDry Pendent Sprinkler

| FEMA |

DPVDry Pipe Valve

| FEMA |

DPWDepartment of Public Works


DRDisaster Declaration Number (alphabetic designation or precursor for)

| FEMA |

DRDisaster Recovery

| FEMA |

DRDisaster Response

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

DRASHDeployable Rapid-Assembly Shelter

| FEMA |

DRATDistrict Response Advisory Team

| FEMA |

DRCDisaster Recovery Center

| FEMA |

DRDDirect-Reading Dosimeter

| FEMA |

DRECDeputy Regional Emergency Coordinator

| FEMA |

DRESDisaster Response Evaluation System

| FEMA |

DRFDisaster Relief Fund

| FEMA |

DRFDisaster Response Force

| FEMA |

DRGDigital Raster Graphic

| FEMA |

DRGDisaster Response Group

| FEMA |

DRGDistrict Response Group

| FEMA |

DRGDomestic Readiness Group

| FEMA |

DRIIDisaster Recovery Institute International

| FEMA |

DRLDerived Response Levels

| FEMA |

DRMData Reference Model

| MGMT |

DRODetention and Removal Office (ICE/DRO)

| DHS |

DRPDivision of Radiation Protection

| FEMA |

DRSDisaster Reconnaissance System

| FEMA |

DRSFDisaster Response Support Facilities

| FEMA |

DRSSDivision of Radiation Safety and Safeguards

| FEMA |

DRTDisaster Response Team (NIMA)

| FEMA |

DRTFDisaster Relief Task Force

| FEMA |

DRUDirect Reporting Unit

| FEMA |

DRUDisaster Resistant Universities

| FEMA |

DRUDisaster Response Unit

| FEMA |

DRWDDisaster Reserve Workforce Division

| FEMA |

DSDamage Survey

| FEMA |

DSDeputy Secretary

| FEMA |

DSADigital Standard Algorithm

| I&A |

DSBDefense Science Board

| FEMA |

DSBCCDetection Systems for Biological & Chemical Countermeasures

| S&T |

DSCDigital Selective Calling

| FEMA |

DSCADefense Support of Civil Authorities

| FEMA |

DSCODeputy State Coordinating Officer

| FEMA |

DSCSDefense Satellite Communications System

| FEMA |

DSEADomestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003

| OGC |

DSECDeputy Secretary

| DHS |

DSELDynamic Synchronization Event Log

| FEMA |

DSESDirectory Services and E-mail System

| MGMT |

DSFODeputy Senior FEMA Official

| FEMA |

DSLDigital Subscriber Line

| FEMA |

DSNDefense Switched Network

| FEMA |

DSODirector of Site Operations

| FEMA |

DSODisaster Safety Officer

| FEMA |

DSPDisaster Support Package

| FEMA |

DSRDamage Survey Report

| FEMA |

DSSDigital Signature Standard

| FEMA |

DSSDecision Support System

| CISA |

DSSDiplomatic Security Service

| ICE | USSS |

DSSGDefense Science Study Group

| S&T |

DSWADefense Special Weapons Agency

| CISA |

DTDevelopment Team

| FEMA |

DT&EDevelopment Test and Evaluation

| FEMA |

DT/CPSDomestic Terrorism/Counterterrorism Planning Section (FBIHQ)

| FEMA |

DTAPPSDisposable Toxicological Agent Personal Protection System

| FEMA |

DTDData Transfer Device

| FEMA |

DTDDocument Type Definition

| FEMA |

DTEDisaster Temporary Employee(s)


DTEDDigital Terrain Elevation Data

| FEMA |

DTGDate-Time Group

| FEMA |

DTICDefense Technical Information Center

| FEMA |

DTMDigital Terrain Model

| FEMA |

DTMFdual tone multi frequency switch

| S&T |

DTMSDisaster Transportation Management System

| FEMA |

DTODrug Trafficking Organization

| ICE |

DTOCDeployable Tactical Operations Center

| FEMA |

DTOSDeployable Tactical Operations System

| FEMA |

DTRADefense Threat Reduction Agency

| CISA | CWMD | I&A |

DTRGDefense Technical Response Group

| FEMA |

DTRIMDomestic Threat Reduction and Incident Management

| FEMA |

DTSDiplomatic Telecommunications Service

| FEMA |

DTSADefense Technical Security Agency

| FEMA |

DUDobson Unit

| FEMA |

DUADisaster Unemployment Assistance

| FEMA |

DUHDetached Unit Housing

| FEMA |

DULDocumentation Unit Leader

| FEMA |

DULL SWORDNuclear safety deficiency

| FEMA |

DUNSData Universal Numbering System

| MGMT |

DURCdual use research of concern [life sciences]

| S&T |

DUSDeputy Under Secretary

| FEMA |

DUSIODeputy Under Secretary for Intelligence Operations

| I&A |

DUSMDeputy United States Marshal

| FEMA |

DUST OFFMedical Evacuation via Helicopter (slang)

| FEMA |

DVDistinguished Visitor

| FEMA |

DVADepartment of Veterans Affairs

| FEMA |

DVDDigital Versatile Disk

| FEMA |

DVMDoctor of Veterinary Medicine

| FEMA |

DWData Window

| FEMA |

DWGDrawing (file)

| FEMA |

DWIDisaster Welfare Information (or Inquiry)

| FEMA |

DWIDriving While Intoxicated

| FEMA |

DWMLDigital Weather Markup Language

| FEMA |

DWRDepartment of Water Resources

| FEMA |

DWTDead Weight

| FEMA |

DWTdeadweight ton

| PLCY |

DXFDrawing Exchange Format

| FEMA |

DZOPDozer Operator

| FEMA |

E 911Enhanced 9-1-1

| FEMA |

E numberEquipment number

| FEMA |

E.O.Executive Order of the President

| FEMA |

EAEastern Area

| FEMA |

EAEmergency Action

| FEMA |

EAEnergy Assurance

| FEMA |

EAEnvironmental Assessment

| FEMA |

EAExternal Affairs

| FEMA |

EAEnterprise Architecture

| MGMT |

EABEnterprise Architecture Board

| FEMA |

EABExclusion Area Boundary

| FEMA |

EACCEastern Area Coordination Center

| FEMA |

EACGEastern Area Coordinating Group

| FEMA |

EACOEEnterprise Architecture Center of Excellence

| MGMT |

EACTEmergency Action and Coordination Team

| FEMA |

EADExecutive Associate Director

| FEMA |

EADEmployment Authorization Document


EADRCCEuro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center

| FEMA |

EAGExercise Analysis Group

| FEMA |

EAGLEEnterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions

| MGMT |

EAIEnterprise Application Integration

| I&A | MGMT |

EALEmergency Action Level

| FEMA |

EALEntry Authority List

| FEMA |

EAMEmergency Action Message

| FEMA |

EAOEmergency Action Officer

| FEMA |

EAOEnergy Assurance Office (see also EA)

| FEMA |

EAPEmergency Action Plan

| FEMA |

EAPEmergency Action Procedures

| FEMA |

EAPEmergency Assistance Personnel

| FEMA |

EAPEmployee Assistance Program

| FEMA |

EAPEvent Action Plan

| FEMA |

e-APISelectronic-Advanced Passenger Information System

| FEMA |

EAPMOEnterprise Architecture Program Management Office

| MGMT |

EAREmergency Alert Radio

| FEMA |

EARExercise Analysis Report

| FEMA |

EARNEmployer Assistance Referral Network

| CRCL |

EARSEmergency Animal Rescue Service

| FEMA |

EARTEvening Advisory Risk Threat

| FEMA |

EASEmergency Alert System

| FEMA |

EAWAEmploy American Workers Act

| FEMA |

EBREndogenous Biological Regulators

| S&T |

EBSEmergency Broadcast System (see EAS)

| FEMA |

EBTElectronic Benefits Transfer

| FEMA |

EBWElectronic Bridge Wire

| FEMA |

EBWExploding Bridge Wire

| FEMA |

EBWexploding bridge wire initiator

| S&T |

ECElectronic Commerce

| FEMA |

ECElevation Certificate

| FEMA |

ECEmergency Coordinator

| FEMA |

ECEnvironment of Care (medical)

| FEMA |

ECExtraordinary Circumstances

| FEMA |

ECAEarth-orbit Crossing Asteroid

| FEMA |

ECAEdgewood Chemical Activity

| FEMA |

ECABEmergency Change Advisory Board

| MGMT |

ECAPSEnterprise Coordination & Approval Processing System

| FEMA |

ECBCEdgewood Chemical Biological Center

| FEMA |

ECCEmergency Communications Center

| FEMA | OPA |

ECCSEmergency Core Cooling System

| FEMA |

ECCVEmergency Command and Control Vehicle

| FEMA |

ECDEffective Cumulative Dose

| FEMA |

ECDEmergency Contacts Directory

| FEMA |

ECDEstimated Completion Date

| FEMA |

ECFGEmergency Coordination Functional Group

| FEMA |

ECGEmergency Coordination Group

| FEMA |

ECGExercise Control Group

| FEMA |

ECIExport-Controlled Information

| FEMA |

ECLEmergency Classification Level

| FEMA |

ECNExecutive Control Node

| FEMA |

ECPEmergency Conservation Program

| FEMA |

ECPEntry Control Point

| FEMA |

ECPCEmergency Communications Preparedness Center

| FEMA |

ECSElectronic Certification System

| FEMA |

ECSEmergency Communications Staff

| FEMA |

ECSEmergency Coordinating Staff

| FEMA |

ECSAPElectronic Crimes Special Agent Program

| USSS |

ECTEmergency Coordinating Team,

| FEMA |

ECTExercise Control Team

| FEMA |

ECTSee IQ (formerly Executive or Enterprise Correspondence Tracking System)

| DHS |

ECTFElectronic Crimes Task Force

| USSS |

ECUEnvironmental Control Unit

| FEMA |

ECWAGEmergency Community Water Assistance Grant

| FEMA |

EDEffective Dose

| S&T |

EDEmergency Department

| FEMA |

EDUnited States Department of Education

| DHS |

ED&DGExercise Design and Development Group

| FEMA |

EDAEconomic Development Administration

| FEMA |

EDACEconomic Defense Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

EDAPExcess Delivery Acquisition Program

| FEMA |

EDCEnergy Disruption Committee

| FEMA |

EDCEROS Data Center

| FEMA |

EDDExplosive Detection Device

| TSA |

EDEEffective Dose Equivalent

| FEMA |

EDENEducation Disaster Extension Network

| OPA |

EDIElectronic Data Interchange

| CBP | I&A | MGMT | PLCY |

EDIFACTEDI for Administration, Commerce, and Transport

| FEMA |

EDISEmergency Disaster Information System

| FEMA |

EDITHExit Drills In The Home

| FEMA |

EDLEnvironmental Disposal Liability

| FEMA |

EDMOEnterprise Data Management Office (formerly MCOE)

| MGMT |

EDPPElectronic Design and Pre-Press

| FEMA |

EDREconomic Development Representative

| FEMA |

EDRExternal Data Request

| FEMA |

EDRCExpanded Dispatch Recorder

| FEMA |

EDSExplosive Detection System(s)

| FEMA | TSA |

EDTEastern Daylight Time

| DHS |

EDTExplosive Device Team

| FEMA |

EDXLEmergency Data Exchange Language

| FEMA |

EDXL-DEEDXL Distribution Element

| FEMA |

EDXL-RMEmergency Data Exchange Language Resource Messaging

| FEMA |

EEEEastern Equine Encephalitis

| FEMA |

EEEEssential Evaluation Elements

| FEMA |

EEGExercise Evaluation Guide

| FEMA |

EEGLEmergency Exposure Guidance Level

| FEMA |

EEIExternal Environment Interface

| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |

EEIEssential Elements of Information

| DHS |

EEMExercise Evaluation Methodology

| FEMA |

EENETEmergency Education Network

| FEMA |

EEOEqual Employment Office

| FEMA |

EEOEqual Employment Opportunity

| FEMA |

EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission


EEREligible Existing Resources

| FEMA |

EERIEarthquake Engineering Research Institute

| FEMA |

EESLExtreme Events Simulation Laboratory

| S&T |

EETEmergency Evacuation Team

| FEMA |

EEVSEmployment Eligibility Verification System


EEXEmployee Express

| FEMA |

EEZExclusive Economic Zone

| FEMA |

EFAPEmergency Feed Assistance Program

| FEMA |

EFLenvironmental financial liabilities

| S&T |

EFOEmergency Field Office

| FEMA |

EFOPExecutive Fire Officer Program

| FEMA |

EFPEmergency Feed Program

| FEMA |

EFPexplosively formed projectile charge

| S&T |

EFPOPExecutive Fire Prevention Officer Program

| FEMA |

EFSEmergency Food & Shelter

| FEMA |

EFSNBEmergency Food and Shelter National Board

| FEMA |

EFSPEmergency Food and Shelter Program

| FEMA |

EFTElectronic Funds Transfer

| FEMA |

E-GISDHS-wide enterprise GIS system

| FEMA |

EGMEnhancing Grants Management

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

EHMEarthquake Hazard Mitigation

| FEMA |

EHPEnvironmental Planning & Historic Preservation

| FEMA |

EHPEnvironmental/Historic Preservation

| FEMA |

EHRElectronic Health Records

| FEMA |

EHSExtremely Hazardous Substance

| FEMA |

EHUEmergency Housing Unit

| FEMA |

EIExercise Information

| FEMA |

EICEarned Income Credit

| FEMA |

EICEmergency Interoperability Consortium

| FEMA |

EICCEmergency Information and Coordination Center

| FEMA |

EIDEnforcement Integrated Database

| CBP | ICE | USCIS | I&A | PLCY |

EIDAExecutive Information and Display Area

| FEMA |

EIDLEconomic Injury Disaster Loan

| FEMA |

EIIPEmergency Information Infrastructure Partnership

| FEMA |

EIMEmergency Information Management

| FEMA |

EIMAEmergency Information and Media Affairs

| FEMA |

EINEmployer Identification Number

| FEMA |

EIOEmergency Information Officer

| FEMA |

EIPAEmergency Information and Public Affairs

| FEMA |

EIPTExercise Integrated Process Team

| FEMA |

EIRSEmergency Information Retrieval System

| FEMA |

EISEpidemic Intelligence Service

| I&A |

EISEmergency Information System

| FEMA | OPA |

EISEnvironmental Impact Statement

| FEMA |

EISEpidemiological Intelligence Service

| FEMA |

EITElectronic Information Technology

| CRCL |

EITelectronic and information technology

| MGMT |

EITSEnhanced International Travel Security System

| S&T | PLCY | PRIV |

EJEnvironmental Justice

| FEMA |

EKUEastern Kentucky University

| FEMA |

ELCEngineering Logistics Center

| USCG |

ELFEarth Liberation Front

| FEMA |

ELINTElectronic Intelligence

| CWMD | I&A | OPS |

ELOEnabling Learning Objectives

| FEMA |

ELOEnvironmental Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

ELREmployee Labor Relations

| FEMA |

ELTEmergency Location Transmitter

| USCG |

ELTEvacuation Liaison Team

| FEMA |

EMEmergency Management

| FEMA |

EMEmergency Manager

| FEMA |

EMEnvironmental Management

| FEMA |

EMExercise Manual

| FEMA |

EMAEmergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

EMACEmergency Management Assistance Compact

| FEMA |

E-mailElectronic Mail

| FEMA |

EMAPEmergency Management Accreditation Program Standard

| FEMA | S&T |

EMASEmergency Management Assessment System

| FEMA |

EMDElectronic Monitoring Device

| ICE |

EMDEmergency Management Director

| FEMA |

EMDEmergency Management Division

| FEMA |

EMDEmergency Medical Dispatcher

| FEMA |

EMERCOMEmergency Command

| FEMA |

EMERGCONEmergency Condition

| FEMA |

eMerge2electronically Managing enterprise resources for government effectiveness and efficiency

| DHS |

EMERSEmergency Management Exercise Reporting System

| FEMA |

EMIElectromagnetic Interference

| FEMA |

EMIEmergency Management Institute

| FEMA |

EMIEmergency Management Institute, Board of Visitors for the

| FEMA |

EMIOExpanded Maritime Interdiction Operation

| USCG |

EMISEmergency Management Information System

| FEMA |

EMLEnvironmental Measurements Laboratory

| S&T | CWMD |

EMMIEEmergency Management Mission Integrated Environment (disasters)

| FEMA |

EMNPPEmergency Management and National Preparedness Program

| FEMA |

EMOCEmergency Management Operations Center

| FEMA |

EMOCEmergency Management Operations Course

| FEMA |

EMPElectromagnetic Pulse

| FEMA |

EMPEmergency Management Plan

| FEMA |

EMPAEmergency Management Planning and Assistance

| FEMA |

EMPGEmergency Management Performance Grant

| FEMA |

EMPOEmergency Medical Preparedness Office

| FEMA |

EMPSEmergency Management Program Specialist

| FEMA |

EMPTY QUIVERTheft, seizure, or loss of a nuclear weapon or component

| FEMA |

EMRElectromagnetic Radiation

| FEMA |

EMREmergency Minimal Repair

| FEMA |

EMREnvironmental Management Review

| FEMA |

EMR-ISACEmergency Management & Response-Information Sharing & Analysis Center

| FEMA |

EMRSEmergency Management Response System

| FEMA |

EMRTEmergency Medical Response Team

| FEMA |

EMSEmergency Management Specialist

| FEMA |

EMSEmergency Medical Services

| FEMA |

EMSEmergency Medical System

| FEMA |

EMSEnvironmental Management System

| FEMA |

EMSEvacuation Management System

| FEMA |

EMSHGEmergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group

| FEMA |

EMSSAEmergency Medical Services System Act

| FEMA |

EMSTEACEmergency Medical Services Training Education Advisory Council

| MGMT |

EMTEmergency Management Team

| FEMA |

EMTEmergency Management Training

| FEMA |

EMTEmergency Medical Technician

| FEMA |

EMTALAEmergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act

| FEMA |

EMTASCEmergency Management Training, Analysis & Simulation Center

| FEMA |

EMT-BEmergency Medical Technician - Basic

| FEMA |

EMT-IEmergency Medical Technician - Intermediate

| FEMA |

EMT-PEmergency Medical Technician - Paramedic

| FEMA |

EMWINEmergency Managers Weather Information Network

| FEMA |

ENDExotic Newcastle Disease

| FEMA |

ENDEXEnd of Exercise

| FEMA |

ENGBEngine Boss

| FEMA |

ENOPEngine Operator

| FEMA |

ENREnvironmental and Natural Resources

| FEMA |

ENSEmergency Notification Service/System

| FEMA |

ENSOEl Nino / Southern Oscillation

| FEMA |


| FEMA | OGC |

EOEmergency Office

| FEMA |

EOEnvironmental Officer

| FEMA |

EOExecutive Order

| FEMA | OGC |

EOExterior Orientation (Parameter)

| FEMA |

EO/IRElectro Optical/Infrared

| CBP | ICE |

EOCEmergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

EOCEuropean Olympic Committee

| FEMA |

EODEntered on Duty

| FEMA |

EODExplosive Ordnance Disposal

| FEMA | S&T |

EODentrance on duty

| MGMT |

EODentry on duty

| MGMT |

EOD determinationentry on duty determination

| MGMT |

EOD determinationentrance on duty determination

| MGMT |

EOEEqual Opportunity Employer

| FEMA |

EOEAExecutive Office of Environmental Affairs

| FEMA |

EOFEmergency Operations/Operating Facility

| FEMA |

EOFEnd of File

| FEMA |

EOGExercise Observation Group

| FEMA |

EOIRExecutive Office for Immigration Review


EOMEnd of Month

| FEMA |

EOOEmergency Operations Organization

| FEMA |

EOPEmergency Operations/Operating Plan

| FEMA |

EOPExecutive Office of the President

| DHS |

EOPExtent of Play

| FEMA |

EOPTEmergency Operations Planning Template

| FEMA |

EOSEarth-Observing System

| FEMA |

EOSEmergency Operations Software

| FEMA |

EOSEquation of State

| FEMA |

EOTEmergency Operations Team

| FEMA |

EOVEmergency Operations Vehicle

| FEMA |

EOWEnvelope of Water

| FEMA |

EPElectric Power

| FEMA |

EPEmergency Programs

| FEMA |

EP&HPenvironmental planning and historic preservation

| DHS |

EP&HP DSSenvironmental planning and historic preservation decision support system

| DHS |

EPAUnited States Environmental Protection Agency

| DHS |

EPADEmergency Provider Access Directory

| FEMA |

EPALEnterprise Privacy Authorization Language

| FEMA |

EPAPEquipment Purchase Assistance Program

| FEMA |

EPCEmergency Preparedness Canada

| FEMA |

EPCAEnergy Policy and Conservation Act

| FEMA |

EPCRAEmergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

| FEMA |

EPDElectronic Personnel Dosimeter

| FEMA |

EPEAT®electronic product environmental assessment tool

| MGMT |

EPGEmergency Planning Guide

| FEMA |

EPGExercise Preparation Guide

| FEMA |

EPIEmergency Public Information

| FEMA | OPA |

EPICEmergency Preparedness Information Coordinator

| FEMA | OPA |

EPICElectronic Privacy Information Center

| TSA | S&T | PLCY | PRIV |

EPICSEmergency Preparedness Incident Command Stimulation

| FEMA |

EPLEvaluated Products List

| FEMA |

EPLOEmergency Preparedness Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

EPMEnvironmental Planning and Historic Preservation Program Manager

| DHS |

EPMSEnvironmental Portable Monitoring System

| FEMA |

EPOEnvironmental Protection Officer

| FEMA |

EPOCEmergency Point(s) of Contact

| FEMA |

EPOCEmergency Preparedness Operations Center

| FEMA |

EPPenvironmentally preferable

| DHS |

EPPEmployee Personal Page

| FEMA |

EPPExecutive Potential Program

| FEMA |

EPPCEmergency Prevention and Preparedness Council

| FEMA |

EPPMEmergency Planning, Preparedness, and Mobilization

| FEMA |

EPPMEnvironmental Planning Program Manager

| FEMA |

EPREmergency Preparedness and Response

| DHS |

EPSEncapsulated PostScript

| FEMA |

EPSCoRExperimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research

| FEMA |

EPWExercise Planning Workshop

| FEMA |

EPZEmergency Planning Zone

| FEMA |

EQPCEEarthquake Preparedness Center of Expertise

| FEMA |

EQPIEquipment Inspector

| FEMA |

EQPMEquipment Manager

| FEMA |

EQTREquipment Time Recorder

| FEMA |

EQUIPEarthquake Impacts Projection (Model)

| FEMA |

E-QuipElectronic Questionnaire for Investigation Processing

| FEMA |

EREmergency Relief

| FEMA |

EREmergency Room

| FEMA |

EREqual Rights

| FEMA |

ERExpedited Removal

| CBP | ICE |

ERAMSEnvironmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System

| FEMA | S&T |

ERBEconomic Resources Board

| FEMA |

ERCEmergency Response Coordinator

| FEMA |

ERCGEmergency Response Coordination Group

| FEMA |

ERCPEmergency Response Concept Plan

| FEMA |

ERDAEnergy Research and Development Administration

| FEMA |

ERDCEngineer Research and Development Center [United States Army]

| S&T |

ERDECEdgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center

| FEMA |

ERFEmergency Response Facility

| FEMA |

ERFOGEmergency Responder Field Operating Guide

| FEMA |

ERGEmergency Relocation Group

| FEMA |

ERLEnvironmental Research Laboratories

| FEMA |

ERLinkEmergency Response Link

| FEMA |

ERMEnforcement Removal Module

| ICE |

ERMElevation Reference Mark

| FEMA |

ERMSEnterprise Records Management System

| MGMT |

ERMSEmergency Resource Management System

| FEMA |

ERNEmergency Response Network

| FEMA |

EROEmergency Response Official

| FEMA |

EROEqual Rights Office

| FEMA |

EROEqual Rights Officer

| FEMA |

EROSEarth Resources Observing Satellite

| FEMA |

ERPExpedited Removal Process

| ICE |

ERPElevation Reference Point

| FEMA |

ERPEmergency Response Plan

| FEMA |

ERPEnterprise Resource Planning

| I&A | MGMT |

ERPAEmergency Response Planning Area

| FEMA |

ERPGEmergency Response Guidelines

| FEMA |

ERPSEffluents Radiation Protection Section

| FEMA |

ERPSEmergency Response Planning Scenario

| FEMA |

ERROEmergency Response/Recovery Office (USACE)

| FEMA |

ERRSEmergency and Rapid Response Services

| FEMA |

ERSEmergency Relocation Site

| FEMA |

ERSExecutive Reporting System

| FEMA |

ERSACEmergency Response Senior Advisory Committee

| PLCY |

ERTEnvironmental Response Team

| FEMA |

ERTEmergency Response Team

| FEMA | TSA |

ERTEvidence Response Team

| FEMA | TSA |

ERT:BCEmergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts

| FEMA |

ERT:SSEmergency response to Terrorism: Self-Study

| FEMA |

ERT-AEmergency Response Team - Advance Element

| FEMA |

ERT-N-NCRNational Emergency Response Team for the National Capital Region

| FEMA |

ERT-SEmergency Response Team Support Capability

| FEMA |

ERVEmergency Response Vehicle

| FEMA |

ERWEnhanced Radiation Weapon

| FEMA | S&T |

ESEmergency Support

| FEMA |

ESEnd System

| FEMA |

ESEngineering Section (Information Resources Division, FBIHQ)

| FEMA |

ESEnvironmental Specialist

| FEMA |

ESExecutive Secretariat (see ESEC)

| FEMA |

ESAEndangered Species Act

| FEMA |

ESAessential supporting activity

| MGMT |

ESAPEnergy Security and Assurance Program

| CISA |

ESAR-VHPEmergency System for the Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals

| FEMA |

ESCExecutive Steering Committee

| FEMA |

ESCAPElectronic Crimes Special Agent Program

| USSS |

ESDEmergency Services Director

| FEMA |

ESDPEngineering Study Data Package

| FEMA |

ESDPFEngineering Study Data Package Facility

| FEMA |

ESDRBEmergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch

| FEMA |

ESECExecutive Secretariat

| DHS |

ESECOffice of the Executive Secretary

| MGMT |

ESFEmergency Support Function


ESF 01Emergency Support Function - Transportation

| FEMA |

ESF 02Emergency Support Function - Communications

| FEMA |

ESF 03Emergency Support Function - Public Works and Engineering

| FEMA |

ESF 04Emergency Support Function - Firefighting

| FEMA |

ESF 05Emergency Support Function - Emergency Management

| FEMA |

ESF 06Emergency Support Function - Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services

| FEMA |

ESF 07Emergency Support Function - Logistics Management and Resource Support

| FEMA |

ESF 08Emergency Support Function - Public Health and Medical Services

| FEMA |

ESF 09Emergency Support Function - Search and Rescue

| FEMA |

ESF 10Emergency Support Function - Oil and Hazardous Materials Response

| FEMA |

ESF 11Emergency Support Function - Agriculture and Natural Resources

| FEMA |

ESF 12Emergency Support Function - Energy

| FEMA |

ESF 13Emergency Support Function - Public Safety and Security

| FEMA |

ESF 14Emergency Support Function - Long-term Community Recovery

| FEMA |

ESF 15Emergency Support Function - External Affairs

| FEMA |

ESFLGEmergency Support Function Leaders Group

| FEMA |

ESGREmployer Support of the Guard and Reserve

| USCG |

ESIElectronically stored information

| MGMT |

ESICEarth Science Information Center

| FEMA |

ESIFEmergency Services Interconnect Forum

| FEMA |

ESLEnglish as a Second Language

| FEMA |

ESMElectronic Support Measures

| FEMA |

ESMEnterprise Security Manager

| FEMA |

ESNElectronic Serial Number

| FEMA |

ESOEnergy Senior Official

| FEMA |

ESOHenvironment, safety, and occupational health requirements

| MGMT |

ESPEarly Site Permit

| FEMA |

ESPElectric Service Priority

| FEMA |

ESPExtranet Secure Portal

| FEMA |

ESPCEnergy Savings Performance Contract

| MGMT |

ESSElectronic Switching System

| FEMA |

ESSEmergency Services Sector

| FEMA |

ESSEnvironmental Sensor Station

| FEMA |

ESS-SSAEmergency Services Sector-Sector Specific Agency

| FEMA |

ESSVEmergency Support Service Vehicle

| FEMA |

ESTEastern Standard Time

| DHS |

ESTEmergency Support Team

| FEMA |

ESTAElectronic System for Travel Authorization



| FEMA |

ESTEDEstimated Safe Time before Evacuation Decisions

| FEMA |

ESTIEmergency Services Training Institute

| FEMA |

ETElectronic Technician

| FEMA |

ETEnd of Transect (Line)

| FEMA |

ETAEmployment and Training Administration

| FEMA |

ETAEstimated time of arrival

| DHS |

ETAGEmployee Training Advisory Group

| FEMA |

ETCEmergency Transportation Center

| FEMA |

etcet cetera

| FEMA |

ETDExplosives Trace Detector

| TSA |

ETDEstimated time of departure

| DHS |

ETEEstimated Time Enroute

| FEMA |

ETEEvacuation Time Estimate

| FEMA |

ETICEstimated Time in Commission

| FEMA |

ETISEmergency Traffic Information System

| FEMA |

ETJExtra-Territorial Jurisdiction (Limits)

| FEMA |

ETLExtraction, Transformation and Loading

| I&A | MGMT | PLCY | PRIV |

ETOExercise and Training Officer

| FEMA |

ETOCEmergency Tactical Operations Center

| FEMA |

ETPEmployment and Transition Plan

| FEMA |

ETRMSEmergency Transportation Resource Management System

| FEMA |

ETSEvacuation Time Study

| FEMA |

ETTEligible Travel Trailer

| FEMA |

EUEuropean Union

| CBP | PLCY |

EUExplosives Unit (BDC, FBI)

| FEMA |

EUIenergy use intensity

| DHS |

EVMEarned Value Management

| FEMA |

EVMSearned value management system

| MGMT |

EVTEmergency Vehicle Technician

| FEMA |

EVVEElectronic Verification of Vital Events


EWEmergency Worker

| FEMA |

EWACEmergency Worker and Assistance Center

| FEMA |

EWCEmergency Worker Center

| FEMA |

EWFElectronic Warfare

| FEMA |

EWIEntry Without Inspection

| CBP | ICE | USCG |

EWMDSEmergency Worker Monitoring and Decontamination Station

| FEMA |

EWOEmergency War Order

| FEMA |

EWPEmergency Watershed Protection

| FEMA |

EWRIEnvironmental and Water Resources Institute

| FEMA |

EX/IM BankExport/Import Bank of the United States

| FEMA |

EXBExport-Import Bank

| I&A |

EXDExplosives Division (S&T/EXD)

| DHS |

EXPLANExercise Plan

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

F&STDFire and Safety Test Detachment

| FEMA |

F/EROFederal Emergency and Mutual Aid Response Official

| FEMA |

F/WRKGPSFor Work Groups

| FEMA |

FAAFederal Aviation Administration

| DHS |

FAAForeign Assistance Act

| FEMA |

FAADSFederal Assistance Award Data System

| FEMA |

FAAPForeign Airport Assessment Program

| TSA |

FAARFacilitated After Action Report

| FEMA |

FAASFEMA Automated Acquisition System

| FEMA |

FAATFEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations, & Terms

| FEMA |

FAATFully Analytical Aerial Triangulation

| FEMA |

FABFEMA Advisory Board

| FEMA |

FACForeign Air Carrier

| TSA |

FACFamily Assistance Center

| FEMA |

FACFinancial Attack Center

| ICE |

FACAFederal Advisory Committee Act

| DHS |

FACLFacilities Unit Leader

| FEMA |

FACMANFacilities Management System

| FEMA |

FACNETFederal Acquisition Network

| FEMA |

FACPFire Alarm Control Panel

| FEMA |

FAC-P/PMFederal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (*)

| MGMT |

FADForeign Animal Disease

| FEMA |

FADED GIANTNuclear reactor radiological incident/ accident

| FEMA |

FAEFuel Air Explosives

| FEMA |

FAESTForward Area Emergency Support Trailers

| FEMA |

FAIFire/Arson Investigation

| FEMA |

FAIHFederal Assistance to Individuals and Households

| FEMA |

FAIRFederal Activities Inventory Reform Act [of 1998]

| OGC |

FAIRFair Access to Insurance Requirements

| FEMA |

FAITSFEMA Automated Inventory Tracking System

| FEMA |

FALAFaller A

| FEMA |

FALBFaller B

| FEMA |

FALCFaller C

| FEMA |

FAMFederal Air Marshal

| TSA |

FAMAFire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association

| FEMA |

FAMASFacility Accreditation Management and Administration System

| FEMA |

FAMCFire Apparatus Manufactures’ Association

| FEMA |

FAMISFEMA Audit Management Information System

| FEMA |

FAMSFederal Air Marshal Service (see OLE/FAMS)

| TSA |

FANMAPFEMA Automated Network Management Program

| FEMA |

FAOFederal Approving Officer

| FEMA |

FAOFederal Approving Official

| FEMA |

FAOFood & Agricultural Organization (UN)

| FEMA |

FAOCFEMA Alternate Operations Center

| FEMA |

FAPRSFederal Access Program Retrieval System

| FEMA |

FAQFrequently Asked Questions

| DHS |

FARFederal Acquisition Regulation

| I&A | MGMT |

FARFederal Aviation Regulations

| FEMA |

FARSFinancial Accounting and Reporting System

| FEMA |

FASFreight Assessment System

| TSA |

FASFederal Acquisition Service

| FEMA |

FASForeign Agricultural Service

| FEMA |

FASFreely Associated States

| FEMA |

FASSEFederal Agency Support Service Element

| FEMA |

FASTFuture Attribute Screening Technology

| S&T |

FASTField Assessment Team

| FEMA |

FASTFree and Secure Trade [Initiative]


FASTFree and Secure Trade program

| PLCY |

FATfirst article testing

| MGMT |


| FEMA |

FBANFire Behavior Analyst

| FEMA |

FBCIFaith-Based and Community Initiatives

| FEMA |

FBCOFaith-Based and Community Organizations

| FEMA |

FBFMFlood Boundary and Floodway Map

| FEMA |

FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation

| DHS |

FBIICFinancial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee

| CISA |

FBINetFederal Bureau of Investigation Network

| I&A |

FBNFederal Base Network

| FEMA |

FBOFixed Base Operator

| FEMA |

FBRFast Breeder Reactor

| FEMA |

FCFire Control

| FEMA |

FCFire Corps (Citizen Corps Program Partner administered by USFA)

| FEMA |

FCFederal Coordinator

| OPS |

FCAFarm Credit Administration

| FEMA |

FCAfacility condition assessment

| S&T |

FCBAFederal Communications Bar Association

| S&T | OGC |

FCCFederal Coordinating Center

| FEMA |

FCCFederal Communications Commission

| DHS |

FCDFinancial Crimes Division

| FEMA |

FCDAFederal Civil Defense Agency

| FEMA |

FCEFunctional Capability Element

| FEMA |

FCIFacility Condition Index

| FEMA |

FCICFederal Crop Insurance Corporation

| FEMA |

FCIPFederal Crime Insurance Program

| FEMA |

FCIPFederal Career Intern Program


FCISFederal Crime Insurance System

| FEMA |

FCMFederal Communications Manager

| FEMA |

FCMGFire Cache Manager

| FEMA |

FCMSSRFederal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research

| FEMA |

FCOFederal Coordinating Officer


F-codesCharge codes for FEMA incidents

| FEMA |

FCPFederal Center Plaza

| FEMA |

FCPField/Forward Command Post

| FEMA |

FCRRFundamentals Course for Radiological Response

| FEMA |

FCSFarm Credit Service

| FEMA |

FCSFood and Consumer Service

| FEMA |

FCSAFee-Charge System Administrator

| FEMA |

FCTForward Coordinating Team

| FEMA |

FDFire Department

| FEMA |

FDFoundation Data

| FEMA |

FDAFood & Drug Administration

| FEMA | CISA | I&A |

FDCFire Department Connection

| FEMA |

FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface

| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |

FDICFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation

| DHS |

FDIDFire Department Identification Number

| FEMA |

FDLForensic Documents Laboratory

| ICE |

FDMSFederal Docketing Management System

| OGC |

FDNSFraud Detection and National Security Unit


FDOFlight Deck Officer

| FEMA |

FDPFederal Demonstration Project

| FEMA |

FDROForeign Disclosure and Release Officer

| I&A |

FDSOAFire Department Safety Officers Association

| FEMA |

FDSSFederal Drug Seizure System

| CBP |

FDULFood Unit Leader

| FEMA |

FEFire Extinguisher

| FEMA |

FEFunctional Exercise

| FEMA |

FEAFederal Enterprise Architecture

| I&A | MGMT |

FEAfront-end analysis

| MGMT |

FEBFederal Executive Board

| FEMA |

FEBFederal Executive Branch

| FEMA |

FECFacility Emergency Coordinator

| FEMA |

FECFederal Election Commission

| FEMA |

FECFederal Electronics Challenge

| FEMA |

FECAFederal Employees Compensation Act

| FEMA |

FECCFederal Emergency Communications Coordinator


FED – TRTFederal Tactical Response Team

| FEMA |

FEDCIRCFederal Computer Incident Response Center

| CISA |

FEDDFlood Elevation Determination Docket

| FEMA |

FEDMERFederal Medical Evidence of Record

| MGMT |

FED-STDFederal Standard

| FEMA |

FEEAFederal Employee Education & Assistance

| TSA | MGMT |

FEFFLAFederal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act

| FEMA |

FEGLIFederal Employees' Group Life Insurance

| MGMT |

FEHBFederal Employees Health Benefits

| MGMT |

FEHBFederal Employee Health Benefits program

| MGMT |

FEIFederal Executive Institute

| FEMA |

FEIMSFire and Explosion Investigation Management System

| FEMA |

FEISFinal Environmental Impact Statement

| FEMA |

FEKCFEMA Employee Knowledge Center

| FEMA |

FELBFelling Boss

| FEMA |

FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency

| DHS |

FEMAARFederal Emergency Management Agency Acquisition Regulation

| FEMA |

FEMISFederal Emergency Management Information System

| FEMA |

FEMOFire Effects Monitor

| FEMA |

FEMSAFire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association

| FEMA |

FEPAFair Employment Practices Agency

| FEMA |

FERCFEMA Emergency Response Capability

| FEMA |

FERCFederal Energy Regulatory Commission

| CISA | S&T |

FEROFederal Emergency Response Official

| MGMT |

FERSFederal Employees Retirement System

| MGMT |

FESField Evaluation System

| FEMA |

FESCFederal Emergency Support Coordinator

| FEMA |

FESHEFire and Emergency Services Higher Education

| FEMA |

FESTForeign Emergency Support Team

| FEMA |

FEVSFederal Employee Viewpoint Survey

| DHS |


| FEMA |

FFALCFederal Fire and Aviation Leadership Council

| FEMA |

FFAMIAFederal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act

| FEMA |

FFARSFEMA Facsimile and Record System

| FEMA |

FFATAFederal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act

| FEMA |

FFCFEMA Finance Center (OCFO)

| FEMA |

FFCDFull, Final, and Complete Disclosure

| FEMA |

FFDOFederal Flight Deck Officer

| TSA |

FFEFederal Field Exercise

| FEMA |

FFFI&PPFirefighter Fatality Investigation & Prevention Program (NIOSH)

| FEMA |

FFIFinancial Fraud Institute


FFMIAFederal Financial Management Improvement Act

| FEMA |

FFMSFEMA Frequency Management System

| FEMA |

FFOFirst Federal Official

| FEMA |

FFRDCFederally Funded Research and Development Center

| S&T | OGC |

FFSFederal Financial System

| I&A | MGMT |

FFSTGFederal Fire Service Task Group

| FEMA |

FFT1Firefighter Type 1

| FEMA |

FFT2Firefighter Type 2

| FEMA |

FGfiscal guidance

| MGMT |

FGCCFederal Geodetic Coordinating Committee

| FEMA |

FGDCFederal Geographic Data Committee

| FEMA |

FGIForeign Government Information

| FEMA |

FHFire Hydrant

| FEMA |

FHAFederal Housing Administration

| FEMA |

FHAFire Hazards Analysis

| FEMA |

FHAFlood Hazard Area

| FEMA |

FHARFlood Hazard Analyses Report

| FEMA |

FHBMFlood Hazard Boundary Map

| FEMA |

FHCSFederal Human Capital Survey

| MGMT |

FHFBFederal Housing Finance Board

| FEMA |

FHHFire Hose House

| FEMA |

FHMFlood Hazard Mapping

| FEMA |

FHMLFederal Hazardous Material Law

| FEMA |

FHRFire Hose Rack

| FEMA |

FHRFire Hose Reel

| FEMA |

FHWAFederal Highway Administration

| FEMA | TSA |

FIAFederal Insurance Administration

| FEMA |

FIABForeign Intelligence Advisory Board

| I&A |

FIAMISFederal Insurance Administration Management Information System

| FEMA |

FICAFederal Insurance Contributions Act

| FEMA |

FICCFederal Interagency Coordination Council

| S&T |

FICEMSFederal Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services

| FEMA |

FICOFlood Insurance Claims Office

| FEMA |

FICOFlood Insurance Claims Officer

| FEMA |

FIDAFEMA Information Data and Analysis

| FEMA |

FIDLERField Instrument for the Detection of Low Energy Radiation

| FEMA |

FIEforeign intelligence entity

| I&A |

FIFMSFEMA Integrated Financial Management System

| FEMA |

FIGField Intelligence Groups

| FEMA |

FIMOFederal Incident Management Official

| FEMA |

FINFingerprint Identification Number

| I&A |

FINCENFinancial Center

| FEMA |

FINCENFinancial Crimes Enforcement Network


FinCENFinancial Crimes Enforcement Network Project Gateway

| I&A |

FINSFederal Information Notices

| FEMA |

FIOFederal Information Officer

| FEMA |

FIOFire Information Officer

| FEMA |

FIOCFederal Interagency Operations Center

| FEMA |

FIPFederal Information Processing

| FEMA |

FIPNCFlood Insurance Producers National Committee

| FEMA |

FIPSFOIA Information Processing System

| PRIV |

FIPSFederal Information Processing Standard

| I&A |

FIRFederal Inspection Report

| FEMA |

FIRFinal Inspection Report

| FEMA |

FIRFlood Insurance Report

| FEMA |

FIRBFiring Boss

| FEMA |

FIRESATFire-Detection Satellite System (previously known as the Integrated Hazard Information System)

| FEMA |

FIRESCOPEFirefighting Resources of California Organized for Potential

| FEMA |

FIRMFlood Insurance Rate Map

| FEMA |

FIRM-DLGFlood Insurance Rate Map-Digital Line Graph

| FEMA |

FIRMPDFEMA Information Resources Management Procedural Directive

| FEMA |

FIRMRFederal Information Resources Management Regulation

| FEMA |

FISFlood Insurance Study

| FEMA |

FISAForeign Intelligence Surveillance Act

| OGC |

FISHForensic Information System for Handwriting

| USSS | S&T |

FISMAFederal Information Security Management Act

| I&A | MGMT |

FISTField Intelligence Support Team

| USCG |

FITFailed Income Test

| FEMA |

FITFinancial Information Tool

| FEMA |

FLAGFEMA Logistics Advisory Group

| FEMA |

FLARForward Looking Airborne Radar

| FEMA |

FLASHFellow Law Enforcement Agencies Securing the Homeland

| ICE |


| FEMA |

FLEAFireline Explosive Advisor

| FEMA |

FLEBFireline Blaster

| FEMA |

FLETAFederal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation

| FEMA |

FLETCFederal Law Enforcement Training Center

| FEMA |

FLETCFederal Law Enforcement Training Center (formerly Subcomponent under BTS)

| DHS |

FLEXFederal or FEMA Leadership Exercise

| FEMA |

FlHBFire Line Hand Book

| FEMA |

FLIRForward Looking Infrared Radar

| CBP | TSA |

FLOFusion Liaison Officer

| I&A |

FLRAFederal Labor Relations Authority


FLSFlood Statement

| FEMA |

FMFinancial Management

| FEMA |

FMForce Module

| FEMA |

FMFrequency Modulation

| FEMA |

FMAField Mitigation Assistance

| FEMA |

FMAFloodplain Management Association

| FEMA |

FMAFlood Mitigation Assistance

| FEMA |

FMAGPFire Management Assistance Grant


FMAGPFire Management Assistance Grant Program


FMANAFire Marshals Association of North America (see IFMA)

| FEMA |

FMAPFire Management Assistance Program

| FEMA |

FMAPFlood Mitigation Assistance Program

| FEMA |

FMCFederal Maritime Commission

| USCG |

FMCFederal Management Circular

| FEMA |

FMCFederal Mobilization Center

| FEMA |

FMCFully Mission Capable

| FEMA |

FMCIMSFlood Map Center Inventory Management System

| FEMA |

FMCSFederal Mediation and Conciliation Service

| FEMA | OGC |

FMCSAFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

| TSA | CISA |

FMDFoot and Mouth Disease

| FEMA |

FMDCFlood Map Distribution Center

| FEMA |

FMEFederally Managed Exercise

| FEMA |

FMHFederal Meteorological Handbook

| FEMA |

FmHAFarmers Home Administration

| FEMA |

FMHCSSFederal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards

| FEMA |

FMLAFamily and Medical Leave Act

| FEMA |

FMOFire Management Officer

| FEMA |

FMPField Management Program

| FEMA |

FMRFair Market Rental

| FEMA |

FMSFederal Medical Shelters


FMSFinancial Management System

| FEMA |

FMSISFlood Map Status Information Service

| FEMA |

FMTField Monitoring Team

| FEMA |

FMVFair Market Value

| FEMA |

FMWCFederal Multilingual Website Committee


FNForeign National

| FEMA |

FNAMSFEMA National Automated Message System

| FEMA |

FNAPSFEMA National Paging System

| FEMA |

FNARSFEMA National Radio System

| FEMA |

FNFFixed Nuclear Facility

| FEMA |

FNSFood and Nutrition Services

| FEMA |

FOField Office

| FEMA |

FOBFederal Office Building

| FEMA |

FOBSField Observer

| FEMA |

FOCFEMA Operations Center

| FEMA |

FOCForward Operations Center

| FEMA |

FOCFree of Charge

| FEMA |

FOCFull Operating Capability

| FEMA |

FODForeign Object Damage

| FEMA |

FOFField Operating Facility

| FEMA |

FOGField Operating Guide

| FEMA |

FOGField Operation Guide

| FEMA |

FOHFederal Occupational Health

| MGMT |

FOIFunctional Office Index

| FEMA |

FOIAFreedom of Information Act


FONSIFinding of No Significant Impact

| FEMA |

FOPFugitive Operations Program

| ICE |

FOPFraternal Order of Police

| FEMA |

FORSCOMForces Command

| FEMA |

FOSFamily of Services

| FEMA |

FOSFederal Operations Support

| FEMA |

FOSAFederal Operational/Operations Staging Area

| FEMA |

FOSCFederal On-Scene Coordinator/Commander

| FEMA |

FOSETfinding of suitability [early transfer]

| DHS |

FOSLfinding of suitability [lease]

| DHS |

FOSSField Operating Site Setup

| FEMA |

FOSTfinding of suitability [transfer]

| DHS |

FOUOFor official use only

| DHS |

FOVField of View

| FEMA |

FOXfuel oxidizer explosive mixture

| S&T |

FPFire Protection

| FEMA |

FPForce Protection

| FEMA |

FP&SFire Prevention & Safety

| FEMA |

FPAFederal Preparedness Agency

| FEMA |

FPBFFines, Penalties & Forfeiture

| CBP |

FPCFederal Power Commission

| FEMA |

FPCFederal Preparedness Circular

| FEMA |

FPCFederal Preparedness Coordinator

| FEMA |

FPCFinal Planning Conference

| FEMA |

FPCsFederal Preparedness Coordinators

| FEMA |

FPDLFire Protection Demonstration Lab

| FEMA |

FPEFire Protection Engineering

| FEMA |

FPEISFederal Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

| FEMA |

FPFFederal Policy Fee

| FEMA |

FPGFederal Preparedness Guide

| FEMA |

FPIFloodplain Information Report

| FEMA |

FPIForeign Person of Interest

| FEMA |

FPMRFederal Property Management Regulation

| FEMA |

FPOFederal Preservation Officer

| FEMA |

FPOFlood Potential Outlook

| FEMA |

FPPSFederal Personnel Payroll System

| FEMA |

FPSFederal Protective Service (ICE/FPS)

| DHS |

FQIFederal Quality Institute

| FEMA |

FRField Reference

| FEMA |

FRFederal Register

| USCG | OGC |

FRAFederal Records Act

| FEMA |

FRAFederal Railroad Administration

| TSA | CISA |

FRACFirst Responder Authorization Credential

| FEMA |

FRATSFEMA Recovery Action Tracking System

| FEMA |

FRBFederal Reserve Systems Board of Governors

| DHS |

FRCFast Response Cutters

| USCG |

FRCFederal Regional Center

| FEMA |

FRCFederal Resource Coordinator

| FEMA |

FRCFederal Response Center

| FEMA |

FRCFederal Records Center

| MGMT |

FRCAFindings Requiring Corrective Action

| FEMA |

FRCMFEMA Regional Communications Manager

| FEMA |

FRDFormerly Restricted Data

| FEMA |

FRERPFederal Radiological Emergency Response Plan

| FEMA | S&T |

FRESHFire, Rescue, Emergency, Safety, & Health

| FEMA |

FRIDFlood Risk Directory

| FEMA |

FRMACFederal Radiological Measurement and Assessment Center

| CISA | S&T |

FRMAPFederal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan

| CISA | S&T |

FRMTField Radiological Monitoring Team

| FEMA |

FRNFederal Reserve Note

| USSS |

FRNFederal Register Notice

| FEMA | OGC |

FRNFEMA Radio Network

| FEMA |

FROFlood Response Office

| FEMA |

FRPfacility response plan [oil discharge]

| DHS |

FRPFacility Response Plan

| FEMA |

FRPFederal Response Plan (see NRF)

| FEMA |

FRPCCFederal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee

| FEMA |

FRPGFederal Response Planning Guidance

| FEMA |

FRPIFirst Responder Partnership Initiative

| FEMA |

FRRATSFederal Response and Recovery Automated Tracking System

| FEMA |

FRRATSFEMA Response & Recovery Applicant Tracking System

| FEMA |

FRSFederal Response Subcommittee

| FEMA |

FRSFederal Reserve System

| CISA |

FRSAFederal Railroad Safety Act

| FEMA |

FRSDFirst Responders and Small Departments

| FEMA |

FRSGPFreight Rail Security Grant Program

| FEMA |

FRSSBFacilities Radiological Safety and Safeguards Branch

| FEMA |

FRTIBFederal Retirement Thrift Investment Board

| MGMT |

FRZFlight Restricted Zone

| ICE |

FS[United States] Forest Service [ESF-4]

| FEMA |

FSFeasibility Study

| FEMA |

FSAFlexible Spending Account

| MGMT |

FSAFarm Service Agency

| FEMA |

FSAFEMA/State Agreement

| FEMA |

FSAFire Suppression Assistance

| FEMA |

FSAForward Staging Areas

| FEMA |

FSARFinal Safety Analysis Report

| FEMA |

FSBForward Support Base

| FEMA |

FSCFederal Support Center

| FEMA |

FSCFEMA Storage Center

| FEMA |

FSC1Finance/Admin Section Chief

| FEMA |

FSC2Finance/Admin Section Chief

| FEMA |

FSDForensic Services Division

| USSS |

FSDFire System Deficiency

| FEMA |

FSDFederal Security Director

| TSA | S&T |

FSDOFlight Service District Office

| FEMA |

FSEFull-Scale Exercise


FSGFinancial Services Group

| FEMA |

FSHForest Service Handbook

| FEMA |

FSIEFire Service Intelligence Enterprise

| FEMA |

FSISForeign Service Institute

| I&A |

FSISFood Safety and Inspection Service

| CISA |

FSIUField Support Intelligence Unit

| FEMA |

FSLFederal, State, Local


FSLCFederal Senior Leadership Council

| FEMA |

FSLICFederal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation

| FEMA |

FSMFederated States of Micronesia

| FEMA |

FSNFederal Stock Number

| FEMA |

FSNFEMA Switched Network

| FEMA |

FSOFree Space Optics

| FEMA |

FSRFinancial Status Report

| FEMA |

FSSFamily Support Services

| FEMA |

FSSFederal Supply Service

| FEMA |

FSSAFlight School Security Awareness

| TSA |

FSSCFleet Surveillance Support Command

| ICE |

FSTCForeign Science Technology Center (United States Army)

| FEMA |

FSTSFederal Secure Telephone System

| FEMA |

FSVSFEMA Secure Video System

| FEMA |

FSXFull Scale Exercise

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ft/minfeet per minute

| FEMA |

ft3/mincubic feet per minute

| FEMA |

FTAFederal Transit Administration

| FEMA | TSA |

FTAAFree Trade Area of the Americas

| ICE |

FTCFederal Training Coordinator

| TSA |

FTCFederal Trade Commission

| DHS |

FTCField Team Coordinator

| FEMA |

FTDFederal Travel Directory

| FEMA |

FTEFull-Time Employees

| FEMA |

FTEFull-time Equivalent


FTOForeign Terrorist Organizations

| I&A |

FTPFile Transfer Protocol

| I&A | MGMT |

FTSFederal Technology Service

| FEMA |

FTSForms Tracking System

| FEMA |

FTSFederal Telecommunications (or Telephone) System (or Service)


FTSSFederal Training Support Staff

| TSA |

FTTTFForeign Terrorist Tracking Task Force

| I&A |

FTXField Training Exercise

| FEMA |

FTZForeign Trade Zone

| CBP |

FUM1Fire Use Manager 1

| FEMA |

FUM2Fire Use Manager 2

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

FWFire Weather

| FEMA |

FWANFEMA Wide Area Network

| FEMA |

FWBMFixed Wing Base Manager

| FEMA |

FWCAFish and Wildlife Coordination Act

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

FWPFederal Women’s Program

| FEMA |

FWPCAFederal Water Pollution Control Act

| FEMA |

FWPTFixed Wing Parking Tender

| FEMA |

FWSUnited States Fish and Wildlife Service


FXFunctional Exercise

| FEMA |

FYFiscal Year

| DHS |

FYHSPFuture Years Homeland Security Program

| MGMT |

FYIFor Your Information

| FEMA |

FZFlood Zone

| FEMA |

FZDCFlood Zone Determination Company

| FEMA |

G&TOffice of Grants and Training

| FEMA |

GAGeneral Adjuster

| FEMA |

GA/FBOGeneral Aviation/Fixed-Base Operations

| FEMA |

GAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles

| FEMA |

GAASGenerally Accepted Auditing Standards

| FEMA |

GAAWGGeneral Aviation Airports Working Group

| TSA |

GACCGeographic Area Coordination Center

| FEMA |

GACGGeographic Area Coordinating Group

| FEMA |

GADCOIGlobal Air Domain Community of Interest

| PLCY |


| FEMA |

GALGlobal Access List

| MGMT |

GAMAGeneral Aviation Manufacturers Association

| TSA |

GANGrant Adjustment Notice

| FEMA |

GANTSECGreater Antilles Section

| ICE | USCG |

GAOGeneral Accounting Office

| FEMA |

GAOGovernment Accountability Office

| DHS |

GARGovernor’s Authorized Representative

| FEMA |

GARSGlobal Area Reference System

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

GBLGovernment/General Bill of Lading

| FEMA |

GBPSGigabytes Per Second

| FEMA |

GCGeneral Counsel (see also OGC)

| FEMA | OGC |

GCCGovernment Coordinating Council

| FEMA |

GCCSGlobal Command and Communications System

| FEMA |

GCEGovernment Cost Estimate

| FEMA |

GCFGround Concentration Factor

| FEMA |

GCOGrant Coordinating Officer

| FEMA |

GCOAGross Consequence of Attack

| FEMA |

GCOSGlobal Climate Observing System

| FEMA |

GCRGulf Coast Region

| FEMA |

GCRGulf Coast Region, Recovery and Rebuilding of the

| DHS |

GCSGround Control Station

| FEMA |

GD&AGrant Development and Administration

| FEMA |

GDINGlobal Disaster Information Network

| FEMA |

GDMGeospatial Data Model

| FEMA |

GDNPGross Domestic National Product

| FEMA |

GDSGeographic Display System

| FEMA |

GDSSGlobal Decision Support System

| FEMA |

GDTGround Data Terminal

| FEMA |

GEGeneral Emergency

| FEMA |

Ge (Li)Lithium Drifted Germanium

| FEMA |

GEAGeospatial Enterprise Architecture

| FEMA |

GEIAGovernment Electronic and Information Technology Association

| CISA |

GEMAGeorgia Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

GEMINIGlobal Emergency Management Information Network Initiative

| FEMA |

GEMSGlobal Emergency Management System

| FEMA |

GEOCCGovernment Emergency Operations Coordination Center

| FEMA |

GeoTIFFGeoreferenced Tagged Image File Format

| FEMA |

GERGlobal Emergency Response

| FEMA |

GESGlobal Enrollment System


GETAGovernment Emerging Technology Alliance

| FEMA |

GETSGovernment Emergency Telecommunications Service


GFEGovernment-Furnished Equipment

| FEMA |

GFIGovernment-Furnished Information

| FEMA |

GFIPGroup Flood Insurance Policy

| FEMA |

GFIRSTGovernment Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams

| USSS | CISA | S&T |

GFMGeneric Financial Module (NEMIS)

| FEMA |

GFMGovernment-Furnished Material

| FEMA |

GGIGlobal Geospatial Intelligence

| FEMA |

GGI&SGlobal Geospatial Information and Services

| FEMA |

GHADGeologic Hazard Abatement District

| FEMA |

GHGgreenhouse gas

| DHS |

GIGeographic Information

| FEMA |

GIGround Infantry

| FEMA |

GIFGraphical Image Format

| DHS |

(Video) Terms & Acronyms - Secure Digital Life #99

GIFGraphics Interchange Format

| FEMA |

GIGGlobal Information Grid

| I&A |


| FEMA |

GILSGovernment Information Locator Service,

| FEMA |

GISGeographic Information System(s)

| FEMA |

GISGeospatial Information System

| FEMA |

GISSGIS Specialist

| FEMA |

GISWGGlobal Infrastructure and Standards Working Group

| FEMA |

GIWGGlobal Intelligence Working Group

| FEMA |

GIWWGulf Intracoastal Waterway

| FEMA |

GLDGeneral Law Division

| OGC |

GLPACGreat Lakes Pilotage Advisory Committee

| USCG |

GLWRMGreat Lakes Wave Run-up Model

| FEMA |

GMGuidance Memorandum

| FEMA |

G-MGeiger-Mueller (radiation detector)

| FEMA |

GMCOIGlobal Maritime Community of Interest

| PLCY |

GMDSSGlobal Maritime Distress and Safety System

| FEMA |

GMFGovernment Master File

| FEMA |

GMLGeographic Markup Language

| FEMA |

GMOGenetically Modified Organism

| FEMA |

GMOGeospatial Management Office

| FEMA |

GMRGraduated Mobilization Response

| FEMA |

GMSGrant Management Specialists

| FEMA |

GMSGrants Management System

| FEMA |

GMSAglobal maritime situational awareness

| PLCY |

GMTGreenwich Mean Time (aka: "ZULU Time")

| FEMA |

GNDAGlobal Nuclear Detection Architecture

| CWMD |

GNISGeographic Names Information System

| FEMA |

GOALSGovernment On-Line Accounting Link System

| FEMA |

GOESGlobal Online Enrollment System

| CBP |

GOGOGovernment-Owned, Government-Operated

| FEMA |

GOMGulf of Mexico

| FEMA |

GOMEXGulf of Mexico

| FEMA |

GOSCGlobal Operations Security Center

| FEMA |

GOTSGovernment Off the Shelf

| I&A | MGMT |

GOVGovernment Owned Vehicle

| FEMA |

GPGrant Programs, Office of (FEMA/GP)

| DHS |

GPCIGeographical Physician Cost Index

| FEMA |

GPDGrant Programs Directorate

| FEMA |

GPEAGovernment Paperwork Elimination Act

| FEMA |

GPLGeneral Population Level

| FEMA |

GPLGeneral Population Limit

| FEMA |

GPLDGovernment Property Lost or Damaged

| FEMA |

GPMgallons per minute

| FEMA |

GPMRCGlobal Patient Movement Requirements Center

| FEMA |

GPOGovernment Printing Office


GPRAGovernment Performance and Results Act

| FEMA |

GPSGlobal Positioning System

| FEMA | USCG | S&T |

GRASSGeographic Resources Analysis and Support System

| FEMA |

GRPGrant Reporting Portal

| FEMA |

GRSgeneral record schedule

| MGMT |

GRSGeodetic Reference System

| FEMA |

GSGeneral Schedule

| MGMT |

GSGeological Survey

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

GSGround Support

| FEMA |

GSAGeneral Services Administration

| DHS |

GSAARGeneral Services Administration Acquisition Regulation

| FEMA |

GSACRGSA Communications Representative

| FEMA |

GSBGIS Solutions Branch

| FEMA |

GSEGovernment-Sponsored Enterprise

| FEMA |

GSSOGovernment Special Access Program Security Officer

| MGMT |

GSTGround Support Team

| FEMA |

GSULGround Support Unit Leader

| FEMA |

GTAGovernment Travel Account

| FEMA |

GTAGovernment Travel Authorization

| FEMA |

GTCGovernment Travel Card

| FEMA |

GTMGovernment Technical Monitor

| FEMA |

GTRGovernment Technical Representative

| FEMA |

GTRGovernment Transportation Request

| FEMA |

GTSGlobal Telecommunications System

| FEMA |

GUIGeographical User Interface

| FEMA |

GUIGraphical User Interface

| I&A | MGMT |

GUIRRGovernment-University-Industry Research Roundtable

| S&T |

GVOGreen Vinyl Overboot

| FEMA |

GWAGovernment Wide Accounting

| FEMA |

GWACGovernment-wide Acquisition Contract

| I&A | MGMT |

GZGround Zero

| FEMA |

H&HHydraulics and Hydrology

| FEMA |

H&HHydrologic and Hydraulic (Analyses)

| FEMA |

HAHousing Assistance

| FEMA |

HABHostile Action Based

| FEMA |

HADTHawaiian Daylight Time (GMT - 9)

| FEMA |

HAGHighest Adjacent Ground [grade]

| FEMA |

HALEHigh Altitude Long Endurance (see also MALE)

| USCG |

HAMMERHazardous Materials Management and Emergency Response

| FEMA |

HAMMERHazardous Agent Mitigation and Medical Emergency Response

| USSS | S&T |

HANHealth Alert Network

| FEMA |

HAPhazardous air pollutant

| DHS |

HAPHazard Abatement Plan

| FEMA |

HARNHigh Accuracy Reference Network

| FEMA |

HARTlineHillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (Florida)

| FEMA |

HASHomeland Security Act [of 2002]

| DHS |

HASPHealth and Safety Plan

| FEMA |

HASTHawaiian Standard Time (GMT - 10)

| FEMA |

HASTHumanitarian Assistance Survey Team

| FEMA |

HAWASHawaiian Warning System

| FEMA |

HAZCATHazard Categorizing

| FEMA |

HAZCOMHazard Communication

| FEMA |

HAZMATHazardous Material(s)

| FEMA | S&T | PLCY |

HAZMINHazard Minimization

| FEMA |

HAZMITHazard Mitigation

| FEMA |

HAZUSHazards United States


HAZUS-MHHazards - United States (Multi-Hazard)

| FEMA |

HAZWOPERHazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response

| FEMA |

HBHealth Benefit

| FEMA |

HBCUHistorically Black College and Universities

| S&T |

HBXHigh-Blast Explosive

| FEMA |

HCHuman Capital

| FEMA |

HCAHigh Consequence Area

| FEMA |

HCCHomeland Security Intelligence Council Coordinating Committee

| I&A |

HCFHeight Correction Factor

| FEMA |

HCFAHealth Care Financing Administration

| FEMA |


| DHS |

HCFSAHealth Care Flexible Spending Account

| FEMA |

HCIBHuman Capital Investment Branch

| FEMA |


| MGMT |

HCOPHuman Capital Operational Plan

| FEMA |

HCPhealth care provider

| DHS |

HCQCHealth Care Quality Committee

| MGMT |

HCTSHazardous Cargo Transportation Security

| USCG |

HDHurricane Day

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

HDDHeating Degree Days

| FEMA |

HDERHomeland Defense Equipment Reuse

| FEMA |

HDPHurricane Destruction Potential

| FEMA |

HDTCHomeland Defense Technology Center

| FEMA |

HEHigh Explosive

| FEMA |

HEARHospital Emergency Administrative Radio

| FEMA |

HEB1Helibase Manager (4+)

| FEMA |

HEB2Helibase Manager (1-3)

| FEMA |

HECHydrologic Engineering Center

| FEMA |

HECMHelicopter Crewmember

| FEMA |

HEICSHospital Emergency Incident Command System

| FEMA |

HELBHelicopter Boss

| FEMA |

HELMHelicopter Manager

| FEMA |

HELPHealth Emergencies in Large Populations

| FEMA |

HEMPHigh Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse

| FEMA |

HEOCHospital Emergency Operations Center (medical)

| FEMA |

HEPAHigh Efficiency Particulate Air (as in filters)

| FEMA |

HERNHospital Emergency Radio Network

| FEMA |

HEROHazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance

| FEMA |

HERSHelicopter Rappel Spotter

| FEMA |

HERTHospital Emergency Response Team

| FEMA |

HESHurricane Evacuation Study

| FEMA |

HESMHelispot Manager

| FEMA |

HETHeadquarters Emergency Transportation

| FEMA |

HETAHomeland Environment and Threat Analysis Division

| I&A |

HEUHighly Enriched Uranium

| FEMA |

HEWUnited States Department of Health, Education and Welfare

| FEMA |

HFHigh Frequency

| FEMA |

HFhydrogen fluoride

| FEMA |

HF/SSBHigh Frequency / Single Side Band

| FEMA |


| DHS |

HFDHuman Factors Division (S&T/HFD)

| DHS |

HFEhuman factors engineering

| MGMT |

HFSCHome Fire Sprinkler Coalition

| FEMA |

HgI2mercuric iodide

| FEMA |

HHAHigh Hazard Area

| FEMA |

HHCHeadquarters and Headquarters Company

| FEMA |

HHDHeadquarters and Headquarters Detachment

| FEMA |

HHMDHand-Held Metal Detector

| TSA |

HHSUnited States Department of Health and Human Services

| DHS |

HHS SERTHealth and Human Services Secretary’s Emergency Response Teams

| FEMA |

HHSEOCHealth and Human Services Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

HHWHousehold Hazardous Wastes

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

HIDTAHigh Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

| ICE |

HIPHousing Improvement Program

| FEMA |

HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

| PRIV |

HIPDBHealthcare Integrity & Protection Data Bank

| FEMA |

HIPSHomeland Innovative Prototypical Solutions

| S&T |

HIRAHazard Identification and Risk Assessment

| CISA |

HITRACHomeland Infrastructure Threat and Risk Analysis Center

| CISA | S&T | I&A |

HITRONHelicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron

| USCG |

HITSHigh Impact Technology Solutions

| S&T |

HLHelp Line

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

HLCOHelicopter Coordinator

| FEMA |

HLDHomeland Defense

| S&T | MGMT |

HLDBUHomeland Defense Budget Unit

| FEMA |

HLSHurricane Local Statement

| FEMA |

HLSHomeland Security

| S&T | MGMT |

HLS-CAMHomeland Security Comprehensive Assessment Model

| FEMA |

HLSEADHS Homeland Security Enterprise Architecture

| MGMT |

HLSEAHomeland Security Enterprise Architecture

| S&T | MGMT |

HLTHurricane Liaison Team

| FEMA |

HLWHigh-Level Waste

| FEMA |

HMHazard Mitigation

| FEMA |

HMHazardous Materials

| FEMA |

HMAHazardous Materials Accident

| FEMA |

HMACHazardous Materials Advisory Council

| FEMA |

HMCHazard Mitigation Coordinator

| FEMA |

HMEHazardous Materials Endorsement

| TSA |

HMEHealth, Medical, and Environmental

| FEMA |

HMEhomemade explosive

| S&T |

HMEPHazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

HMERHazardous Material Emergency Response

| FEMA |

HMGHazard Mitigation Grant

| FEMA |

HMGPHazardous Mitigation Grants Program

| FEMA |

HMIXHazardous Materials Information Exchange

| FEMA |

HMMWVHighly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle

| FEMA |

HMRTHazardous Materials Response Team

| FEMA |

HMRUHazardous Materials Response Unit (FBI)

| FEMA |

HMSTHazard Mitigation Survey Team

| FEMA |

HMTAHazardous Materials Transportation Act

| FEMA |

HMTAPHazard Mitigation Technical Assistance Plan

| FEMA |

HMTAPHazard Mitigation Technical Assistance Program

| FEMA |

HMTUSAHazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act

| FEMA |

HNATHuman Needs Assessment Team

| FEMA |

HNTHostage Negotiation Team

| FEMA |

HOBHeight of Burst

| FEMA |

HOHHead Of Household

| FEMA |

HOO[NRC] Headquarters Operations Officer

| FEMA |

HOPWAHousing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS

| FEMA |

HOTMACHigh Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulation

| FEMA |

HPHealth Physicist

| FEMA |

HPHistoric Preservation

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

HPHurricane Program

| FEMA |

HPACHazard Prediction and Assessment Capability

| FEMA |

HPCHigh Probability of Completion

| FEMA |

HPCHydrometeorological Prediction Center

| FEMA |

HPCCHigh-performance computing and communications

| FEMA |

HPPMHealth Promotion and Preventive Medicine [United States Army Center for]

| S&T | CWMD |

HPRDSHuman Portable Radiation Detection System

| CWMD |

HPRPHome Protection Roofing Program

| FEMA |

HPSIHigh Pressure Safety Injection

| FEMA |

HPTHealth Physics Technician

| FEMA |

HPXehigh-pressure xenon

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

HQAMCHeadquarters Air Mobility Command

| FEMA |

HQDAHeadquarters, Department of the Army

| FEMA |

HQUSACEHeadquarters, United States Army Corps of Engineers

| FEMA |

HRHome Repair

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

HRHouse of Representatives

| FEMA |

HRHuman Resources

| FEMA |

HRAhealth risk assessment

| MGMT |

HRAPHelicopter Rappeller

| FEMA |

HRCQHighway Route Controlled Quantity

| FEMA |

HRDHuman Resources Division

| FEMA |

HRDIHigh Resolution Doppler Imager

| FEMA |

HRLDHuman Rights Law Division

| ICE |

HRMSHuman Resources Management System

| MGMT |

HROAhuman resources operations audit

| MGMT |

HRPTHigh Resolution Picture Transmission

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

HRSAHealth Resources & Services Administration

| CISA |

HRSANHealth Resources Services Administration (Federal)

| FEMA |

HRSPHuman Resource Specialist

| FEMA |

HRTHostage Rescue Team

| FEMA |

HRTHydraulic Rescue Tool

| FEMA |

HRVHuman Rights Violator/Violation

| ICE |

HSHomeland Security

| FEMA |

HSHuman Services

| FEMA |

HSAHomeland Security Advisor

| FEMA |

HSACHomeland Security Advisory Committees (PLCY/HSAC)

| DHS |

HSACHomeland Security Advisory Council

| FEMA |

HSAPHomeland Security Assistance Program

| FEMA |

HSARPAHomeland Security Advanced Research Project Agency

| S&T |

HSASHomeland Security Advisory System

| DHS |

HSATHomeland Security Action Team

| FEMA |

HSCHomeland Security Center

| FEMA |

HSCHomeland Security Council (formerly OHS)

| FEMA |

HSCHealth Service Command

| FEMA |

HSCGHomeland Security Coordination Group

| FEMA |

HSDHuman Services Department

| FEMA |

HSDFHomeland Security Dialogue Forum

| CISA |

HSDNHigh Seas Drift Nets

| USCG |

HSDNHomeland Secure Data Network

| I&A | MGMT |

HSEC SINsHomeland Security Standing Information Needs

| I&A |

HSEEPHomeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program

| CISA |

HSEESHazardous Substances Emergency Event Surveillance (Program)

| FEMA |

HSELPHomeland Security Executive Leadership Program

| FEMA |

HSGPHomeland Security Grant Program

| FEMA |

HSIhuman systems integration

| MGMT |

HSIHomeland Security Institute

| FEMA |

HSIAHomeland Security Industry Alliance

| PLCY |

HSICHomeland Security Intelligence Council

| I&A |

HSINHomeland Security Information Network

| I&A |

HSINHomeland Security Information Network (formerly JRIES)

| CISA | I&A | OPS | PLCY |

HSIN IntelHomeland Security Information Network Intelligence Community of Interest

| I&A |

HSIPFhomeland security intelligence priorities framework

| I&A |

HSIPPHomeland Security Integrated Planning Process

| CISA |

HSIRHomeland Security Intelligence Report

| I&A |

HSLHealth and Safety Laboratory

| FEMA |

HSLAHomeland Security Leadership Alliance

| FEMA |

HSLDHistoric Shoreline Location Database

| FEMA |

HSLRBHomeland Security Labor Board

| DHS |

HSNTPHomeland Security National Training Program

| FEMA |

HSOHuman Services Officer

| FEMA |

HSOCHomeland Security Operations Center [see new name under NOC]

| DHS |

HSOMBHomeland Security Operations Morning Brief

| FEMA |

HSPCDHistoric Shoreline Positional Change Database

| FEMA |

HSPDHomeland Security Presidential Directive

| DHS | FEMA | CISA | S&T | I&A |

HSPIHomeland Security Policy Institute

| FEMA |

HSPO(DHS) Human Subjects Protection Official

| FEMA |

HSPTAPHomeland Security Preparedness Technical Assistance Program

| FEMA |

HSSHealth Service Support

| FEMA |

HSSHyperspectral Sensor System

| FEMA |

HSSPHomeland Security Standards Panel

| PLCY |

HSSTACHomeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

HSTAHomeland Security Threat Assessment

| FEMA |

HSTFHomeland Security Task Force

| FEMA |

HSTF-SEHomeland Security Task Force - Southeast

| DHS |

HSTSHomeland Security Training System

| FEMA |

HSTTIGHomeland Security Terrorist Threat Intelligence Group

| I&A |

HSUSThe Humane Society of the United States

| FEMA |

HTCIHigh-Tech Crime Investigation

| FEMA |

HTGRHigh-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor

| FEMA |

HTMGHelitorch Manager

| FEMA |

HTMLHypertext Markup Language

| DHS |

HTMMHelitorch Mixmaster

| FEMA |

HTPTHelitorch Parking Tender

| FEMA |

HTRTHiring & Transition Response Team

| FEMA |

HTSHigh Temperature Superconductor

| S&T |

HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol

| DHS |

HTUAHigh Threat Urban Area

| TSA | CISA |

HUBHistorically Underutilized Business

| FEMA |

HUBZoneHistorically Under-Utilized Business Zone

| FEMA |

HUDUnited States Department of Housing and Urban Development

| DHS |


| FEMA |

HUMINTHuman Intelligence

| FEMA |

HURCONHurricane Condition

| FEMA |

HUREVACHurricane Evacuation

| FEMA |

HV/HRHigh value/High risk

| FEMA |

HVAHazard Vulnerability Analysis

| FEMA |

HVACHeat, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning


HVEhomegrown violent extremist

| I&A |

HVSACOhandle via special access channels only material

| MGMT |

HVTHigh Value Target

| CISA |

HWLHigh Water Line

| FEMA |

HWMHigh Water Mark

| FEMA |

HWPHighway Watch Program

| FEMA |

HWRHeavy Water Reactor

| FEMA |

HzHertz (cycle per second)

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

IIodine Exposure Intensity

| FEMA |

I&AIntelligence and Analysis

| DHS |

I&AOffice of Intelligence and Analysis

| MGMT |

I&P or I/PInformation and Planning

| FEMA |

I&WIndication and Warning



| FEMA |

IAIn and around

| FEMA |

IAIndividual Assistance

| FEMA |

IAInformation Assurance

| FEMA |

IAInitial attack

| FEMA |

IAInternal Affairs

| FEMA |


| DHS |

IAInternational Affairs (see OIA)

| DHS |

IA (see I&A)Information Analysis (former DHS Subcomponent)

| I&A |

IAAInteragency Agreement

| FEMA |

IAAEInternational Association of Airport Executives

| TSA | PLCY |

IAAIInternational Association of Arson Investigators

| FEMA |

IAASPInternational Association of Airport and Seaport Police

| CBP | TSA | USCG |

IABInteragency Board

| FEMA |

IABPFFInternational Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters

| FEMA |

IACIncident Action Council, formerly IIMG (NRP-CIS)

| FEMA |

IACIncident Advisory Council

| FEMA |

IACInformation Analysis Center (DOD)

| FEMA |

IACInternational Aviation Club

| CBP |

IACETInternational Association for Continuing Education and Training

| FEMA |

IACGInteragency Airspace Coordination Guide

| FEMA |

IACNDRInter-American Committee for Natural Disaster Reduction

| FEMA |

IACPInternational Association of Chiefs of Police


IACUCInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee

| S&T |

IADInteragency Programs Division (S&T/IAD)

| DHS |

IADPInitial Attack Dispatcher

| FEMA |

IAEIntegrated Acquisition Environment (eGovernment Initiative)

| FEMA |

IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

| CISA | S&T |

IAEGCInteragency Electronic Grants Committee (Federal)

| FEMA |

IAEMInternational Association of Emergency Managers


IAFCInternational Association of Fire Chiefs

| FEMA | CISA | S&T |

IAFFInternational Association of Fire Fighters

| FEMA |

IAFISIntegrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System

| CBP | USCG | S&T | PLCY |

IAFPAInternational Aviation Fire Protection Association

| FEMA |

IAGInteragency Advisory Group

| FEMA |

IAHFFInternational Association of Hispanic Firefighters

| FEMA |

IAIInternational Association for Identifications

| USSS |

IAIPInformation Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (split into PREP and I&A October 2005)

| DHS |

IALEIAInternational Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts

| FEMA |

IAMIdentity and Access Management

| FEMA |

IAMIncident Activity Manager

| FEMA |

IANAIntermodal Association of North America

| CISA |

IAOIndividual Assistance Officer

| FEMA |

IAPImmigration Advisory Program

| CBP |

IAPIncident Action Plan

| FEMA |

IAPHInternational Association of Ports and Harbors

| USCG |

IAPPInternational Association of Privacy Professionals


IAQIndoor Air Quality

| FEMA |

IARLJInternational Association of Refugee Law Judges


IARRInteragency Resource Representative

| FEMA |

IASInternational Assistance System

| FEMA |

IASEInformation Assurance Support Environment (Dodd IA Portal)

| FEMA |

IASIRInternational Association of Security and Investigative Regulators


IASIUInternational Association of Special Investigation Units

| FEMA |

IATIncident Assessment Team

| FEMA |

IATAInternational Air Transport Association

| TSA |

IATBOGInteragency Air Tankers Base Operations Guide

| FEMA |

IAVAInformation Assurance Vulnerability Alert

| FEMA |

IAWIn accordance with

| DHS |

IAWFInternational Association of Wildland Fire

| FEMA |

IBAIncident Business Advisor

| FEMA |

IBA1Incident Business Advisor Type 1

| FEMA |

IBA2Incident Business Advisor Type 2

| FEMA |

IBA3Incident Business Advisor Type 3

| FEMA |

IBADInterim Biological Agent Detector

| FEMA |

IBCInstitutional Biosafety Committee

| CWMD |

IBCInternational Broadcast Center

| FEMA |

IBCInternational Building Code

| FEMA |

IBDImprovised Biological Device

| FEMA |

IBDSIntegrated Biological Detection System

| FEMA |

IBETIntegrated Border Enforcement Team

| CBP |

IBHSInstitute for Business and Home Safety

| FEMA |

IBISInteragency Border Inspection Services

| FEMA |

IBISInteragency Border Inspection System


IBPAPInternational Business Practices Advisory Panel

| S&T |

IBSIntegrated Baseline System

| FEMA |

IBSGPIntercity Bus Security Grant Program

| FEMA |

IBTInternational Brotherhood of Teamsters

| TSA |

IBWAInternational Bottled Water Association

| FEMA |

ICIncident Command/Commander

| FEMA |

ICInformation Collection

| FEMA |

ICIntelligence Community

| DHS | I&A |

IC&VIntelligent Collaboration and Visualization

| FEMA |

ICAFIndustrial College of the Armed Forces

| FEMA |

ICAHSTInteragency Center for Applied Homeland Security Technology

| FEMA |

ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization

| CBP | TSA | CISA |

ICAPIncident Communications Action Plan

| FEMA |

ICATDHS Intelligence Crisis Action Team

| I&A |

ICAVInfrastructure Critical Asset Viewer

| FEMA |

ICBMIntercontinental Ballistic Missile

| FEMA |

ICCIncident Command Center

| FEMA |

ICCIncreased Cost of Compliance

| FEMA |

ICCInformation Control Cell

| FEMA |

ICCIntelligence Control Center

| FEMA | I&A |

ICCInteragency Coordination Council

| CWMD |

ICCInternational Code Council

| FEMA |

ICCBIntergovernmental Consultation and Coordination Board

| FEMA |

ICCOHInteragency Coordinating Committee On Hurricanes

| FEMA |

ICCTIncident Community Coordination Team

| FEMA |

ICDImprovised Chemical Device

| CISA |

ICDInstitute of Chemical Defense

| CISA |

ICDInfrastructure Coordination Division

| CISA |

ICDRInteragency Committee on Disability Research

| CRCL | I&A |

ICEImmigration and Customs Enforcement, United States (formerly Bureau of)

| DHS |

ICEInteroperable Communications Equipment

| FEMA |

ICEU.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

| MGMT |

ICEUnited States Immigration and Customs Enforcement

| MGMT |

ICEPIncident Communications Emergency Plan

| FEMA |

ICEPPIncident Communications Emergency Policy and Procedures

| FEMA |

ICERIncident Communications Emergency Reference

| PLCY |

ICFIncident Command Facility

| FEMA |

ICFInsulating Concrete Forms

| FEMA |

ICGPInteroperable Communications Grant Program

| FEMA |

ICHROIncident Command for High-rise Operations

| FEMA |

ICIMPPIntegrated Civilian Industrial Mobilization Planning Process

| FEMA |

ICISFInternational Critical Incident Stress Foundation

| FEMA |

ICITAPInternational Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program


ICLNIntegrated Consortium of Laboratory Networks

| CISA |

ICMAInternational City/County Management Association

| FEMA |

ICMLIntelligence Community Markup Language

| FEMA |

ICMOPIntegrated CONUS Medical Operations Plan

| FEMA |

ICMSSRInterdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research

| FEMA |

ICODSInteragency Committee on Dam Safety

| FEMA |

ICPIncident Command Post

| FEMA |

ICPInformation Collection Plan

| FEMA |

ICPIntegrated Cargo Processing

| CBP |

ICPACCIncident Communications Public Affairs Coordination Committee


ICPAEInteragency Committee on Public Affairs in Emergencies

| FEMA | OPA |


| ICE |

ICPSIntegrated Card Production System


ICRInformation Collection Request

| FEMA |

ICRCInternational Committee of the Red Cross

| FEMA |

ICRIIncident Commander Radio Interface

| FEMA |

ICRPInternational Commission on Radiological Protection

| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |

ICSIncident Command System

| FEMA |

ICSInitial Contingency Staff

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

ICSCInternational Cargo Security Council

| CBP |

ICSCIIncident Command for Structural Collapse Incidents

| FEMA |

ICSSCInteragency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction

| FEMA |

ICTIncident Command Team

| FEMA |

ICT1Incident Commander Type 1

| FEMA |

ICT2Incident Commander Type 2

| FEMA |

ICT3Incident Commander Type 3

| FEMA |

ICT4Incident Commander Type 4

| FEMA |

ICT5Incident Commander Type 5

| FEMA |

ICTAPInteroperable Communications Technical Assistance Program

| FEMA |

ICTOAInternational Counter-Terrorism Officers Association

| FEMA |

ICUIncident Crisis Unit

| FEMA |

ICUInformation Coordination Unit

| FEMA |

ICUIntensive Care Unit

| FEMA |

ICWWIntracoastal Waterway

| FEMA |

IDIdentification credentials

| CBP | TSA |

IDInfectious Disease

| FEMA | CISA | S&T | CWMD |

IDEInitial Damage Estimate

| FEMA |

IDEIntrusion Detection Equipment [see IDS]

| MGMT |

IDECInternational Drug Enforcement Conference

| ICE |

IDEMIowa Department of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

IDENTAutomated Biometric Identification System

| CBP | CISA | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

IDEXImage Data Exploitation (System)

| FEMA |

IDGAInstitute for Defense and Government Advancement

| TSA |

IDIQIndefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity

| FEMA |

IDLHImmediate Danger to Life and/or Health

| FEMA |

IDPImagery-Derived Product

| FEMA |

IDPPInfectious Disease Prevention Program

| FEMA |

IDRInstitute for Disaster Research

| FEMA |

IDSIntegrated Deepwater System

| USCG |

IDSInformation Display System

| FEMA |

IDSInstitute for Discrete Sciences

| FEMA |

IDSInternational District Station

| FEMA |

IDSIntrusion Detection System

| TSA | I&A |

ID-WSFIdentity Web Services Framework

| FEMA |

IEInitial Elevation (Line)

| FEMA |

IEAImmigration Enforcement Agent

| ICE |

IEAInternational Energy Agency

| FEMA |

IECIntegrated Exploitation Capability

| FEMA |

IECInterExchange Carrier

| FEMA |

IECGPInteroperable Emergency Communications Grant Program

| FEMA |

IEDIncendiary Explosive Device

| TSA |

IEDIn-line Explosive Detection

| TSA |

IEDImprovised Explosive Device

| TSA | CISA | S&T |

IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

| S&T |

IEISSInterdependent Energy Infrastructure Simulation System

| CISA |

IEMAIllinois Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

IEMCIntegrated Emergency Management Course

| FEMA |

IEMGInternational Emergency Management Group

| FEMA |

IEMISIntegrated Emergency Management Information System

| FEMA |

IEMSIntegrated Emergency Management System

| FEMA |

IEPIngestion Exposure Pathway

| FEMA |

IEPDInformation Exchange Package Documentation

| FEMA |

IESIndustry Executive Subcommittee

| FEMA |

IETFInternet Engineering Task Force

| FEMA |

IETMInteractive Electronic Technical Manual

| FEMA |

IEVSIncome Eligibility Verification System

| FEMA |

IFInland Fetch (Line)

| FEMA |

IFALPAInternational Federation of Airline Pilots Association

| TSA |

IFBInvitation for Bid

| FEMA |

IFCIntelligence Fusion Cell

| FEMA |

IFCinternal fund code

| MGMT |

IFCinternal fund code [financial]

| MGMT |

IFEIn-flight Emergency

| FEMA |

IFERWGIndustrial Fire & Emergency Response Working Group

| FEMA |

IFERWGInternational Fire & Emergency Response Working Group

| FEMA |

IFGIndividual and Family Grant

| FEMA |

IFGPIndividual and Family Grant Program

| FEMA |

IFLOWSIntegrated Flood Observing and Warning System

| FEMA |

IFMAInternational Fire Marshals Association (formerly FMANA)

| FEMA |

IFMISIntegrated Financial Management Information System


IFPAInstitute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc.

| CBP | USCG |

IFRInterim Final Rule

| OGC |

IFRInstrument Flight Rules

| FEMA |

IFSACInternational Fire Service Accreditation Congress

| FEMA |

IFSARInterferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

| FEMA |

IFSPIntegrated Federal Support Plan

| OPS |

IFSTAInternational Fire Service Training Association

| FEMA |

IFTPInternet Forensic Training Program


IGInspector General (see also OIG)

| FEMA | OGC |

IGInstructor Guide

| FEMA |

IGAIntergovernmental Affairs

| DHS |

IGCEindependent government cost estimate

| S&T |

IGDInfrastructure and Geophysical Division (S&T/IGD)

| DHS |

IGEIndependent Government Estimate

| FEMA |

IGESInitial Graphics Exchange Specification

| FEMA |

IGPIntergovernmental Programs, Office of (NPPD/IGP)

| DHS |

IGPTInteragency Geospatial Preparedness Team

| FEMA |

IGRPInterior Gateway Routing Protocol

| FEMA |

IGSAInter-Governmental Service Agreement

| FEMA |

IHIndustrial Hygiene

| FEMA |

IHIndustrial Hygienist

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

IHIntense Hurricane

| FEMA |

IHCInteragency Hotshot Crew

| FEMA |

IHCInternational Hurricane Center

| FEMA |

IHDIntense Hurricane Day

| FEMA |

IHEInsensitive High Explosive

| FEMA |

IHMTInteragency Hazard Mitigation Team

| FEMA |

IHOGInteragency Helicopter Operation Guide

| FEMA |

IHPIndividual and Households Program

| FEMA |

IHSIndian Health Service

| FEMA |

IHSSInstitute for Homeland Security Solutions

| S&T |

IIBMHInteragency Incident Business Management Handbook

| FEMA |

IICInteragency Intelligence Cell

| FEMA |

IICInvestigator in Charge

| FEMA |

IICRCInstitute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification

| FEMA |

IICTInteragency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism

| CISA | I&A |

IIFCInformation/Intelligence Fusion Center

| FEMA |

IIIInterstate Identification Index

| TSA |

IIMGInteragency Incident Management Group


IIMSIntegrated Information Management System

| FEMA |

IIMTInteragency Incident Management Team

| FEMA |

IIOMInstall, Integrate, Operate, and Maintain

| FEMA |

IIPLRInsurance Institute for Property Loss Reduction

| FEMA |

IIPOInformation Integration Program Office

| FEMA |

IIRIRAIllegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act


IITIncident Investigation Team

| FEMA |

IITCTInterviewing and Interrogation Techniques for Courtroom Testimony

| FEMA |

IITPInternet Investigations Training Program


IJISIntegrated Justice Information System

| FEMA |

ILEInstallations, Logistics & Environment

| FEMA |

ILEAInternational Law Enforcement Academy


ILLinterlibrary loan

| DHS |

ILMInformation Lifecycle Management

| FEMA |

ILSIntegrated Logistics Support

| CBP |

ILTinstructor-led training

| MGMT |

IMIncident Management (Task)

| FEMA |

IMAIndividual Mobilization Augmentee

| FEMA |

IMAACInteragency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center

| CISA | S&T |

IMACInfrastructure Monitoring, Analysis, and Coordination

| CISA |

IMAGEICE Mutual Agreement Between Government and Employers

| ICE |

IMAPInteractive Mail Access Protocol

| FEMA |

IMARInspection Management Activity Report

| FEMA |

IMATIncident Management Assist Team

| FEMA |

IMCInstrument Meteorological Conditions

| FEMA |

IMCInterim Message Change

| FEMA |

IMCInternational Mechanical Code

| FEMA |

IMCInternational Medical Corps

| FEMA |

IMCSIncident Management Communications Systems

| FEMA |

IMDIncident Management Division

| FEMA |

IMETIncident Meteorologist

| FEMA |

IMGInformation Management Group

| FEMA |

IMINTImagery Intelligence

| FEMA |

IMOInternational Maritime Organization

| TSA | USCG |

IMOCInternational Maritime Officers Course

| FEMA |

IMPACInternational Merchant Purchase Authorization Card

| FEMA |

IMPTIncident Management Planning Team

| OPS |

IMRDInformation Management and Requirements Division

| I&A |

IMSIncident Management System

| I&A |

IMSImage Management System

| FEMA |

IMSInformation Management System

| FEMA |

IMSInstitute of Museum Services

| FEMA |

IMSIntelligence Management System

| FEMA |

IMSIon Mobility Spectrometry

| FEMA |

IMSAIncident Medical Special Assistant

| FEMA |

IMSDIncident Management Systems Division [of DHS/FEMA] (see IMSI or IMSID)

| FEMA |

IMSIIncident Management Systems Integration Division [of DHS/FEMA]

| FEMA |

IMSIDIncident Management Systems Integration Division

| FEMA |

IMSMIncident Medical Special Manager

| FEMA |

IMSRIncident Management Situation Report

| FEMA |

IMSTIncident Medical Special Technician

| FEMA |

IMSuRTInternational Medical Surgical Response Team

| FEMA |

IMTIncident Management Team

| USCG |

IMTIntegrated Management Team

| FEMA |

IMUInertial Measurement Unit

| FEMA |

INAImmigration and Nationality Act

| USCIS | I&A |


| FEMA |

INCITSInternational Committee for Information Technology Standards

| I&A | MGMT |

INCMIncident Communications Manager

| FEMA |

INDImprovised Nuclear Device

| CISA | S&T | CWMD |

INDInternational Programs Division (S&T/IND)

| DHS |

INEELIdaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

| FEMA |

INEOAInternational Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association

| FEMA |

INERInteragency National Executive Reserve

| FEMA |

INESInternational Nuclear Event Scale

| FEMA |

INFImmediate Needs Funding

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

INFOCONInformation Operations Condition

| FEMA |

INFOSECInformation Security

| I&A |

INLInternational Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs [Bureau for]

| DHS |

INMARSTInternational Maritime Satellite Terminal

| FEMA |

INPASSINS Passenger Accelerated Service System

| CBP | CISA |

INPHOInformation Network for Public Health Officials

| FEMA |

INPOInstitute for Nuclear Power Operations

| FEMA |

INRPInitial National Response Plan

| FEMA |

INSImmigration and Naturalization Service (replaced among USCIS, CBP and ICE at DHS; see also DMIATF and ASUFAC)

| FEMA |

INSIncident of National Significance (see IONS or CINS)

| FEMA |

INSInertial Navigation System

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

INSARAGInternational Search and Rescue Advisory Group

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| CBP | CISA |

INTIntelligence, Office of (ICE/INT)

| DHS |

INTERCOMInternal Communications

| FEMA |

INTERPOLInternational Criminal Police Organization

| ICE |

INVInvestigations, Office of (ICE/INV), (USSS/INV)

| DHS |

INVESTInvestment, Evaluation, Submission and Tracking System (*)

| MGMT |

IOInformation Officer

| FEMA |

IOCInitial Operational Capability

| FEMA |

IOCInternational Olympic Committee

| FEMA |

IOFInitial Operating Facility

| FEMA |

IOFInterim Operating Facility

| FEMA |

IOMInternational Organization for Migration


IONSIncident of National Significance

| FEMA |

IORInitial Operating Report

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

IPImplementing Procedure

| FEMA |

IPImprovement Plan

| FEMA |

IPInfected Premises

| FEMA |

IPInformation and Planning

| FEMA |

IPInfrastructure Protection, Office of (NPPD/IP) [formerly with IAIP]

| DHS |

IPInternet Protocol

| FEMA |

IPintellectual property

| S&T |

IPAInteragency Personnel Agreement

| FEMA |

IPAWSIntegrated Public Alert and Warning System

| FEMA |

IPBIllustrated Parts Breakdown

| FEMA |

IPCInitial Planning Conference

| FEMA |

IPCInteragency Planning Committee

| FEMA |

IPCInternational Paralympic Committee

| FEMA |

IPDInfrastructure Protection Division

| FEMA |

IPEIntegrated Performance Evaluation

| FEMA |

IPEIntegrated Process Evaluation

| FEMA |

IPFOInterim Principle Federal Official

| FEMA |

IPGIntegrated Planning Guidance

| FEMA |

IPIAImproper Payments Information Act

| FEMA |

IPPImminent Peril to the Public

| FEMA |

IPPInfrastructure Protection Program

| FEMA |

IPRIncident Prevention and Response [Task] (National Preparedness Guidance)

| FEMA |

IPRInitial Projections Report

| FEMA |

IPRIn-Process Review

| FEMA |

IPRIn-Progress Review

| FEMA |

IPRIntellectual Property Rights

| FEMA |

IPRLIntelligent Personal Radiation Locator

| CWMD |

IPRSGPIntercity Passenger Rail Security Grant Program

| FEMA |

IPSInternational Port Security

| USCG |

IPSInformation and Planning Section

| FEMA |

IPSInformation Processing System

| FEMA |

IPSIntegrated Planning System

| FEMA |

IPSCOMImagery Policy and Security Committee

| FEMA |

IPTIntegrated Project Team

| MGMT |

IPTintegrated product/project team

| MGMT |

IPTIntegrated Product Team

| S&T |

IPTIntegrated Process Team

| FEMA |

IPTIIntegrated Patient Tracking Initiative

| FEMA |

IPXInternetwork Packet Exchange

| FEMA |

IPZIngestion Pathway Zone

| FEMA |

IQInternet Quorum

| DHS |


| FEMA |

IRInfrared Radiation

| FEMA |

IRAImmediate Response Authority

| FEMA |

IRACInteragency Radiological Assistance Committee

| FEMA |

IRAPPInfrastructure Risk Assessment Partnership Program

| CISA |

IRBInformation Resources Board

| FEMA |

IRBInstitutional Review Board (MD 10300)

| FEMA |

IRBInvestment Review Board

| FEMA |

IRBMIntermediate Range Ballistic Missile

| FEMA |

IRCInformation Resources Center

| FEMA |

IRCInfoSec (Information Security) Research Council

| FEMA |

IRCInternational Residential Code

| FEMA |

IRCAImmigration Reform and Control Act (1986)

| CISA | OGC |

IRCMInfrared Countermeasure

| S&T |

IRFInitial Response Force

| FEMA |

IRFAInternational Religious Freedom Act

| FEMA |

IRFCInitial Response Force Commander

| FEMA |

IRFSInfrared Field Specialist

| FEMA |

IRIIndustrial Research Institute

| S&T |

IRINInfrared Interpreter

| FEMA |

IRISIncident Resource Inventory System

| FEMA |

IRISIncorporated Research Institutions for Seismology

| FEMA |

IRMInformation Resources Management

| FEMA |

IRMCOInteragency Resources Management Conference

| FEMA |

IRMSInformation Resources Management Service

| FEMA |

IRPInstitutional Removal Program

| ICE |

IRPInstallation Restoration Plan

| FEMA |

IRPInvestment Review Process

| FEMA |

IRPInterior Repatriation Program

| CBP | ICE |

IRPMRInformation Resources Procurement and Management Review

| FEMA |

IRRInitial Response Resource(s)

| FEMA |

IRRISIntegrated Response and Recovery Information System

| FEMA |

IRSInternal Revenue Service

| DHS |

IRTIndependent Review Team

| FEMA |

IRTInitial Response Team

| FEMA |

IRTInternational Registered Traveler

| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

IRTIImmigration Reform Transformation Initiatives


IRTPAIntelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (2004)

| CBP | CRCL | I&A | OGC |

IRVMCInland River Vessel Management Center

| USCG |

IRZImmediate Response Zone

| FEMA |

ISIndependent Study

| FEMA |

ISInformation Security

| FEMA |

ISInformation System

| FEMA |

ISInfrastructure Support

| FEMA |

ISInspection Services

| FEMA |

IS&CInformation Sharing and Coordination [Branch] (Office of Intelligence & Analysis)

| FEMA |

ISAIncident Staging Area

| FEMA |

ISAAinformation sharing and access agreement


ISAACIntegrated Securityand Access Control

| FEMA |

ISAAGInformation Systems Architectural Advisory Group

| FEMA |

ISABPInternational South Atlantic Buoy Program

| FEMA |

ISACInformation Sharing and Analysis Center

| I&A |

ISACInfrastructure Sector Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

ISACAInformation Systems Audit and Control Association

| MGMT |

ISAMSInformation Sharing Agreement Management System

| I&A |

ISAOInformation Sharing and Analysis Organization

| I&A |

ISARInspection Services Activity Report

| FEMA |

ISBEInfrastructure Security for the Built Environment

| FEMA |

ISCInteragency Security Committee

| MGMT |

ISCInformation Sharing & Collaboration Office (I&A/ISC)

| DHS |

ISCInfrastructure Subcommittee

| FEMA |

ISCInspection Services Coordinator

| FEMA |

ISCInterstate Commerce

| FEMA |

ISCCInformation Sharing Coordinating Council

| I&A |

ISCOInformation Sharing and Collaboration Office

| FEMA |

ISCORSInteragency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards

| FEMA |

ISCPIntegrated Support Communications Plan

| FEMA |

ISCSInternational Satellite Communications Systems

| FEMA |

ISDInfrastructure Services Division

| FEMA |

ISDLInert Skin Decontamination Lotion

| FEMA |

ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network

| I&A | MGMT |

ISDRInternational Strategy for Disaster Reduction

| FEMA |

ISEInformation Sharing Environment

| I&A |

ISEMAIndiana State Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

ISFSIInternational Society of Fire Service Instructors

| FEMA |

ISGIncident Support Group

| FEMA |

ISGBInformation Sharing Governance Board

| FEMA |

ISIImmigration Security Initiative


ISIPInitial Strategy Implementation Plan

| FEMA |

ISISIntegrated Surveillance Intelligence System

| CBP |

ISMInformation Security Marketing

| FEMA |

ISMIntegrated Safety Management

| FEMA |

ISMAInternational Security Management Association

| PLCY |

ISMSintegrated security managements systems

| MGMT |

ISOIncident Support Organization

| FEMA |

ISOInsurance Services Office

| FEMA |

ISOInternational Security Organization

| FEMA |

ISOInternational Organization for Standardization

| S&T | I&A |

ISOCInformation Security Oversight Committee

| FEMA |

ISOCInteragency SEAT Operations Guide

| FEMA |

ISOOInformation Security Oversight Office

| MGMT |

ISPInteragency Security Plan

| CISA |

ISPInternet Service Provider

| USSS |

ISPIntensive Supervision Program

| ICE |

ISPImmediate Services Program

| FEMA |

ISPInformation Systems Plan

| FEMA |

ISPInformation Security Program

| MGMT |

ISPAGInformation Systems Policy Advisory Group

| FEMA |

ISPPInformation Systems Planning Program

| FEMA |

ISPSInternational Ship and Port Facility Security

| USCG |

ISRIntelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

| USCG |

ISRSImage Storage and Retrieval System


ISSAInformation Systems Security Association

| USSS |

ISSAInterservice Support Agreement

| FEMA |

ISSGBDHS Information Sharing and Safeguarding Governance Board

| MGMT |

ISSGBInformation Sharing and Safeguarding Governance Board

| I&A |

ISSMInformation System Security Manager

| MGMT |

ISSOInformation System Security Officer

| MGMT |

ISSPInformation Systems Security Program

| FEMA |

ISTIncident Support Team

| FEMA |

IST-AIncident Support Team – Advance Element

| FEMA |

I-STAFFDHS Headquarters Operational Integration Staff (folded into new Directorate for Preparedness Oct 2005)

| FEMA |

ISTEAIntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act

| FEMA |

ISTLIncident Support Team Leader

| FEMA |

ISTSInstitute for Security Technology Studies

| CISA | S&T |

ISVBImagery Science Validation Board

| FEMA |

ISWGImport Safety Working Group

| PLCY |

ITInformation Technology

| DHS |

ITAIntegrated Transport Analysis

| TSA |

ITAInformation Technology Architecture

| FEMA |

ITAAInformation Technology Association of America

| PRIV |

ITACInformation Technology Acquisition Center

| MGMT |

ITACGInteragency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group

| FEMA |

ITARInformation Technology Acquisition Review

| MGMT |

ITARInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations

| CBP | S&T |

ITCInformation Technology Committee

| FEMA |

ITCInformation Technology Coordinator

| FEMA |

ITCInternational Trade Commission

| CBP | FEMA |

ITDinformation technology dashboard (*)

| MGMT |

ITDInternational Training Division

| USCG |

ITDSInternational Trade Data System

| CBP | I&A |

ITEInstitute of Transportation Engineers

| FEMA |

I-TeamIncident Team

| FEMA |

I-TeamIntelligence Team

| FEMA |

ITEDIFSAR Terrain Elevation Data

| FEMA |

ITEPInformation Technology & Evaluation Program

| FEMA |

ITFIntelligence Task Force

| FEMA |

ITIInternational to International

| CBP | TSA |

ITIPSInformation Technology Investment Portfolio System

| I&A | MGMT |

ITLInformation Technology Laboratory

| FEMA |

ITMInspection Transfer Manager

| FEMA |

ITMRAInformation Technology Management Reform Act

| I&A |

ITOCInsider Threat Operations Center

| I&A |

ITPInfrastructure Transformation Program

| MGMT |

ITPIndividual Training Plan

| FEMA |

ITPMInsider Threat Program Manager

| I&A |

ITPMOInfrastructure Transformation Program Office

| MGMT |

I-TRAPInteragency Terrorism Response Awareness Program

| FEMA |

ITSInformation Technology Services

| FEMA |

ITSIntelligent Transportation System

| FEMA |

ITSDInformation Technology Services Directorate

| FEMA |

ITSHInternal Transport, Storage, and Handling

| FEMA |

ITSOInformation Technology Services Office

| MGMT |

ITTCIdentity Theft Technology Council

| S&T |

ITUInternational Telegraphic Union

| FEMA |

ITVIn-Transit Visibility

| FEMA |

ITWGInternational Technical Working Group

| S&T |

IUPAInternational Union of Police Associations

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

IV&VInterdependent Verification and Validation

| TSA | CISA |

IVDInteractive Video Disk

| FEMA |

IVHHNInternational Volcanic Health Hazard Network

| FEMA |

IVRInteractive Voice Response

| FEMA |

IWGImplementation Working Group

| ICE |

IWGInvestment Working Group

| FEMA |

IWINInteractive Weather Information Network

| FEMA |

IWNIntegrated Wireless Network

| MGMT |

IWOMENWomen in the Fire Services, Inc. (former WFS)

| FEMA |

IWPIntegrated Warning Program

| FEMA |

IWSInformation Warfare and Strategy

| FEMA |

JAARSJoint After-Action Reporting System

| FEMA |

JACJoint Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

JACJoint Analysis Center

| CWMD | I&A |

JACADSJohnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System

| FEMA |

JACEJoint Assessment of Catastrophic Events

| FEMA |

JADJoint Application Development

| FEMA |

JAGJoint Action Group

| FEMA |

JAGJudge Advocate General (DOD)

| FEMA |

JANAPJoint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication

| FEMA |

JASJoint Alternate Site

| FEMA |

JATSJoint Air Transportation System

| FEMA |

JAWASJoint Automated Weather Observing System

| FEMA |

JBPDSJoint Biological Point Detection Systems

| FEMA |

JCAHJoint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals

| FEMA |

JCAHOJoint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

| FEMA |

JCCJoint Coordination Center

| FEMA |

JCCCJoint Customs Coordination Council [United States and European Union]

| CBP |

JCGCJoint Center for Global Connectivity

| CWMD |

JCSJoint Chiefs of Staff

| DHS |

JDCCJoint Data Coordination Center

| FEMA |

JDISSJoint Deployable Intelligence Support System

| FEMA |

JDOMSJoint Director of Military Support

| FEMA |

JEADJoint Exercise and Analysis Division (Joint Staff - J-7)

| FEMA |

JECGJoint Exercise Control Group

| FEMA |

JEEPJoint Emergency Evacuation Plan

| FEMA |

JEMPJoint Exercise Management Program

| FEMA |

JEOCJoint Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

JFACCJoint Force Air Component Commander

| FEMA |

JFCJoint Force Commander

| FEMA |

JFCOMJoint Forces Command

| FEMA |

JFHQ-HLSJoint Forces Headquarters - Homeland Security

| FEMA |

JFHQ-StateJoint Force Headquarters-State

| FEMA |

JFLCCJoint Force Land Component Commander

| FEMA |

JFMCCJoint Force Maritime Component Commander

| PLCY |

JFOJoint Field Office

| FEMA |

JFOCGJoint Field Office Coordination Group

| FEMA |

JFSPJoint Fire Science Program

| FEMA |

JHAJob Hazard Analysis

| FEMA |

JHATJoint Hazardous Assessment Team

| FEMA |

JHECJoint Hazard Evaluation Center

| FEMA |

JHOCJoint Harbor Operations Command Center

| USCG |

JHOCJoint Harbor Operations Center

| PLCY |

JIJohnston Island

| FEMA |

JIACGJoint Interagency Coordination Group

| FEMA |

JIALOJoint Interagency Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

JIATFJoint Interagency Task Force

| ICE | TSA |

JIATF-SJoint Interagency Task Force - South

| ICE | TSA |

JIBJoint Information Bureau

| FEMA |

JICJoint ICE Center

| FEMA |

JICJoint Information Center

| FEMA |

JICJoint Intelligence Center

| FEMA |

JICGJoint International Control Group

| FEMA |

JICPACJoint Intelligence Center, Pacific

| FEMA |

JIISEJoint Interagency Intelligence Support Element

| FEMA |

JIMPPJoint Industrial Mobilization Planning Process

| FEMA |

JIOCJoint Investigative Operations Center

| USCG |

JISJoint Information System

| FEMA |

JITJob Instruction Training

| FEMA |

JITJust In Time

| FEMA |

JITCJoint Interoperability Test Command

| FEMA |

JITF-CTJoint intelligence Task Force for Combating Terrorism

| FEMA |

JITTjust-in-time training

| MGMT |

JLCOJoint Legal Claims Office

| FEMA |

JMCJoint Movement Center

| FEMA |

JMETJoint Mission Essential Task

| FEMA |

JMFUJoint METOC Forecast Unit

| FEMA |

JMIEJoint Maritime Information Element

| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

JMIPJoint Military Intelligence Program

| I&A |

JMMOJoint Medical Mobilization Office

| FEMA |

JMROJoint Medical Regulating Office

| FEMA |

JMTJoint Management Team (combination of IST and MST - US&R and DMAT or NDMS)

| FEMA |

JNACCJoint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center

| FEMA |

JNAIRTJoint Nuclear Accident/Incident Response Team

| FEMA |

JNCJoint News Center

| FEMA |

JOAJoint Operational Area

| FEMA |

JOCJoint Operations Center

| FEMA |

JOPESJoint Operations Planning and Execution System

| FEMA |

JPACJoint Planning Augmentation Cell (for CBIRF)

| FEMA |

JPASJoint Personnel Adjudication System

| FEMA |

JPATSJustice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System

| ICE |

JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group

| FEMA |

JPEO/CBDJoint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense

| CISA |

JPICJoint Public Information Center

| FEMA |

JPMRCJoint Patient Movement Requirements Center

| FEMA |

JPMTJoint Patient Movement Team

| FEMA |

JPOJoint Program Office

| FEMA |

JPSGJustice-Defense Program Steering Group

| FEMA |

JRCJoint Requirements Council

| FEMA |

JRCTJoint Requirements Coordination Team

| MGMT |

JRERPJoint Radiological Emergency Response Plan

| FEMA |

JRICJoint Regional Intelligence Center

| FEMA |

JRIESJITF-CT RISSNET Information Exchange System

| FEMA |

JRIESJoint Regional Information Exchange System

| CISA | I&A | OPS |

JRMPJoint Regional Medical Planner

| FEMA |

JRMPOJoint Regional Medical Planning Office

| FEMA |

JRSJoint Reporting System

| FEMA |

JRTJoint Response Team

| FEMA |

JSJoint Staff

| FEMA |

JSCPJoint Strategic Capabilities Plan

| FEMA |

JSERAJoint Special Events Risk Assessment

| CISA |

JSIPPJoint Service Installation Pilot Program

| FEMA |

JSOTFJoint Special Operations Task Force

| FEMA |

JSTARSJoint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System

| FEMA |

JTAJacksonville Transportation Authority

| FEMA |

JTFJoint Task Force

| FEMA |

JTF - OJoint Task Force - Olympics

| FEMA |

JTF-CMJoint Task Force - Consequence Management

| FEMA |

JTF-CSJoint Task Force - Civil Support

| FEMA |

JTF-FFJoint Task Force - Firefighter

| FEMA |

JTF-KatrinaJoint Task Force-Katrina

| FEMA |

JTF-NCRJoint Task Force - National Capital Region

| FEMA |

JTF-StateJoint Task Force-State

| FEMA |

JTIMSJoint Training Information Management System

| FEMA |

JTMSJoint Training Master Schedule

| FEMA |

JTOTJoint Tactical Operations Team

| FEMA |

JTOTJoint Technical Operations Team

| FEMA |

JTPAJob Training Partnership Act

| FEMA |

JTRJoint Travel Regulations

| FEMA |

JTRBJoint Telecommunications Resources Board

| FEMA |

JTTFJoint Terrorism Task Force

| FEMA | I&A |

JTWCJoint Typhoon Warning Center

| FEMA |

JULLJoint Universal Lessons Learned (Report)

| FEMA |

JULLSJoint Universal Lessons Learned System

| FEMA |

JVMJava Virtual Machine

| FEMA |

JWARNJoint Warning and Reporting Network

| FEMA |

JWCJoint Warfare Center

| FEMA |

JWFCJoint Warfighting Center

| FEMA |

JWICSJoint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System

| FEMA | I&A |

JWIDJoint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration

| FEMA |

JXDM[Global] Justice XML Data Model

| I&A |

kkilo (1,000)

| FEMA |

KAPPKey Asset Protection Program (see CAAP)

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

kBPSKilobits Per Seconds

| FEMA |

KBRMKnowledge-Based Risk Management

| CBP |

KCCOKansas City Commodity Office

| FEMA |

KDKnocked Down

| FEMA |

KDEMKansas Department of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

KDEMKentucky Department of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

KDPKey Decision Point

| FEMA |

KEDBknown error database

| MGMT |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

KIPotassium Iodide

| FEMA | S&T |

KIOKey Intelligence Official

| I&A |


| FEMA |

KMIKey Management Infrastructure

| FEMA |

KMLKeyhole Markup Language

| FEMA |

KMSKnowledge Management System

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

KPIkey performance indicator

| MGMT |

KPPkey performance parameter

| S&T |

KRkey resource

| DHS |

KSAKnowledge, Skills, and Abilities

| FEMA |

KSOKey Security Official (MD 10300)

| FEMA |

KSTKnown or Suspected Terrorist

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

KVERTKamchatkan Volcanic Eruptions Response Team

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

kWhkilowatt hour

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

L&DLearning & Development

| FEMA |

LALegislative Affairs (see OLA)

| FEMA |

LACLocal Assistance Center

| FEMA |

LAGLowest Adjacent Ground [grade]

| FEMA |

LANLocal Area Network

| FEMA | I&A | MGMT | OPA |

LAN/WANLocal Area Network/Wide Area Network

| FEMA |

LANDSATLand Satellite

| FEMA |

LANLLos Alamos National Laboratory

| CWMD |

LAOLead Agency Official

| FEMA |

LAPLesson Administration Page

| FEMA |

LASPLarge Aircraft Security Program

| TSA |


| FEMA |

LBADLexington Blue Grass Army Depot

| FEMA |

lbfpound force

| FEMA |

LBPlead-based paint

| DHS |

LCLogistics Center

| FEMA |

LC-ALogistics Center-Atlanta

| FEMA |

L-CARLocal Capability Assessment for Readiness

| FEMA |

LCATLogistics Closeout Assistance Team

| FEMA |

LCCELife Cycle Cost Estimate

| CISA |

LC-FWLogistics Center-Fort Worth

| FEMA |

LCMLife Cycle Management

| FEMA |

LC-MFLogistics Center-Moffett Field

| FEMA |

LCMSLearning Content Management System

| FEMA |

LCOLimiting Condition for Operation

| FEMA |

LCSLocal Communications System

| FEMA |

LCTLiaison Coordination Team

| FEMA |

LDLethal Dose

| FEMA |

LDLimited Data

| FEMA |

LDAPLight Directory Access Protocol

| FEMA |

LDMlogical data model

| MGMT |

LDRLutheran Disaster Response

| FEMA |

LDSLightning Detection System

| FEMA |

LDWLast Day Worked

| FEMA |

LEloaned executive

| MGMT |

LElaw enforcement [activity]

| DHS |

LELaw Enforcement

| FEMA |

LEALight Enforcement Aircraft

| ICE |

LEALaw Enforcement Agency


LEADERSLightweight Epidemiology Advanced Detection and Emergency Response System

| FEMA |

LEAINTPLaw Enforcement Advanced Interviewing Training Program


LEAPLaw Enforcement Availability Pay

| ICE |

LECLocal Exchange Carrier

| FEMA |

LECCLaw Enforcement Coordination Center

| FEMA |

LEDETLaw Enforcement Detachment

| USCG |

LEED®leadership in energy and environmental design


LeeTranLee County Transit Authority (Florida)

| FEMA |

LEGATLegal Attache

| FEMA | OGC |

LEHLight Enforcement Helicopter

| ICE |

LEISPLaw Enforcement Information Sharing Program

| FEMA |

LELLower Explosive Limit

| FEMA |

LELLowest Effect Level

| FEMA |

LELILaw Enforcement Leadership Institute


LEMLocal Emergency Management

| FEMA |

LEMALocal Emergency Management Authority

| FEMA |

LEMDPLaw Enforcement Management Development Program


LEOLaw Enforcement Online

| I&A |

LEOLaw Enforcement Officer


LEOCLocal Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

LEOSALaw Enforcement Officers Safety Act


LEPLoaned Executive Program

| MGMT |

LEPlimited English proficient person

| CRCL |

LEPLeadership Excellence Program

| FEMA |

LEPLimited English Proficiency


LEPBLoaned Executive Program Board

| MGMT |

LEPCLocal Emergency Planning Committee

| FEMA |

LEPPCLocal Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council

| FEMA |

LERNLaw Enforcement Radio Net

| FEMA |

LERTLogistics Emergency Response Team

| FEMA |

LESlaw enforcement sensitive

| I&A |

LESCLaw Enforcement Support Center

| ICE |

LESOLaw Enforcement Security Officer

| FEMA |

LETPPLaw Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program

| CISA |

LETSLaw Enforcement Telecommunications System

| FEMA |

LEULow-Enriched Uranium

| FEMA |

LEVEL 1 ESTFull EST activation level (NRCC)

| FEMA |

LEVEL 2 ESTIntermediate EST activation level (NRCC)

| FEMA |

LEVEL 3 ESTMinimal EST activation level (NRCC)

| FEMA |

LEWGLaw Enforcement Working Group

| FEMA |

LFLinear Foot

| FEMA |

LFLow Frequency

| FEMA |

LFALead Federal Agency

| FEMA |

LFDLetter of Final Determination

| FEMA |

LFELowest Floor Elevation

| FEMA |

LFEOCLocal Federal Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

LFFELowest Finished Flood Elevation

| FEMA |

LFOLead Federal Official

| FEMA |

LFPLivestock Feed Programs

| FEMA |

LHLocal Hire

| FEMA |

LHA/LHDLanding Helicopter - Assault/ Landing Helicopter - Deck

| FEMA |

LHDLocal Health Department


LHMCLocal Hazard Mitigation Coordinator

| FEMA |

LHRLimited Home Repair

| FEMA |

LHWLast Hour Worked

| FEMA |

LIBSYSLibrary System

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

LIDLow-Impact Development

| FEMA |

LIDARLight Detection and Ranging (system)

| FEMA |

LIDEFLevee Inventory Data Entry Form

| FEMA |

LIFELegal Immigration Family Equity


LIHEAPLow Income Household Energy Assistance Program

| FEMA |

LIMFACLimiting Factor

| FEMA |

LIMSLogistics Information Management System

| USCG |

LIMSLaboratory Information Management System

| FEMA |

LINXLaw Enforcement Information Exchange [Navy]

| I&A |

LISSLinear Imaging and Self-Scanning

| FEMA |

LLLessons Learned

| FEMA |

LLEALead Law Enforcement Agency

| FEMA |

LLEALocal Law Enforcement Agency


LLISLessons Learned Information Sharing System

| PLCY |

LLNLLawrence Livermore Laboratory

| S&T | CWMD |

LLPLimited Liability Partnership

| DHS |

LLRLessons Learned (Hot Wash) Report

| FEMA |

LLWLow-Level Waste

| FEMA |

LLWSLow-Level Wind Shear

| FEMA |

LMLogistics Management (FEMA/LM)

| DHS |

LMALand Management Agencies

| FEMA |

LMDLogistics Management Directorate (of DHS/FEMA)

| FEMA |

LMFLogistics Management Facility

| FEMA |

LMFBRLiquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor

| FEMA |

LMILogistics Management Institute

| FEMA |

LMPCLabor-Management Partnership Council

| FEMA |

LMRLiving Marine Resource

| FEMA |

LMSLearning Management System

| MGMT |

LNGLiquefied Natural Gas

| USCG | S&T |

LNOLiaison Officer

| FEMA |

LOALetter of Agreement

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

LOAELLowest Observed Adverse Effect Level

| FEMA |

LOCLetter of Credit

| FEMA |

LOCLevels of concern

| FEMA |

LOCLine of Communication

| FEMA |

LOCLibrary of Congress

| DHS |

LOCALoss of Coolant Accident

| FEMA |

LOC-TFCSLetter of Credit - Treasury Financial Communications System

| FEMA |

LODRLetter of Determination Review

| FEMA |

LOEPLouisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

LOFRLiaison Officer

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

LOILetter of Instruction

| FEMA |

LOILetter of Intent

| FEMA |

LOINCLogical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes

| FEMA |

LOMALetter of Map Amendment

| FEMA |

LOMCLetter of Map Change

| FEMA |

LOMC-VALIDLetter of Map Change Revalidation

| FEMA |

LOMRLetter of Map Revision

| FEMA |

LOMR-FLetter of Map Revision Based on Fill

| FEMA |

LOPlevel of protection

| MGMT |

LOPLegal Orientation Program

| FEMA |

LOSLine of Sight

| FEMA |

LOSALogistical Operations Staging Area

| FEMA |

LOSAPLength-of-service Award Program

| FEMA |

LOSSESTLoss Estimation

| FEMA |

LOULimited official use

| DHS |

LPALegislative and Public Affairs

| FEMA |

LPDPLivestock Preservation Donation Program

| FEMA |

LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas

| FEMA |

LPNLicensed Practical Nurse

| FEMA |

LPOCLast Port of Call

| CBP | USCG |

LPPCLocal Preparedness and Prevention Council

| FEMA |

LPRlawful permanent resident

| MGMT |

LPRLawful Permanent Resident (status)


LPRLegal Permanent Resident (person)


LPZLow Population Zone

| FEMA |

LRLimited Response

| FEMA |

LRALouisiana Recovery Authority

| FEMA |

LR-BSDSLong Range Biological Standoff Detection System

| FEMA |

LRCLearning Resource Center

| FEMA |

LRCLogistics Resource Center

| FEMA |

LRCLogistics Response Center

| FEMA |

LRCTlong range cordless telephone switch

| S&T |

LRFDLoad and Resistance Factor Design

| FEMA |

LRIPLow Rate Initial Production

| FEMA |

LRITlong range identification and tracking

| PLCY |

LRMPLong Range Management Plan

| FEMA |

LRNLaboratory Response Network

| S&T |

LRTLong Range Tracker

| CBP |

LRULowest Replaceable Unit

| FEMA |

LSLogistics Support

| FEMA |

LSLump Sum

| FEMA |

LSALogistics Staging Area

| FEMA |

LSCLife Safety Code (National Fire Protection Association 101)

| FEMA |

LSCLegal Services Corporation

| OGC |

LSCLife Support Center

| FEMA |

LSC1Logistics Section Chief Type 1

| FEMA |

LSC2Logistics Section Chief Type 2

| FEMA |

LSCADLightweight Stand-off Chemical Agent Detector

| FEMA |

LSCDLife Safety Code Deficiency

| FEMA |

LSCTLine Scout

| FEMA |

LSELocal Subscriber Environment

| FEMA |

LSFELife Safety and Fire Engineering

| FEMA |

LSFELife Safety and Fire Engineering Branch of FEMA Office of Occupational Safety, Health & Environment (OSHE)

| FEMA |

LSFPLife Safety and Fire Protection

| FEMA |

LSFPLife Safety and Fire Protection Program

| FEMA |

LSGLarge Scale Game

| FEMA |

LSPLump Sum Payment

| FEMA |

LSSLaboratory Scientific Services

| S&T |

LSSLife Support System

| FEMA |

LSULouisiana State University (NDPC)

| FEMA |

LSVLogistical Staging Vehicle

| FEMA |

LTLieutenant (aka: Lt or Lieut)

| FEMA |

LTALead Technical Authority

| MGMT |

LTALighter Than Air

| FEMA |

LTATPLand Transportation Anti-terrorism Training Program


LTCRLost Time Case Rate

| FEMA |


| DHS |

LTGLieutenant General

| FEMA |

LTLLess-than Truck Load

| FEMA |

LTRLong-Term Recovery

| FEMA |

LTRCLong Term Recovery Committee

| FEMA |

LTRCLong Term Recovery Coordinator

| FEMA |

LTROLong Term Recovery Office

| FEMA |

LUCland use control

| DHS |

LULCLand Use and Land Cover

| FEMA |

LVALow Volatility Agent

| FEMA |

LVBLarge Vehicle Bomb

| FEMA |

LVBIEDlarge vehicle-borne improvised explosive device

| S&T |

LWDRLost Work Day Rate

| FEMA |

LWFLutheran World Federation

| FEMA |

LWOPLeave Without Pay

| FEMA |

LWRLight Water Reactor

| FEMA |

LYNXCentral Florida Regional Transportation Authority

| FEMA |

LZLanding Zone

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

M&AManagement and Administrative

| FEMA |

M&IEMeals and Incidental Expenses

| FEMA |

M&IEMiscellaneous and Incidental Expenses

| FEMA |

M&SModeling and Simulation

| FEMA |

M/SMeters per Second

| FEMA |

M/VMerchant Vessel

| CBP | USCG |

MAMarshalling Area

| FEMA |

MAMission Assignment

| FEMA |

MAAMutual Aid Agreement

| FEMA |

MAADMobile Asset Activities Document

| FEMA |

MAAFSMid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists

| USSS |

MABASMutual Aid and Box Alarm System

| FEMA |

MACMultiple award contract

| USCG |

MACMapping and Analysis Center

| FEMA |

MACMission Assignment Coordinator

| FEMA |

MACMitigation Assistance Clinic

| FEMA |

MACMonitoring and Analysis Coordinator

| FEMA |

MACMulti-Agency Command

| FEMA |

MACmultiagency committees

| FEMA |

MACMultiagency Coordinating (Entity)

| FEMA |

MACMultiagency Coordination

| FEMA |

MAC EntityMultiagency Coordinating Entity

| FEMA |

MACAMilitary Assistance to Civil Authorities

| FEMA |

MACCMulti Agency Crime Center

| ICE |

MACCMultiagency Command Center

| FEMA |

MACCMulti-Agency Coordination Center

| FEMA |

MACDISMilitary Assistance for Civil Disturbances

| FEMA |

MACGpMulti-Agency Coordination Group

| FEMA |

MACOMMajor Command

| FEMA |

MACSMulti-Agency Coordination System

| FEMA |

MAECMid-America Earthquake Center

| FEMA |

MAELUMutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters

| FEMA |

MAFMaster Appropriation File

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MAFFSModular Airborne Fire Fighting System

| FEMA |

MAGICMid-America Geographic Information Council

| FEMA |

MaHIMSMedical and Health Incident Management System

| FEMA |

MALEMedium Altitude Long Endurance (see also HALE)

| USCG |

MANPADSMan Portable Air Defense System

| OGC |

MAOCMilitary Air Operations Coordinator

| FEMA |

MAPsMotorist Assist Points

| FEMA |

MARMonthly Accomplishments Report

| FEMA |

MARACMutual Aid Regional Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

MARADMaritime Administration


MARCMaryland Rail Commuter

| FEMA | TSA |

MARCMid-America Regional Council

| FEMA |

MAREPMarine Report

| FEMA |

MARFORLANTMarine Forces Atlantic

| FEMA |

MARPLOTMapping Applications for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks

| FEMA |

MARRMission Assignment Reimbursement Request

| FEMA |

MARSMilitary Affiliated Radio System

| FEMA |

MARSMobile Analytical Response System

| FEMA |

MARSMulti-function Acquisition and Reporting System

| FEMA |

MARSAMilitary Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft

| FEMA |

MARSECMaritime Security

| USCG |

MARSECmaritime security level

| PLCY |

MarshMALLOWMarsh Management Activities for Learning the Lifestyles of Wildlife

| FEMA |

MARTMorning Advisory Risk Threat (see also DART and EART)

| FEMA |

MASMapping Activity Statement

| FEMA |

MASFMobile Aeromedical Staging Facility

| FEMA |

MASFOMulti-Agency Strike Force Operation

| USCG |

MASHMobile Army Surgical Hospital

| FEMA |

MASINTMeasurement and Signature Intelligence

| TSA | I&A | OPS |

MASTMaritime Security and Strategic Toolkit


MASTMidwestern Alliance of Sovereign Tribes

| FEMA |

MASTMilitary Assistance to Safety and Traffic

| FEMA |

MASTMitigation Advisors' Strategic Tracker

| FEMA |

MATMobilization Assistance Team

| FEMA |

MATESMobilization and Training Equipment Site

| FEMA |

MATFMulti-Agency Task Force

| FEMA |

MATRIXMultistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange

| I&A |

MATTSMarine Asset Tag Tracking System

| S&T |

MATTSMobile Air Transportable Telecommunications System

| FEMA |

MAVMicro Air Vehicle

| I&A |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MBAMaster of Business Administration

| FEMA |

MBOManagement by Objectives

| FEMA |

MBPSMegabytes per Second

| FEMA |

MBTAMigratory Bird Treaty Act

| FEMA |

MCMarine Corps

| FEMA |

MCMember of Congress

| FEMA |

MCMobilization Center

| FEMA |

MCAMulti-Channel Analyzer

| FEMA |

MCADMilitary Crew Advisor

| FEMA |

M-CASTMedical Capabilities Assessment & Status Tool

| FEMA |

MCBMovement Coordination Branch

| FEMA |

MCCMajor Cities [police] Chiefs

| FEMA | S&T |

MCCMaster Control Cell

| FEMA |

MCCMission Control Center

| FEMA |

MCCMobility Control Center

| FEMA |

MCCMovement Coordination Center

| FEMA |

MCDMedical Crew Director

| FEMA |

MCEMaximum Credible Event

| FEMA |

MCEERMultidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research

| FEMA |

MCFMass Care and Feeding

| FEMA |

MCFMovement Coordination Function

| FEMA |

MCIMass Casualty Incident

| FEMA |

MCLmaximum contaminant level

| DHS |

MCLGmaximum contaminant level goal

| DHS |

MCMCMid-Continent Mapping Center

| FEMA |

MCMTMobilization Center Management Team

| FEMA |

MCOMERS Coordination Office

| FEMA |

MCOCMarine Corps Operations Center

| FEMA |

MCOEMetadata Center of Excellence (see EDMO)

| MGMT |

MCRMilitary Communications Representative

| FEMA |

MCSMovement Coordination System

| FEMA |

MCSAPMotor Carrier Safety and Assistance Program

| FEMA | TSA |

MCUMovement Coordination Unit

| FEMA |

MCVMobile Coordinating Vehicle

| FEMA |

MDManagement Directive

| FEMA |

MDMedical Doctor

| FEMA |

MDAMaritime Domain Awareness

| USCG |

MDCMaintenance and Deactivation Contracts

| FEMA |

MDDMetal Detection Device

| TSA |

MDFMedical, Dental and Funeral

| FEMA |

MDRCMobile Disaster Recovery Center

| FEMA |

MDROMission Disaster Relief Officer

| FEMA |

MDRVMobile Disaster Recovery Vehicle

| FEMA |

MDSMennonite Disaster Service

| FEMA |

MDSTMountain Daylight Savings Time (see MDT)

| FEMA |

MDTMountain Daylight Time (GMT - 6)

| FEMA |

MEMedical Examiner

| FEMA |

MEAMulti-Role Enforcement Aircraft

| ICE |

MEAMajor Emergency Action

| FEMA |

MEAGMajor Emergency Action Guide

| FEMA |

MEAPMobile Environmental Analytical Platform

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MEDEVACMedical Evacuation

| FEMA |

MEDLMedical Unit Leader

| FEMA |

MEDREDMedical Readiness (OHA/MEDRED)

| DHS |

MEEMCNMinimum Essential Emergency Medical Communications Network

| FEMA |

MEFMission Essential Function

| FEMA |

MEGMedical Evaluation Guidance

| FEMA |

MEIRMedical Effects of Ionizing Radiation

| FEMA |

MELMobile-Erector Launcher

| FEMA |

MEMAMotor & Equipment Manufacturers Association

| ICE |

MEMAMaine Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

MEMAMaryland Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

MEMAMassachusetts Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

MEMAMississippi Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

MEMAMissouri Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

MEMUMass Evacuation Management Unit

| FEMA |

MEOWMaximum Envelope of Water

| FEMA |

MEOWMaximum Envelope of Winds

| FEMA |

MEPManagement Engineering Plan

| FEMA |

MEPIMiddle East Partnership Initiative

| DHS |

MEPPMaster Exercise Practitioner Program

| FEMA |

MERRTMedical Emergency Radiological Response Team

| FEMA |

MERSMobile Emergency Response Support

| FEMA |

MERSAMobile Emergency Response Support Assets

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

METMission Essential Task

| FEMA |

METARManagement Evaluation Technical Assessment Review

| FEMA |

METARMeteorological Aviation Report

| FEMA |

METLMission-Essential Task List

| FEMA |

METOCMeteorological and Oceanographic

| FEMA |

METSATMeteorological Satellite

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MEWTMobile Electronic Warfare Technologies

| FEMA |

MFASMarriage Fraud Amendment System


MFRMemorandum For the Record

| FEMA |

MFRIMaryland Fire and Rescue Institute

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MGMarsh Vegetation (Line)

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MG/M3Milligrams per Cubic Meter

| FEMA |

MG-MIN/M3Milligram Minutes per Cubic Meter

| FEMA |


| DHS |

MGMTManagement [Directorate]

| MGMT |

MHManufactured Housing

| FEMA |

MHMental Health

| FEMA |

MHMobile Home

| FEMA |

MHCMobile Health Clinic

| FEMA |

MHEMateriel Handling Equipment

| FEMA |

MHECMilitary Helicopter Crewmen

| FEMA |

MHEMMilitary Helicopter Manager

| FEMA |

MHMSMilitary Helicopter Manager Supervisor

| FEMA |

MHSMessage Handling System

| FEMA |

MHTGRModular High Temperature Gas Reactor

| FEMA |

MHWMean High Water

| FEMA |

MHWLMean High Water Line

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MIMajor Incident (medical)

| FEMA |

MIMiddle Initial

| FEMA |

MI2Multi-level-secure Information Infrastructure

| FEMA |

MICMedia Information Center

| FEMA |

MICMeteorologist in Charge

| FEMA |

MICSMonitoring Information on Contracted Studies (System)

| FEMA |

MIDASMicro-fluidic Integrated DNA Analysis System

| FEMA |

MIEPMass Immigration Emergency Plan

| FEMA |

MIFCMaritime Intelligence Fusion Center

| USCG |

MIISMicrosoft Identity Integration Server

| MGMT |

MILMilitary Advisor's Office

| DHS |

MILESMultiple Integrated Laser Engagement System

| FEMA |

MIL-STDMilitary Standard

| FEMA |

MIMMajor Incident Management (medical)

| FEMA |

MIMEMulti-purpose Internet Mail Extensions

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MINMobile Identification Number

| FEMA |

MINDMaritime Interceptor for Nuclear Detection

| S&T | CWMD |

MINICAMMiniature Chemical Agent Monitor

| FEMA |

MIPmanagement-in-place [asbestos]

| DHS |

MIPRMilitary Interdepartmental Purchase Request

| FEMA |

MIPTMemorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism

| FEMA |

MIRPMilitary Improved Response Program

| FEMA |

MIRVMultiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle

| FEMA |

MISManagement Information System

| FEMA |

MISLEMaritime Information for Safety and Law Enforcement

| USCG |


| FEMA |

MITTMobile Implementation Training Team

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MKTMobile Kitchen Trailer

| FEMA |

MLATMutual Legal Assistance Treaty

| I&A |

MLDMedian Lethal Dose

| FEMA |

MLETPMarine Law Enforcement Training Program


MLHMedium Lift Helicopter

| ICE |

MLOSMicrowave Line of Sight

| FEMA |

MLWMean Low Water

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MMAMajor Metropolitan Area

| FEMA |

MMCMain Media Center

| FEMA |

MMCEMedical Management of Chemical Exposure

| FEMA |

MMDMerchant Mariner Document

| USCG |

MMIModified Mercalli Intensity

| FEMA |

MMISMunicipal Management Information System

| FEMA |

MMPAMarine Mammal Protection Act

| FEMA |

MMPACMerchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee

| USCG |

MMRSMetropolitan Medical Response System

| FEMA |

MMSMinerals Management Service

| FEMA |

MMSTMetropolitan Medical Strike Team

| FEMA |

MMWRMorbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

| FEMA |

MNAPMapping Needs Assessment Process

| FEMA |

MNSMission Needs Statement

| FEMA |

MNUSSMap Needs Update Support System

| FEMA |

MOMedical Officer

| FEMA |

MOMethod of operation

| DHS |

MOAMemorandum of Agreement

| DHS |

MOBMain Operating Base

| FEMA |

MOBMobilization (or Mobilize)

| FEMA |

MOB CenterMobilization Center

| FEMA |

MOCMobile Operations Center

| FEMA |

MOCMaritime Operations Center

| PLCY |


| FEMA |

MODUMobile Offshore Drilling Unit

| FEMA |

MOEmeasure of effectiveness

| MGMT |

MOMMaximum of Maximums

| FEMA |

MOMMiddle of Month

| FEMA |

MOOTWMilitary Operations Other Than War

| FEMA |

MOPmeasure of performance

| MGMT |

MOPPMission-Oriented Protective Posture

| FEMA |

MOREMaking Officer Redeployment Effective

| FEMA |

MOSmeasure of suitability

| MGMT |

MOSSManagement Operations and Student Support

| FEMA |

MOUMemorandum of understanding

| DHS |

MOXMixed Oxide Fuels

| FEMA |

MPManagement Profiler

| FEMA |

MPMilitary Police

| FEMA |

MPAMaritime Patrol Aircraft

| ICE |

MPACMuslim Public Affairs Council

| CRCL |

MPCMain Press Center

| FEMA |

MPCMaximum Permissible Concentration

| FEMA |

MPCMid-term Planning Committee

| FEMA |

MPCMid-term Planning Conference

| FEMA |

MPDMaximum Potential Destruction

| FEMA |

MPEMaximum Permissible Exposure

| FEMA |

MPEGMotion Picture Expert Group

| FEMA |

MPHMiles per Hour

| FEMA |

MPPPMortgage Portfolio Protection Program

| FEMA |

MPSMission Planning System

| FEMA |

MPUMicroprocessor Unit

| FEMA |

MPUMobile Power Unit

| FEMA |

MQITMedical Quality Improvement Team

| FEMA |

MQMMedical Quality Management

| FEMA |

MQM ProgramMedical Quality Management Program

| DHS |

MRMedical Records

| FEMA |

MRMedical Response

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

mR/hmilliRoentgen per hour

| FEMA |

MRAMonthly Rental Assistance

| FEMA |

MRAMortgage and Rental Assistance

| FEMA |

MRATMedical Radiobiology Advisory Team

| FEMA |

MRCMedical Reserve Corps


MRCManagement Review Council

| FEMA |

MRCMonthly Recurring Costs

| FEMA |

MREMeal, Ready-to-Eat



| FEMA |

MRFMedium Range Forecast

| FEMA |

MRIMean Recurrence Interval

| FEMA |

(Video) CompTIA Security+ Acronyms/Tips Part 1

MRICMobile Registration Intake Center

| FEMA |

MRMCMedical Research and Materiel Command

| FEMA |

MROMandatory Removal Offense

| ICE |

MRPMachine readable passport

| CBP |

MRPMinimal Repair Program

| FEMA |

MRRMeasurement Residual Ratio

| FEMA |

MRRSMERS Response Reporting System

| FEMA |

MRTMedical Response Team

| FEMA |

MRVMobile Response Van

| FEMA |

MRVMobile Response Vehicle

| FEMA |

MRVMulti-Radio Van

| FEMA |

MRVMulti-Radio Vehicle

| FEMA |

MS&GModels, Simulations, and Games

| FEMA |

MS-1Medical Service – 1 (Hospital)

| FEMA |

MS4municipal separate storm water sewer system

| DHS |

MSAMetropolitan Statistical Area

| FEMA |

MSAModeling, Simulation, & Analysis

| FEMA |

MSAMutual Support Agreement

| FEMA |

MSCMajor Subordinate Command

| FEMA |

MSCMap Service Center

| FEMA |

MSCMarine Safety Center

| FEMA |

MSCMobile Switching Center

| DHS |

MSCAMilitary Support to Civil Authorities

| FEMA |

MSCLEAMilitary Support to Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies

| FEMA |

MSDMilitary Support Detachment

| FEMA |

MSDMusculoskeletal Disorder

| FEMA |

MSDSManpower Standards Development System

| FEMA |

MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet

| FEMA |

MSEMERS Support Element

| FEMA |

MSELMaster Scenario Events List

| FEMA |

MSFMobile Screening Force

| TSA |

MSFCMAMagnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act

| FEMA |

MSFOMarine Safety Field Office

| FEMA |

MSHAMine Safety and Health Administration

| FEMA |

MSIMinority-Serving Institution


MSIAMetadata Standards for Information Assurance

| FEMA |

MSICMissile and Space Intelligence Center

| S&T |

MSIIPMinority Serving Institutions Internship Program

| FEMA |

MSISMarine Safety Information System

| FEMA |

MSIsMinority Serving Institutions

| FEMA |

MSLMean Sea Level

| FEMA |

MSLOMilitary Support Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

MSOMaritime Security Operations

| USCG |

MSOMarine Safety Office

| FEMA |

MSOMilitary Support Officer

| FEMA |

MSPBMerit Systems Protection Board


MSRMain Supply Route

| FEMA |

MSRAMMaritime Security Risk Assessment Model


MSSTMaritime Safety and Security Team

| USCG |

MSTManagement Support Team

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MSTMETRO Strike Team

| FEMA |

MSTMountain Standard Time (GMT - 7)

| FEMA |

MSUManagement Support Unit

| FEMA |

MSUMarine Safety Unit

| FEMA |

MSUMedical Support Unit

| FEMA |

MSWmunicipal solid waste

| DHS |


| FEMA |

MTmetric ton

| FEMA |

MTMitigation (FEMA/MT)

| DHS |

MTAMaterial Transfer Area

| FEMA |

MTFMedical Treatment Facility

| FEMA |

MTIMethodology Technical Implementation

| CISA |

MTMCMilitary Traffic Management Command

| FEMA |

MTOEModified Table of Organization and Equipment

| FEMA |

MTOWMaximum Takeoff Weight

| TSA |

MTPMaster Trainer Program

| FEMA |

MTRMaritime Training Response

| FEMA |

MTRMilitary Training Route

| FEMA |

MTSmarine transportation system

| PLCY |

MTSAMaritime Transportation Security Act

| TSA | USCG |

MTSPMass Transit Security Program

| TSA |

MTTMobile Training Team

| FEMA |

MTTRmean time to repair

| MGMT |

MTTRSmean time to restore service

| MGMT |

MUDACMeteorological and Unified Dose Assessment Center

| FEMA |

MUFMaterials Unaccounted For

| FEMA |

MUTCDManual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices

| FEMA |

MVGPMission, Vision and Guiding Principles

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

MWMount Weather

| FEMA |

MWAMetropolitan Washington Area

| FEMA |

MWCOGMetropolitan Washington Council of Governments

| FEMA |

MWEACMount Weather Emergency Action Center

| FEMA |

MWEOCMount Weather Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

MWFRSMain Wind Force Resisting System

| FEMA |

MWHmegawatt hour

| FEMA |

MWMDMount Weather Management Division

| FEMA |

MWSMarine Weather Statement

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

M-ZONEHigh Mudflow Hazard Area

| FEMA |

N/ANot affected

| DHS |

N/ANot applicable

| DHS |

N/PNot Provided

| FEMA |

N2Onitrous oxide

| DHS |

NANortheastern Area

| FEMA |

NANorth American

| DHS |

NAAENational Association of Agricultural Employees

| MGMT |

NAAKNerve Agent Antidote Kit

| FEMA |

NAAPNewport Army Ammunition Plant

| FEMA |

NAAQSNational Ambient Air Quality Standards

| FEMA |

NAATNorth American Aviation Trilateral

| TSA |

NACNational Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

NACNational Advisory Council

| FEMA |

NACNebraska Avenue Complex

| DHS |

NACNational Agency Check


NAC/AEGLNational Advisory Committee on Acute Exposure Guidelines Levels (for Chemical Substances)

| FEMA |

NACANational Air Carrier Association

| TSA |

NACCHONational Association of County and City Health Officials

| FEMA |

NACDNational Association of Corporate Directors

| FEMA |

NACDDNational Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

| CRCL |

NACENational Association of County Engineers

| FEMA |

NACINational Agency Check with Inquiries

| FEMA |

NACICNational Counterintelligence Center

| I&A |

NACoNational Association of Counties

| FEMA |

NACSNEMIS Access Control System

| FEMA |

NACSNetware Asynchronous Communications Service

| FEMA |

NACWANational Association of Clean Water Agencies

| FEMA |

NAD27North American Datum of 1927

| FEMA |

NAD83North American Datum of 1983

| FEMA |

NADBNational Assets Data Base

| CISA |

NADONational Association of Development Organizations

| FEMA |

NAEMTNational Association of Emergency Medical Technicians

| FEMA |

NAERGNorth American Emergency Response Guidebook

| FEMA |

NAFAXNational Facsimile Network

| FEMA |

NAFSMANational Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies

| FEMA |

NAFTANorth America Free Trade Agreement

| FEMA |

NAFTZNational Association of Free Trade Zones

| CBP | ICE |

NAHBNational Association of Home Builders

| FEMA |

NAHERCNational Animal Health Emergency Response Corps

| FEMA |

NAHFNational Association of Hispanic Firefighters

| FEMA |

NAINorth American Initiative

| PLCY |

NaI(Tl)Sodium Iodide Doped with Thallium (scintillator)

| FEMA |

NAICNational Association of Insurance Commissioners

| FEMA |

NAIINational Association of Independent Insurers

| FEMA |

NAIIANational Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters

| FEMA |

NAILSNational Automated Immigration Lookout System


NAMRINaval Medical Research Institute

| FEMA |

NANDANorth American Nuclear Detection Architecture

| FEMA |

NAOCNational Airborne Operations Center

| FEMA |

NAOSNorth American Atmospheric Observing System

| FEMA |

NAPNuclear Assessment Program

| S&T |

NAPNational AIDS Policy

| FEMA |

NAPANational Academy of Public Administration

| FEMA |

NAPINational Arson Prevention Initiative

| FEMA |

NAPONational Organization of Police Organizations

| CISA |

NARANational Archives and Records Administration

| DHS |

NARACNational Atmospheric Release Advisory Center


NARCLNuclear Accident Response Capabilities Listing

| FEMA |

NARFENational Active & Retired Federal Employees Association

| FEMA |

NARPNational Agriculture Release Program

| CBP |

NARPNuclear Accident Response Plan

| FEMA |

NARPNuclear Accident Response Procedures

| FEMA |

NARSNational Archives and Records Service

| MGMT |

NARSAPNational Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program

| FEMA |

NARTCNational Advanced Resource Technology Center

| FEMA |

NASNational Academy of Sciences

| FEMA |

NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration

| DHS |

NASARNational Association for Search and Rescue


NASBLANational Association of State Boating Law Administrators

| USCG |

NASCDDNational Association of State Civil Defense Directors

| FEMA |

NASCIONational Association of State Chief Information Officers

| S&T | MGMT |

NASEMSDNational Association of State Emergency Medical Services Directors

| FEMA |

NASEMSONational Association of State Emergency Medical Officials

| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |

NASFNational Association of State Foresters

| FEMA |

NASFMNational Association of State Fire Marshals

| FEMA |

NASNANational Association of 9-1-1 Administrators

| FEMA |

NASTTPONational Association of State Title Three Program Officials

| FEMA |

NASULGCNational Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges

| USCIS | S&T |

NATANational Air Transportation Association

| TSA | S&T |

NATCANational Air Traffic Controllers Association

| TSA |

NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization


NAVAIDNavigational Aid

| FEMA |

NAVCNational Audio-Visual Center

| FEMA |

NAVD88North American Vertical Datum of 1988

| FEMA |

NAWASNational Warning System

| FEMA |

NAWAS/BCCNational Warning System Bridge and Conference Controller

| FEMA |

NAWCNational Association of Water Companies

| FEMA |

NAWENational Association for Waterfront Employees

| MGMT |

NBACCNational Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center

| S&T | MGMT |

NBAFNational Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility

| S&T |

NBCNuclear, Biological and Chemical

| FEMA |

NBFACNational Bioforensic Analysis Center

| S&T |

NBFSPQNational Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications

| FEMA |

NBHPPNational Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program

| FEMA |

NBICNational Biosurveillance Integration Center

| CWMD |

NBISNational Biosurveillance Integration System

| FEMA |

NBSACNational Boating Safety Advisory Council

| USCG |

NBSCABNational Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board

| FEMA |

NBSGNational Biosurveillance Group

| FEMA |

NBTANational Business Travel Association

| TSA |

NBWDANational BioWeapons Defense Analysis Center

| S&T |

NC&BNuclear, Chemical and Biological

| FEMA |

NCANational Command Authority

| FEMA |

NCAINational Congress of American Indians

| FEMA |

NCAPNational Corrective Action Program

| FEMA |

NCARNational Center for Atmospheric Research

| FEMA |

NCASNational Cyber Alert System

| S&T |

NCATFNational Church Arson Task Force

| FEMA |

NCAVCNational Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime

| FEMA |

NCBFAANational Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America

| CBP |

NCCNational Continuity Coordinator

| MGMT |

NCCNational Coordinating Center (for Telecommunications)

| FEMA |

NCCCNational Council of the Churches of Christ

| FEMA |

NCCCNational Civilian Conservation Corps (AmeriCorps)

| FEMA |

NCCGNational Civilian Community Group

| FEMA |

NCDNational Council on Disability

| CRCL |

NCDDMNational Center for Disaster Decision Making


NCENational Counterintelligence Executive

| I&A |

NCEHNational Center for Environmental Health

| FEMA | CISA | S&T |

NCEPNational Centers for Environmental Prediction

| FEMA |

NCFPDNational Center for Food Protection and Defense

| S&T |

NCFSNational Center for Forensic Science

| ICE |

NCGIANational Center for Geographic Information and Analysis

| FEMA |

NCICNational Crime Information Center

| CBP | FEMA |

NCIDNational Center for Infectious Diseases

| FEMA |

NCISNaval Criminal Investigative Service

| ICE | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

NCISPNational Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan

| FEMA |

NCITNational Council on International Trade (see NCITD)

| FEMA |

NCITDNational Council on International Trade and Development

| FEMA |

NCIXOffice of National Counterintelligence Executive

| I&A |

NCJANational Criminal Justice Association

| FEMA |

NCLISNational Commission on Libraries and Information Science

| S&T |

NCMECNational Center for Missing and Exploited Children

| ICE |

NCONon-Commissioned Officer

| FEMA |

NCPNational Continuity Programs (FEMA/NCP)

| DHS |

NCPNational Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (aka: "National Contingency Plan")

| FEMA |

NCPCNational Capitol Planning Commission

| FEMA |

NCPCNational Crime Prevention Council

| FEMA |

NCPINational Committee on Property Insurance

| FEMA |

NCRNational Capitol Region

| FEMA |

NCRCNational Capitol Region Coordination (FEMA/NCRC)

| DHS |

NCRCGNational Cyber Response Coordination Group

| FEMA |

NCRPMNational Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements

| FEMA |

NCSnon-critical sensitive [position]

| MGMT |

NCSNational Communications System

| FEMA | CISA | I&A |

NCSNet Control System

| FEMA |

NCSANational Center for Super-computing Applications

| FEMA |

NCSANorth Carolina Sheriffs' Association

| FEMA |

NCSCNational Cybersecurity Center

| DHS |

NCSDNational Cybersecurity Division

| CISA | S&T | I&A |

NCSDNational Communications System Directive

| FEMA |

NCSHNational Communications System Handbook

| FEMA |

NCSLNational Council of State Legislators

| CISA |

NCSLLETNational Center for State & Local Law Enforcement Training, Advisory Committee to the


NCSMNational Communications System Manual

| FEMA |

NCSPNational Cyber Security Partnership

| CISA | OGC |

NCSPNational Communications Support Plan

| FEMA |

NCSRMNational Communications Systems Regional Manager

| FEMA |

NCSSANational Cartographic Standards for Spatial Accuracy

| FEMA |

NCTCNational Counterterrorism Center

| DHS |

NCUANational Credit Union Administration


NCVIPNational Child Victim Identification Program

| USSS |

NDANational Defense Area

| FEMA |

NDANevada Department of Agriculture

| FEMA |

NDANon-Disclosure Agreement

| FEMA |

NDAANatural Disaster Assistance Act

| FEMA |

NDACNetwork Design and Analysis Center

| FEMA |

NDCNational Data Center

| CBP |

NDEANational Defense Emergency Authorization

| FEMA |

NDECNational Disaster Education Coalition

| FEMA |

NDEPNational Digital Elevation Program

| FEMA |

NDERNational Defense Executive Reserve

| FEMA |

N-DEX[Law Enforcement] National Data Exchange


NDFDNational Digital Forecast Database

| FEMA |

NDHSNational Disaster Housing Strategy (FEMA)

| FEMA |

NDHTFNational Disaster Housing Task Force

| FEMA |

NDIANational Defense Industrial Association

| CISA | S&T |

NDICNational Drug Intelligence Center

| ICE |

NDMCNational Drought Mitigation Center

| FEMA |

NDMNNational Donations Management Network

| FEMA |

NDMOCNational Disaster Medical Operations Center

| FEMA |

NDMSNational Disaster Medical System

| FEMA | I&A |

NDMSOSCNational Disaster Medical System Operations Support Center

| FEMA |

NDPCNational Domestic Preparedness Consortium

| FEMA |

NDPONational Domestic Preparedness Office

| CISA |

NDRSMPNational Distress and Response System Modernization Project (also known as “Rescue 21”)

| FEMA |

NDSNational Defense Stockpile

| FEMA |

NDSNational Detention Standards

| FEMA |

NDSNuclear Detection System

| FEMA |

NDTANational Defense Transportation Association

| TSA |

NDUNational Defense University

| FEMA |

NDWNaval District of Washington

| DHS |

NENew England

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

NEANational Endowment for the Arts

| FEMA |

NEARSNational Emergency and Alerting Response System

| FEMA |

NECNational Earthquake Center

| FEMA |

NECNational Electric Code

| FEMA |

NECANewport Chemical Activity

| FEMA |

NECCNational Emergency Coordination Center (see NRCC)

| FEMA |

NECDNewport Chemical Depot

| FEMA |

NECLCNational Emergency Child Locator Center

| FEMA |

NECNNational Emergency Communications Network

| FEMA |

NECPNational Emergency Communications Plan

| FEMA |

NEDNational Exercise Division

| FEMA |

NEDNuclear Explosive Device

| FEMA |

NEDCTPNational Explosives Detection Canine Team Program

| TSA |

NEDSSNational Electronic Disease Surveillance System

| I&A |

NEEPNational Earthquake Education Program

| FEMA |

NEEPNational Exercise and Evaluation Program

| FEMA |

NEETNational Exercise Evaluation Team

| FEMA |

NEFNational Essential Function

| FEMA |

NEFRLSNational Emergency Family Registry and Locator System

| FEMA |

NEFSMANew England Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association

| FEMA |

NEGNational Emergency Grant


NEHNational Endowment for the Humanities

| FEMA |

NEHANational Environmental Health Association

| FEMA |

NEHRPNational Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

| FEMA |

NEINuclear Energy Institute

| FEMA |

NEICNational Earthquake Information Center

| FEMA |

NEICNational Enforcement Investigations Center

| FEMA |

NEISNational Earthquake Information Service

| FEMA |

NEMANational Emergency Management Association


NEMANebraska Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

NEMBCAPNational Emergency Management Baseline Capability Assessment Program

| FEMA |

NEMISNational Emergency Management Information System


NEMSISNational EMS Information System

| FEMA |

NEMSPINational Emergency Medical Services Preparedness Initiative

| FEMA |

NEMTNational Emergency Management Team

| FEMA |

NENANational Emergency Number Association

| FEMA |

NEONear-Earth Orbit

| FEMA |

NEONon-combatant Evacuation Operation

| FEMA |

NEOBNew Executive Office Building

| FEMA |

NEOCNational Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

NEPNational Exercise Program

| FEMA |

NEPANational Environmental Policy Act

| FEMA | S&T | OGC |

NEPPCNational Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council

| FEMA |

NERCNorth American Electric Reliability Council


NERRNational Emergency Resource Registry

| PLCY |

NERRTCNational Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (TEEX/NDPC)

| FEMA |

NERTNational Emergency Response Team

| FEMA |

NESCNational Exercise Simulation Center

| FEMA |

NESECNortheast States Emergency Consortium

| FEMA |

NESHAPsNational Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

| DHS |

NESNNecessary Expenses and Serious Needs

| FEMA |

NESPNational Environmental Studies Project

| FEMA |

NESPMNational EMS Scope of Practice Model

| FEMA |

NESTNuclear Emergency Search Team


NESWGNational Earthquake Strategy Working Group

| FEMA |

NETNo Earlier Than

| FEMA |

NETACNational Environmental Technology Application Center

| FEMA |

NETAPNational Earthquake Technical Assistance Program

| FEMA |

NETCNational Emergency Training Center

| FEMA |

NEXRADNext Generation Weather Radar

| FEMA |

NEXSNational Exercise Schedule

| FEMA | S&T |

NEXUSNext Generation Upper Weather System

| FEMA |

NFANational Fire Academy

| FEMA |

NFANational Fire Academy, Board of Visitors for the


NFAAANational Fire Academy Alumni Association

| FEMA |

NFAEBNational Fire & Aviation Executive Board

| FEMA |

NFARNo Further Action Required

| FEMA |

NFCNational Finance Center

| MGMT |

NFCDNational Finance Center Database

| FEMA |

NFDANational Flood Determination Association

| FEMA |

NFDANational Funeral Directors Association

| FEMA |

NFDCNational Fire Data Center

| FEMA |

NFESNational Fire Equipment System

| FEMA |

NFFENational Federation of Federal Employees

| MGMT |

NFFFNational Fallen Firefighters Foundation


NFFSNortheast Forest Fire Supervisors

| FEMA |

NFINational Flood Insurance

| FEMA |

NFIBNational Foreign Intelligence Board

| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |

NFICNational Fire Information Council

| FEMA |

NFIFNational Flood Insurance Fund

| FEMA |

NFIPNational Foreign Intelligence Program

| I&A |

NFIPNational Flood Insurance Program

| FEMA |

NFIRANational Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994

| FEMA |

NFIRSNational Fire Incident Reporting System


NFMANational Forest Management Act

| FEMA |

NFOPNational Fugitive Operations Program

| ICE |

NFPNot For Profit

| FEMA |

NFPANational Fire Protection Association

| FEMA | USFA | S&T |

NFPCANational Fire Prevention and Control Administration

| FEMA |

NFPENational Fire Protection Equipment

| FEMA | USFA | S&T |

NFRNotice of Finding and Recommendation

| FEMA |

NFSNational Forest System

| FEMA |

NFSANational Fire Sprinkler Association

| FEMA |

NFSCNarcotics Financing Strategy Center

| ICE |

NFSCCNational Fire Science Curriculum Committee

| FEMA |

NFSLONational Fire Suppression Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

NFTSNational File Tracking System (replaced RAFACS)


NGNational Guard

| FEMA |

NGANational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

| DHS |

NGANational Governors Association


NGBNational Governing Body

| FEMA |

NGBNational Guard Bureau

| FEMA |

NGDCNational Geophysical Data Center

| FEMA |

NGINext Generation Internet

| FEMA |

NGICNational Ground Intelligence Center [Army]

| I&A |

NGLONational Guard Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

NGMNested Grid Model

| FEMA |

NGNNext-Generation Network

| FEMA |

NGONon-Governmental Organization


NGRSNational Geodetic Reference System

| FEMA |

NGSNational Geodetic Survey

| FEMA |

NGVDNational Geodetic Vertical Datum

| FEMA |

NGVD29National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929

| FEMA |

NGWTNext Generation Warning Tool

| FEMA |

NHCNational Hurricane Center

| FEMA |

NHPANational Historic Preservation Act

| FEMA |

NHSSS (also known as NH3S)National Homeland Security Support System

| FEMA |

NHSUNational Homeland Security University

| FEMA |

NHTSANational Highway Transportation Safety Administration

| FEMA | TSA |

NHVNatural Hazard Vulnerability

| FEMA |

NINo Insurance

| FEMA |

NIAAANational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

| FEMA |

NIACNational Infrastructure Advisory Council

| CISA | I&A | PLCY |

NIACNASA Institute for Advanced Concepts

| S&T |

NIACNational Iranian American Council

| CRCL |

NIBNational Industries for the Blind

| FEMA |

NIBCNational Interagency Biodefense Campus

| FEMA |

NIBRSNational Incident Based Reporting System


NIBSNational Institute of Building Sciences

| FEMA |

NICNational Intelligence Council

| I&A |

NICNational Instrumentation Center

| FEMA |

NICNIMS Integration Center

| FEMA |

NICNational Integration Center

| DHS |

NICACSNational Incident Control and Action Communication System

| FEMA |

NICCNational Interagency Coordination Center

| FEMA |

NICCNational Infrastructure Coordination Center

| CISA | I&A |

NICCLNational Incident Communications Conference Line

| FEMA |

NICCPNational Interdiction Command & Control Plan

| ICE |

NICINational Interagency Counterdrug Institute

| FEMA |

NICRATNational Incident Command Resource Allocation Tool

| FEMA |

NICSNational Instant Background Check System


NIDNational Inventory of Dams

| FEMA |

NIDNational Intelligence Director (see correct DNI)

| DHS |

NIEHSNational Institute of Environmental Health Services

| FEMA |

NIEMNational Information Exchange Model

| I&A | MGMT |

NIEOCNational Interagency Emergency Operations Center


NIERNational Industrial Equipment Reserve

| FEMA |

NIFNational Ignition Facility

| FEMA |

NIFNon-Industrial Facility

| FEMA |

NIFCNational Interagency Fire Center

| FEMA |

NIFCCNational Interagency Fire Coordination Center

| FEMA |

NIHNational Institutes of Health

| DHS |

NIHSNational Institute for Hometown Security

| S&T |

NIINational Information Infrastructure

| FEMA |

NIINon-Intrusive Inspection

| CBP |

NII/GIINational Information Infrastructure/Global Information Infrastructure Initiatives

| FEMA |

NIIMSNational Interagency Incident Management System

| FEMA |

NIISNon-Immigrant Information System

| CBP |

NIITPNational Investigative Interview Training Program


NIJNational Institute of Justice

| S&T |

NIMANational Imagery and Mapping Agency (see NGA)

| CBP |

N-IMATNational Incident Management Assistance Team

| FEMA |

NIMBYNot In My Backyard

| FEMA |

NIMCASTNational Incident Management Compliance Assurance Tool

| FEMA |

NIMCASTNational Incident Management System Capability Assessment Support Tool (see NIMSCAST)

| FEMA |

NIMGNational Interagency Mobilization Guide

| FEMA |

NIMHNational Institutes of Mental Health

| FEMA |

NIMONational Incident Management Organization

| FEMA |

NIMSNational Incident Management System


NIMS SCNIMS Support Center

| FEMA |

NIMS STEPNIMS Supporting Technology Evaluation Program

| FEMA |

NIMS/NETNational Incident Management System Network

| FEMA |

NIMSCASTNational Incident Management System Capability Assessment Support Tool

| FEMA |

NIMTONot In My Term of Office

| FEMA |

NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

| FEMA | S&T |

NIPNational Immunization Program

| FEMA |

NIPNational Intelligence Program

| FEMA |

NIPCNational Infrastructure Protection Center

| FEMA | I&A |

NIPFNational Intelligence Priority Framework

| CISA | I&A |

NIPPNational Infrastructure Protection Plan

| CISA |

NIPSNumerically Integrated Profiling System

| CBP | ICE | PRIV |

NIRNon Ionizing Radiation

| FEMA |

NIRSCNational Interagency Radio Support Cache

| FEMA |

NIRTNuclear Incident Response Team


NISACNational Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center

| CISA | S&T |

NISENational Intelligence Support Element

| FEMA |

NISPNational Industrial Security Program

| PLCY |

NISPOMNational Industrial Security Program Operating Manual

| FEMA |

NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology

| S&T | I&A |

NIUSRNational Institute for Urban Search and Rescue

| FEMA |

NIVSNon-immigrant Visa System

| USCIS | I&A | PLCY |

NJBFNew Jersey Business Force

| FEMA |

NJICNational Joint Information Center

| OPS |

NJTTFNational Joint Terrorism Task Force

| I&A |

NLCNational League of Cities

| FEMA |

NLCNational Location Code

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

NLENational-Level Exercise

| FEMA |

NLECCNational Law Enforcement Coordination Center

| FEMA |

NLETSNational Law Enforcement Telecommunications System

| FEMA | USCG | I&A |

NLRANational Labor Relations Authority

| FEMA |

NLRBNational Labor Relations Board

| MGMT |

NLSNational Language Standards

| FEMA |

NLTNo later than

| DHS |

NLZNo Lone Zone

| FEMA |

NMNautical Mile

| FEMA |

NMABNational Materials Advisory Board

| FEMA |

NMASNational Map Accuracy Standard

| FEMA |

NMBNational Mediation Board

| S&T | OGC |

NMCNational Meteorological Center

| FEMA |

NMCNon-Mission Capable

| FEMA |

NMCCNational Master Control Cell

| FEMA |

NMCCNational Military Command Center


NMDNational Mapping Division (of USGS)

| FEMA |

NMETSNational Mass Evacuation Tracking System

| FEMA |

NMFSNational Marine Fisheries Service

| FEMA |

NMINo Middle Initial

| FEMA |

NMICNational Maritime Intelligence Center

| CBP | USCG |

NMJICNational Military Joint Intelligence Center

| FEMA |

NMONational Terrorism Advisory System Management Office

| I&A |

NMRINaval Medical Research Institute

| FEMA |

NMRSNational Medical Response System

| FEMA |

NMRTNational Medical Response Team

| FEMA |

NMSACNational Maritime Security Advisory Committee

| USCG |

NMSPNational Maritime Security Plan

| USCG |

NMSRANational Maritime Strategic Risk Assessment


NMSSNuclear Materials Safeguards and Security

| FEMA |

NMTNew Mexico Tech (NDPC)

| FEMA |

NMTSPNational Marine Transportation Security Plan

| USCG |

NNALEANational Native American Law Enforcement Association

| FEMA |

NNECNational Network Emergency Center

| FEMA |

NNFCNational Network of Fusion Centers

| OPS | PLCY |

NNONational Night Out

| OPA |

NNOBNational Network Operations Branch

| FEMA |

NNOCNational Network Operations Center

| FEMA |

NNRTNational Nurses Response Team (medical)

| FEMA |

NNSANational Nuclear Security Administration

| DHS |

NONational Office

| FEMA |

No FEAR ActNotification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002

| FEMA |

NOAnotice of availability [NEPA}

| DHS |

NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

| DHS |

NOAELNo Observed Adverse Effects Level

| FEMA |

NOBLENational Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives

| TSA | CRCL |

NOCDHS National Operations Center

| I&A |

NOCNational Olympic Committee

| FEMA |

NOCNational Operations Center (OPS/NOC) [formerly the HSOC]

| DHS |

NOCNavy Operations Center

| FEMA |

NOCNegotiations Operations Center

| FEMA |

NOCNetwork Operations Center

| FEMA |

NOC-HQENational Operations Center - Headquarters Element

| FEMA |

NOELNo Observed Effects Level

| FEMA |

NOFANotice of Funds Availability

| FEMA |

NOFDNew Orleans Fire Department

| FEMA |

NOGANotice of Grant Award

| FEMA |

NOINotice of Intent

| FEMA |

NOINotice of Interest

| FEMA |

NOIDNotice of Intent to Deny


NOKNext of Kin

| FEMA |

NOPDNew Orleans Police Department

| FEMA |

NOPRNotice of Proposed Rulemaking

| FEMA |

NORADNorth American Aerospace Defense Command

| CWMD |

NORTHCOMUnited States Northern Command


NOSNational Ocean Survey

| FEMA |

NOSNot Otherwise Specified

| FEMA |

NOSACNational Offshore Safety Advisory Committee

| USCG |

NOTAMNotice to Airmen

| FEMA |

NOUENotice of Unusual Event

| FEMA |

NPNational Preparedness (FEMA/NP)

| DHS |

NPNavigation Processor

| FEMA |

NPBFnon-petroleum based fuel

| DHS |

NPCNational Paralympic Committee

| FEMA |

NPCNational Petroleum Council

| FEMA |

NPDNational Preparedness Directorate

| FEMA |

NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

| FEMA |

NPDPNational Performance of Dams Program

| FEMA |

NPESNational Planning and Execution System

| OPS |

NPFCNational Pollution Funds Center

| FEMA |

NPGNational Preparedness Goal

| FEMA |

NPGNational Preparedness Guidelines

| FEMA |

NPLNational Priorities List

| FEMA |

NPLANational Preparedness Leadership Academy

| FEMA |

NPMNational Preparedness Month

| FEMA |

NPMANational Property Management Association

| FEMA |

NPMOCNaval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center

| FEMA |

NPOCNext Port of Call

| CBP | USCG |

NPOESSNational Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System

| FEMA |

NPPNuclear Power Plant

| FEMA |

NPPCNational Preparedness and Prevention Council

| FEMA |

NPPDNational Protection and Programs Directorate (see CISA)

| DHS |

NPRNational Partnership for Reinventing Government (formerly National Performance Review)

| FEMA |

NPRNational Preparedness Report

| FEMA |

NPRNationwide Plan Review

| FEMA |

NPRANational Petrochemical & Refiners Association

| PLCY |

NPRMNotice of Proposed Rulemaking [see also ANPRM and SNPRM]

| TSA | OGC |

NPRTNational Pharmacist Response Team

| FEMA |

NPSNational Park Service

| FEMA |

NPSNational Pharmaceutical Stockpile

| FEMA |

NPSNational Planning Scenarios

| FEMA |

NPSNational Preparedness System

| FEMA |

NPSNaval Postgraduate School

| FEMA |

NPSCNational Processing Service Center

| FEMA |

NPSPNational Pharmaceutical Stockpile Program

| FEMA |

NPSTCNational Public Safety Telecommunications Council

| FEMA | S&T |

NRATNational Radiological Advisory Team

| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |

NRATNuclear Radiological Advisory Team

| FEMA |

NRCNational Records Center

| ICE |

NRCNational Research Council

| FEMA |

NRCNational Response Center

| FEMA |

NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission

| DHS |

NRCCNational Response Coordination Center

| FEMA |

NRCCNorthern Regional Coordination Center

| FEMA |

NRCOCNuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center

| FEMA |

NRCSNatural Resources Conservation Service

| FEMA |

NRCSDCNatural Resources Conservation Service District Conservationist

| FEMA |

NRCSSCNatural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist

| FEMA |

NRFNational Response Framework [supersedes NRP]

| FEMA |

NRIANuclear/Radiological Incident Annex (to the NRF)

| FEMA |

NRIMCNational Resources Information and Mapping Center

| FEMA |

NRISNational Resource Information System

| FEMA |

NRONational Reconnaissance Office

| FEMA |

NRPNational Response Plan (see NRF)

| FEMA |

NRPCNational Railway Passenger Commission

| TSA |

NRP-CISNational Response Plan Catastrophic Incident Supplement

| FEMA |

NRRNoise Reduction Rating

| FEMA |

NRSNational Response System

| FEMA |

NRTNational Response Team

| FEMA |

NRTNear Real-Time

| FEMA |

NRWANational Rural Water Association

| FEMA |

NSNational Strategic (Task)

| FEMA |

NS/EPNational Security and Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

NS/EPCNational Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications, Committee for

| FEMA |

NSANational Sheriffs Association

| CISA |

NSANational Security Agency

| DHS |

NSANational Security Area

| FEMA |

NSANetwork Security Agreement

| DHS |

NSABBNational Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity

| S&T |

NSACNavigation Safety Advisory Council

| USCG |

NSATNetwork Service Acceptance Test

| FEMA |

NSBCNational Safe Boating Council

| USCG |

NSCNational Security Cutter

| USCG |

NSCNational Safety Council

| FEMA |

NSCNational Security Council

| DHS |

NSCNFIRS Support Center

| FEMA |

NSDNamed Storm Day

| FEMA |

NSDNational Security Directive

| FEMA |

NSDDNational Security Decision Directive

| FEMA |

NSDINational Spatial Data Infrastructure

| I&A |

NSECNational Security Emergency Coordination

| FEMA |

NSECNational Standard Exercise Curriculum

| FEMA |

NSEERSNational Security Entry Exit Registration System

| DHS | CBP | CRCL | I&A |

NSEPTNational Security and Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications

| FEMA |

NSFNational Science Foundation

| FEMA | S&T |

NSFNational Strike Force

| FEMA |

NSFCCNational Strike Force Coordination Center

| FEMA |

NSGICNational States Geographic Information Council

| FEMA |

NSGPNon-Profit Security Grant Program

| FEMA |

NSHSNational Strategy for Homeland Security

| CISA |

NSINational Security Information

| FEMA |

NSINuclear Surety Inspection

| FEMA |

NSLRSDANational Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive

| FEMA |

NSMPNational Strong-Motion Program

| FEMA |

NSNNational Security Notifications

| FEMA |

NSNNational Stock Number

| FEMA |

NSPDNational Security Presidential Directive

| DHS |

NSPENational Society of Professional Engineers

| FEMA |

NSPSNational Security Personnel System

| OGC |

NSRSNational Spatial Reference System

| FEMA |

NSRVNational Security and Records Verification (USCIS/NSRV)

| DHS |

NSSNational Security Strategy

| CISA |

NSSNational Shelter System

| FEMA |

NSSANational Safe Skies Alliance

| TSA |

NSSDANational Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy

| FEMA |

NSSENational Special Security Event

| USSS | CISA | S&T |

NSSFCNational Severe Storms Forecast Center

| FEMA |

NSSLNational Severe Storms Laboratory

| FEMA |

NSTACNational Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee


NSTCNational Science & Technology Council

| S&T |

NSTRNothing Significant to Report

| FEMA |

NTNetwork Technology

| FEMA |

NTWindows NT operating system

| FEMA |

NTANational Technology Alliance

| S&T |

NTANetwork Technology Architecture

| FEMA |

NTANotice to Appear


NTACNational Threat Assessment Center

| USSS | I&A |

NTASNational Terrorism Advisory System

| I&A |

NTCNational Targeting Center

| CBP | I&A |

NTCNational Teleregistration Center

| FEMA |

NTC-MWNational Teleregistration Center at Mount Weather

| FEMA |

NTENot to Exceed

| FEMA |

NTEUNational Treasury Employees Union

| MGMT | OGC |

NTFINational Task Force on Interoperability

| FEMA |

NTIANational Telecommunications and Information Administration


NTISNational Technical Information Service

| FEMA |

NTMNational Technical Means

| FEMA |

NTMRNational Technical Means of Reconnaissance

| FEMA |

NTMSNational Telecommunications Management Structure

| FEMA |

NTNFCNational Technical Nuclear Forensics Center

| CWMD |

NTRNothing to Report

| FEMA |

N-TRAPNational Terrorism Response Awareness Program

| FEMA |

NTRONational Terrorism Response Objective

| FEMA |

NTSNational Traffic System

| FEMA |

NTSNevada Test Site

| FEMA |

NTSBNational Transportation Safety Board

| DHS |

NTSCNational Telecommunications Standards Committee

| FEMA |

NTSPNational Telecommunications Support Plan; a.k.a. National Plan for Telecommunications Support in Non-Wartime Emergencies

| FEMA |

NTSRANational Transportation Sector Risk Assessment

| TSA | CISA |

NTVRPNon-Tank Vessel Response Plan

| USCG |

NUName Unknown

| FEMA |

NUCFLASHAccidental, unauthorized, or unexplained nuclear detonation

| FEMA |

NUDETNuclear Detonation

| FEMA |

NULNational Urban League

| CISA |

NUMARCNuclear Management and Resources Council

| FEMA |

NUREGNuclear Regulation

| FEMA |

NUSRSNational Urban Search and Rescue System, Advisory Committee of the

| FEMA |

NUWAXNuclear Weapon Exercise

| FEMA |

NUWCNaval Undersea Warfare Center

| FEMA |

NVACNational Visualization and Analytics Center

| FEMA |

NVCNational Visa Center

| FEMA |

NVDCNational Vessel Documentation Center

| FEMA |

NVFCNational Volunteer Fire Council


NVGNight Vision Goggles

| CBP | ICE |

NVICNavigation and Vessel Inspection Circular

| USCG |

NVLNight Vision Laboratory

| USSS |

NVLAPNational Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program

| FEMA |

NVMCNational Vessel Movement Center

| USCG | I&A |

NVOADNational Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters

| FEMA |

NVPSNational Virtual Pointer System

| I&A |

NVTSANight Vision Technology Safety Act

| S&T |

NWNeighborhood Watch

| FEMA |

NWARSGNuclear Weapons Accident Response Steering Group

| FEMA |

NWCNational Warning Center

| FEMA |

NWCGNational Wildfire Coordinating Group

| FEMA |

NWCGNational Wildland Coordinating Group

| FEMA |

NWPNeighborhood Watch Program (see NW)

| FEMA |

NWRNational Weather Radio

| FEMA |

NWRNOAA Weather Radio

| FEMA |

NWSNational Weather Service


NWSFONational Weather Service Forecast Office

| FEMA |

NWWSNational Weather Wire Service

| FEMA |

NYCOEMNew York City Office of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

O numberOrder number

| FEMA |

O&MOperations and Maintenance

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

OAOffice Automation

| FEMA |

OAOver and Above

| FEMA |

OAoperational assessment

| S&T |

OAAOlder Americans Act

| FEMA |

OADOperations Analysis Division (S&T/OAD)

| DHS |

OADROriginating Agency Determination Required

| FEMA |

OAFMEOffice of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner

| FEMA |

OAMOffice of Acquisition Management

| FEMA |

OAOOffice of Aviation Operations

| TSA |

OAROffice of Air and Radiation

| FEMA |

OAROffice of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research

| FEMA |

OASOffice of Administrative Support

| FEMA |

OASOffice of Aircraft Services

| FEMA |

OASOrganization of American States


OASDOffice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense

| FEMA |

OASH/OEPOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Health / Office of Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

OASISOrganization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards

| I&A |

OASTOffice of Accessible Systems & Technology

| FEMA |

OAWGOrganizational Attack Working Group

| TSA |

OBOfficial Business

| FEMA |

OBEOvercome by Events

| FEMA |

OBPBorder Patrol, Office of (CBP/OBP)

| DHS |


| FEMA |

OCOperations Center

| FEMA |

OCAOffice of Congressional Affairs

| FEMA |

OCAOriginal Classification Authority

| FEMA |

OCAOOffice of the Chief Administrative Officer (MGMT/OCAO)

| DHS |

OCBOperations Centers Branch

| FEMA |

OCCOffice of the Chief Counsel

| FEMA |

OCCOffice of the Controller of Currency


OCDOffice of Community Development

| FEMA |

OCDETFOrganized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force

| ICE | USCG |

OCFOOffice of the Chief Financial Officer (MGMT/OCFO)

| DHS |

OCFOASOffice of Chief Financial Officers & Administrative Services

| FEMA |

OCGOperations Coordinating Grouo

| OPS |

OCGFCOffice of Cerro Grande Fire Claims

| FEMA |

OCHAMPUSOffice of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

| FEMA |

OCHCOOffice of the Chief Human Capital Officer (MGMT/OCHCO)

| DHS |

OCIOOffice of the Chief Information Officer (MGMT/OCIO)

| DHS |

OCIPEPOffice of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness

| CISA |

OCJCSOffice of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

| FEMA |

OCLAOffice of Congressional Liaison and Affairs

| FEMA |

OCLUSOutside the Continental Limits of the United States

| FEMA |

OCNOptimal Climate Normals

| FEMA |

OCOGOrganizing Committee for the Olympic Games

| FEMA |

OCONUSOutside the Continental United States

| FEMA |

OCPMOffice of Crisis Planning and Management

| FEMA |

OCPOOffice of the Chief Procurement Officer (MGMT/CPO)

| DHS |

OCROffice of Collateral Responsibility

| FEMA |

OCROptical Character Reader

| FEMA |

OCROptical Character Recognition

| FEMA |

OCRWMOffice of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management

| FEMA |

OCSOfficer Candidate School

| USCG |

OCSOuter Continental Shelf

| FEMA |

OCSOOffice of the Chief Security Officer (MGMT/OCSO)

| DHS |

OCSPOnline Certificate Status Protocol

| FEMA |

OCTAVEOperationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation

| CISA |

OCTELOperations Center Telephone

| FEMA |

OCZMOffice of Coastal Zone Management

| FEMA |

ODAMOffsite Dose Assessment Manual

| FEMA |

ODBCOpen Database Connectivity

| FEMA |

ODCOther Direct Cost

| FEMA |

ODCEMOklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management

| FEMA |

ODEMOklahoma Department of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

ODISOffshore Detection Integrated System

| CWMD |

ODNIOffice of the Director of National Intelligence

| FEMA |

ODPOffice for Domestic Preparedness


ODROOffice of Detention and Removal Operations

| ICE |

ODSOperation Desert Safeguard

| CBP |

OEOperating Expenses

| FEMA |

OEOperational Environment

| FEMA |

OEOrganizational Elements

| FEMA |

OECOffice of Emergency Communications

| FEMA |

OECDOrganization for Economic Cooperation & Development

| USSS |

OEMOffice of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturers

| FEMA |

OEMAOhio Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

OEMCOffice of Emergency Management and Communications

| FEMA |

OEMPOffice of Emergency Medical Preparedness

| FEMA |

OEPOccupant Emergency Plan

| FEMA |

OEPOccupant Emergency Program

| FEMA |

OEPOffice of Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

OEROffice of Emergency Response

| FEMA |

OEROffice of Equal Rights

| FEMA |

OESOffice of Emergency Services

| FEMA |

OETOffice of Emergency Transportation (DOT)

| FEMA |

OFOffice of Finance

| FEMA |

OFOver-water Fetch (Line)

| FEMA |

OFAOffice of Family Assistance

| FEMA |

OFAOther Federal Agency

| FEMA |

OFACOffice of Foreign Assets Control

| CBP |


| FEMA |

OFDAOffice of Foreign Disaster Assistance

| FEMA |

OFFOffshore Forecast

| FEMA |

OFMOffice of Financial Management

| FEMA |

OFMAOklahoma Floodplain Management Association

| FEMA |

OFOField Operations, Office of (CBP/OFO)

| DHS |

OFPOffice of Field Programs

| FEMA |

OFSEPOffice of Food Security and Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

OGATOfficial Government Acceptance Test

| FEMA |

OGCOffice of the General Counsel

| DHS |

OGEOffice of Government Ethics

| FEMA |

OGOOffice of Grant Operations

| FEMA |

OGSAOpen Grid Services Architecture

| FEMA |

OHOccupational Health

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

OHAOffice of Health Affairs (see CWMD)

| DHS |

OHROffice of Human Resources

| FEMA |

OHRMOffice of Human Resources Management

| FEMA |

OHRPOffice for Human Research Protections [United States Dept. of Health and Human Services] (MD 10300)

| FEMA |

OHSOffice of Homeland Security (see HSC)

| FEMA |

OIOffice of Investigations

| FEMA |

OIAInternational Affairs, Office of (ICE/OIA), (PLCY/OIA)

| DHS |

OICOffice of Interoperability & Compatibility

| S&T |



OIEOffice of International Enforcement


OIGOffice of Inspector General

| DHS |

OIMOffice of Incident Management

| FEMA | S&T |

OIRAOffice of Information and Regulatory Affairs


OISImmigration Statistics, Office of (PLCY/OIS)

| DHS |

OITOffice of Information Technology

| FEMA |

OIWGOperational Intelligence Working Group

| I&A |

OJCSOffice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

| FEMA |

OJPOffice of Justice Programs

| FEMA |

OJTOn the Job Training


OJT - formalon-the-job training, (formal) OJT

| MGMT |

OJT - unstructuredon-the-job training, unstructured OJT

| MGMT |

OKCOklahoma City

| FEMA |

OLAOffice of Legislative Affairs

| DHS |

OLAPOn-Line Analytical Processing

| FEMA |

OLAWOffice of Laboratory Animal Welfare

| S&T |

OLCOffice of Legal Counsel

| FEMA |

OLEObject Linking and Embedding

| FEMA |

OLEOffice of Law Enforcement

| FEMA |

OLE/FAMSLaw Enforcement, Office of/Federal Air Marshal Service (TSA/OLE/FAMS)

| DHS |

OLESOffice of Law Enforcement Standards

| FEMA |

OLSOperation Life Safety (see RFSI)

| FEMA |

OLTPOn-Line Transaction Processing

| FEMA |

OMAOperations, Management, and Administration

| FEMA |

OMBOffice of Management and Budget

| DHS |

OMNCSOffice of the Manager, National Communications System

| FEMA |

OMSOperations Management Systems

| FEMA |

OMTPEOffice of Mission to Planet Earth

| FEMA |

ONAOther Needs Assistance (IHP)

| FEMA |

ONCRCOffice of National Capital Region Coordination

| FEMA |

ONDCPOffice of National Drug Control Policy

| DHS |

ONRAOffice of National Risk Assessment

| TSA |

ONSoperational needs statement

| S&T |

OOCOffice of Citizenship


OPAOffice of Public Affairs

| DHS |

OPAOtherwise Protected Area

| FEMA |

OPAOffice of Public Affairs

| OPA |

OPACOn-Line Payments and Collection

| FEMA |

OPBDOperations Branch Director

| FEMA |

OPCOrganizational Program Coordinators

| FEMA |

OPCOMOperational Command

| FEMA |

OPCONOperational Control

| FEMA |

OPDOffice of Policy Development

| FEMA |

OPDATOverseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training


OPENOpen Platform for Emergency Networks

| FEMA |

OPERIODOperational Period

| FEMA |

OPFOfficial Personnel Folder

| MGMT |

OPHEPOffice of Public Health Emergency Preparedness (HHS)

| FEMA |

OPHSOffice of Public Health and Science

| FEMA |

OPLANOperations Plan

| FEMA |

OPMOffice of Personnel Management

| DHS |

OPOProtective Operations (USSS/OPO)

| DHS |

OPORDOperation Order

| FEMA |

OPPREDOperation Predator

| ICE |

OPROffice of Primary Responsibility

| FEMA |

OPRProtective Research, Office of (USSS/OPR)

| DHS |

OPREPOperational Report

| FEMA |

OPSOffice of Operations Coordination

| MGMT |

OPSOffice of Operations Coordination and Planning

| DHS |

OPSOffice of Pipeline Safety

| FEMA |

OPSOperational Planning System

| FEMA |


| DHS |

OPS (former)Office of Private Sector Liaison (formerly PSL; see PSO)

| FEMA |

OPSECOperations Security

| DHS |

OPSGOperation Stonegarden

| FEMA |

OPSUMOperations Summary

| OPS |

OPTOperations and Planning Team

| FEMA |

OPTEMPOOperating Tempo

| FEMA |

OPUSOlympic Properties of the United States

| FEMA |

OPVALOperational Validation Program

| FEMA |

OPWOperational Planning Worksheet

| FEMA |

OR&ROffice of Regulations and Rulings

| FEMA |

ORAOutstanding Research Award

| FEMA |

ORCAOperational Readiness Capability Assessment

| FEMA |

ORDOffice of Research and Development

| FEMA |

ORDOffice of the Regional Director

| FEMA |

ORDOperational Requirements Document

| FEMA |

ORDMOrdering Manager

| FEMA |

OREMSOak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System

| FEMA |

ORIAOffice of Radiation and Indoor Air

| CWMD |

ORISEOak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

| S&T |

ORMOther Regulated Materials

| FEMA |

ORNLOak Ridge National Laboratory

| CWMD |

OROOff-site Response Organization

| FEMA |

ORPAOrthophoto Analyst

| FEMA |

ORROffice of Refugee Resettlement

| FEMA |

ORTAOffice of Research and Technology Applications

| MGMT |

OSOperating System

| FEMA |

OSOperations Support

| FEMA |

OS&YOutside Stem and Yoke

| FEMA |

OSAOperational Staging Area

| FEMA |

OSAIOffice of SAFETY Act Implementation

| FEMA |

OSARPOn-Screen Alarm Resolution Protocol

| TSA |

OSCOperations Systems Center

| USCG |

OSCOffice of Special Counsel

| FEMA |

OSCOn-Scene Commander

| FEMA |

OSCOn-Scene Coordinator

| FEMA |

OSCOperation Safe Commerce

| CBP |

OSCOperational Support Center

| FEMA |

OSCOperations Support Center

| FEMA |

OSC1Operations Section Chief 1

| FEMA |

OSC2Operations Section Chief 2

| FEMA |

OSCEOrganization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

| PLCY |

OSDozone-depleting substance

| DHS |

OSDOperational Systems Document

| FEMA |

OSDOperations Support Division

| FEMA |

OSDOffice of the Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)

| DHS |

OSDBUOffice of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

| MGMT |

OSD-HDOffice of the Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense

| FEMA |

OSEPOffice of Safety and Environmental Programs

| MGMT |

OSEPOccupational Safety and Environmental Programs (DHS)

| FEMA |

OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration

| FEMA |

OSHEOccupational Safety, Health and Environment

| FEMA |

OSIOpen Systems Interconnect

| FEMA |

OSIHOccupational Safety and Industrial Hygiene

| FEMA |

OSINTOpen-Source Intelligence

| FEMA |

OSIRopen source information report

| I&A |

OSLGC&POffice of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness

| FEMA |

OSLTFOil Spill Liability Trust Fund

| FEMA |

OSMOffice of Surface Mining

| FEMA |

OSOSecurity Operations, Office of (TSA/OSO)

| DHS |

OSOCCOn-Site Operations Coordination Center

| FEMA |

OSPStrategic Plans, Office of (PLCY/OSP)

| DHS |

OSPFOpen Shortest Path First

| FEMA |

OSSOfficer Safety and Survival Training Program


OSTOffice of the Secretary for Transportation

| FEMA |

OSTOperation Support Team

| FEMA |

OSTCOn-Scene Tactical Commander

| FEMA |

OSTPOffice of Science and Technology Policy

| FEMA |

OTInternational Trade, Office of (CBP/OT)

| DHS |

OToperational test

| S&T |

OT&Eoperational test and evaluation

| S&T |

OTAoperational test agent

| MGMT |

OTANOrganisation du Traité de l'Atlantlique Nord (NATO)

| FEMA |

OTAROver the Air Rekeying

| FEMA |

OTBEOvertaken by events

| DHS |

OTDOffice of Training & Development

| FEMA |

OTEOperational Test & Evaluation

| TSA | I&A |

OTHOver the Horizon

| USCG |

OTROffice of Trade Relations

| CBP |

OTRRoperational test readiness review

| MGMT |

OTRSOfficial Time Reporting System

| FEMA |

OTSOffice of Thrift Supervision

| FEMA |

OTS analysisoff-the-shelf analysis

| MGMT |

OTSPOffice of Transportation Security Policy

| TSA |

OTVPOffice of Transportation Vetting and Credentialing

| TSA | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

OUSOffice of the Undersecretary

| FEMA |

OVCOffice for Victims of Crime

| FEMA |

OVIOffice of Volunteerism Initiatives

| FEMA |

OVPOffice of the Vice President

| DHS |

OWMDOffice of Weapons of Mass Destruction

| S&T |

P&APlanning and Assessment

| FEMA |

P&APrice and Availability

| FEMA |

P&DProduction and Development

| FEMA |

P&IProtection and Indemnity

| FEMA |

P2pollution prevention

| DHS |


| FEMA |

PAperformance analysis

| MGMT |

PAPhysician Assistant

| FEMA |

PAPrincipal Advisor

| FEMA |

PAProgrammatic Agreement

| FEMA |

PAPublic Address

| FEMA |

PAPublic Affairs

| FEMA |

PAPublic Announcement

| FEMA |

PAPublic Assistance

| FEMA |

PA&EProgram Analysis and Evaluation

| FEMA |

PA05Purchasing Agent, 5K

| FEMA |

PA10Purchasing Agent, 10K

| FEMA |

PA25Purchasing Agent, 25K

| FEMA |

PA50Purchasing Agent, 50K

| FEMA |

PABXPrivate Automatic Branch Exchange

| FEMA |

PACPolitical Action Committee

| FEMA |

PACPrimary Agency Committee

| FEMA |

PACPublic Assistance Coordinator

| FEMA |

PACAREAPacific Area

| USCG |

PACCPatient Airlift Control Center

| FEMA |

PACOMUnited States Pacific Command


PACSphysical access control system

| MGMT |

PADProtective Action Decision

| FEMA |

PADPublic Affairs Director

| FEMA |

PADCPatch Authentication and Dissemination Capability

| FEMA |

PADREProtective Action Dosage Reduction Estimator

| FEMA |

PAECEProtective Action Evaluator for Chemical Emergencies

| FEMA |

PAESPrivate Aircraft Enforcement System

| CBP | TSA | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

PAGProtective Action Guide

| FEMA |

PAHPoly-nuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

| FEMA |

PAHOPan-American Health Organization

| FEMA |

PAIpublicly available information

| I&A |

PALPublic Affairs Level

| FEMA |

PALSPortable Automated Lookout System

| CBP | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

PA-NSTPublic Affairs - National Support Team

| FEMA |

PANYNJPort Authority of New York and New Jersey

| S&T |

PAOPacific Area Office

| FEMA |

PAOPublic Affairs Officer

| FEMA | OPA |

PAOPublic Assistance Officer

| FEMA |

PAPProject Application Processor

| FEMA |

PAPDPort Authority Police Department

| USCG | S&T |

PAPOsPreparedness Analysis and Planning Officers

| FEMA |

PAPRPowered Air Purifying Respirator

| FEMA |

PAPRSPhone Activated Paperless Request System

| FEMA |

PA-PRTPublic Affairs - Planning Response Team

| FEMA |

PARPerformance & Accountability Report

| FEMA |

PARPersonal/Personnel Accountability Record

| FEMA |

PARPopulation at Risk

| FEMA |

PARProtective Action Recommendation

| FEMA |

PARPublic Administration Review

| FEMA |

PARADEPrevention, Advocacy, Resources and Data Exchange

| CISA |

PARDOSPartial Dosage

| FEMA |

PARTProgram Assessment Rating Tool

| I&A |

PASPresidential Appointment with Senate Confirmation

| DHS | MGMT |

PAsProtective Actions

| FEMA |

PASPProtective Action Strategy Plan

| FEMA |

PASSPerformance Accountability and Standards System

| TSA |

PASSPersonnel Alert Safety System

| FEMA |

PATProcess Action Team

| FEMA |

PATCOProfessional, Administrative, Technical, Clerical, Other

| FEMA |

PATFPractical Applications Training Facility



| OGC |

PAWSAPorts and Waterways Safety Assessment


PAWSSports and waterways safety system

| PLCY |


| FEMA |

PAZProtective Action Zone

| FEMA |

PBAPine Bluff Arsenal

| FEMA |

PBACPolicy Based Access Control

| FEMA |

PBCAPine Bluff Chemical Activity

| FEMA |

PBDProgram Budget Decision

| FEMA |

PBDSPrototype Biological Detection System

| FEMA |

PBIEDperson-borne improvised explosive device

| S&T |

PBLperformance based logistics

| MGMT |

PBOPProbeye Operator

| FEMA |

PBRProgram and Budget Review

| MGMT |

PBR guidanceprogram and budget review guidance

| MGMT |

PBRBProgram Budget Review Board

| FEMA |

PBSPublic Broadcasting System

| FEMA |

PBSPublic Buildings Service

| FEMA |

PBSISPublic Building Service Information System

| FEMA |

PBXPhone (or Private) Bank Exchange

| FEMA |

PBXPrivate Branch Exchange

| FEMA |

PCPeace Corps

| FEMA |

PCPersonal Computer

| FEMA |

PCCPathobiologics Collaborating Center

| FEMA |

PCCPolicy Coordination Committee

| DHS | FEMA | I&A | PLCY |

PCCIPPresident’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection

| FEMA |

PCEProgrammatic Categorical Exclusion

| FEMA |

PCERTPreliminary Computer Evidence Recovery Training

| USSS |

PCFPatient Care Form

| FEMA |

PCIIProtected Critical Infrastructure Information

| CISA | I&A |

PCIIMSPCII Management System

| CISA |

PCISPartnership for Critical Infrastructure Security

| FEMA |

PCLOBPrivacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board

| CRCL |

PCOPrivy Council Office

| FEMA |

PCPTPasco County Public Transportation (Florida)

| FEMA |

PCQSPerson Centric Query Service

| I&A |

PCRprivacy compliance review

| MGMT |

PCRpolymerase chain reaction

| FEMA |

PCRProgram and Capability Review

| FEMA |

PCSPermanent Change of Station

| FEMA |

PCSPersonal Communications Service/System

| FEMA |

PCSPlanning, Coordination and Support [Task] (National Preparedness Guidance)

| FEMA |

PCSFProcess Control Systems Forum

| FEMA |

PCTPolk County Transit (Florida)

| FEMA |

PCTProgram Control Team

| FEMA |

PCTAREPersonal Computer Time and Attendance Remote Entry

| FEMA |

PCWHFPresidential Commission on White House Fellows

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

PDPer Diem

| FEMA |

PDPolice Department

| FEMA |

PDPolicy Directive

| FEMA |

PDPosition Description

| FEMA |

PDPresidential Declaration

| FEMA |

PDAPersonal Data Assistant

| FEMA |

PDAPreliminary Damage Assessment

| FEMA |

PDAPresbyterian Disaster Assistance

| FEMA |

PDAPueblo Depot Activity

| FEMA |

PDASHPrincipal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health

| FEMA |

PDBPresident's Daily Brief

| FEMA |

PDCPacific Disaster Center

| FEMA |

PDCPersonnel Data Card

| FEMA |

PDCAPlan, Do, Check, Adjust

| FEMA |

PDDPresidential Decision Directive

| DHS | FEMA | I&A |

PDEVPolicy Development, Office of (PLCY/PDEV)

| DHS |

PDFPortable Document Format


PDFProbability Density Function

| FEMA |

PDIMPlanning Development and Implementation Management

| FEMA |

PDIMPlanning Development and Information Management

| FEMA |

PDIMPlanning Document Imaging Management

| FEMA |

PDIMPostgraduate Diploma in Information Management

| FEMA |

PDMphysical data model

| MGMT |

PDMPre-disaster Mitigation

| FEMA |

PDMFPre-disaster Mitigation Fund

| FEMA |

PDOProgram Decision Option

| FEMA |

PDOPPosition Dilution of Precision

| FEMA |

PDPPolicy Decision Point

| FEMA |

PDSPersonnel Decontamination Station

| FEMA |

PDSPractice Dangerous to Security

| FEMA |

PDSIPalmer Drought Severity Index

| FEMA |

PDTPacific Daylight Time (GMT - 7)

| FEMA |

PDUSIAPrincipal Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis

| I&A |

PEProfessional Engineer

| FEMA |

PEAProgrammatic Environmental Assessment

| FEMA |

PEADPresidential Emergency Action Document

| FEMA |

PECCProvincial Emergency Coordination Center

| FEMA |

PEDPortable Electronic Device

| FEMA |

PEDSPortable Emergency Data System

| FEMA |

PEGPerformance Evaluation Group

| FEMA |

PEGPerformance Evaluation Guide

| FEMA |

PEISProgrammatic Environmental Impact Statement

| FEMA |

PELpermissible exposure limit [asbestos]

| DHS |

PELPermissible Exposure Limit


PEMAPennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

PEOPublic Education and Outreach

| FEMA |

PEOCPresident’s Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

PEPPrepositioned Equipment Program


PEPPrimary Entry Point

| FEMA |

PEPProfessional Excellence Program

| FEMA |

PEPACPrimary Entry Point Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

PERIPublic Entity Risk Institute

| FEMA |

PERTProgram Evaluation and Review Technique

| FEMA |

PESPerformance Excellence Series

| FEMA |

PETLPrevention Education Team Leader

| FEMA |

PETMPrevention Education Team Manager

| FEMA |

PFAPrimary Federal Agency

| FEMA |

PFAProcurement Funding Authority

| FEMA |

PFDPrimary Frontal Dune

| FEMA |

PFOPrincipal Federal Official/Officer

| CISA |

PFORPrincipal Federal Official’s Representative

| FEMA |

PFPAPentagon Force Protection Agency


PFTPermanent Full-Time

| FEMA |

PGPlanning Group

| FEMA |

PGCPrivacy Guidelines Committee

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

PGPPretty Good Privacy

| FEMA |

PHPublic Health

| FEMA |

PHEPPublic Health Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

PHILISPortable High-Throughput Integrated Laboratory Identification System

| S&T |

PHINPublic Health Information Network

| FEMA |

PHMSAPipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (within DOT)

| FEMA |

PHRBAEPublic Health Readiness for Biological Agent Event

| FEMA |

PHSPublic Health Service

| FEMA |

PHS&Tpackaging, handling, storage, and transportation

| MGMT |

PIperformance improvement

| MGMT |

PIPandemic Influenza

| FEMA |

PIProject Impact

| FEMA |

PIProject Inspector

| FEMA |

PIApartnership intermediary agreement

| MGMT |

PIAPrivacy Impact Assessment

| I&A | PRIV |

PIADCPlum Island Animal Disease Center

| S&T |

PIATPublic Information Assist Team

| FEMA |

PICPilot in Charge

| FEMA |

PICPressurized Ion Chamber

| FEMA |

PICPrime Integration Contractor

| FEMA |

PICCLPrivate Sector Communications Coordination Line

| FEMA |

PIDprogram identifier

| MGMT |

PIERPublic Information, Education and Relations

| FEMA |

PIFPolicies in Force

| FEMA |

PIGPublic Interest Group

| FEMA |

PIIPersonally Identifiable Information

| FEMA |

PIIDprocurement instrument identifier

| MGMT |

PINPersonal Identification Number

| DHS |

PINSPersonnel in Need of Supervision

| FEMA |

PIOPublic Information Officer

| FEMA | OPA |

PIO1Public Information Officer Type 1

| FEMA |

PIO2Public Information Officer Type 2

| FEMA |

PIOFPublic Information Officer

| FEMA |

PIPProposer Information Pamphlet

| FEMA |

PIPSPre-Incident Planning System

| FEMA |

PIRPost Implementation Review

| FEMA |

PIRPriority Intelligence Requirement

| FEMA |

PIRpassive infrared switch

| S&T |

PIVPersonal Identity Verification


PIVpersonal identity verification card

| MGMT |

PIVPost Indicating Valve

| FEMA |

PKEMRAPost-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

PKIPublic Key Infrastructure

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

PLPreparedness Level

| FEMA |

PLPublic Law (also abbreviated as P.L.)

| FEMA |

PL 93-288Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (as amended)

| FEMA |

PLAPrincipal Legal Advisor

| ICE |

PLCPacific Logistics Center

| FEMA |

PLCYOffice of Policy

| DHS |

PLEPrincipal Level Exercises

| FEMA |

PLOTSPassport Lookout Tracking System

| CBP | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

PLUMIS(See PIADC [Plum Island])

| FEMA |

PLUMISSee PIADC (Plum Island)

| S&T |

PMProject Manager

| MGMT |

PMPost Meridiem

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

PMProgram Manager

| FEMA |

PMProject Monitor

| FEMA |

PMAPresident’s Management Agenda

| FEMA |

PMCEPositive Memorable Customer Experience

| FEMA |

PMCSPreventive Maintenance Checks and Services

| FEMA |

PMEFprimary mission essential function

| MGMT |

PMFPresidential Management Fellows

| FEMA |

PMGProgram Management Group

| FEMA |

PMGProgram Monitoring Group

| FEMA |

PMISPerformance Measurement Information System

| TSA |

PM-ISEProgram Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (Office of)

| FEMA |

P-MNSpreliminary mission need statement

| S&T |

PMOProgram Management Office

| MGMT |

PMOProperty Management Officer

| FEMA |

PMPPerformance Monitoring Plan

| FEMA |

PMPProject Management Professional

| FEMA |

PMPproject management plan

| S&T |

PMRPatient Movement Request

| FEMA |

PMRPhysical Map Revision

| FEMA |

PMRSPerformance Management And Recognition System

| FEMA |

PMSPayments Management System

| FEMA |

PMSProgram Management System

| FEMA |

PMTProject Management Team

| FEMA |

PMTLProtective Measures Target List

| FEMA |

PMUProperty Management Unit

| FEMA |

PMWGPerformance Management Working Group

| FEMA |

PNPart Number

| FEMA |

PNProject Number

| FEMA |

PNEPeaceful Nuclear Explosion

| FEMA |

PNGPortable Network Graphics

| FEMA |

PNNLPacific Northwest National Laboratory

| S&T |

PNOVPreliminary Notice of Violation

| FEMA |

PNPPrivate Non-Profit

| FEMA |

PNRPassenger Name Record

| TSA |

PNSPProject on National Security Reform


PNVPresent Net Value

| FEMA |

POPersonnel Office

| FEMA |

POPost Office

| FEMA |

POPreparedness Officer

| FEMA |

POPrivacy Office (see PRIV)

| FEMA |

POProject Officer

| FEMA |

POPurchase Officer

| FEMA |

POPurchase Order

| FEMA |

POAPoint of Arrival

| FEMA |

POA&Mplan of action and milestones

| MGMT |

POBPlace of Birth

| FEMA |

POCPoint of Contact

| DHS |

PODPoint of Departure

| FEMA |

PODPoint of Distribution

| FEMA |

PODSPoint of Distribution Sites

| FEMA |

POEPoint of Entry


POEPort of Entry


POESPolar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite

| FEMA |

POETEPlan, Organize, Equip, Train, Exercise

| FEMA |

POETE/OPSPlanning, Organization, Equipment, Training, Exercises, and Operations Support

| FEMA |

POGOProject on Government Waste

| PRIV |

POIPlan of Instruction

| FEMA |

POIPoint of Instruction

| FEMA |

POIProgram of Instruction

| FEMA |

POLPetroleum, Oil and Lubricants

| FEMA |

POLFPoints of Light Foundation

| FEMA |

POLREPPollution Report

| FEMA |

POMSOPlans, Operations, and Military Support Officer

| FEMA |

POPPeriod Of Performance

| FEMA |

POP-3Post Office Protocol (Version 3)

| FEMA |

PORprogram of record

| MGMT |

PORPoint of Review

| FEMA |

POTSPlain Old Telephone Service

| FEMA |

POTUSPresident of the United States

| FEMA |

POTWPublic Owned Treatment Works

| FEMA |

POVPrivately-owned Vehicle

| FEMA |

PPPay Period

| FEMA |

PPPersonal Property

| FEMA |

PPPersonal Protection

| FEMA |

PP5Pilot Program Airports (San Francisco, Kansas City, Rochester, Jackson Hole & Tupelo)

| TSA |

PPAprogram project activity

| MGMT |

PPAprogram project activity [financial]

| MGMT |

PPAPerformance Partnership Agreement

| FEMA |

PPACAPerformance Partnership Agreement Cooperative Agreement

| FEMA |

PPAGProposed Public Affairs Guidance

| FEMA |

PPBPlans, Programs and Budget

| S&T |

PPBParts Per Billion

| FEMA |

PPBCPProfessional Practices for Business Continuity Professionals

| FEMA |

PPBEPlanning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution

| MGMT |

PPBESPlanning, Programming and Budgeting Execution System

| FEMA |

PPBMPositive Passenger Baggage Match

| TSA |

PPBSPlanning, Programming and Budgeting System

| I&A |

PPCPrevention and Preparedness Council

| FEMA |

PPCBPPrickly Pear Cactus Burning Program

| FEMA |

PPDPreparedness Programs Division (PREP)

| FEMA |

PPDSPre-Positioned Disaster Supplies

| FEMA |

PPEPay Period Ending


PPEPersonal Protective Equipment

| FEMA |

PPFRPPrepared and Perishable Food Rescue Program

| FEMA |

PPGProgram Planning Guidance

| FEMA |

PPIProgressive Policy Institute

| PRIV |

PPIPort Partnership Initiative

| CWMD |

PPMParts Per Million

| FEMA |

PPMPrinter/Plotter Module

| FEMA |

PPMProgram Performance Monitoring

| FEMA |

PPNPassport Number

| CBP | USCG |

PPOPreferred Provider Organizations

| MGMT |

PPPAPreparedness Policy, Planning, and Analysis (Office of)

| FEMA |

PPQPlant Protection and Quarantine

| CBP |

PPRPlans, Programs, & Requirements (Office of)

| FEMA |

PPRPrior Permission Required

| FEMA |

PPSPre-Positioned Site

| FEMA |

PRPositive Response (Exercise Series)

| FEMA |

PRPublic Relations

| FEMA |

PRPurchase Request

| FEMA |

PRAPaperwork Reduction Act

| FEMA |

PRAPatient Reporting Activity

| FEMA |

PRBPerformance Review Board

| MGMT |

PRBProcurement Review Board

| FEMA |

PRCPeoples Republic of China

| PLCY |

PRCPermanent Resident Card


PRCPresidential Reserve Call-up

| FEMA |

PRCPostal Rate Commission

| DHS |

PRDPersonal Radiation Detection Device

| CBP |

PREPPreparedness [DHS Directorate for] (see NPPD)

| FEMA |

PREPnetNational Preparedness Network

| FEMA |

PRERPeacetime Radiological Emergency Response

| FEMA |

PRIME POWERUSACE Engineer Battalion

| FEMA |

PRISMPerformance and Registration Information Systems Management

| FEMA |

PRIVPrivacy Office

| MGMT |

PRIVOffice of the Chief Privacy Officer

| DHS |

PRNDPreventative Radiological and Nuclear Detection

| CWMD |

PRNGPuerto Rico National Guard

| FEMA |

PROPersonnel Records On-Line

| FEMA |

PROACTProtective and Response Options for Airport Counter Terrorism

| FEMA |

PROCProcurement Unit Leader

| FEMA |

PROFLOWProcedural Flow

| DHS |

PROTECTProgram for Response Options and Technology Enhancements for Chemical/Biological Terrorism

| FEMA | S&T |

PRPpotentially responsible party

| DHS |

PRPPersonnel Reliability Program

| FEMA |

PRPPreferred Risk Policy

| FEMA |

PRSPrimary Receiving Site

| FEMA |

PRTPlanning and Response Team

| FEMA |

PSProgram Support

| FEMA |

PSAPort Security Assessment

| USCG |

PSAPatient Staging Area

| FEMA |

PSAProtective Security Advisor

| FEMA |

PSAPublic Service Announcement

| FEMA | OPA |

PSAMSPersonnel Security Activity Management System

| MGMT |

PSAPsPublic Safety Answering Points

| FEMA |

PSATProtective Security Assistance Teams

| CISA |

PSBPlanning Support Branch

| FEMA |

PSC1Planning Section Chief Type 1

| FEMA |

PSC2Planning Section Chief Type 2

| FEMA |

PSCDProtective Security Coordination Division

| FEMA |

PSDProtective Security Division

| CISA |

PSDPlastic Sphere Dispenser

| FEMA |

PSEprivate sector employer

| MGMT |

PSEAGPhysical Security Equipment Action Group

| FEMA |

PSGPPort Security Grant Program


PSIPounds per square inch

| FEMA |

PSIProliferation Security Initiative

| CBP |

PSIAPounds per Square Inch Absolute

| FEMA |

PSICPublic Safety Interoperable Communications


PSIGPounds per Square Inch Gauge

| FEMA |

PSL (see PSO)Formerly [Office of] Private Sector Liaison (PSO—in PLCY as of October 2005; see PSO)

| FEMA |

PSMAPre-Scripted Mission Assignment

| FEMA |

PSNPublic Switched Network

| FEMA |

PSOProtective Security Officer

| MGMT |

PSOProgram Security Officer

| MGMT |

PSOPrivate Sector [Liaison] Office (PLCY/PSO) (former OPS, and PSL)

| DHS |

PSOBPublic Safety Officer Benefits

| FEMA |

PSOTPProtective Security Operations Training Program


PSRPersonal Service Radio

| FEMA |

PSRPower Soft Report

| FEMA |

PSRCPresidential Selected Reserve Call-up

| FEMA |

PSSPhysical Security Specialist

| FEMA |

PSTPacific Standard Time

| DHS |

PSTAPinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (Florida)

| FEMA |

PSTNPublic Switch Telephone Network

| FEMA |

PSUPort Security Unit

| USCG |

PSWACPublic Safety Wireless Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

PSWNPublic Safety Wireless Network

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

PTPayload Transporter

| FEMA |

PT&EPreparedness, Training, and Exercises [Directorate]

| FEMA |

PTAParent-Teachers Association

| FEMA |

PTAPrivacy Threshold Analysis

| FEMA |

PTBPosition Task Book

| FEMA |

PTBSPosition Task Books

| FEMA |

PTIPositive Threat Identification

| TSA |

PTOPatent and Trademark Office

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

PTRProperty Transfer Report

| FEMA |

PTRCPersonnel Time Recorder

| FEMA |

PTSDPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder

| FEMA |

PTWCPacific Tsunami Warning Center

| FEMA |

PUCAPueblo Chemical Activity

| FEMA |

PUCDPueblo Chemical Depot

| FEMA |

PUDPlanned Unit Development

| FEMA |

PUDAPueblo Depot Activity

| FEMA |

PUPPrincipal User Processor

| FEMA |

PUREXPlutonium Uranium Extraction

| FEMA |

PVAPort Vulnerability Assessment

| USCG |

PVCPermanent Virtual Circuits

| FEMA |

PVCSPolyton Version Configuration System

| FEMA |

PVOPrivate Voluntary Organization

| FEMA |

PVOPrivate Volunteer Organization

| FEMA |

PVTSACPrivate Sector Senior Advisory Committee

| PLCY |

PWProject Worksheet

| FEMA |

PWPublic Works

| FEMA |

PWCSPorts Waters & Coastal Security

| FEMA |

PWDPersons with Disabilities



| FEMA |

PWGPractitioners Working Group

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

PWRPressurized Water Reactor

| FEMA |

PWSpublic water system

| DHS |

PYPast Year

| FEMA |

PZPrecautionary Zone

| FEMA |

Q&AQuestions and answers

| DHS |

Q3Quality Level 3; refers to a digital version of a Flood Insurance Rate Map (note: Q3 Data refers to the flood zone information represented on the map)

| FEMA |

QAQuality Assurance

| FEMA |

QA/QCQuality Assurance/Quality Control

| FEMA |

QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan

| FEMA |

QASPquality assurance surveillance plan

| MGMT |

QASPQuality Assurance Plan

| FEMA |

QBEQuery by Example

| FEMA |

QBOQuasi-Biennial Oscillation

| FEMA |

QCQuality Control

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

QFRQuestions for the Record

| OGC |

QFRQuestions for Review

| FEMA |

QOPQuality of Protection

| FEMA |

QOSQuality of Service

| FEMA |

QRBQuality Review Board

| FEMA |

QRCQuick Reaction Checklist

| FEMA |

QRPQuick Response Program

| FEMA |

QRSQuick Response System

| FEMA |

QRTQuick Response Team

| FEMA |

QRUQuick Response Unit

| FEMA |

QSIQuality Step Increase

| FEMA |

QTTotal Activity Released

| FEMA |

QTFQuantitative Temperature Forecast

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

QUF6Uranium Hexafluoride Inventory

| FEMA |

Rremotely driven conveyance

| S&T |


| FEMA |

R&DResearch and Development

| DHS |

R&RResponse & Recovery

| FEMA |

R/hRoentgens per hour

| FEMA |

RARegional Administrator

| FEMA |

RAReimbursable Agreement

| FEMA |

RAResource Advisor

| FEMA |

RARisk Assessment

| FEMA |

RAARegional Airline Association

| TSA |

RAARadiological Accident Assessment


RAARequest for Allocation Advice

| FEMA |

RAACRadiological Accident Assessment Concepts

| FEMA |

RAAWRequest for Allocation Advice Worksheet

| FEMA |

RACReception and Care

| FEMA |

RACRegional Assistance Committee

| FEMA |

RACRemedial Action Coordinator

| FEMA |

RACRisk Assessment Code

| FEMA |

RAC ACRegional Assistance Committee Advisory Council

| FEMA |

RACER™remedial action cost estimating requirement

| DHS |

RACESRadio Amateur Civil Emergency Services

| FEMA |

RACFResource Access Control Facility

| FEMA |

RADRadiation-Absorbed Dose



| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |

RADResource Allocation Decision

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

Rad/NUc CTECRadiological/Nuclear Countermeasures Test and Evaluation Complex

| FEMA |

RADCONRadiological Control (Team)

| FEMA |

RADEFRadiological Defense

| FEMA |

RADIACRadioactivity Detection, Indication and Computation

| FEMA |

RADIDRadar Information Display

| FEMA |

RADLABRadiological Laboratory

| FEMA |

RADNUCRadiological/ Nuclear Enforcement

| S&T | CWMD |

RADORadio Operator

| FEMA |

RAFACSReceipt and Alien File Accountability and Control System (see NFTS)


RAICResident Agent in Charge

| ICE | USSS |

RAIDRapid Assessment and Initial Detection

| FEMA |

RAIDRedundant Array of Independent Disks

| FEMA |

RAIORefugee, Asylum & International Operations (USCIS/RAIO)

| DHS |

RAMRadiological/Radioactive Material

| FEMA |

RAMRandom-Access Memory

| FEMA |

RAMRemedial Action Manager

| FEMA |

RAMACRandom Access Method Accounting Control

| FEMA |

RAMCAPRisk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection

| CISA |

RAM-DRisk Assessment Methodology for Dams

| FEMA |

RAMOSRemote Automated Meteorological Observing System

| FEMA |

RAMPRamp Manager

| FEMA |

RAMPRemedial Action Management Program

| FEMA |

RAMPIDRemedial Action Management Program Issue Database

| FEMA |

RAMPREPRemedial Action Management Program Report

| FEMA |

RAMTRadiological Assessment Medical Team

| FEMA |

RAMTARRadiological Material Transportation Accident Response

| FEMA |

RAPRisk Assessment Policy

| MGMT |

RAPRadiological Assistance Plan

| FEMA |

RAPRadiological Assistance Program

| FEMA |

RAPRemedial Action Project

| FEMA |

RAPResource Allocation Plan

| FEMA |

RAPIDRecovery Assistance Programs Information and Delivery

| FEMA |

RAPIDRisk Assessment Process for Informed Decision Making

| CISA |

RAPSRefugees, Asylum and Parole System


RAPTADRandom Particle Transport And Diffusion

| FEMA |

RARRegional Analysis and Recommendation

| FEMA |

RARERoadless Area Review and Evaluation

| FEMA |

RARTRegional Assessment and Response Team

| FEMA |

RASCALRadiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis

| FEMA |

RASORadiological Affairs Support Office (United States Navy)

| FEMA |

RASSRadio Acoustic Sounding System

| FEMA |

RATRadiological Assistance Team

| FEMA |

RAWGRapid Assessment Work Group

| FEMA |

RAWNRadar Wind Sounding

| FEMA |

RAWSRemote Automated Weather Station

| FEMA |

RAWSRemote Automated Weather System

| FEMA |

RBACRole-Based Access Control

| FEMA |

RBCSRural Business Cooperative Service

| FEMA |

RCcustom radio controlled

| S&T |

RCReception Center

| FEMA |

RCRecovery Center

| FEMA |

RCRed Cross (also ARC)

| FEMA |

RCReserve Component

| FEMA |

RC&DResource Conservation and Development

| FEMA |

RCAroot cause analysis

| MGMT |

RCARadiological Control Area

| FEMA |

RCARiparian Conservation Area

| FEMA |

RCARural Community Assistance

| FEMA |

RCACRed Cross Assistance Center

| FEMA |

RCBAPResidential Condominium Building Association Policy

| FEMA |

RCCReception and Congregate Care

| FEMA |

RCCRegional Climate Center

| FEMA |

RCCRescue Coordination Center


RCDCBRegional Civil Defense Coordinating Board

| FEMA |

RCDMReceiving/Distribution Manager

| FEMA |

RCFRelease Conversion Factor

| FEMA |

RCIEDradio controlled improvised explosive device

| S&T |

RCMRadar-Coded Message

| FEMA |

RCPRegional Contingency Plan

| FEMA |

RCPRegional Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan

| FEMA |

RCPGRegional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant

| FEMA |

RCPGPRegional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program

| FEMA |

RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act

| FEMA |

RCSReactor Coolant System

| FEMA |

RCSReports Control System

| FEMA |

(Video) 28 Must know Cyber Security Acronyms

RCTResponse Coordination Team

| FEMA |

RCVReplacement Cost Value

| FEMA |

RDI&A Regional Director

| I&A |

RDRegional Director

| FEMA |

RDRestricted Data

| FEMA |

RDBResource Database

| FEMA |

RDBMSRelational Database Management System

| I&A | MGMT |

RDCRegional Disaster Coordinator

| FEMA |

RDCDRapidly Deployable Chemical Detection

| S&T |

RDDradiological dispersal device

| S&T |

RDDRadiological Dispersion/Dispersal Device

| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |

RDORadiological Defense Officer

| FEMA |

RDORegional Disaster Office

| FEMA |

RDORegional Duty Officer

| FEMA |

RDORegular Day Off

| FEMA |

RDOSReal-Time Disk Operating System

| FEMA |

RDPRegional Delivery Program

| FEMA |

RDPCRural Domestic Preparedness Consortium

| FEMA |

RDSRemote Delivery Site

| FEMA |

RDTRapid Deployment Team

| FEMA |

RDT&EResearch, Development, Testing and Evaluation

| S&T |

REReal Estate

| FEMA |

REARadioactive Emergency Area

| FEMA |

REARural Electrification Administration

| FEMA |

REACRadiation or Radiological Emergency Assistance Center


REAC/TSRadiation Emergency Assistance Center - Training Site

| FEMA |

REAC/TSRadiological Emergency Assistance Center - Training Site

| FEMA |

REACTRadio Emergency Assistance Communications Team

| FEMA |

REACTRadio Emergency Associated Communications Team

| FEMA |

READIResponse to Emergencies and Disasters Institute


REAL IDReal Identification


RECrecord of environmental consideration

| DHS |

RECRegional Examination Center

| USCG |

RECRegional Emergency Coordinator

| FEMA |

RECAResidual Capability Assessment

| FEMA |

RECATResidential Capability Assessment Team

| FEMA |

RECCRegional Emergency Communications Coordinator

| FEMA |

RECCWGRegional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group

| FEMA |

RECDRural Economic and Community Development

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

RECPRegional Emergency Communications Plan/Planner

| FEMA |

RECSRadiological Emergency Communications System


REDAMRadiological Emergency Dose Assessment Model

| FEMA |

REDCAPReadiness and Capability Exercise

| FEMA |

REDIRegional Emergency Disaster Inventory

| FEMA |

RELRecommended Exposure Limit

| FEMA |

REMRoentgen Equivalent Man/Mammal

| FEMA |

REMSRemote Environmental Monitoring System

| FEMA |

REMTRegional Emergency Management Team

| FEMA |

RENCRegional Emergency Notification Center

| FEMA |

REORegional Environmental Officer

| FEMA |

REOCRegional Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

REPRadiological Emergency Preparedness

| FEMA |

REPRegional Evacuation Plan

| FEMA |

REPRegional Evacuation Point

| FEMA |

REPLORegional Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

REPPRadiological Emergency Preparedness Program

| FEMA |

REPPMRadiological Emergency Preparedness Program Manual

| FEMA |

REPSRemote EHU Property System

| FEMA |

RERRecord of Environmental Review

| FEMA |

RERORadiological Emergency Response Operations

| FEMA |

RERPRadiological Emergency Response Plan

| FEMA |

RERTRadiological Emergency Response Team

| CWMD |

RESLResource Unit Leader

| FEMA |

RESTATResources Status

| FEMA |

RETRegional Emergency Transportation

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

RETCORegional Emergency Transportation Coordinator

| FEMA |

RETOPSRadiological Emergency Team Operations

| FEMA |

RETREPRegional Emergency Transportation Representative

| FEMA |

REXReadiness Exercise

| FEMA |

RFRadio Frequency

| FEMA |

RFARequest for Federal Assistance

| FEMA |

RFCrequest for change

| MGMT |

RFCRiver Forecast Center

| FEMA |

RFDRescue Floatation Device

| FEMA |

RFIRadio Frequency Interference

| FEMA |

RFIRequest for information

| FEMA |

RFIrequest for information [acquisition]

| S&T |

RFIDRadio Frequency Identification


RFOReady for Occupancy

| FEMA |

RFORegional Field Office

| FEMA |

RFPRequest for Proposal

| FEMA | S&T | MGMT | OPA |

RFQRequest for Quote

| I&A | MGMT |

RFSRequest for Service

| FEMA |

RFSIResidential Fire Safety Institute (former OLS)

| FEMA |

RGReview Guide

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

RHAReduced Hazard Ammunition


RHARegional Health Administrator

| FEMA |

RHARural Housing Agency

| FEMA |

RHAVERisk Hazard and Value Evaluation Program

| FEMA |

RHSRural Housing Service

| FEMA |

RIRegistration Intake

| FEMA |

RIRemedial Investigation

| FEMA |

RIARequiring Immediate Action

| FEMA |

RIATRapid Impact Assessment Team

| FEMA |

RICRecovery Information Center

| FEMA |

RICCSRegional Incident Communication and Coordination System

| FEMA | OPA |

RICORacketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization

| ICE |

RICTRegional Incident Coordination Team

| FEMA |

RIFReduction in Force

| FEMA |

RIIDRadiation Isotope Identifier Device

| CBP |

RIJANRegional Information Joint Awareness Network


RIORegional Investment Officer

| FEMA |

RIPRouting Information Protocol

| FEMA |

RISRegulatory Issue Summary

| FEMA |

RISCRegional Interagency/Interoffice Steering Committee

| FEMA |

RISSRegional Information Sharing Systems Center

| I&A |

RISS or RISSNETRegional Information Sharing System

| CISA |

RITRapid Intervention Team (Fire/Rescue)

| FEMA |

RITFRapid Intervention Task Force (Fire/Rescue)

| FEMA |

RKBResponder Knowledge Base

| FEMA |

RLRecording level

| FEMA |

RLRepetitive Loss

| FEMA |

RLERun Length Encoding

| FEMA |

RLPRepetitive Loss Property

| FEMA |

RLSRegistered Land Surveyor

| FEMA |

RLTGRepetitive Loss Target Group

| FEMA |

RMRadiological Monitor

| FEMA |

RMRecords Management

| FEMA |

RMResource Manager

| FEMA |

RMRisk Management

| FEMA |

RMARisk Management Agency

| FEMA |

RMARisk Management and Analysis, Office of (NPPD/RMA)

| DHS |

RMATRisk Management Assessment Tool

| TSA | CISA |

RMDRisk Management Division

| FEMA |

RMECRegional Military Emergency Coordinator

| FEMA |

RMGResource Management Group

| FEMA |

RMIRepublic of the Marshall Islands

| FEMA |

RMMRiver Mile Marker

| FEMA |

RMNCSRegional Manager National Communications System

| FEMA |

RMRIWFCGRocky Mountain Regional Interagency Wildland Fire Communications Group

| FEMA |

RMSRoot Mean Square

| FEMA |

RMSERoot Mean Square Error

| FEMA |

RMSIRegional Maritime Security Initiative

| USCG |

RMTRadiological Monitoring Team

| FEMA |

RMTNRegional Meteorological Telecommunications Network

| FEMA |

RMTOResources Management Transformation Office

| FEMA |

RNRegistered Nurse

| FEMA |

RNARapid Needs Assessment

| FEMA |

RNATRapid Needs Assessment Team

| FEMA |

RNCSAARadiological & Nuclear Countermeasure System Architectures Analysis

| S&T |

RNCTECRadiological/Nuclear Counter-measures Test & Evaluation Complex

| CWMD |

RNMCBReserve Naval Mobile Construction Battalion

| FEMA |

RORadiological Officer

| FEMA |

RORead Only

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

RORegional Office

| FEMA |

ROReports Officer

| FEMA |

ROResponsible Officer

| FEMA |

ROBRegional Office Building

| FEMA |

ROBCATRules of Behavior and Computer Awareness Training

| FEMA |

ROCRegional Operations Center (see RRCC)

| FEMA |

RODrecord of decision [EPA]

| DHS |

RODRecord of Decision

| FEMA |

ROERight-of Entry

| FEMA |

ROERules of Engagement

| FEMA |

ROIreturn on investment [risk]

| PLCY |

ROIReport of Investigation

| ICE | CWMD |

ROMrough order of magnitude

| MGMT |

ROMRead-Only Memory

| FEMA |

RONRemain Overnight

| DHS |

RORReleased on their Own Recognizance

| FEMA |

RORORoll On/Roll-Off

| FEMA |

RO-ROroll-on, roll-off ship

| PLCY |

ROSResponse Operating System

| FEMA |

ROSSResource Ordering and Status System

| FEMA |

ROSTRegional Office Support Team

| FEMA |

ROSTRegional Operations Support Team

| FEMA |

ROTHRRelocatable Over the Horizon Radar

| ICE |

ROWPUReverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit

| FEMA |

RPReal Property

| FEMA |

RPARegional Planning Agent

| FEMA |

RPARequest for Public Assistance

| FEMA |

RPAResources Planning Act

| FEMA |

RPBPReduced Pressure Backflow Preventer

| FEMA |

RPCRegional Preparedness Committee

| FEMA |

RPGresource planning guidance

| MGMT |

RPGResponse Planning Guide

| FEMA |

RPHResource Priority Header

| FEMA |

RPMRadiation Portal Monitor


RPMRemedial Project Manager

| FEMA |

RPMRevolutions per Minute

| FEMA |

RPORegional Project Officer

| FEMA |

RPOCRegional Point of Contact

| FEMA |

RPPRadiological Pilot Project

| FEMA |

RPPORadiological Pilot Program Office

| CWMD |

RPSRadiological Protection System

| FEMA |

RPTRadiation Protection Technician

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

RPVRemotely Piloted Vehicle

| CBP | ICE |

RQReportable Quantity

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

RRResponse & Recovery (also R&R)

| FEMA |

RRRest and Relaxation

| FEMA |

RRRural Route

| FEMA |

RRACRegional Radiological Assistance Committee

| FEMA |

RRBRailroad Retirement Board

| FEMA |

RRCCRegional Response Coordination Center

| FEMA |

RRFRegional Response Force

| FEMA |

RRISRapid Response Information System

| FEMA |

RRPRegional Response Plan

| FEMA |

RRRReadiness, Response and Recovery

| FEMA |

RRRVRegional Rapid Response Vehicle

| FEMA |

RRTRadiological Response Team

| FEMA |

RRTRegional Response Team

| FEMA |

RRWGReward and Recognition Working Group

| FEMA |

RSRegional Summary

| FEMA |

RSRelay System

| FEMA |

RSRemote Sensing

| FEMA |

RSResponse Support

| FEMA |

RSATRisk Self Assessment Tool (formerly VISAT)

| CISA |

RSCRemote Sensing Coordinator

| FEMA |

RSDRemote Sensing Data

| FEMA |

RSIRepetitive Stress Injury

| FEMA |

RSLRecommended Standard List

| FEMA |

RSORadiation Safety Officer

| FEMA |

RSOIReception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration

| FEMA |

RSPRegular Services Program

| FEMA |

RSPRender Safe Procedures

| FEMA |

RSPAResearch and Special Programs Administration

| FEMA |

RSSReally Simple Syndication

| FEMA |

RSSRemote Storage Site

| FEMA |

RSSCRemote Sensing Support Coordinator

| FEMA |

RSTReference Standard Time

| FEMA |

RSTRegional Support Team

| FEMA |

RSTRemote Sensing Team

| FEMA |

RSTRender Safe Team

| FEMA |

RSTAReconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisitions

| FEMA |

RSUResponse Support Unit

| FEMA |

RSUReunification Services Unit

| FEMA |

RSVPRetired Senior Volunteer Program

| FEMA |

RTRegistered Traveler

| FEMA |

RTResource Tracker

| FEMA |

RTResource Tracking

| FEMA |

RTAPRapid Technology Application Program

| S&T |

RTAPReal-Time Analytical Platform

| FEMA |

RTCRoad to Crisis

| FEMA |

RTCCReal Time Crime Center

| I&A |

RTFResponder/Response Task Force

| FEMA |

RTFRich Text Format

| FEMA |

RTF-EResponse Task Force - East

| FEMA |

RTF-WResponse Task Force - West

| FEMA |

RTIRegional Technology Integration


RTKReal Time Kinematic

| FEMA |

RTMRegional Training Manager

| FEMA |

RTSRegional Transit System

| FEMA |

RTSWGRegional Transit Security Working Group

| FEMA |

RTTRegional Transition Team

| FEMA |

RULResource Unit Leader

| FEMA |

RUSRural Utilities Service

| FEMA |

RVACRegional Visual Analytics Center

| FEMA |

RVSSRemote Video Surveillance Systems

| FEMA |

RVTRemote Video Terminal

| FEMA |

RWAReimbursable Work Authorization

| FEMA |

RWPRegional Work Plan

| FEMA |

RWSRevised Work Schedule

| FEMA |

RXPrescribed (fire)

| FEMA |

RXPrescription (medical)

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

RXB1Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 1

| FEMA |

RXB2Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 2

| FEMA |

RXB3Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 3

| FEMA |

RXCMPrescribed Fire Crew Member

| FEMA |

RXI1Ignition Specialist Type 1

| FEMA |

RXI2Ignition Specialist Type 2

| FEMA |

RXM1Prescribed Fire Manager Type 1

| FEMA |

RXM2Prescribed Fire Manager Type 2

| FEMA |

RXPLPrescribed Fire Planner

| FEMA |

S numberSupply number

| FEMA |

S&ESalaries and Expenses

| FEMA |

S&LSavings and Loan

| FEMA |

S&LState and Local

| FEMA |

S&TScience and Technology [Directorate]

| DHS |

S-60DOT Office of Intelligence Security

| DHS |

SASalvation Army

| FEMA |

SAState agency

| FEMA |

SASupport Agency

| FEMA |

SASpecial Agent

| DHS |

SAAState Administrative Agency

| FEMA |

SAAMSpecial Airlift Assignment Mission

| FEMA |

SAARSecretary's After Action Report

| FEMA |

SAATStandardized Awareness Authorized Trainer

| FEMA |

SABASupplied Air Breathing Apparatus

| FEMA |

SABTSpecial Agent Bomb Technician

| DHS |

SACSpecial Agent in Charge

| FEMA | ICE |

SACSpecial Agency in Charge

| FEMA |

SACSSecure Access Control System

| FEMA |

SADSouthern Area District

| FEMA |

SAESite Area Emergency

| FEMA |

SAEStafford Act Employee (also DAE)

| FEMA |

SAFEScreening Applied Fairly and Equitably [to truckers]

| TSA |

SAFESecure All-around Flotation Equipped

| USCG |

SAFESecurity and Accountability for Every Port

| USCG |

SAFESecure Against Fires and Embers

| FEMA |

SAFE TEASafe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act

| TSA | USCG |

SAFECOMSafe Community

| S&T |

SAFECOMSafety Communique

| FEMA |

SAFERStaffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response

| FEMA |

SAFETY ACTSupport Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act (2002)

| S&T |

SAFTISecure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative

| CBP | TSA |

SAGSenior Advisory Group

| FEMA |

SAICSpecial Agent in Charge

| USSS |

SAICScience Applications International Corporation


SAILSecure Automobile Inspection Lanes

| TSA |

SALSalvation Army

| FEMA |

SALEMDUGState and Local Emergency Managers Data Users Group

| FEMA |

SAMSurface to Air Missile

| TSA |

SAMSurface to Air Missile (affiliated with TSA)

| FEMA |

SAMESpecific Area Message Encoding

| FEMA |

SAMHSASubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

| FEMA |

SAMLSecurity Assertion Markup Language

| FEMA |

SAMPSpecial Area Management Plan

| FEMA |

SANStorage Area Network

| FEMA |

SANSSysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (SANS Institute)

| FEMA |

SANSShip Arrival Notification System

| USCG | I&A |

SAOSenior Accountable Official [Directive System]

| DHS |

SAOSenior Agency Official[Classified Information]

| MGMT |

SAOSecurity Advisory Opinions


SAOState Approving Officer

| FEMA |

SAOState Approving Official (affiliated with FEMA)

| FEMA |

SAPSpecial Access Program

| FEMA |

SAPState Action Plan

| FEMA |

SAPState Administrative Plan

| FEMA |

SARsuspicious activity reporting

| I&A | MGMT |

SARSafety Analysis Report

| FEMA |

SARSearch and Rescue

| FEMA |

SARSector Annual Reports

| FEMA |

SARSpecial Access Required

| FEMA |

SARSynthetic Aperture Radar

| FEMA |

SARSuspicious Activity Report

| ICE | I&A |

SARASuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act

| FEMA |

SARDAState Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment

| FEMA |

SAREXSearch and Rescue Exercise


SARSSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome


SARSSecurity Activities Reporting System

| MGMT |

SARSATSearch and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking

| FEMA |

SARTState Animal Response Team

| FEMA |

SASScientific Analysis Section

| FEMA |

SASSecondary Antenna System

| FEMA |

SASSStudent Administration and Scheduling System

| FEMA |

SASTScientific Assessment and Strategy Team

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

SATSearch Augmentation Team

| FEMA |

SATSimplified Acquisition Threshold

| FEMA |

SATCOMSatellite Communications

| FEMA |

SATERNSalvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network

| FEMA |

SATOScheduled Airline Ticket Office

| FEMA |

SAVSite Assistance Visit


SAVStaff Assistance Visit

| FEMA |

SAVESystematic Alien Verification Entitlements


SAVERSystems Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders

| FEMA |

SAVERSystems Assessments Validation and Equipment Response

| FEMA |

SAVISuspect and Violator Indices

| CBP | ICE | USCIS | I&A |

SBAShared Border Accord

| CBP | USCG |

SBASmall Business Administration

| DHS |

SBACCShared Border Accord Coordination Committee

| FEMA |

SBCSouthern Baptist Convention

| FEMA |

SBCCISouthern Building Code Congress International

| FEMA |

SBCCOMSoldier and Biological Chemical Command (United States Army)

| FEMA |

SBDSmart Border Declaration

| CBP |

SBDStrategic Policy and Budget Division (S&T/SBD)

| DHS |

SBDCSmall Business Development Center

| FEMA |

SBISecure Border Initiative

| CBP |

SBISpecial Background Investigation

| FEMA |

SBINETSecure Border Initiative Network

| CBP |

SBIRSmall Business Innovation Research

| S&T |

SBLStraight Bill of Lading (also SBOL)

| FEMA |

SBOLStraight Bill of Lading

| FEMA |

S-BOSSScenario-Based Orientation for Senior Staff

| FEMA |

SBUSensitive But Unclassified

| DHS |

SCSection Chief

| FEMA |

SCStudy Contractor

| FEMA |

SCADASupervisory Control and Data Acquisition System

| S&T | I&A |

SCATSecurity Control of Air Traffic

| FEMA |

SCATSpace Coast Area Transit (Florida)

| FEMA |

SCATANASecurity Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids

| FEMA |

SCBAservices and components based architecture

| MGMT |

SCBASelf-Contained Breathing Apparatus

| FEMA |

SCCSector Command Center

| PLCY |

SCCSector Coordinating Council

| FEMA |

SCCSecretary's Command Center

| DHS |

SCC-JSector Command Center - Joint

| PLCY |

SCDService Computation Date

| FEMA |

SCECSouthern California Earthquake Center

| FEMA |

SCEPCSenior Civil Emergency Planning Committee

| FEMA |

SCGSecurity Classification Guide

| FEMA |

SCISensitive Compartmented Information

| DHS |

SCICSoftware Control Integration Center

| FEMA |

SCIFSensitive Compartmented Information Facility

| FEMA | USSS | I&A |

SCIONSensitive Compartmented Information Operational Network

| I&A |

SCIPStatewide Communications Interoperability Plan/Planning

| FEMA |

SCMSurvivable Crisis Management

| FEMA |

SCOScreening Coordination Office (PLCY/SCO)

| DHS |

SCOState Coordinating Officer

| FEMA |

SCOTUSSupreme Court of the United States

| FEMA |

SCPSecurity Control Point

| TSA |

SCRSoftware (or System) Change Request

| FEMA |

SCRAGSenior Civilian Representative of the Attorney General

| FEMA |

SCRRSpecial Conversion Recommendation Report

| FEMA |

SCSSoil and Conservation Service

| FEMA |

SCSEPSenior Citizen Service Employment Program

| FEMA |

SCSNSouthern California Seismic Network

| FEMA |

SCUBScuba Diver

| FEMA |

SDStatic Data

| FEMA |

SDSecurity Directive

| DHS |

SD&DSystem Development and Demonstration

| FEMA |

SDASeventh Day Adventist

| FEMA |

SDDSoftware Development Division

| FEMA |

SDFSpecial Direct Facility

| FEMA |

SDKSoftware Development Kit

| FEMA |

SDLOSenior Disaster Logistics Officer

| FEMA |

SDLOSenior Disaster Logistics Official

| FEMA |

SDMScenario Development Message

| FEMA |

SDOStaff Duty Officer

| FEMA |

SDOStandards Development Organization

| FEMA |

SDPSecretarial Development Program

| FEMA |

SDPService Delivery Point

| FEMA |

SDSFIESpatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment

| FEMA |

SDTSSpatial Data Transfer Standard

| FEMA |

SDTSSpatial Data Transfer System

| FEMA |

SDUSMSpecial Deputy United States Marshall

| FEMA |

SDVOSBService Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

| FEMA |

SDWISSafe Drinking Water Information System

| FEMA |

SEsystems engineering

| S&T |

SEARspecial event assessment rating

| I&A |

SEARSpecial Events Assessment Rating

| CISA | OPS |

SEATSingle Engine Air Tankers

| FEMA |

SEBStaphylococcus Enterotoxin type B

| FEMA |

SECSecretary, Office of the

| DHS |

SECSecurities and Exchange Commission

| DHS |

SEC1Security Specialist Level 1

| FEMA |

SEC2Security Specialist Level 2

| FEMA |

SECARMYSecretary of the Army

| FEMA |

SECCState Emergency Coordination Center

| FEMA |

SECDEFSecretary, Department of Defense

| FEMA |

SECDHSSecretary, Department of Homeland Security

| FEMA |

SECGSecurity Guard (not LE)

| FEMA |

SECHHSSecretary, Department of Health and Human Services

| FEMA |

SECLANSecure Local Area Network

| FEMA |

SECMSecurity Manager

| FEMA |

SECUREStrategic Communications Resources Effort

| DHS |

SEDShippers Export Declaration

| CBP |

SEDSystems Engineering and Development

| FEMA |

SEISoftware Engineering Institute

| FEMA |

SELStandardized Equipment List

| FEMA |

SELCsystems engineering life cycle

| I&A |

SELSSevere Local Storms

| FEMA |

SEMSeattle Emergency Management

| FEMA |

SEMAState Emergency Management Agency


SEMOState Emergency Management Office


SEMSStandardized Emergency Management System

| FEMA |

SENTINELSecuring the Nation through Infrastructure Enhancements Locally

| CISA |

SENTRISecure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection


SEOSenior Energy Official

| FEMA |

SEOCState Emergency Operations Center


SEPState Emergency Plan

| FEMA |

SEPLOState Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

SERCState Emergency Response Commission

| FEMA |

SERFStandard Exercise Report Form/Format

| FEMA |

SERFC(NWS) Southeast River Forecast Center

| FEMA |

SERLSpecial Events Readiness Level (see below)

| FEMA |

SERL IUnique event requiring full support of United States Government

| FEMA |

SERL IIPrimary event requiring local resource augmentation and limited predeployment of United States Government assets

| FEMA |

SERL IIISecondary event requiring limited local resource augmentation and limited predeployment of United States Government assets

| FEMA |

SERL IVMinor event generally requiring no United States Government asset support

| FEMA |

SERRISoutheast Region Research Initiative

| S&T |

SERTSecretary's Emergency Response Team (DHHS)

| FEMA |

SERTState Emergency Response Team


SESSenior Executive Service

| MGMT |

SESsenior executive service position

| MGMT |

SES CDPSenior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (DHS)

| FEMA |

SETSource Evaluation Team

| TSA |

SETCPSoutheast Transportation Corridor Pilot

| CWMD |

SEUSSnow Estimation and Updating System

| FEMA |

SEVISStudent and Exchange Visitor Information System

| ICE | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

SEVPStudent and Exchange Visitor Program

| ICE |

SEWGSpecial Events Operating Group

| OPS |

SFSecurity Forces

| FEMA |

SFSpecial Facility

| FEMA |

SFSpecial Forces

| FEMA |

SFStandard Form

| FEMA |

SF6sulfur hexafluoride

| DHS |

SFARSpecial Federal Aviation Regulation

| FEMA |

SFDRASenior Foreign Disclosure and Release Authority

| I&A |

SFHASpecial Flood Hazard Area

| FEMA |

SFISecure Freight Initiative

| CBP |

SFIPStandard Flood Insurance Policy

| FEMA |

SFLEOSenior Federal Law Enforcement Officer

| FEMA |

SFLEOSenior Federal Law Enforcement Official

| FEMA |

SFOSenior Financial Officer

| MGMT |

SFOSenior Federal Official

| FEMA |

SFOSenior FEMA Official

| FEMA |

SFOState Field Office

| FEMA |

SFOState Field Officer

| FEMA |

SFPSupplementary Feeding Program

| FEMA |

SFPESociety of Fire Protection Engineers

| FEMA |

SFSOSenior Financial Services Officer

| FEMA |

SGSurgeon General

| FEMA |

SGESpecial Government Employee

| FEMA |

SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language

| FEMA |

SGTSenior Guidance Group

| OPS |

SGTPSociety of Government Travel Professionals

| PLCY |

SGTRSteam Generator Tube Rupture

| FEMA |

SGTSStandard Gas Treatment System

| FEMA |

SHASecure Hash Algorithm

| FEMA |

SHARESafety, Health, and Return-to-Employment

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

SHCPStrategic Human Capital Plan

| FEMA |

SHEMSsafety, health, environmental management system

| S&T |

SHIELDStrategic Hazard Identification Evaluation for Leadership Decisions

| CISA |

SHIRAStrategic Homeland Infrastructure Risk Assessment

| CISA |

SHMOState Hazard Mitigation Officer

| FEMA |

SHMPState Hazard Mitigation Program

| FEMA |

SHOSafety and Health Official

| FEMA |

SHOState Health Officer

| FEMA |

SHPOState Historic Preservation Office

| FEMA |

SHSASState Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy

| FEMA |

SHSEEPState Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program

| FEMA |

SHSGPState Homeland Security Grant Program

| FEMA |

SHSISensitive Homeland Security Information

| OPS |

SHSPState Homeland Security Program

| FEMA |

SHSSState Homeland Security Strategy

| FEMA |

SIASpecial Interest Alien

| FEMA |

SIAMStructure Ignition Assessment Model

| FEMA |

SICCLState Incident Communications Conference Line

| FEMA |

SICGSenior Interagency Coordination Group

| FEMA |

SIDStation Identifier

| FEMA |

SIDSystem Identifier

| FEMA |

SIDASecurity Identification Display Area


SIECState Interoperability Executive Committee

| FEMA |

SIEDSpecial Improvised Explosive Device

| FEMA |

SIESStrategic Industries and Economic Security, Office of

| FEMA |

SIFStandard Interchange Format

| FEMA |

SIGINTSignals Intelligence


SIGMETSignificant Meteorological Information

| FEMA |

SIISecurity/Suitability Investigations Index

| I&A |

SIIASoftware and Information Industry Association


SIMsubscriber identity module

| MGMT |

SIMBADSensor Integration and Modeling for Biological Agent Detection

| FEMA |

SIMCELLSimulation Cell

| FEMA |

SIMCEN(National Exercise) Simulation Center

| FEMA |

SINstanding information need

| I&A |

SIOSenior Infrastructure Officer

| MGMT |

SIOCStrategic Information and Operations Center

| I&A |

SIOCStrategic Intelligence and Operations Center

| FEMA |

SIOPSingle Integrated Operational Plan

| FEMA |

SIPstate implementation plans

| DHS |

SIPSession-Initiation Protocol (NGN)

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

SIPStreamlined Inspection Program

| FEMA |

SIPRNetSecure Internet Protocol Router Network

| I&A |

SIPRNETSecret Internet Protocol Router Network

| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |

SIRIXSSecure Infrastructure for Rapid Information Exchange Solution

| FEMA |

SITSituation Reporting System

| FEMA |

SIT REPORTInteragency Management Situation Report (summary of nationwide fire statistics)

| FEMA |

SITLSituation Unit Leader

| FEMA |

SITMANSituation Manual

| FEMA |

SITOSenior Insider Threat Official

| I&A |

SITREPSituation Report

| FEMA |

SITROOMSituation Room

| FEMA |

SITSTATSituation Status

| FEMA |

SLsenior level position

| MGMT |


| FEMA |

SL&TState, local, and Tribal (NRF, ESF 13 Annex)

| FEMA |

SLAService Level Agreement

| FEMA |

SLAState and Local Assistance

| FEMA |

SLARSide-Looking Airborne Radar

| FEMA |

SLBMSubmarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

| FEMA |

SLCSalt Lake City

| FEMA |

SLCSubscriber Line Carrier

| FEMA |

SLEState and Local Exercise

| FEMA |

Sleeping DragonTerm used to identify a barrier of protesters who have linked themselves to one another

| FEMA |

SLEPState and Local Exercise Program

| FEMA |

SLFCState and Local Fusion Center

| I&A |

SLGSenior Leadership Group

| OPS |

SLGState and Local Guide

| FEMA |

SLGCP (see SLGC)State and Local Government Coordination & Preparedness (now NPPD/IGP)

| CISA |

SLLEState and Local Law Enforcement, Office for (PLCY/SLLE)

| DHS |

SLMSound Level Meter

| FEMA |

SLOState Liaison Officer

| FEMA |

SLOSHSea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes

| FEMA |

SLPState & Local Program

| FEMA |

SLPASea Level Pressure Anomaly

| FEMA |

SLPSState & Local Programs & Support Directorate

| FEMA |

SLRFCState, Local and Regional Fusion Center

| FEMA |

SLSACState and Local Officials Senior Advisory Committee


SLUDGEMSalivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastric Distress, Emesis and Miosis

| FEMA |

SMShelter Management

| FEMA |

SMStudent Manual

| FEMA |

SMACState Mapping Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

SMBSecretary's Morning Brief

| FEMA |

SMCSpecialty/Specialized Management Center

| FEMA |

SMCCSystem Management Control Center

| FEMA |

SMESubject Matter Expert

| DHS |

SME PEDSecure Mobile Environment Portable Electronic Device

| FEMA |

SMGSpecialty Management Group

| FEMA |

SMHAState Mental Health Agency

| FEMA |

SMISafety Management Institute

| FEMA |

SMISmithsonian Institute

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

SMMAStandard Mitigation Measures Agreement

| FEMA |


| DHS |

SMPState Mitigation Plan

| FEMA |

SMSShort Message Service

| FEMA |

SMSSoftware Management System

| FEMA |

SMSAStandard Metropolitan Statistical Area

| FEMA |

SMSDState-Managed Small Disaster

| FEMA |

SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol

| FEMA |

SMUSpecial Mission Unit

| FEMA |

SMUSpecial Mission Unit (affiliated with FEMA)

| FEMA |

SMURCSatellite Mobile US&R Resupply Cache

| FEMA |

SNSerial Number

| FEMA |

SNASurvivable Network Analysis

| FEMA |

SNJTKSpecial Needs Jurisdiction Tool Kit


SNLSandia National Laboratory

| S&T |

SNMSpecific Nuclear Material

| CWMD |

SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol

| FEMA |

SNOMEDSystematized Nomenclature of Medicine

| FEMA |

SNPRMSupplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [see also ANPRM and NPRM]

| OGC |

SNSStrategic National Stockpile and National Disaster Medical System


SNSEESchool for National Security Executive Education (NDU)

| FEMA |

SNWDICritical Nuclear Weapon Design Information

| FEMA |

SOSafety Officer

| FEMA |

SOSheriff’s Office

| FEMA |

SOAService Oriented Architecture

| FEMA |

SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol

| FEMA |

SOBSouls On Board

| FEMA |

SOCSecurity Operations Center

| FEMA |

SOCState Operations Center

| FEMA |

SOCStatement of Concern

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

SOCMASynthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association

| CISA |

SOESenior Officials Exercise

| FEMA |

SOESummary of Expenses

| FEMA |

SOFSpecial Operations Forces

| FEMA |

SOF1Safety Officer Type 1

| FEMA |

SOF2Safety Officer Type 2

| FEMA |

SOFAStatus of Forces Agreement

| FEMA |

SOFRSafety Officer, Line

| FEMA |

SOGSeat of Government

| FEMA |

SOGStandard Operating Guideline

| FEMA |

SOISouthern Oscillation Index

| FEMA |

SOICSenior Official of the Intelligence Community

| FEMA |

SOLASSafety of Life at Sea

| CBP | USCG |

SOLGENSolicitor General

| FEMA |

SOLICSpecial Operations-Low Intensity Conflict

| FEMA |

SOLRADSolar Radiation

| FEMA |

SOMASummary of Map Actions

| FEMA |

SONStatement of Need

| FEMA |

SONARSound Navigation and Ranging

| USCG |

SONETSynchronous Optical Network

| FEMA |

SONSSpill of National Significance


SOOStatement of Objective

| DHS |

SOPSafe Operating Procedure

| FEMA |

SOPStandard Operating Procedure

| DHS |

SOPEPShipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

| FEMA |

SORStatement of Requirements

| S&T |

SORDSStand-off Radiation Detection System

| CWMD |

SORNSystem of Record Notice

| I&A | OGC | PLCY | PRIV |

SOSsystem of systems

| MGMT |

SOSStatus of Studies

| FEMA |

SOSCState On-Scene Coordinator

| FEMA |

SOUTHCOMSouthern Command

| TSA |

SOWStatement of Work

| DHS |

SPSingle Pedestal

| FEMA |

SPAWARSpace and Naval Warfare Systems Center

| CISA | I&A |

SPCStorm Prediction Center

| FEMA |

SPCASociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

| FEMA |

SPDSpecial Programs Division (S&T/SPD)

| DHS |

SPESenior Procurement Executive

| MGMT |

SPESkill Performance Evaluation

| FEMA |

SPEStrategic Planning and Evaluation

| FEMA |

SPEGLShort-term Public Emergency Guidance Level

| FEMA |

SPENState Police Emergency Network

| FEMA |

SPGSenior Policy Group

| FEMA |

SPGStrategic Planning Guide

| FEMA |

SPIISensitive Personally Identifiable Information

| FEMA |

SPIRITSecurity, Planning, and Integrated Resources for Information Technology

| PLCY |

SPLSingle Pedestal Left

| FEMA |

SPLASHSpecial Program to List the Amplitude of Surge from Hurricanes

| FEMA |

SPMSystem Programming and Maintenance

| FEMA |

SPOCSingle Point of Contact

| FEMA |

SPOCStaffing Point of Contact

| FEMA |

SPODSeaport of Debarkation

| FEMA |

SPOESeaport of Embarkation

| FEMA |

SPOTScreening of Passengers by Observation Techniques

| TSA |

SPOTSatellite Positioning and Tracking

| FEMA |

SPOTSysteme Probatoire d’Observation de la Terre (French satellite system)

| FEMA |

SPOTREPSSpot Reports

| OPS |

SPPSecurity and Prosperity Partnership

| TSA | PLCY |

SPPScreening Partnership Program

| TSA |

SPPSecure Passage Program

| TSA |

SPRSingle Pedestal Right

| FEMA |

SPRSpecial Problem Report

| FEMA |

SPRState Preparedness Report

| FEMA |

SPRStrategic Petroleum Reserve

| FEMA |

SPRBSenior Performance Review Board

| FEMA |

SPRLSoutheast Poultry Research Laboratory

| CWMD |

SPSCIFSemi-Permanent Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

| FEMA |

SPULSupply Unit Leader

| FEMA |

SQLStructured Query Language

| FEMA |

SRASafe Refuge Area

| FEMA |

SRASociety for Risk Analysis

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

SRDSelf-Reading Dosimeter

| FEMA |

SRFService Response Force

| FEMA |

SRFCService Response Force Commander

| FEMA |

SRFXService Response Force Exercise

| FEMA |

SRMservice component reference model

| MGMT |

SRMService Reference Model

| FEMA |

SRSCStrategic Review Steering Committee

| FEMA |

SRTSearch Rescue Team

| FEMA |

SRVSafety Relief Value

| FEMA |

SRWGSite Remediation Working Group

| FEMA |

SSASelf Storage Association

| PLCY |

SSASector-Specific Agency

| FEMA |

SSASenior State Advisor

| FEMA |

SSASocial Security Administration

| DHS |

SSASurvivable Systems Analysis

| FEMA |

SSAASystem Security Authorization Agreement

| FEMA |

SSANSocial Security Account Number

| FEMA |

SSASStrategic Sourcing and Acquisition Systems

| MGMT |

SSBSingle Side Band

| FEMA |

SSBISingle-Scope Background Investigation

| FEMA |

SSCScientific Support Coordinator

| FEMA |

SSCSenior Site Controller

| FEMA |

SSCStrategic Storage Center

| FEMA |

SSCJSan Diego Sector Command Center Joint

| USCG |

SSDSystems Support Division

| FEMA |

SSESafe Shutdown Earthquake

| FEMA |

SSFSDSecret Service Forensic Sciences Division

| USSS |

SSGStrategic Sourcing Group

| FEMA |

SSHSSaffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale

| FEMA |

SSISupplemental Security Income

| FEMA |

SSLSecure Socket Layer

| FEMA |

SSNSocial Security Number

| FEMA |

SSOSpecial Security Officer

| FEMA |

SSPSector Specific Plan


SSPSpecies Survival Plan

| FEMA |

SSRSpecial Security Representative

| MGMT |

SSRSpecial Security Representative (MD 11039)

| FEMA |

SSSSelective Service System

| DHS |

SSSSmall Structure Survey

| FEMA |

SS-SATCOMSlow Speed Satellite Communicator

| FEMA |

SSSEState Support Service Element

| FEMA |

SSTSafe Secure Transport

| FEMA |

SSTSea-Surface Temperature

| FEMA |

SSTShelter Survey Technician

| FEMA |

SSTSuper-Sonic Transport

| FEMA |

STscientific or professional position

| MGMT |

ST ISACSurface Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center

| FEMA |

STASpecial Temporary Authority

| FEMA |

STACScience and Technology Advisory Committee

| S&T |

STAMStaging Area Manager

| FEMA |

STARStrategic Threat and Action Report

| CISA |

STARScience to Achieve Results

| FEMA |

STARStudies, Training, Analysis and Research

| FEMA |

STARScience-based Threat Analysis and Response Program

| S&T | I&A |

STARCState Area Command

| FEMA |

STARSStandard Terminal Automation Replacement System

| FEMA |

STARTScientific and Technical Advisory and Response Team

| S&T |

STARTSecurity Through Advanced Research & Technology

| S&T |

STARTScientific and Technical Analysis and Response Team

| FEMA |

STARTSuperfund Technical Assessment and Response Team

| FEMA |

STARTEAMSpecialized Target Area Registration Team

| FEMA |

STARTEXStart of Exercise

| FEMA |

STATEXStatutory Exclusion

| FEMA |

STATREPStatus Report

| FEMA |

STBSurface Transportation Board

| FEMA |

STCSatellite Teleregistration Center

| FEMA |

STCSecure the Cities

| CWMD |

STCState Coordinator

| FEMA |

STCCStandard Transportation Commodity Code

| FEMA |

STCRStrike Team Leader Crew

| FEMA |

STCWStandards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping [for Seafarers]

| USCG |

STDOSecurity Technology Deployment Office

| FEMA |

ST-DOSESource Term to Dose

| FEMA |

STDZStrike Team Leader Dozer

| FEMA |

STESecure Telephone Equipment

| DHS |

STELShort-Term Exposure Limit

| FEMA |

STEMScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

| S&T |

STENStrike Team Leader Engine

| FEMA |

STEPState Tribal Education Program

| FEMA |

STEPSecurity Training Exercise Program

| TSA | USCG |

STLStrike team leader

| FEMA |

STLMStrike Team Leader Military

| FEMA |

STOSpecial Technical Operations

| FEMA |

STOCSniper Tactical Operations Center

| FEMA |

STOLSSystem to Locate Survivors

| FEMA |

STOPStrategy for Targeting Organized Piracy

| CBP |

STPStandard Temperature and Pressure

| FEMA |

STPSStructural Protection Specialist

| FEMA |

STQScreening Threshold Quantities

| CISA |

STRSuspicious Transaction Report


STRATCOMStrategic Command

| FEMA |

STSCStudent and Schools System


STUSecure Telephone Unit

| DHS |

STUDSSmall Tactical Ubiquitous Detection Sensors

| FEMA |

STU-IIISecure Telephone Unit – Third Generation

| FEMA |

STU-IVSecure Telephone Unit – Fourth Generation

| FEMA |

SUASpecial Use Airspace

| FEMA |

SUASpecified Unlawful Activities

| FEMA |

SUBDSupport Branch Director

| FEMA |

SUISensitive Unclassified Information

| FEMA |

SULSituation Unit Leader

| FEMA |

SUMSoftware User’s Manual

| FEMA |

SUMASupply Management

| FEMA |

SUPREPSSupplemental Reports Created by OIC

| FEMA |

SUPSALVSupervisor of Salvage

| FEMA |

SUVSport Utility Vehicle

| FEMA |

SVBDService Branch Director

| FEMA |

SVBIEDsuicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device

| S&T |


| FEMA |

SVCSwitched Virtual Circuits

| FEMA |

SVISSecure Video System

| FEMA |

SVOSSecure Voice System

| FEMA |

SVSSSmall Vessel Security Strategy

| USCG |

SVTCSecure Video Teleconference

| DHS |

SVTSSecured Video Teleconferencing System

| DHS |


| FEMA |

SWSoil and Water

| FEMA |

SWATSpecial Weapons and Tactics

| FEMA |

SWCSevere Weather Center

| FEMA |

SWELStillwater Flood Elevation

| FEMA |

SWFLStillwater Flood Level

| FEMA |

SWGScenario Working Group

| FEMA |

SWGSecurity Working Group

| FEMA |

SWGDEScientific Working Group on Digital Evidence

| USSS |

SWGFACTScientific Working Group for Forensic Analysis of Chemical Terrorism/Threats

| FEMA |

SWISSatellite Weather Information System

| FEMA |

SWOSenior Watch Officer

| FEMA | S&T | OPS |

SWPState Warning Point

| FEMA |

SWPState Weekends Program

| FEMA |

SWSSevere Weather Statement

| FEMA |

SWSASemantic Web Services Architecture

| FEMA |

T&ATime and Attendance

| FEMA |

T&CTime and Cost

| FEMA |

T&ETest and Evaluation

| FEMA |

T&EThreatened and Endangered

| FEMA |

T&EPWTraining and Exercise Planning Workshop

| FEMA |

T2Top Officials Exercise/TOPOFF 2

| FEMA |

TATable of Allowances

| FEMA |

TATechnical Assistance

| FEMA |

TATime and Attendance

| FEMA |

TATravel Authorization

| FEMA |

TACTechnical Advisory Committee

| FEMA |

TACTechnical Assistance Contractor

| FEMA |

TACACSTerminal Access Controller Access Control System

| FEMA |

TACCTraining Academy Charter Committee

| FEMA |

TAC-DESKTactical Desk

| FEMA |

TACEXTactical Exercise

| FEMA |

TACLETTactical Law Enforcement Team

| USCG |

TACONTactical Control

| FEMA |

TAC-SMCTactical Specialized Management Center

| FEMA |

TADTechnical Assistance Division

| FEMA |

TADSThreat Assessment Database System

| FEMA |

TADSTraining Aids for Dam Safety

| FEMA |

TAESTactical Aero-medical Evacuation System

| FEMA |

TAFATerrorism and Foreign Assassination

| USSS |

TAFIMTechnical Architecture Framework for Information Management

| FEMA |

TAFSTreasury appropriation fund symbol

| MGMT |

TAFSTreasury appropriation fund symbol [financial]

| MGMT |

TAFTTest, Analyze, Fix and Test

| FEMA |

TAGTechnology & Architecture Group

| FEMA |

TAGThe Adjutant General

| FEMA |

TAGThreat Advisory Group

| FEMA |

TAITSA Approved Instructor

| TSA |

TAISTelecommunications and Automated Information Systems

| FEMA |

TAOSThe Arbiter of Storms

| FEMA |

TAPTask Analysis Plan

| FEMA |

TAPSTrans-Alaska Pipeline System

| FEMA |

TARTone-Alert Radio

| FEMA |

TARPTroubled Asset Relief Program

| FEMA |

TARSTethered Aerostat Radar System

| ICE |

TARSTone-Alert Radios

| FEMA |

TASTreasury account symbol

| MGMT |

TASTreasury account symbol [financial]

| MGMT |

TATTechnical Assistance Team

| FEMA |

TAVTechnical Assistance Visit (DPETAP/NDPC)

| FEMA |

TAVTotal Asset Visibility

| FEMA |

TAVISSTargeted Violence Information Sharing System

| TSA |

TBAThyroid Blocking Agent (see KI)

| FEMA |

TBATo be announced

| DHS |

TBDTo be determined

| DHS |

TBMTemporary Bench Mark

| FEMA |

TBPTo be published

| OPA |

TBRTravel Business Roundtable

| TSA |

TCTechnical Committee

| FEMA |

T-CARTribal Capability Assessment for Readiness

| FEMA |

TCCTSA Telephone Contact Center

| TSA | CRCL |

TCCTele-Communications Center

| FEMA |

TCCTelephone Contact Center

| FEMA |

TCCTraffic Control Center

| FEMA |

TCCTransportable Communications Center


TCDTropical Cyclone Discussion

| FEMA |

TCLTarget Capabilities List

| FEMA |

TCOTerritorial Coordinating Officer

| FEMA |

TCOPTactical Common Operating Picture

| FEMA |

TCPTele-Communications Priorities

| FEMA |

TCPTraffic Control Point

| FEMA |

TCPTransmission Control Protocol

| FEMA |

TCRTotal Case Rate

| FEMA |

TCS(Standard Flood Hazard) Tracking and Correspondence System

| FEMA |

TCSTactical Control System

| FEMA |

TCUTribal Colleges and Universities

| S&T | CRCL |

TCUThreat Containment Unit

| FEMA |

TCUTransportation Coordination Unit

| FEMA |

TCVTotal Containment Vessel

| FEMA |

TDCTheater Deployable Communications

| FEMA |

TDCTravel Document Checker

| FEMA |

TDDTelecommunications Device for the Deaf

| CRCL |

TDFMTraffic Demand Forecast Model

| FEMA |

TDISTravel Document Issuance System


TDOTyphoon Duty Officer

| FEMA |

TDSTime, Distance and Shielding

| FEMA |

TDYTemporary duty

| DHS |

TEAM-CPRThermal, Etiological, Asphyxiation, Mechanical, Chemical, Psychological and Radioactive

| FEMA |

TechStatTechStat Accountability Session

| MGMT |

TECSTreasury Enforcement Communications System

| CBP | TSA | I&A |

TEDTotal Effective Dose

| FEMA |

TEDETotal Effective Dose Equivalent

| FEMA |

TEEMTraining Excellence Emergency Management

| FEMA |

TEEXTexas Engineering Extension Service


TEITraining and Exercise Integration (Division)

| FEMA |

TELTransporter Erector Launcher

| FEMA |

TELL(Office of) Training, Exercises, and Lessons Learned

| FEMA |

TELNETTele-conference Network

| FEMA |

TEMATennessee Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

TEMCCTribal Emergency Management Coordinating Council

| FEMA |

TEMPTemporary Employee

| FEMA |

TEMPTest and Evaluation Master Plan

| FEMA |

TENCAPTactical Exploitation of National Capabilities

| I&A |

TEOAFTreasury Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture


TEOCTele-Engineering Operations Center

| FEMA |

TEOCTransportation Emergency Operations Center

| FEMA |

TEPDTraining, Education, and Professional Development

| FEMA |

TEROTribal Employment Rights Organization

| FEMA |

TERTTelecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce

| FEMA |

TEUtwenty-foot equivalent unit

| PLCY |

TEUTechnical Escort Unit

| FEMA |

TEWTerrorist Early Warning (Group)

| FEMA | I&A |

TFTask Force

| FEMA |

TFAHTrust for America’s Health

| FEMA |

TFCCTask Force Control Center

| FEMA |

TFERTask for Emergency Readiness

| FEMA |

TFLTask Force Leader

| FEMA |

TFLTemporary Fuel Location

| FEMA |

TFLDTask Force Leader

| FEMA |

TFRTemporary Flight Restriction

| USSS |

TFSTexas Forest Service

| FEMA |

TFTTemporary Full-Time

| FEMA |

THTechnological Hazards

| FEMA |

THTemporary Housing

| FEMA |

THATemporary Housing Assistance

| FEMA |

THAMICToxic Hazard Analysis Model for Industrial Chemicals

| FEMA |

THCTemporary Housing Checkwriter

| FEMA |

THDTechnological Hazards Division

| FEMA |

THIRAthreat and hazard identification and risk assessment

| I&A |

THOTemporary Housing Officer

| FEMA |

THPTemporary Housing Program

| FEMA |

THREATCONThreat Condition

| FEMA |

THUTemporary Housing Unit

| FEMA |

TIATerrorism Information Awareness

| DHS |

TIARATactical Intelligence and Related Activities

| I&A |

TIASTraining Information Access System

| FEMA |

TIBtoxic industrial biological

| S&T |

TIBTemporary Importation Bond

| CBP |

TICTrusted Internet Connection

| CISA |

TICToxic Industrial Chemical

| CISA |

TICtoxic industrial material

| S&T |

TICPTactical Interoperable Communications Plan

| FEMA |

TIDETerrorist Identities Datamart Environment

| I&A | OGC | PLCY | PRIV |

TIERTreasury Information Executive Repository

| FEMA |

TIFFTagged Image File Format

| I&A | MGMT |

TIGERTopologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference (System)

| FEMA |

TIHToxic Inhalation Hazard

| TSA | S&T |

TIMToxic Industrial Material

| FEMA |

TIMACSTelecommunications Inventory Management and Control System

| FEMA |

TIMSTraffic Incident Management Systems

| FEMA |

TINTaxpayer Identification Number

| FEMA |

TINTriangular Irregular Network

| FEMA |

TIOCTransportation Information Operations Center

| FEMA |

TIPThreat Image Protection

| TSA |

TIPOFFTerrorism Information Program [database at DOS]

| I&A | PLCY |

TIPSTerrorism Information and Prevention System

| FEMA | I&A |

TIRtoxic industrial radiological

| S&T |

TIROSTelevision and Infrared Observation Satellite

| FEMA |

TISDTransportation Infrastructure Security Division

| FEMA |

TISPThe Infrastructure Security Partnership


TKBTerrorism Knowledge Base

| FEMA |

TLTeam Leader

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

TLCTerritory Logistics Centers

| FEMA |

TLC-CTerritory Logistics Center- Central

| FEMA |

TLC-ETerritory Logistics Center- East

| FEMA |

TLC-WTerritory Logistics Center- West

| FEMA |

TLDThermo Luminescent Dosimeter

| FEMA |

TLOTerminal Learning Objectives

| FEMA |

TLSTransport Layer Security

| FEMA |

TLVThreshold Limit Value

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

TMARSTeam Management and Rostering System

| FEMA |

TMCTransportation Management Center

| FEMA |

TMCTravel Management Center

| FEMA |

TMIThree Mile Island (Nuclear Power Plant)

| FEMA |

TMSTraffic Management Specialist

| FEMA |

TMSTraining Management System

| FEMA |

TMTTraffic Management Team

| FEMA |

TMTTraining Management Team

| FEMA |

TNATraining Needs Assessment


TNCTerminal Node Controller

| FEMA |

TNFTechnical Nuclear Forensics

| CWMD |

TNSPTraining Specialist

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

TOATime of Arrival

| FEMA |

TOATransportation Operating Agency

| FEMA |

TOCTable of Contents

| FEMA |

TOCTactical Operations Center

| FEMA |

TOCTraffic Operations Center

| FEMA |

TOCDFTooele Chemical Disposal Facility

| FEMA |

TOItrack of interest

| PLCY |

TOLCTake-Off and Landing Coordinator

| FEMA |

TOPTechnology Opportunities Program

| FEMA |

TOPOFFTop Officials Exercise


TOSCTactical On-Scene Commander

| FEMA |

TOTTime on Target

| FEMA |

TPTime Period

| FEMA |

TPCTropical Prediction Center

| FEMA |

TPEDTasking, Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination

| FEMA |

TPEPTerrorism Prevention Exercise Program

| FEMA |

TPFDDTime-Phased Force Deployment Data

| FEMA |

TPFDLTime-Phased Force Deployment List

| FEMA |

TPITwo-Person Integrity

| FEMA |

TPMTrading Partner Management (system)

| FEMA |

TPOTechnical Program Officer

| FEMA |

TPOTransition Planning Office

| FEMA |

TPOCTraining Point of Contact

| FEMA |

TPOPTractor Plow Operator

| FEMA |

TPPBTerrorism Production Planning Board (NCTC)

| FEMA |

TPSTemporary Protected Status


TRTransportation Request

| FEMA |

TRAC2ESTRANSCOM’s Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System

| FEMA |

TRACEMThermal, Radioactive, Asphyxiation, Chemical, Etiological and Mechanical

| FEMA |

TRADETraining Resources and Data Exchange


TRADOCUnited States Army Training and Doctrine Command

| FEMA |

TRAGISTransportation Routing Analysis Geographic Information System

| CISA |

TRAMTransit Risk Assessment Methodology


TransCAERTransportation Community Awareness Emergency Response

| FEMA |

TRAVELTransportation Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Evaluation Tool

| TSA | CISA |

TRCTechnology Review Committee

| FEMA |

TRCTelephone Response Center

| FEMA |

TREASDepartment of the Treasury

| DHS |

TRESDepartment of Treasury (Federal Government)

| FEMA |

TRIToxic Release Inventory

| FEMA |

TRIATerrorism Risk Insurance Act

| PLCY |

TRICSTelephone to Radio Interface Communications System

| FEMA |

TRIPTransit (and) Rail Inspection Pilot

| TSA |

TRIPTraveler Redress Inquiry Program

| TSA |

TRIPSTravel Reporting and Information Processing System

| FEMA |

TRMTechnical Reference Model

| I&A |

TROTransient Accommodations Only

| FEMA |

TROTransitional Recovery Office

| FEMA |

TROPANTropical Analysis Facsimile Network

| FEMA |

TRORTreasury Report on Receivables

| FEMA |

TRPTactical Response Plan

| FEMA |

TRPBTractor/Plow Boss

| FEMA |

TRRTest Readiness Review

| S&T |

TRTTactical Response Team

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

TSTop Secret

| DHS |

TSTransfer System

| FEMA |

TSTropical Storm

| FEMA |

TS/SCITop Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information

| FEMA |

TSAThe Salvation Army

| FEMA |

TSATransportation Security Administration

| DHS |

TSAACTransportation Security Administration's Access Certificate

| FEMA |

TSACTowing Safety Advisory Committee

| USCG |

TSARTransportation Security Administration Representative

| TSA |

TSARMTSA Self-Assessment Risk Module

| TSA |

TSBTechnical Services Branch

| FEMA |

TSBTraining Support Brigade

| FEMA |

TSCTerrorist Screening Center

| CBP | TSA | I&A |

TSCTechnical Support Center

| FEMA |

TSCTransportation Security Clearinghouse

| FEMA |

TSCAToxic Substance Control Act

| FEMA |

TSCCTransportation Security Command Center

| TSA |

TSCMTechnical Surveillance Countermeasures

| TSA |

TSCMTechnical Security Countermeasure

| FEMA |

TSCOTop Secret Control Officer

| FEMA |

TSDTest and Evaluation Standards Division (S&T/TSD)

| DHS |

TSDBTerrorist Screening Database

| CBP | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

TSDNTechnical Support Data Notebook

| FEMA |

TSDRToxic Substance and Disease Registry

| FEMA |

TSGPTransit Security Grant Program

| FEMA | TSA |

TSInational transportation security incident

| PLCY |

TSITransportation Security Inspector

| FEMA |

TSISTransportation Security Intelligence Service

| TSA | I&A |

TSLTransportation Security Laboratory

| TSA | S&T |

TSNTrade Support Network

| FEMA |

TSNMTransportation Sector Network Management (TSA/TSNM)

| DHS |

TSOTransportation Security Officer

| TSA |

TSOCTransportation Security Operations Center

| TSA |

TSPThrift Savings Plan

| MGMT |

TSPTelecommunications Service Priority

| FEMA |

TSPTotal Suspended Particulates

| FEMA |

TSPTraining Support Package

| FEMA |

TSPTransit Security Program

| FEMA |

TSPSOCTelecommunications Service Priority/System Oversight Committee


TSRTelecommunications Service Request

| FEMA |

TSRTeleregistration Service Representative

| FEMA |

TSSTemporary Storage Site

| FEMA |

TSSPTransportation Sect Specific Plan

| TSA |

TSWATemporary Secure Working Area

| FEMA |

TSWGTechnical Support Working Group

| FEMA |

TTTravel Trailer

| FEMA |

TT&ETest, Training and Exercise

| FEMA |

TTACTerrorist Threat Assessment and Credentialing

| TSA |

TTCTechnical Training Center

| FEMA |

TTCTime To Complete

| FEMA |


| CRCL |

TTFTerrorism Task Force

| FEMA |

TTICTerrorist Threat Integration Center

| I&A |

TTPTactics, Techniques and Procedures

| I&A |

TTPPTransportation Threat Protection Program

| FEMA |

TTTTrain the Trainer

| FEMA |

TTWSTerrorist Threat Warning System

| OPS |

TTXTabletop Exercise



| CRCL |

TUAVTactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

| FEMA |

TUHTwo Unit Housing

| FEMA |

TUSCANTIPOFF United States-Canada

| I&A | PLCY |

TUTTTropical Upper Tropospheric Trough

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

TVThomasville, Georgia

| FEMA |

TVATennessee Valley Authority

| DHS |

TVISThreat Vulnerability Integration System

| FEMA |

TVMThreat-Vulnerability Mapper

| FEMA |

TVTAThreat and Vulnerability, Testing and Assessment

| S&T |

TWATime Weighted Average

| FEMA |

TWDTropical Weather Discussion

| FEMA |

TWGTechnical Working Group

| FEMA |

TWGTerrorist Working Group

| FEMA |

TWICTransportation Worker Identification Credential


TWOVTransit Without Visa Program

| TSA |

TWPDESTerrorist Watchlist Person Data Exchange Standard

| I&A | PLCY |


| TSA |

U.S.United States (also US)

| FEMA |

UAUnauthorized Absence

| FEMA |

UAUniversal Adversary

| FEMA |

UAUpper Air

| FEMA |

UACUnified Area Command

| FEMA |

UAMuser activity monitoring

| I&A |

UASIUrban Areas Security Initiative

| FEMA |

UAVUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone)


UAV ESGUAV Executive Steering Group

| FEMA |

UAWGUrban Area Working Group

| FEMA |

UBCUniform Building Code

| FEMA |

UBEunknown bulk explosive

| S&T |

UBRUniversal Business Registry

| FEMA |

UCUnemployment Compensation

| FEMA |

UCUnified Command

| FEMA |

UC/ICUnified Command / Incident Command

| FEMA |

UCCUnified Combatant Command

| FEMA |

UCGISUniversity Consortium for Geographic Information Science

| FEMA |

UCPUnified Command Plan

| FEMA |

UCPUnified Command Post

| FEMA |

UCSUnified Command System

| FEMA |

UCTUnified Command Team

| FEMA |

UCTUniversal Coordinated Time (see ZULU)

| FEMA | S&T |

UDUnified Defense

| FEMA |

UDAUndocumented Aliens

| ICE |

UDDIUniversal Description, Discovery, and Integration

| FEMA |

UDPUrban Dispersion Program

| FEMA |

UECUnauthorized Entry into Cuban Territorial Waters

| USCG |

UELUpper Explosive Limit

| FEMA |

UF6Uranium Hexafluoride

| FEMA |

UGCUniversal Generic Code

| FEMA |

UHFUltra High Frequency

| FEMA |

UIUnemployment Insurance

| FEMA |

UICUnified Incident Command

| FEMA |

UICDSUnified Incident Command and Decision Support

| FEMA |

UJTLUniversal Joint Task List

| FEMA |

ULUnderwriters Laboratories

| FEMA |

ULDUnit Loading Device

| FEMA |

ULFUltra Low Frequency

| FEMA |

ULNUnit Line Number

| FEMA |

ULOUnliquidated Obligation

| FEMA |

ULPUnfair Labor Practice

| FEMA |

UMCAUmatilla Chemical Activity

| FEMA |

UMCDUmatilla Chemical Depot

| FEMA |

UMCORUnited Methodist Committee on Relief

| FEMA |

UMDUniversity of Maryland

| FEMA |

UMDAUmatilla Depot Activity

| FEMA |

UMLUnified Modeling Language

| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |

UMOCUnified Medical Operations Center

| FEMA |

UMPUpward Mobility Program

| FEMA |

UMRAUnfunded Mandates Reform Act [1995]

| OGC |

UNUnited Nations


UNCUniversal Naming Convention

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

UNDROUnited Nations Disaster Relief Organization

| FEMA |

UNGA 6262nd Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly

| FEMA |

UNHCRUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

| FEMA |

UNPUnmet Needs Program

| FEMA |

UNSCOMUnited Nations Special Commission

| FEMA |

UO2F2Uranyl Fluoride

| FEMA |

UOCUSACE Operations Center

| FEMA |

UOMUnit Of Measure

| FEMA |

UPCUniversal Product Code

| FEMA |

UPRUser Profile Record

| I&A | MGMT |

UPSUninterruptible Power Supply

| FEMA |

UPSUnited Postal Service

| FEMA |

URAUniform Relocation Act

| FEMA |

URGENTUniform Regional Guidance Employing National Teams

| FEMA |

URIUpper Respiratory Infection

| FEMA |

URISAUrban and Regional Information Systems Association

| FEMA |

URLUniform Resource Locator

| FEMA | I&A | MGMT |

USUnder Secretary (also U/S)

| FEMA |

US&RUrban Search & Rescue (see also USAR)

| FEMA |

USAUnited States Army


USAUnited States of America

| FEMA |

USA PATRIOT [Act]Uniting & Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept & Obstruct Terrorism

| DHS |

USA; USUnited States of America [geographical]

| DHS |

USACBDCUnited States Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command

| DHS | FEMA |

USACDAUnited States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

| DHS | FEMA |

USACDRAUnited States Army Chemical Demilitarization and Remediation Activity

| DHS | FEMA |

USACEUnited States Army Corps of Engineers

| DHS |

USACHPPMUnited States Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine

| DHS | FEMA |

USACMDAUnited States Army Chemical Material Destruction Agency

| DHS | FEMA |

USACOMUnited States Atlantic Command (see USJFCOM)

| DHS | FEMA |

USADACSUnited States Army Defense Artillery Center and School

| DHS | FEMA |

USAFUnited States Air Force


USAFAUnited States Air Force Academy

| DHS | ICE |

USAHAUnited States Animal Health Association

| DHS | S&T |

USAIDUnited States Agency for International Development

| DHS |

USAISCUnited States Army Information Systems Command

| DHS | FEMA |

USA-ITAUnited States Association for Importers of Textiles and Apparel

| CBP |

USAMRAAUnited States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity

| DHS | FEMA |

USAMRICDUnited States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense


USAMRIIDUnited States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease


USANCAUnited States Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency

| DHS | FEMA |

USARUnited States Army Reserve

| DHS | FEMA |

USARUrban Search and Rescue

| FEMA |

USBP (see CBP)United States Border Patrol

| DHS | CBP |

USBRUnited States Bureau of Reclamation

| DHS | FEMA |

USCUnited States Citizen


USCUnited States Code

| DHS | FEMA | CISA | I&A |

USCAPUnited States Civilian Aviation Partnership

| DHS | PLCY |

US-CERTUnited States Computer Emergency Readiness Team

| DHS | CISA | S&T | I&A |

USCGU.S. Coast Guard

| DHS | MGMT |

USCGUnited States Coast Guard

| DHS |

USCGRUnited States Coast Guard Reserve

| DHS | FEMA |

USCIRFUnited States Commission of International Religious Freedom

| DHS | FEMA |

USCISU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services


USCMUnited States Conference of Mayors

| DHS | FEMA |

USCOLDUnited States Committee on Large Dams

| FEMA |

USCPUnited States Capitol Police

| DHS | FEMA |

USCS (see CBP)United States Customs Service (now U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

| DHS | FEMA |

USCSCFACUnited States Customs Service COBRA Fees Advisory Committee

| DHS | CBP |

USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture

| DHS |

USDA/CSREESUnited States Department of Agriculture/ Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (aka: "the Extension Service")

| DHS | FEMA |

USDOIUnited States Department of the Interior

| DHS | FEMA |

USDOLUnited States Department of Labor

| DHS | FEMA |

USDOTUnited States Department of Transportation [ESF-1]

| DHS | FEMA |

USETUnited South and Eastern Tribes

| DHS | FEMA |

USFAUnited States Fire Administration (FEMA/USFA)

| DHS |

USFSUnited States Forest Service

| DHS | FEMA |

USFWSUnited States Fish and Wildlife Service

| DHS | FEMA |

USGUnited States Government

| DHS | FEMA |

USGSUnited States Geological Survey


USGS-DLGUnited States Geological Survey Digital Line Graph (Format)

| DHS | FEMA |

USIAUnder Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis

| I&A |

USIAUnited States Information Agency

| DHS | FEMA |

USICUnited States Interdiction Coordinator

| DHS | ICE |

USITCUnited States International Trade Commission

| DHS | FEMA |

USJFCOMUnited States Joint Forces Command


USMCUnited States Marine Corps


USMCRUnited States Marine Corps Reserve

| DHS | FEMA |

USMLUnited States Munitions List

| FEMA |

USMRICDUnited States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense

| FEMA |

USMSUnited States Marshals Service

| DHS | CBP | FEMA | ICE | TSA |

USMTFUnited States Message Text Format

| DHS | FEMA |

USNUnited States Navy


USNCBUnited States National Central Bureau

| I&A |

USNGUnited States National Grid (NAD83)

| FEMA |

USNGUnited States National Guard

| FEMA |


| DHS | FEMA |

USNRUnited States Naval Reserve

| DHS | FEMA |

USOCUnited States Olympic Committee

| DHS | FEMA |

USPUnder Secretary for Preparedness

| FEMA |

USPACOMUnited States Pacific Command

| DHS | FEMA |

USPHSUnited States Public Health Service

| DHS | FEMA | S&T |

USPISUnited States Postal Inspection Service

| DHS | CISA |

USPPUnited States Park Police

| DHS | FEMA |

USPSUnited States Postal Service

| DHS |

USSUnited States Senate

| DHS | FEMA |

USSUnited States Ship

| DHS | FEMA |

USSOCOMUnited States Special Operations Command

| DHS | FEMA |

USSOUTHCOMUnited States Southern Command

| DHS | FEMA |

USSPACECOMUnited States Space Command

| DHS | FEMA |

USSSU.S. Secret Service


USSSUnited States Secret Service

| DHS | USSS |

USSTRATCOMUnited States Strategic Command

| DHS | FEMA |

USTUnderground Storage Tank

| FEMA |

USTRUnited States Trade Representative

| DHS |

USTRANSCOMUnited States Transportation Command

| DHS | FEMA |

USVIUnited States Virgin Islands

| DHS | FEMA |

US-VISITUnited States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (NPPD/US-VISIT)

| DHS |

UTCUnit Type Code

| FEMA |

UTCUniversale Temps Coordinaire (i.e., Coordinated Universal Time)

| FEMA |

UTCPUnified Tactical Communications Program

| DHS |

UTLUniversal Task List

| FEMA |

UTMUniversal Transverse Mercator

| FEMA |

UUVUnmanned Underwater Vehicle

| S&T |


| FEMA |

UVIUltraviolet Index

| FEMA |

UVIEDunder vehicle improvised explosive device employment

| S&T |

UWBUltra Wideband

| CISA |

UXOunexploded ordnance

| S&T |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

VAUnited States Department of Veterans Affairs

| DHS |

VAVulnerability Assessment

| FEMA |

VACFVetted Anti-Counterfeiting Forces

| USSS |

VACISVehicle and Cargo Inspection System

| CBP |

VADMVice Admiral

| FEMA |

VAERSVaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

VALVoluntary Agency Liaison

| FEMA |

VAMCVeteran’s Administration Medical Center

| FEMA |

VAXVirtual Address Extension

| FEMA |

VBIEDVehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device

| S&T |

VCCVenue Control Cell

| FEMA |

VCOSVolunteer Chief Officer Section

| FEMA |

VCRVideo Cassette Recorder

| FEMA |

VCUVOLAG Coordination Unit

| FEMA |

VDEMVirginia Department of Emergency Management

| FEMA |

VDUVisual Display Unit

| FEMA |

VDUVisual Docking Unit

| FEMA |

VEDSVehicular Emergency Data Set

| FEMA |

VEEVenezuelan Equine Encephalitis

| FEMA |

VEIVolcanic Explosivity Index

| FEMA |

VERAVoluntary Early Retirement Authority

| FEMA |

VFDVolunteer Fire Department

| FEMA |

VFRVisual Flight Rules

| FEMA |

VGAVideo Graphics Adapter

| FEMA |

VGTOFViolent Gangs Terrorist Organization File

| I&A | PLCY |

VHAVeterans Health Administration


VHFVery High Frequency

| FEMA |

VIVirgin Islands

| FEMA |

VIABy way of

| FEMA |

VIGVaccinia Immuno Globulin

| FEMA |

VIKValue in Kind

| FEMA |

VIPVery important person

| DHS |

VIPVolunteer Incentive Program

| FEMA |

VIPRVisible Intermodal Prevention and Response Team

| OPS |

VIPRVisual Intermodal Protection and Response

| TSA | S&T |

VIPSVolunteers in Police Service


VISATVulnerability Identification Self-Assessment Tool

| CISA |

VISATVulnerability Identification Self-Assessment Tool (now RSAT)

| FEMA |

VISCVisual Information Support Center

| FEMA |

VISITVisitor & Immigrant Status Indicator Technology


VISNVeteran's Integrated Services Network

| FEMA |

VISTAVolunteers in Service to America

| FEMA |

VITAVolunteers in Technical Assistance

| FEMA |

VITEMAVirgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency

| FEMA |

VLFVery Low Frequency

| FEMA |

VLNVirtual LAN

| FEMA |

VLSIVery Large Scale Integration

| FEMA |

VMASVertical Map Accuracy Standard

| FEMA |

VMATVeterinary Medical Assistance Team

| FEMA | OPS |

VMCVirtual Model Community

| FEMA |

VMIVendor Managed Inventory

| FEMA |

VMOVeterinary Medical Officer

| FEMA |

VMSVirtual Memory System

| FEMA |

VNNVirtual News Network

| FEMA |

VNPSCVirginia National Processing Service Center

| FEMA |

VOAVolunteers of America

| FEMA |

VOADVolunteer Organizations Active in a Disaster

| PLCY |

VOIEDvictim operated switch

| S&T |

VOIPVoice Over Internet Protocol

| S&T | I&A | MGMT | PLCY | PRIV |

VOLAGVoluntary Agency

| FEMA |

VORVisual Omni Ranger

| FEMA |

VORTEXVerification of the Origin of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment

| FEMA |

VOSSVessel of Opportunity Skimming System

| USCG |

VPFVector Product Format

| FEMA |

VPNVirtual Private Network

| I&A | MGMT |

VRVirtual Reality

| FEMA |

VRCVolunteer Reception Center

| FEMA |

VRIvideo remote interpreting service


VRMLVirtual Reality Modeling Language

| FEMA |

VRPVessel Response Plan

| FEMA |

VSVeterinary Services

| FEMA |

VSVictim Support

| FEMA |

VSABVehicle Storage Administration Building

| FEMA |

VSLvalue of statistical life

| PLCY |

VSPVisa Security Program

| TSA |

VSTVictim Support Task

| FEMA |

VSUVisa Security Unit

| ICE |

VTCVideo Tele-Conference

| FEMA | OPA |

VTSVessel Traffic Service

| USCG |

VWPVisa Waiver Program

| CBP | ICE | TSA |

VWPPAVisa Waiver Permanent Program Act of 2000

| FEMA |

V-ZoneCoastal High Hazard Area

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

W/COMBWith Combination

| FEMA |

W/LKWith Lock

| FEMA |

W/MWith Monitor

| FEMA |

W/SHWith Shelves

| FEMA |

WACCWeapons and Ammunition Commodity Council


WAEWhen Actually Employed

| FEMA |

WANWide Area Network

| FEMA |

WAPAWestern Area Power Administration (part of DOE)

| FEMA |

WARWeekly Activity Report

| FEMA |

WARNWeb Alert & Relay Network

| FEMA |

WARNOWarning Order

| FEMA |

WARPWeb Audit and Remediation Program

| FEMA |

WASSWide Area Surveillance System

| FEMA |

WATSWide Area Telecommunications Service

| FEMA |

WAWASWashington Area Warning System

| FEMA |

WAWSWashington Area Warning System

| FEMA |

WAWTAPWind And Water Technical Assistance Program

| FEMA |

WBWhole Body

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

WBIEDwater-borne improvised explosive device

| S&T |

WBSwork breakdown structure

| S&T |

WBS activitywork breakdown schedule activity

| MGMT |

WBTWeb-Based Training

| FEMA |

WCWet Chemical

| FEMA |

WCATWCWest Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center

| FEMA |

WCFWorking Capital Fund

| I&A | MGMT |

WCOWorld Customs Organization

| CBP |

WEB-TAWeb-based Time and Attendance

| FEMA |

WEEWestern Equine Encephalitis

| FEMA |

WEFWorld Economic Forum

| PLCY |

WEFWater Environment Federation

| FEMA |

WELPWomen’s Executive Leadership Program

| FEMA |

WEMWorkshop in Emergency Management

| FEMA |

WERWeapons-Effect Reporting

| FEMA |

WERTWireless Emergency Response Team

| FEMA |

WFLCWildland Fire Leadership Council

| FEMA |

WFSWomen in the Fire Service, Inc. (see IWOMEN)

| FEMA |

WFSAWildland Fire Situation Analysis

| FEMA |

WFUWildland Fire Use

| FEMA |

WGWage Grade

| FEMA |

WGWorking Group

| FEMA |

WGAWestern Governors’ Association

| FEMA |

WGIWithin Grade Increase

| MGMT |


| FEMA |

WHWhite House

| FEMA |

WHCAWhite House Communications Agency

| FEMA |

WHITCUWhite House Initiative for Tribal Colleges and Universities

| FEMA |

WHLWhite House Liaison Office (SEC/COS/WHL)

| DHS |

WHLOWhite House Liaison Office

| FEMA |

WHMOWhite House Military Office

| FEMA |

WHOWhite House Office

| DHS |

WHOWorld Health Organization


WHPWhite House Package

| FEMA |

WHSWashington Headquarters Services

| FEMA |

WHSRWhite House Situation Room

| FEMA | CISA | I&A |

WHTIWestern Hemisphere Travel Initiative


WIFLEWomen in Federal Law Enforcement


WIMSWeather Information Management System

| FEMA |

WINWarrant Information Network

| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |

WINWWMCCS Inter-computer Network

| FEMA |

WISEWater Infrastructure Simulation Environment

| CISA |

WITSWashington Interagency Telecommunications System

| FEMA |

WJIIPWindows Joint Instructional Input Program

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

WLANswireless local area networks

| FEMA |

WLSPWatch List Service Providers

| TSA |

WMWarehouse Management (system)

| FEMA |

WMWater Mist

| FEMA |

WMAWashington Metropolitan Area

| FEMA |

WMATAWashington Metropolitan Area Transport Authority

| FEMA |

WMDWater Management District

| FEMA |

WMDWeapons of Mass Destruction

| FEMA | CISA | S&T | CWMD | I&A |

WMD COPWeapons of Mass Destruction Common Operational Picture

| FEMA |

WMD detection technologyweapon of mass destruction detection technology

| DHS |

WMDBDWMD and Biodefense (OHA/WMDBD)

| DHS |

WMD-DACWMD Decision Analysis Center

| S&T |

WMD-MCMWeapons of Mass Destruction Medical Countermeasures

| FEMA |

WMDO-IMWeapons of Mass Destruction Office & Incident Management

| S&T |

WMDOUWeapons of Mass Destruction Operations Unit (FBI)

| FEMA |

WMFWindows Metafile

| FEMA |

WMOWorld Meteorological Organization


WOWarrant Officer

| FEMA |

WOWashington Office (District of Columbia office for NORAD-USNORTHCOM)

| FEMA |

WOWork Order

| FEMA |

WOBSWeather Observer

| FEMA |

WORMWrite Once - Read Many (CD-ROM Drive)

| FEMA |

WOSBWoman Owned Small Business

| FEMA |

WPWarning Point

| FEMA |

WPWhite Phosphorus

| FEMA |

WPWord Processing (or)

| FEMA |

WPWork Packet

| FEMA |

WPLWorker Population Limit

| FEMA |

WPMWood Packing Material

| CBP |

WPSWireless Priority Service

| CISA | I&A |

WPSWater Purification System

| FEMA |

WPSWord Processing System

| FEMA |

WPTWorkforce Performance Training

| TSA |

WRCWeapons Recovery Center

| FEMA |

WRDAWater Resources Development Act

| FEMA |

WRFWeather Research and Forecasting

| FEMA |

WRISTWeather Radar Identification of Severe Thunderstorms

| FEMA |

WRMWar Reserve Material

| FEMA |

WRSWreck Removal and Salvage

| FEMA |

WRSAMEWeather Radio Specific Area Message Encoding

| FEMA |

WSWildlife Services

| FEMA |

WSDAWashington State Department of Agriculture

| FEMA |

WSDEWashington State Department of Ecology

| FEMA |

WSDHWashington State Department of Health

| FEMA |

WSDISWashington State Department of Information Services

| FEMA |

WSDLWeb Services Description Language

| I&A | MGMT |

WSDOTWashington State Department of Transportation

| FEMA |

WSEWeb Service Enhancement

| FEMA |

WSELWater-Surface Elevation

| FEMA |

WSEMDWashington State Emergency Management Department

| FEMA |

WSFWashington State Ferries

| FEMA |

WSPWashington State Patrol

| FEMA |

WSRWeather Surveillance Radar

| FEMA |

WSSPCWestern States Seismic Policy Council

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| PLCY |

WTCWorld Trade Center

| FEMA |

WTIweapons technical intelligence

| S&T |

WTOWorld Trade Organization

| FEMA | CISA | I&A |


| PLCY |

WUIWildland-Urban Interface

| FEMA |

WVOESWest Virginia Office of Emergency Services

| FEMA |

WWLWind/Water Line

| FEMA |

WWMCCSWorld Wide Military Command and Control System (see GCCS)

| FEMA |

WWUWatch and Warning Unit

| FEMA |


| OPA |

WWWWorld Wide Web

| FEMA |

WYOWrite Your Own (Insurance, e.g., NFIP)

| FEMA |

WYOPWrite Your Own Program

| FEMA |

WYSIWYGWhat You See Is What You Get

| FEMA |

XDAExisting Data Study

| FEMA |

XEDOXedar Heat Detection Unit

| FEMA |

XLExtra Large

| FEMA |

XMLExtensible Markup Language

| I&A | MGMT |

XPAExtent of Play Agreement

| FEMA |

XSExtra Small

| FEMA |

XSTFXML Structure Task Force

| FEMA |

YCCYouth Conservation Corps

| FEMA |


| FEMA |


| FEMA |

YLDYoung Lawyers Division

| FEMA |


| FEMA |

YTDYear To Date

| FEMA |

ZZulu (UTC)

| FEMA |

ZBBZero-Based Budgeting

| FEMA |

ZECPZone Emergency Communications Planner

| FEMA |

ZFPZone Forecast Product

| FEMA |

ZIPZoning Improvement Plan

| FEMA |

ZONE ASpecial Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; base flood elevations are not determined (AE as well as A1-30 included)

| FEMA |

ZONE A99Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood to be protected from the 100-year flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction; base flood elevations are not determined

| FEMA |

ZONE AHSpecial Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); base flood elevations are determined

| FEMA |

ZONE AOSpecial Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; with flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on the sloping terrain); average depths are determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities are also determined

| FEMA |

ZONE ARSpecial Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is in the process of being restored to provide a 100-year or greater level of flood protection

| FEMA |

ZONE BArea of 500-year flood; area subject to the 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with contributing drainage area less than one square mile; and areas protected by levees from the base flood

| FEMA |

ZONE CArea determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain

| FEMA |

ZONE DArea in which flood hazards are undetermined

| FEMA |

ZONE VSpecial Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; coastal floods with velocity hazards (wave action); base flood elevations are not determined (VE as well as V1-30 included)

| FEMA |

ZONE XIf shaded: Area of 500-year flood; area subject to the 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with contributing drainage area less than one square mile; and areas protected by levees from the base flood

| FEMA |

ZONE XIf unshaded: Area determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain

| FEMA |

ZULUIndicates use of Universal Coordinated Time (Greenwich)


ZWAZonal Wind Anomaly

| FEMA |


What is the acronym for security? ›

SECSecurity Academic & Science » ArchitectureRate it:
SECTYSecurity Computing » Cyber & SecurityRate it:

What is the acronym for Department of Homeland Security? ›

The DHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (DAAT) list contains homeland security related acronyms, abbreviations, and terms that can be found in DHS documents, reports, and the FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (FAAT) list.

What are abbreviations and acronyms? ›

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word used in place of the full word (e.g., Corp.). An acronym is a word formed from the first letters of each of the words in a phrase or name (e.g., NASA or laser). Abbreviations and acronyms are treated similarly in NREL publications.

What does AOA stand for? ›

The angle of attack (AOA) is the angle at which the chord of an aircraft's wing meets the relative wind.

What does SE stand for in security? ›

SE stands for Security Escort.

What is the synonym of security? ›

nounsomething used to hold another thing securely. ballast. bower. comfort. defense.

What does DHF stand for? ›

DHFDengue Hemorrhagic Fever
DHFDengue Haemorrhagic Fever
DHFDansk Håndbold Forbund
DHFDiastolic Heart Failure (cardiology)
17 more rows

What does DFS stand for? ›

DFSDaily Fantasy Sports
DFSDiscover Financial Services
DFSDeutsche Forschungsanstalt für Segelflug (German: German Research Institute for Gliding)
DFSDynamic Frequency Selection
89 more rows

What does DSS stand for? ›

A decision support system (DSS) is a computer program application used to improve a company's decision-making capabilities.

What is the meaning of CQL? ›

CQL, the Contextual Query Language, is a formal language for representing queries to information retrieval systems such as web indexes, bibliographic catalogs and museum collection information.

How do you abbreviate security guard? ›

SECG. Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Wikipedia.

What is the abbreviation for security deposit? ›

SEC DEPSecurity Deposit Community » Housing & AmenitiesRate it:
SDSecurity Deposit Business » Real EstateRate it:


1. Terms & Acronyms pt.2 - Secure Digital Life #99.5
(Security Weekly)
2. ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS and TERMS @SECURITY na dapat na Malaman II 59 JO Sinag
(59 JO Sinag )
(ExTreme FYI Vlogs)
4. Hacking CYBER SECURITY Acronyms - What can YOU Remember?
(Person-Centered Cyber🧭)
5. 05-21-2022 - SOC IT 2 Me and The Acronyms of Security Maturity
(Pacific Hackers Association)
6. Aviation Acronyms Seminar

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Author: Domingo Moore

Last Updated: 01/05/2023

Views: 6091

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.